Monday, August 31, 2009

Merdeka ... Bahtera Merdeka

Bonda senyum riang
Menerima bahtera merdeka
Putra putri sayang
Putra putri sayang
Sedang berjuang

Fajar telah tiba
Nan menyinsing membawa harapan
Tanah Semenanjung
Tanah Semenanjung
Permata nilam

Jiwa dan raga
Buktikanlah pada nusa bangsa
Supaya negara maju jaya
Aman merdeka

Duhai ibu pertiwi
Putra putri datang sujud bakti
Ingin menunaikan
Ingin menunaikan
Sumpah dan janji

Ramai dari rakyat kita dan keluarga mereka berkorban untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan dengan jiwa dan raga? Dihari merdeka ini, adakah kita luahkan terima kasih kepada mereka di atas kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi hari ini?

Terima kasih.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reaksi tak berfakta terhadap penduduk Seksyen 23

Jamil Isa, salah seorang jawatankuasa tindakan penduduk Seksyen 23 telah membuat laporan polis terhadap pihak yang didakwanya telah mempolitikan perarakan hari Jumaat mereka hingga menimbulkan ketegangan kaum.

Beliau menuntut polis menyiasat beberapa personaliti khususnya, Khairy Jamaluddin, Dato Seri Samy Velu, YB Khalid Samad, dan YB Rodziah Salleh yang telah membuat kenyataan yang meningkatkan suhu perkauman untuk mengalihkan tumpuan orang ramai kepada isu yang hanya isu setempat.

Menurutnya, kepala lembu itu ditujukan kepada wakil-wakil rakyat dan Menteri Besar berugama Islam dan bangsa Melayu. Simbol disebalik tindakan mereka adalah menyamakan keputusan dan cara mereka bertindak dengan bintang lembu.

Suara tidak puashati kumpulan Melayu Islam terhadap pemimpin Melayu Islam tidak membabitkan penganuit Hindu dan tidak harus diinterpretasi sebagai menghina penganut ugama Hindu.

Pelbagai pihak mengutuk tindakan penduduk Seksyen 23 berarak menjinjing kepala lembu pada hari Jumaat lepas.

Pemimpin politik dari kedua-dua belah mengecam penduduk Seksyen 23 seolah-olah mereka tidak mempunyai sikap toleransi terhadap pembangunan kuil di kawasan mereka.

Kenyataan yang dibuat jelas tidak berasaskan fakta sebenar dan hanya bertujuan untuk bermian politik kepartiaan. Padahal perarakan melibatkan semua ahli dalam pelbagai parti politik.

Asal isu ini bermula apabila wakil rakyat Shah Alam, Khalid Samad dan ADUN Batu Tiga, Rodziah Salleh beserta pihak Menteri Besar dan Dr Xavier Jeyalumar membuat keputusan tanpa berbincang dan mengambil kira suara rakyat Seksyen 23.

Tapak untuk kuil di Seksyen 22 telah diwartakan dan diluluskan oleh pentadbiran BN sebelum ini tetapi mereka melayan kerenah penganut Hindu di kuil Sekseyn 19 yang degil.

Dari tinjauan penulis dengan penduduk Seksyen 23, banyak kebenaran telah disorokkan oleh exco-exco Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dan wakil rakyat penduduk ini.

Jelas sekali kesemua pihak atasan telah mengkritik mereka tidak mengetahui latarbelakang mengenai kuil Seksyen 19 dan masaalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di situ. Ini yang sebenarnya asas penentangan penduduk. (Perkara ini akan didedahkan sepenuhnya di tulisan akan datang.)

Salah seorang penduduk memberitahu bahawa jawatankuasa tindakan penduduk telah megumpulkan maklumat dan dokumen serta timbalbalas dari penduduk dari Seksyen 19 mengenai kuil bermasaalah yang dipaksa pindah ke kawasan mereka.

Kuil tersebut dikatakan mempunyai hubung kait dengan kumpulan samseng 303 dan banyak laporan polis telah dibuat oleh penduduk terhadap kumpulan samseng India ini yang sering mengganas dan mengugut penduduk.

Buat setakat ini, 68 laporan polis telah dibuat terhadap kumpulan penduduk Seksyen 23. Selain YB Khalid, YB Rodziah dan YB Dr Xavier, laporan-laporan polis yang lain datang dari penganut-penganut Hindu. Semasa tulisan ini dibuat, nampak kelihatan di balai polis Seksyen 11 Shah Alam beberapa orang penganut Hindu dilihat masih sedang membuat laporan.

Jawatankuasa penduduk sedang disoalsiasat oleh polis di balai polis tersebut. Dijangka satu sidang akhbar akan dibuat oleh penduduk besuk dan lebih banyak lagi pendedahan akan dibuat.

Sementara itu, kita ingat kembali laungan yang Pakatan Rakyat suka jeritkan berkali-kali. "Suara rakyat suara keramat!"

Adakah mereka fahami laungan yang dibuat? Atau bila berkuasa, mereka sudah tidak pedulikan suara keramat tersebut kerana mereka dipilih. Paling meluatkan adalah bila salah, mereka cepat menuduh rang lain. Ini sikap tidak bertanggungjawab.

Fikir-fikirkan keputusan anda untuk PRU13. Jangan tersilap lagi.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Isu kuil: Dosa lepas menghantui Pakatan Rakyat Selangor

Penduduk Seksyen 23 Shah Alam membantah rancangan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor untuk memindahkan rancangan membina kuil Hindu Sri Mahamariamman dari Seksyen 19 Shah Alam ke kawasan mereka.

Setelah dihujahkan bantahan kepada wakil-wakil rakyat mereka dan menyampaikan surat bantahan kepada Menteri Besar dan eco berkenaan, bantahan mereka tidak diambil endah langsung oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor.

Langsung mereka membuat perarakan dari Masjid Alam Shah ke bangunan pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor (SUK) selepas sembahyang Jumaat.

Perkara yang agak sensitif ini menjadi demikian kerana pengendalian yang lemah oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor. Jemaah exco gagal mengimbangi kehendak semua lapisan penduduk, gopoh dalam tindakan, serta sikap degil yang mahu memaksa rakyat setempat menerima keputusan mereka.

Dalam beberapa peristiwa, wakil-wakil rakyat kawasan ini, khususnya AP Khalid Samad dan ADUN Rodziah telah didapati berbohong. Semasa menghantar surat bantahan, wakil Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Exco Dr Xavier Jeyakumar dan ADUN Rodziah berbohong enggan bertemu wakil penduduk.

Ini yang menaikkan kemarahan penduduk Seksyen 23 hingga mereka menjinjing kepala seekor lembu dan diletak di hadapan bangunan SUK. Pejabat Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dan exco berkenaan rumah ibadat bukan Islam, Dr Xavier Jeyakumar berada di situ.

Pelbagai pihak khususnya Pakatan Rakyat spontan menuduh UMNO mendalangi perarakan. Mana mereka hendak letak muka jika diketahui Pengerusi Pengajur dan Naibnya adalah penduduk yang merupakan ahli PKR?

Masaalah ini bukan isu politik kepartian tetapi isu setempat tetapi mereka pula cuba mempolitikkan.

Salahkan UMNO?

Tindakan penduduk menjinjing kepala lembu boleh dianggap provokatif oleh penganut kaum Hindu. Lembu pada penganut Hindu adalah binatang suci.

Ini telah menarik reaksi pemimpin Hindraf yang lari ke England, P Waythamoorthy yang menuduh UMNO mendalangi perarakan. Mereka mengugut akan melaporkan perkara ini kepada beberapa organisasi-organisasi antarabangsa. Disamping itu, mereka menyeru penyokong-penyokong Hindraf mengadakan virgil lilin di Dataran Merdeka pada Sepetmber 5hb, 2009.

Turut serta melakukan tuduhan yang sama terhadap UMNO adalah laman sesawang seperti Malaysia Today, Malaysia Insider, dan pemimpin-peimimpin politik seperti Anwar Ibrahim.

Disini terserlah kebantatan pemikiran Pakatan Rakyat dan pihak haluan kiri yang tidak boleh melihat sesuatu isu hanya pada isu tersebut tetapi perlu dipolitik dengan sandiwara, putarbelit (spin), dan tuduhan melulu.

Bantahan ini adalah bantahan oleh penduduk setempat dan yang hadhir adalah kebanyakkannya penduduk setempat. NGO yang konon menyokong pun tidak nampak muka. Tidak logik untuk menuduh orang luar dibawa masuk.

Pasti mereka terperanjat jika diberitahu bahawa Pengerusi kumpulan penduduk ini adalah Mahyuddin Manap, kini ahli PKR Wangsa Maju. Naib Pengerusi, Ibrahim Sabri adalah penyokong Anwar Ibrahim dan penggiat Reformasi yang pernah keluar masuk lokap.

Orang yang membaca doa di masa perarakan pun adalah ahli PAS yang dipercayai dipanggil orang sebagai Amin. Kalau mahu dituduh UMNO terlibat, ada kebenaran tetapi harus disebut juga penduduk yang bersama ada yang ahli UMNO, PAS, PKR dan tidak berparti.

Wakil Rakyat Kayu

Kuil Sri Mahamariamman ini berada dalam estet kepunyaan PKNS yang kemudiannya dibangunkan menjadi kawasan perumahan. The Malaysian Insider melapurkan kuil yang kini terletak di Seksyen 19 sudah berumur 150 tahun. Maklumat sejarah estet tidak dapat dipastikan sudah wujud dan pekerja India sudah ada dari tahun 1859.

Pentadbiran BN sebelum ini sudah merancang pemindahan kuil yang berstatus haram untuk ke Seksyen 22 yang telah dikaji sebagai sesuai tetapi sebahagian penganut Hindu kini telah berhelah pula kedudukkannya agak jauh.

Hujah ini juga yang cuba dijual oleh Khalid “Gereja” Samad dan Rodziah dalam majlis perbincangan dengan penduduk Seksyen 23. Memandang penganut Hindu berselerak diseluruh Shah Alam yang merupakan kawasan dominan Melayu, isu dekat atau jauh tidak releven.

Bila tertolak ke dinding, jelas mereka hanya mahu menyokong keputusan yang telah dibuat exco kerajaan negeri. Kedua-dua wakil rakyat Islam seolah-olah memaksa penduduk bertolak ansur dan menuduh penduduk tidak bertimbang rasa dan bersikap rasis. Ini jelas menunjukkan kedua-dua wakil rakyat mereka tidak cuba memahami sebab penentangan penduduk dan sejarah latarbelakang isu ini.

Ia bukan atas sikap rasis untuk menghalang penganut Hindu membina rumah ibadat. Bagi kawasan Melayu, Shah Alam mempunyai banyak kuil Hindu. Di sebuah Seksyen di Shah Alam, ada hampir 10 kuil-kuil kecil. Padahal penduduk India di Shah Alam hanya 5%. Seksyen 23 diduduki 400 keluarga Melayu berbanding dengan hanya 40 keluarga India. Diantara keluarga India itu, ada yang beragama Keristian dan sekeluarga beragama Islam.

Kedudukkan kuil yang mahu dibina pula hanya 100 ela jauh dari surau Seksyen 23. Tentu sekali ini tidak sesuai untuk penganut Islam dan juga penganut Hindu kelak. Tidak berapa tahun dahulu, berlaku ketagangan antara kaum di Pulau Pinang yang berakhir dengan tertumpah darah ahli-ahli PAS kerana kuil yang berdekatan dengan surau.

Meletakkan kawasan ugama berlainan bersebelahan boleh menimbulkan pencerobohan kawasan oleh suatu pihak ke atas kawasan pihak yang lain. Sensitiviti isu ini boleh merumitkan untuk diselesaikan. Ini berlaku di Shah Alam baru-baru ini apabila tanah rizab kubur orang Islam di cerobohi dan elemen kongsi gelap terlibat mempertahankan kawasan yang dicerobohi. Pihak DAP boleh menuntut kubur itu dipindahkan pula.

Sebelum menawarkan kawasan Seksyen 22, kerajaan BN dahulu menawarkan kawasan di Seksyen 18 dimana terdapat kuil-kuil Hindu lain. Rumah YB Rodziah, dikatakan berdekatan dengan kuil ini. Rupanya ia tidak bersesuaian dengan amalan penganut Hindu. Ini yang kerajaan BN mencadangkan dipindah ke kawasan Seksyen 22.

Setelah dipersetujui, penganut Hindu minta ianya dilakukan selepas Pilihanraya Umum 2008. Kalahnya BN memberi mereka peluang untuk menuntut pelbagai macam tuntutan.

Banyak lemak

Persitiwa banyak lemak penganut Hindu bukan pertama kali berlaku. Ini menyingkap kembali peristiwa kuil Seri Mahamariamman di kawasan setinggan Taman Rimba Jaya. Dato Seri Samy Velu ‘menikam belakang’ MB Selangor ketika itu, Dato Seri Dato Khir Toyo hingga menjadi salah satu penyebab BN Selangor tumpas.

Pihak MBSA telah diberi kuasa mahkamah selama 3 tahun untuk merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan, surau dan kuil. Penduduk telah diberitahu supaya berpindah dan ditawarkan pelbagai tawaran.

Samy Velu sendiri telah beberapa kali meminta Khir Toyo untuk memujuk MBSA untuk menunda perobohan dan permintaan terakhir adalah dirobohkan kuil selepas perayaan Deepavali baru 2007.

Apabila sampai masa untuk merobohkan, Samy Velu telah memainkan sentimen perkauman untuk menyalahkan Khir Toyo. Pihak pembangkang dan aktivis haluan kiri turut memihak kepada setinggan dan penganut Hindu. Hindu Sangam ikut memberi helah pihak kerajaan negeri tidak pernah diberi notifikasi dan memerlukan sedikit masa untuk melakukan istiadat tertentu.

Padahal penduduk telah mengetahui dan membuat injunksi mewakilkan firma peguam Speaker DUN sekarang, Teng Chang Khim. Mahkamah telah menolak injunksi penduduk pada 3 Oktober 2007 dan penduduk diberitahu berpindah melalui firma Speaker DUN sekarang, Teng Chang Khim pada Oktober 19.

Mereka masih cuba berdalih meminta ke akhir Disember 31hb tetapi tidak dipersetujui lagi oleh MBSA. Pada Oktober 31hb, surau dirobohkan tanpa ada sebarang masaalah. Tetapi pelbagai kerenah dilakukan oleh pihak pembangkang apabila melibatkan kuil Hindu. Bukanlah kerajaan tidak ada merancangkan pengantian dan perpindahan untuk kuil itu.

Ini hanya menunjukkan masaalah dan dolak dalik yang sering ditimbulkan oleh penganut Hindu setiap kali sebarang usaha untuk menyelesaikan kuil-kuil haram yang mereka bina sesuka hati dimana saja “ada pokok besar.”

Menurut Pengarah JAIS, Datuk Muhammed Khusrin Munawi, pembinaan rumah ibadat bukan Islam diputuskan oleh jawatankuasa negeri yang dipengerusikan oleh Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) sendiri tetapi kini diputuskan oleh Jawatankuasa Rumah Ibadat Bukan Islam yang dipengerusikan oleh ahli politik, khususnya Dr. Xavier Jayakumar.

Masaalahnya Pakatan Rakyat terlalu memberi muka dan membiar mereka banyak lemak. Amalan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan sebelum ini sudah tapat. Mereka cuba melayan sangat puak-puak minoriti hingga pihak majoriti dipaksa korbankan. Ini hanya menunjukkan kelemahan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat dalam mentadbir.

Rasalah penduduk Shah Alam, ini yang anda pilih.

Shah Alam yang merupakan bandaraya moden dan tersusun berkonsepkan Melayu kini menjadi caca marba dan kelam kabut. Dahulu tiada tetapi kini sudah ada rumah urut, arak boleh dijual dengan mudah, kuil-kuil berselerak di kawasan perumahan Melayu, dan entah apalah dibawa masuk. Semua sebab ahli politik Melayu dalam Pakatan Rakyat bermain politik tanpa ada batas dan had hingga kini memakan diri.

Mulut sudah terlepas, mahu tidak mahu Pakatan Rakyat terpaksa melayan kerenah penganut Hindu ini.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Susah sangatkah hendak dengar cakap orang?

Kalau demikian, macam mana hendak utamakan rakyat?

Menurut rakan saya, Ab Jalil Abu Backer, siapa sekali diletakkan di Permatang Pasir, ia akan hadapi cabaran yang susah di kawasan Anwar Ibrahim.

Peringatan itu satu "reality check" yang baik agar kita tidak keterlaluan dalam menganalisa kekalahan di Permatang Pasir. Terutama sekali memandangkan sana sini pendapat tertumpu kepada kesilapan memilih calun. Seolah-olah kita tidak belajar dari Kuala Terengganu dan melihat Manek Urai.

Kesilapan ini sungguh mengecewakan kerana ianya seolah-olah pihak pengurusan parti cuai dalam membuat keputusan memilih calun. Yang paling mengecewakan adalah perkara ini bukan tidak ditegur dari bawah. Susah sangatkah hendak dengar cakap orang?

Pihak pengurusan parti macam masih tidak faham persekitaran politik sekarang sangat sensitif dengan calun-calun yang mempunyai rekod tercalar, khususnya calun baru.

Mereka ini tidak faham atau tidak tahu? Kalau tidak tahu, ia bermakna mereka tidak tahu kumpul dan cari maklumat. Kalau maklumat sudah diberi, mesti ada yang buta huruf atau goblok. Sebut goblok, jawa-jawa yang ditujukan patut faham.

Walaupun calun tidak sesuai, ahli-ahli tetap membantu memberikan sokongan semasa di "battlefield". Mereka berkorban masa dan wang ringgit untuk membantu parti. Tidakkah pihak atasan prihatin dengan kekecewaan orang yang terpaksa menanggung biawak hidup hasil kesilapan berulang mereka?

Nak tunggu orang fed-up?

Perancangan lemah!

SunTzu ada menulis dalam buku The Art of War bahawa "A battle is won before it is fought." Kepentingan persediaan dan perancangan itu jauh lebih penting dari pertaruangan itu sendiri. Citi utama dalam persediaan pada zaman sekarang adalah maklumat.

Pendedahan dan usaha yang telah dibuat oleh jurublog Cucu Tok Selampit dan Dato Shamsuddin Nawawi merupakan salah satu persediaan persediaan sebelum turun ke medan peperangan. Dalam dunia sekarang dimana maklumat boleh tersebar dengan segera, kita tidak boleh tidak dalam keadaan ketiadaan maklumat kerana pihak yang kita lawan boleh memperolehi pelbagai maklumat.

Dari usaha Cucu Tok Selampit memberitahu Dato Shamsuddin dan kemudian diusaha untuk disampaikan, maka maklumat mengenai latarbelakang calun telah diketahui pihak pengurusan parti. Yang jadi kemusykilan kami di bawah ini, kenapa maklumat ini tidak diambilkira?

Dari apa yang ditulis oleh saudara Ab Jalil, pilihan calun dibuat hanya berdasarkan timbalbalas dari sebuah agensi. Tanpa menyebut nama, boleh diagak pemimpin yang terlibat membuat kesalahan sedemikian adalah Pengerusi Perhubungan Pulau Pinang, Dato Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Kalau tekaan itu salah, kesilapan ini mungkin dibuat oleh Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Dato Ahmad Maslan yang berkait rapat dengan sebuah agensi lain.

Ini tentu sekali menghairankan. Selalunya pengumpulan maklumat dan timbalbalas dibuat begitu extensif sekali dan bukan berdasarkan satu sumber. Latarbelakang calun, rahsianya, urusniaganya, pengaruhnya, penerimaan pengundi dan ahli UMNO, dan yang paling penting adalah mana-mana rekod buruknya.

Degil dan Cuai!

Kalah itu tetap kalah, itu tidak menjadi hal. Bukanlah kalah sebelum pertarungan. Bukanlah bertanding hingga tidak dapat menguasai keadaan. Bukanlah asyik bertahan dan mesej kempen hilang sekali.

Jika akarumbi sedia berkerja keras dan mengetepikan persengketaan untuk bersatu, mereka menyedari ianya bukan mudah. Namun mereka mahu memperbaiki keputusan dan masih ada semangat enggan mudah menyerah kalah.

Campur tolak kali bagi, tanpa mereka UMNO tidak akan dapat bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil. Pemimpin parti datang senang lenang. Mereka ini yang bergelumang dan sanggup menghadapi apa saja cabaran dan penghinaan. Bukan pemimpin yang dibaling batu tetapi pengikut dan penyokong yang sampai berdarah lengan dan perempuan mudanya diugut.

Mengapa pengurusan parti harus cuai dan akhirnya menghampakan mereka? Terfikirkah berapa lama orang bawah boleh bertoleransi dengan kealpaan sedemikian?

Kalau kerusi empuk dan bilik aircon untuk memudahkan mereka berfikir dan mengatur rancangan menjadi mereka menjadi cuai, itu bermakna mereka tidak layak diberikan kemudahan itu. Tolong jangan malu untuk main di padang saja.

Berslogan sedap. 1Malaysia: Rakyat diutamakan. Dato Najib unjurkan dan yang lain-lain ikut teriak dan agung-agungkan.

Jangan sekali-kali lupa. Kalau kita mahu laungkan "rakyat diutamakan!", kita kena tahu mendengar. Dato Najib pun sudah suruh belajar mendengar. Pemimpin tidak semesti tahu segala jawapan lagi.

Itu rakyat yang lagi banyak, lagi kompleks dan lagi berpelbagaian harapan dan tuntutan mereka. Masaalahnya, suara penyokong dan pengikut parti sendiri pun tidak mahu didengar dan dihindari peringatan mereka!

Kalau tidak tahu mendengar, Presiden, Timbalan, Naib, Perhubungan Negeri dan MKT parti baik belajar buat sendiri - dari panjat tiang, pasang bendera, dan pujuk pengundi.


Banyak perkara yang sudah dijanji dan sudah diperkatakan. Pada akhir Perhimpunan Agong awal April, sudah dijanjikan tindakan keras akan dilakukan ke atas pengamal politik wang. Semua akui politik wang menghancurkan parti.

Sudah empat bulan hendak masuk lima bulan, bilakah langkah-langkah pembenterasan yang drastik akan dilakukan? Berbohong kalau dikatakan masih lagi sedang disiasat.

Suka atau tidak, rakyat melihat dan ahli tahu apa berlaku. Yang jelas sekali, ramai sekali terutama Ali Rustam dan Khairy terlibat dengan politik wang. Banyak lapuran telah dibuat. Kenapa masih dipengap atau cuba ditutup sesuatu yang sudah terdedah dan diketahui orang ramai?

Selagi perkara ini tidak diselesaikan, rakyat tidak akan percaya UMNO mahu berubah. Sebagaimana telah diulang kepada beberapa pemimpin utama UMNO, "head must roll before the people will ever give UMNO a listen."

Sesuatu yang sudah diketahui ramai, tidak boleh cuba didiamkan dengan harapan orang akan lupa. Maklumat di Internet akan kekal selama-lamanya, tiada ada lagi awam akan lupa!

Sekarang masa untuk memantapkan UMNO, tetapi setelah kalah pada Mac 2008 kita masih lagi terhegeh-hegeh dan macam tak peduli. Pemimpin, pemegang jawatan dan power broker macam tak ada apa-apa yang perlu dirisaukan.

Business as usual pula. Bila berkumpul, asyik menceritakan hal berniaga dan kererta terbaru. Tidak terdengar satu perbincangan serius. Apa lagi memikir untuk menguatkan parti. Tak habis-habis, merungut tak ada peruntukkan dan tak turun projek.

Tiadakah orang yang serious lagi dalam UMNO?! Kalau yang ada sudah tidak serius, jangan jadi kaki sibuk lagi.

Sedialah berundur untuk beri laluan untuk mereka yang serius dan mahu bergiat memainkan peranan. Sana sini diberi peranan yang kurang cerdik dan pengetahuan serta cetek pandangan dan pemikiran.

Ditanya mengenai pembenterasan politik wang, jawapannya hanya pindaan perlembagaan. Kalau kata mahu pinda Perlembagaan, kenapa terhegeh-hegeh susah hendak diselesai dan segerakan?

Dengar-dengar, terlalu banyak mahu dicapai. Tumpukanlah khusus untuk pemilihan kepemimpinan saja ...

Intipatinya pemimpin mesti dipilih dari beberapa pilihan. Mereka yang ingin menawarkan diri perlu dimudahkan. Janganlah ada pula syarat terlalu susah dan cuba-cuba untuk tahan orang mencuba jawatan tertentu. Paling menyampah, kalau dah ada usaha hendak atur orang tertentu jadi Perdana Menteri satu hari.

Apa salah dilibatkan sebanyak ahli yang upaya dalam parti? Kalau semua 3.2 juta itu susah, apa salahnya libatkan dalam 500,000 ahli yang serius dan aktif? Kenapa jumlahnya hanya 60,000? Jumlah purata satu bahagian itu masih boleh dibeli!

Apa pulak cerita memilih calun pilihanraya perlu dipertandingkan dalam parti? Otak sudah tidak berguna lagikah? Pastikah UMNO sentiasa tahu dahulu bila pilihanraya akan diadakan? Macam mana pula bagi kawasan yang UMNO tidak boleh bertanding? Adakah ini baik dari segi taktik pilhanraya? Hilanglah elemen kejutan ...

Tiada keprihatinan!

Sekarang ini, mengapakah polisi yang diumumkan asyik tidak jelas hingga dianggap menjejaskan kepentingan orang Melayu?

Tiap-tiap kali panjang sangat hendak diterangkan dan diperjelaskan. Belum habis satu polisi difahami orang Melayu, dikeluar satu lagi polisi untuk tambahkan kekeliruan. Setiap kali polisi baru, bertambah persepsi dibawah menganggap UMNO sudah tidak bela orang Melayu.

Dalam bela nasib Bumiputera, kita dahulu boleh imbang kepentingan orang bukan Bumiputera. Sesuatu polisi itu mudah difahami orang kebanyakkan. Kenapa kita tidak boleh lakukan sekarang lagi?

Inilah bila terlalu percaya sangat pada penasihat cilik dan penasihat sepet Oxford. Kalau asyik terlalu percaya pada konsultan antarabangsa, bila otak kita sendiri akan dilatihdan diguna? Dia orang ini tahu semuakah? Atau kita yang tidak tahu apa keupayaan mereka dan apa yang mereka tidak tahu? Adakah common sense sudah tidak lumrah dan jadi koman?

Tengah geram ini. Banyak lagi hendak dicakap. Banyak lagi hendak diluahkan.

Belum lagi cerita pasal kehidupan rakyat yang bertambah susah. Pemimpin tahu pandai cakap saja. Masa minyak hendak dinaikan 78 sen, ada Tan Sri boleh kata tak berapa sangat dalam mesyuarat? Itu betul orang tidak sedar dan asal usul diri. Sudahlah pendatang Minang dan diteri jadi orang Johor, ingat rakyat kaya dan mewah macam dirinya? Beli Bank seberang sampai begitu mahal? Sudahlah itu, boleh pula diberikan jawatan lagi?

Macam mana rakyat akan didahului, dengan orang macam ini yang akan merancang ekonomi?

Cukuplah setakat ini.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yusri rasa bersalah dan 'akui' diguna PR burukkan Rohaizat

Yusri Isahak, rakankongsi kepada calun Barisan Nasional di Permatang Pasir, Rohaizat Osman dalam firma Saif Ariff dan Rohaizat telah datang dari Pulau Pinang untuk memberi sidang akhbar di Hotel Grand Season, Kuala Lumpur pada pukul 5 petang tadi.

Dalam kenyataan beliau, Yusri menyatakan penyesalan ke atas pelbagai tomahan telah dilontarkan yang menyimpang dari tujuan asal kenyataan akhbar dibuat.

Beliau meluahkan rasa sedih diatas serangan-serangan peribadi yang dilakukan terhadap Rohaizat. Disamping itu, beliau turut meluahkan penyesalan telah dibabitkan sama di dalam usaha memburukkan Rohaizat.

Baru Ogos 20hb hari Khamis lepas, beliau telah bercakap di atas pentas PKR kononnya membersihkan diri dari dikambinghitamkan berhubung dengan pembabitan bekas firma guamnya dengan Koperasi Pekebun Getah Pulau Pinang.

Sidang akhbar hari ini agak anih dan pelik kerana Yusri seolah-olah menyesal menjadi sebab rakannya diburuk-burukkan. Beliau menyatakan pihak pembangkang bersalah melakukan serangan peribadi tetapi tidak menyatakan kesalahan pihak pembangkang.

Setelah disoal bertubi-tubi, terungkai beliau adalah peguam yang menguruskan segala urusan perundangan Koperasi. Mereka boleh dianggap sebagai klien peribadinya.

Buat kenyataan kerana marah?

Kenyataan ini agak pelik dan anih kerana Yusri seolah-olah mahu melakarkan dirinya sebagai seorang yang naif akan akibat dari membuat sidang akhbar di pejabat parti pembangkang.

Apabila ditanya kenapa beliau perlu membuat sidang akhbar di pejabat PKR, beliau berkata kerana beliau tidak ada platform. Hairannya hari ini beliau boleh dengan sendiri mengadakan sidang akhbar di sebuah hotel jauh dari Pulau Pinang dan di Kuala Lumpur.

Yusri menegaskan Rohaizat telah menyelesaikan masaalah dengan Koperasi dan pihak Koperasi telah menarikbalik tuntutan mereka. Perkara ini sepatutnya langsung tidak jadi isu. Apa yang terjadi sepatutnya, kata Yusri tidak jadi hukuman tetapi satu tauladan.

Beliau juga mengakui bahawa beliau telah tampil ke hadapan sebelum ini kerana marah dan kecewa.

Semasa difitnah oleh pembangkang pada hari pertama penamaan calun, Rohaizat telah menjelaskan beliau adalah mangsa keadaan dan akaun ini adalah akaun rakankongsi. Rakankongsi telah meninggalkannya dan membiarkan beliau menyelesaikan sendiri.

Mengaku Koperasi pelanggannya

Apabila diminta untuk mengesahkan beliau adalah peguam yang menandatangani perjanjian jual beli sebagai saksi, beliau memperakui. Beliau juga mengakui bahawa beliau peguam yang menguruskan hal ehwal undang-undang Koperasi. (Sila lihat perjanjian di bawah.)

Bila ditanya adakah Koperasi tersebut 'fail' beliau, Yusri cuba menafikan dengan menyatakan Koperasi adalah akaun firma.

Apabila dikatakan amalan firma-firma guaman adalah membagi-bagi fail antara peguam dan hanya beliau sahaja yang tahu dan berurusan dengan Koperasi, beliau tidak memberi jawapan yang jelas. Penafian beliau tidak cukup untuk menafikan kenyataan bahawa Koperasi adalah 'fail' dan akaun beliau.

Baru menyesal kawan diburukkan?

Yusri menyatakan beliau tidak ditawarkan ganjaran untuk tampil memberi kenyataan. Beliau memohon kesemua pihak bermuhasabah dan hentikan sengketa.

Rayuan dan penyesalan Yusri agak lambat kerana beliau telah memberi peluru dan digunakan oleh pihak PAS untuk mengadakan kempen peribadi terhadap Rohaizat. Kempen peribadi telah mencapai tahap membabitkan perkahwinan Rohaizat.

Agak lambat bagi Yusri untuk baru mengatakan Rohaizat seorang kawan, mengenali hati budinya dan anak jati Permatang Pasir yang boleh membawa perubahan yang baik kepada masyarakat setempat.

Nama Rohaizat telah diburuk-burukkan di dalam pilihanraya Permatang Pasir. Isu-isu telah lari dan kedua-dua belah pihak telah berbalas serangan peribadi dan melampau calun.

Adakah Yusri bertanggungjawab terhadap pembocoran perkara ini kepada pihak lain? Nampak sangat Majlis Peguam bersekongkol dengan Peguam Pro-Pakatan membantu menjadi perkara ini satu isu kempen.

Adakah Yusri ikhlas dengan penyesalan dan mata hampir mahu melinangkan air? Yusri masih seolah-olah masih mahu memutarbelit untuk tidak mengaku tanggungjawab dan kesalahan dirinya sendiri?

Mustahil Yusri tidak faham perkara peribadi dan tidak benar pun sanggup digunakan pembangkang untuk menjatuhkan lawan.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LKS allay DAP corruption issues by picking on Muhyiddin

Beseige with allegations of corruption by DAP excos in Selangor, Lim Kit Siang attempted to allay public attention by picking on Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

Unker Kit raised issue on use of TLDM Nuri helicopter to attend invitations to meet the rakyat. Opppss ... meeting UMNO members is not considered rakyat. He claimed it as abuse of Government facilities for party use.

The sad part is that there seemed to be a lack of sensitivity by LKS to the fact that the Nuri heli had to make an unscheduled stopover due to bad weather. It could have cause his life.

Puritanically, Unker Kit may have some basis but his accusation should not be limited to only TLDM Nuri helicopter but all facilities accorded to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

As head of the nation and shouldering much responsibilities, they are important "asset" to nation. Thus, their security and safety is of paramount concern.

By picking on Muhyiddin's use of the TLDM Nuri helicopter, he should have an alternative solution for the DPM which fit the element of security and safety accorded for Deputy Prime Minister. As usual, our Unker Kit is only known to criticise but do not have any proposed solution.

Since he doesn't have an inkling on the safety and security aspect of DPM's logistic, he should ask the Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat. Perhaps he had a different arrangement during his time as DPM.

After all, he is so puritanically clean that he "never" abused his position and facilities for matters outside Government use. Off course, picking on the use of police to turnover Umi Hafilda and Azizan's police report is "unfair."

If Unker Kit doesn't mind answering, how does he differentiate his own Government paid travelling expenses to visit his constituency in Ipoh and the convenient stopovers for party purposes? Or did he return to Kuala Lumpur first before pursuing his trips to other places?

This is the deal.

As DPM, the safety and security of Muhyiddin is given much concern. He travels with Government bodyguards and security personnel. Although it was only a Nuri, but it is still safer than taking any other mode of transport. TLDM would provide extra care of the fleet of Nuri for our DPM.

Unless Unker Kit have a better alternative logistic plan that guarantee the safety and security of our DPM, their travelling plan is best be under the care of our security personnel and facilities.

Frankly, for Unker Kit to pick on Muhyiddin, is he absolutely sure all our elected officials do not abuse their entitlement? All our Member of Parliaments and Senate are entitled to travelling expenses to their constituencies. Do they abuse it for party purposes?

They will say no but bet my next month's pay that they all do abuse it. Some many years back, there was a former MP for Jeli by the name Affendi whose claim reached an astronomical figure of RM700,000? To refresh Unker Kit, he was an opposition MP from PAS.

Update: My last word on this. Read Aziz Hasan's here. His quote:

... should Pakatan Rakyat come into power, this is one change they cannot affect. If only these boys know how a government works, regardless the party in control. To be sure Muhyiddin was not the first DPM to be in such a situation. Neither would he be the last.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Najib to cancel Anuar Zaini's UM land development

In February 2008, Bigdogdotcom broke the story of Dato Seri Anuar Zaini, a powerfuk insider and crony of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had secured a 27 acre premier land in University Malaya to be developed by a developer in exchange for a 5 acre land and a building.

As Chairman of UM Holding, Anuar had pushed for the development of the land since 2007. When the final deal was secured with a JV Company, Mint PPC Glomac Whitestone. It was said to have the approval of Tun Lah. This is despite strong opposition from Dato Nordin Razak, Chairman of UM Alumni.

Words heard yesterday is that Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak will cancel the project. The story is set to come out on Malay Mail today.

This was the news when it was announced by Vice Chancellor, Datuk Rafiah Salim, below:

UM Seeks Approval To Develop Under-Utilised Land

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 19 (Bernama) -- Universiti Malaya (UM) said today it has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Higher Education to develop under-utilised land of 27.5 acres (11 ha) out of 900 acres (360 ha) of its main campus land.

The successful completion of the development project is expected to provide UM with a minimum income of RM312 million or the land value of RM200 million plus a share of the developer's profit, whichever is higher, UM said.

It said in a statement that the Vice Chancellor, Datuk Rafiah Salim, on behalf of the university's Board of Directors (UMBD) and the university, sought the approval of the Minister on Jan 25 for the development project.

The project, under a private-sector initiative, will be undertaken by a consortium by the name PPC-MINT-GLOMAC.

PPC-MINT-GLOMAC, a result of a merger of two companies, was recommended by Colliers International Property Consultants Sdn Bhd, which the university had appointed for an independent assessment.

The two companies were from the three shortlisted by Colliers International to make presentations to UM Holdings Sdn Bhd Board of Directors (UMHBD)on Sept 27, 2007.

Initially, eight developers were invited to submit proposals for the development but only five submitted proposals.

Colliers International was appointed by UM Holdings, a wholly owned subsidiary of UM that was incorporated in line with the government's plan for public universities to be financially independent.

UMBD has appointed Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Annuar Zaini to the board of UM Holdings and to chair with the aim to fulfil the corporate aspirations of the university.

UMHBD also comprises Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr Augustine Ong, Annuar Mohamad, Azhar Harun and Professor Dr Muhammad Zakaria.

Among the roles of UM Holdings is to plan, identify, explore, conserve, develop and enhance the university's assets.

The university disclosed that UM Holdings had received many proposals for various types of development and projects. Several parcels of land were identified, and the 11 ha of land on Lot 10476 were chosen.

The university said the PPC-MINT-GLOMAC consortium, which made a presentation to UMBD on Oct 9, 2007, drew attention to the presence of the proposed University of Malaya Alumni Association (PAUM) clubhouse and the PALAPES (Reserve Officer Training Unit) camp on the land to be developed.

"This will affect the Master Plan of development of the consortium in relation to the land.

"UMBD acknowledged the concern of the consortium and recognised the need for UM to obtain optimum benefit to all in regard to the development of the land.

"With this in mind, UMBD recognised that both the PALAPES camp and PAUM's clubhouse need to be relocated to sites to be identified by UM," it said.

It also said that on Dec 13, 2007, UMBD said that subject to agreement by PAUM, the site for the building of PAUM's clubhouse and the PALAPES camp will be relocated to sites identified by UM.

"UM gives the assurance that this development will be transparent and all processes and procedures will be observed, and decisions made will be based on independent professional advice.

"Evaluations and recommendations are made by UM Holdings and UMBD but the final approval rests with the Government," it added.
Sembang Kopi had this to say, below:

Since when did our academics decide to go into business? If their depressing role in helping plunge our University standards are anything to go by, we would then have to expect that these same greenhorns in business will in all likelihood sell off the University’s assets and realise later that they have lost not only their assets but will then have to apply for a bail-out using tax payers money or file for bankruptcy.

When it was first rumoured in June 2007, Hong Leong was supposed to be the developer. Read news below:

GuocoLand In Bid To Develop UM Land?

Jun 12th 2007, News Straits Times

GUOCOLAND (Malaysia) Bhd, a property developer controlled by Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan, has made a bid to relocate University Malaya from Petaling Jaya to Sepang, sources said yesterday.

As part of the plan, GuocoLand will then own the land in Petaling Jaya and develop it into a commercial and residential township. The proposal is based on a private finance initiative.

A company source said such a development is estimated to have a gross development value of RM10 billion.

GuocoLand officials declined to comment on the plan.

If the bid is approved, the development in Petaling Jaya will complement GuocoLand's planned RM1.2 billion Damansara City development project.

The Damansara project is due to be launched this year.

Guocoland's share price rose by 30 sen or 10 per cent to close at a 10-year high of RM3.26 yesterday. The tock has gained 87.3 per cent over the last six trading days.

There is speculation in the market that Quek may take the company private. On being queried, however, the company told Bursa Malaysia last Friday that it was not aware of such a thing.

GuocoLand has a 4,860-hectare landbank in Sepang.

Part of the land is being used by GuocoLand to develop the Pantai Sepang Putra project, where it plans to build seafront villas and waterfront bungalows.

A Hong Leong Group spokesperson also declined comment.

University Malaya, the country's oldest university, has its main campus that sprawls from the heart of Petaling Jaya right up to the footsteps of Bangsar.

The commercialisation idea invited criticism by no less than Royal Prof Ungku Aziz despite denial by Rafiah that UM is not moving. Dato Ruhanie questioned Tun Lah's claim of no knowledge of such plan to sell UM land and move to Sepang on June 18 2007. Rocky viewed that it was an attempt to create opportunity "to build on prime sites such as Lake Garden and Zoo Negara."

Words are that one of the sisters to the late Tun Hendon was a beneficiary if the deal with Guacoland had came through in 2007.

The Alumni had objected from the beginning.

The various members of the Board should resign for allowing such abuses be allowed to happen. Otherwise, Najib should sack them en-bloc!

That settles one episode. Najib has a lot legacy issues to resolve.

It is also not over for Annuar.

He still has a major mess at Bernama TV. Wee CHee Keong is on the prowl. Not so much for the loss of Bernama TV for it's first year of operation but the utilisation of Bernama facilities for free is a source of resentkent by Bernama staff.

He is the Chairman of NCER and whereever he is, there will be crap. What do you expect when a spin master and supremo kaki bodek rise to the top of a corporate organisation? Any NCER Watchers out there? Heard there is a lot.

Excellent Dato Najib. How about taking a peek at the file on the Merger of Avenue Asset and ECM Libra? Or you can just read it here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcoming news of Maybank to revamp Board, BII deal remain mystery

This news was picked up from Reme Ahmad's blog here.

It is indeed good news. It is another testament to Dato Seri Najib's willingness to hear and accordingly respond to genuine concern words from the ground.

Maybank's questionable acquisition has long been an issue. Below is Lim Guan Eng raising it in Parliament:

Reme Ahmad asked why The Malaysian Insider which freely takes their story, but did not on this story. I'll tell him why.

The short answer is Amirsham was part of Tun Lah's questionable circle of people. Reme should know who is behind The Malaysian Insider.

For the long answer, read first the news below:

KL raps Maybank board, orders changes

It paid too much for Indonesian banks

By Leslie Lopez, Senior Regional Correspondent
Singapore Times, August 11th, 2009

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's central bank has directed a sweeping overhaul in the board of directors of the country's largest banking group Maybank, in an unprecedented government censure on a board of a financial institution.

The little-publicised revamp followed government displeasure at the controversial acquisition of an Indonesian lender by Malayan Banking (Maybank) last year, officials say.

Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) was bought from a consortium led by Singapore's Temasek Holdings at a price that was deemed too high.

Prime Minister Najib Razak, who directed Bank Negara to review the transaction, has endorsed the central bank's decision calling for a Maybank board revamp, the government officials say. 'The decision was also made that the board revamp will be carried out in stages and directors who are retiring won't be re-elected to the board,' said a senior government official who was involved in top-level discussions on Maybank's Indonesian venture.

Maybank's main shareholders are national equity fund Permodalan Nasional and pension fund Employees Provident Fund.

Bank Negara declined comment for this article, citing its policy of not discussing issues involving individual financial institutions.

Maybank executives, including its chief executive officer Abdul Wahid Omar, also declined repeated requests for comment for this article.

But the bank did announce the retirement of two directors and the appointment of three new members mid-last month. Between end-October last year, when the acquisition of BII was completed, and this March, three directors have resigned.

'This is part of the reforms that the PM is pushing for and it will raise the sense of greater accountability in the boards of government-linked companies,' said a senior adviser to PM Najib who is familiar with the central bank's decision on Maybank.

In March last year, Maybank entered into an agreement to buy a 55 per cent interest in BII from Sorak Financial Holdings, which is majority-owned by Singapore's Temasek Holdings. The Malaysian bank agreed to pay US$1.5 billion (S$2.2 billion) for the stake and then make a tender offer for the remaining 44 per cent for roughly US$1.2 billion.

But the global financial meltdown raised questions over the health of banks in general and reignited criticisms that Maybank was paying too high a price for BII. Maybank's position was further undermined when Indonesia introduced changes to its corporate takeover rules, which called on the Malaysian financial institution to sell down 20 per cent of its holdings in BII within two years of its takeover.

Bankers close to Maybank had argued that the disposal was surely to lead to massive losses.

Faced with the prospect that the deal could adversely hit Maybank and the Malaysian banking system, Bank Negara had revoked its approval for the BII acquisition.

The approval was later reinstated. The deal was finalised after the Temasek-led consortium lowered the purchase price for the transaction by US$220.5 million for the 55 per cent interest in BII.

In Bank Negara's review, which was completed in April this year, it concluded that Maybank's purchase price for BII was too expensive. The central bank also concluded that the Malaysian financial institution did not put in place adequate measures to protect itself in the event that the deal encountered problems, the government officials said.
There are certainly names here that have expired their shelf life.

Looking through the names, it is truly surprising the Board of Directors could approve a bad deal like BII. There are quite few of them, as I personally know of, are men of conscience and integrity. There is even the Chairman of the Operations Review Panel of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

In fact, I personally know Tan Sri Amirsham Aziz and I believe he still knows me.

Amirsham is not as brilliant and personable as his predecessor in Maybank, Tan Sri Ahmad Don and as a person is a bit sensitive. He was an honest and hardworking person. But now, he may have changed.

Unless the real story of BII is revealed, I have lost any respect I ever had for Amirsham.

Now the long answer on why MI did not picked up this story.

There are few links and associations that is hard to not mention. Here is one.

BII was purchased from Temasek. The mere mention of Temasek and one is reminded of the key man representing Singapore, Kalimullah. There is then Khairy who was involved in past sales of GLC's asset to Temasek in the early part of Tun Lah's administration.

This raised the suspicion that Tun Lah's people, particularly Kali and Khairy was collecting crumbles from this big cookie of a deal. The common sense is when something is paid too much, the excess could be shared among the dealmakers and enablers.

Amirsham may have access to Khairy. One link that leads to this association was during GE2008. Reliable sources in Negeri Sembilan informed seeing Amirsham hanging around several times as election tourist at Khairy's family home.

This was at about the time the BII deal became the talk of the market. And Amirsham was retiring from Maybank. Around that time, one may have suspected he was lobbying for a new job but why with Khairy when he knows many other people?

As Bank CEO, he had already developed friendship with Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop, the former MoF II with a son owning a Lambourghini.

It was the "soalan bocor" incident in Parliament with Khairy that revealed to the public his close association with Khairy. Why does a lifelong Banker with a reputation want to be associated with a young man with a soiled reputation?

After GE2008, Tun Lah appointed Amirsham as full Minister in Jabatan Perdana Menteri. For someone who is neither an economist nor have familiarity with public policy, it was strange to assign him the important EPU portfolio.

With Tun Lah practically an economic illiterate, MoF II Nor Mohamad was Amirsham's real boss. It was Nor Mohamad who answered unconvincingly in Parliament when LGE posed the above question on BII purchase by Maybank.

Amirsham just sat timidly quiet doing a Gwo Burne. Was he kept on a tight leash by Tun Lah to keep quiet? Or was it for services rendered?

Najib did not kept Amirsham in the Cabinet. He was just wasn't fit for such political position. Nor was demoted to Amirsham's portfolio and Dato Husni Hanazlah was given the MoF II post. [Folks! Watch this Tok Pa in the making. Capable and with integrity. Even if the remote possibility of Najib being ousted, he will most likely remain by whoever come to power.]

Then the surprise again. Out of names like Tun Dr Mahathir, Tun Daim and Tengku Razaleigh being bandied around for the job, Amirsham emerged as the new Chairman for NEAC. Again, is he suitable for this post that require the same experiance in economics and public policy?

It goes without saying that it is the PM's prerogative. But did someone recomended him to PM Najib? Tun Lah or perhaps Nor Mohamad? Why? Was it facesaving for Amirsham?

Returning to the BII deal, Amirsham have never made any statement except when he was CEO and only that prepared by Maybank's corporate communication people. Any Q&A with the press have been the typical cliched and non-commited corporate answers.

Before getting comments and nasty ones from the over protective KJ fans of bloggers like Wenger or Bro Jinggo under their own nic or under anonymity or other nics (Don't waste your time children), let's suppose Amirsham was not there to cover up a corrupt commision taking scheme.

Supposed as a conservative Banker, Amirsham was a reluctant player in all this. Then who forced the BII deal on Maybank through him? Board Members have yet to give a convincing answer.

Another guess is Khazanah. They are the de facto approving authority for all major decisions by GLCs under the leadership of Nor Mohamad and ultimately, Tun Lah. That points to the deal maker extraordinaire, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar. He is extraordinary in getting involve in so many deals but not necessarily delivering success.


Until all this is revealed and Amirsham speak his mouth, I have no more respect left for him, former boss or not.

With the BII deal having such close association with Tun Lah camp and Kalimullah's friend and fellow Penang mamak, Nor Mohamad, was it a surprise MI did not pick up on this story?

Monday, August 10, 2009

LIVE tonight on Facebook: Here's Mukhriz!

Man ... I have always wanted to do that. It was a "registered trademark" of Ed McMahon welcoming Johnny Carson on his The Tonight Show.

In case, you are wondering what show I am talking about. Its the one Jay Leno is hosting now. A piece of interesting information. David Lettermen used to be a regular replacement host when Johnny takes his vacation.

So dude, I am not that young if I am a regular viewer of Johnny Carson.

Now the real intention of this posting. Dato Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry and will be interacting live on his Facebook at 8 pm tonight.

Those interested to seek for clarification with matters regarding new policies of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, liberalisation of service sectors, current issues, politics, economics, etc. should take the opportunity to interact directly with him.

I am not sure he will entertain personal questions on his political plans and such. Can probably guess what his answer be but do try.

His facebook address is here. It is accessible also via his website here.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Why Idris Jala did not reveal and financial press not ask MAS operating loss?

It is impossible for the financial press to not ask about MAS operating profit. Unless MAS has transformed the company's core business into jet fuel arbitrage, the operating P&L remains relevant. Hmm ... MAS a jet fuel arbitrage company, that's a niche business idea.

It is from the operating profit that cashflow is generated to maintain the company as an ongoing concern and eventually turnaround MAS. Operating profit will translate into the net profit, God willing could be used to reduced any accumulated losses. Without operating profit, MAS will continually be sucking money from Treasury.

P Gunasegaran wrote here on similar issue raised in the previous posting. However, he did not picked up where we left off. Kalimullah's contemporary should ask why Idris witheld the information and the financial press including The Star did not ask?

It is simple. In fact, Idris used the same generic corporate trick before. By witholding the operating loss, the financial press will highlight on "capital gain" from hedging revaluation. Still, why did he do it?

Idris Jala reminded me of Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop's past statement to praise him as the best CEO money can buy. See the newspaper clipping below:

Wonder what made Nor Mohammad impress by the so-called turnaround done by Butcher from Shell?

Butcher merely reduced overhead by retrenching experianced Airliners but later hired young cikus with zero Airline experiance, placed them in numbers at various levels of management, and were paid much higher scale than the senior retrenched staff.

Butcher retrenched the experianced ones so that they are no more pain in his ass to nag him of his amateurish manner in running a full service Airline. He brought in lots of Ah Piow accountants from Ernst and Young whose got no shindick knowledge of Airline.

If there are consultants like Booz Allen Hamilton, McKinsey & Co. and Ethos Consulting, then you know Khairy and Tingkat 4 has their hand in it. For sure, Khairy and Zaki Zahid had a direct hand to change the National Aviation policy in favour of Airasia. Part of the money goes to MyTeam.

Idris did the predictable reorganising of routes. He intended to cut the not profitable routes but Khairy and the corrupt MCA Transport Ministers force them to give some profitable routes to Airasia. The routes cut the company's capacity, which means limiting capacity to generate profit potential for the future.

Is it a suprise MoF II could claim Idris as the best CEO money?

All along, MAS was not performing well operationally. Thus the second phase of the turnaround plan is to show MAS generating operating profits. That way he could get an extension on his contract.

For that he sold MAS buildings and assets locally and abroad. With the smart and manipulative accounting mind of Tengku Azmil, the capital gain appears on the operating profit column.

That's the past. It's too time consuming to display what happened with facts and figures. Coming to the question again, why did he unethically manipulated the results announcement?

See the headline by The Malaysian Insider with it's link below:

The link here.

Doesn't that explains everything? With the aviation industry at a loss, don't Idris Jala look impressive for being able to outperform the industry?

MAS Adviser is in slumberland to notice such small but relevent technicality. He is likely to say MAS did well when others' are losing. His cricle of people are still operating. Kalimullah, crony to sleepy and Nor Mohamad Yakcop assisted MAS with this lie with the hope to make sleepy look good. See the headline given by The Malaysia Insider.

The full report can be read at the link here.

This is a clear cut con job by Idris Jala, Tengku Azmil, and Kalimullah. If there is nothing coming from the authorities, then Tan Sri Nor and Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar is together in this lie. Khazanah has yet to turnaround MAS, Proton and Renong/UEM Group since they were first assigned to turnaround GLCs.


P/S MAS used this blog for it's internal Leadership High Development course to show the natural occurance of rejection towards new management. Hope they continue to do so and be sure to distribute this and previous postings. They need to prepare for another rejection because these postings will be send to high places.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Idris Jala bullshit results, 2nd Qtr operating loss worsen

MAS announced it's second quarter results today. Net profit was RM876 million and offset the first quarter loss of RM695 million for a first half profit of RM181 million.

That announcement manage to brush aside analyst expectation of further loss. Why bother about these life is a straight line forecast and everything remain the same like before analysts?

With the new accounting scheme of mark-to-market for any outstanding futures hedging, the real number that need highlighting was intentionally hidden. Read on to know stories shrouding their fuel hedging debacle.

The financial presses were really 'bodoh'. None bother to ask about the operating profit and loss. In the first quarter, MAS posted an operating loss for RM138 million. What was the second quarter like?

Read the Bernama report first below:

MAS Posts Net Profit RM876 Mil In Q2

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 (Bernama) — Malaysia Airlines (MAS) posted net profit RM876 million in the second quarter ended June 30, 2009, the highest ever quarterly net profit recorded by the airline.

This profit offsets the national carrier’s RM695 million net losses in the first quarter, leading to a first-half net profit of RM181 million.

Due to the oil price recovery since March 31, 2009, MAS’ fuel hedging losses of RM640 million in the first quarter has been reversed with a RM1.3 billion gain in the second quarter, the airline said in a statement.

Since the beginning of the year, the airline has implemented aggressive sales campaigns to deal with the worst crisis facing the industry.

It successfully increased its load factor to 66 per cent in the second quarter, a double digit growth of 10 per cent compared to 56 per cent in the first quarter.

In response to the growing demand, with the domestic load factor up by 69 per cent in the second quarter, it said the national carrier had increased the capacity by six per cent by adding more aircraft for the domestic sector.

The airline also made substantial load factor gain for its international routes with loads up 11 per cent to 65 per cent compared to 56 per cent in the first quarter.

“We are managing well in this crisis. While the operating environment remains tough, the load factors have increased due to our aggressive strategies to boost sales.

“On the domestic front, more passengers are travelling with us,” managing director/chief executive officer Datuk Seri Idris Jala said.

“On international routes, we have performed better than the industry average as we are less dependent on the front end,” he said, adding that the airline forecast booking numbers for the second half of the year are encouraging.

All that bullshit about rising load factor and yet no mention of operating P&L.

In the first place, load factor is the old variable to manage airline. Pushing for purely load factor was the one that got former Managing Director Dato Fuad the boot for taking MAS into loss territory immediately after the financial restructuring. The fancifully named sell and leaseback scheme made Azman Mokhtar's Binafikir famous.

The important variable today is revenue per seat.

Before announcing MAS's operating loss, this is what was heard of MAS fuel hedging scheme. They left it to the total discretion of Investment Banker Morgan Stanley Singapore. Upon realising the mess Morgan had made, they were considering of hiring an oil futures trader, which they should have done in the first place, but he declined. The whole market have been talking about their messed up oil hedge position.

It is unheard of to totally out-source ones financial market hedging to others who
are without knoledge of the whole company's financial variables and constraints. Off course, this is market talk. It is usually more rumour than the truth. But beware that market talk move markets.

The absurd part of this is the much confidence given to Dato Seri Idris Jala to weather the storm from the oil crisis. That was the story sold to have him extend his stay at MAS. MAS also had highly paid accountants like foreign-trained Tengku Azmil and the many spectacled young Ah Piows from Ernst & Young.

The truth is the Butcher from Shell was never an oilman. He must have butchered all those with experiance in fuel hedging within the Treasury team built from the days of Encik Shahril and Low Chee Ting. Now this is the time to repeat my incessant and repeated complain of young inexperianced know nuts brought into MAS to replace those experianced and appropriately described as knowledge workers.

The mistake by Tun Lah to entertain the recomendation of Idris Jala by Kamaluddin's friend is also the second quarter operating loss of RM421 million. And that is a further deterioration from RM138 million in first qurter.

So what the f**k is this talk of rising load factor? Don't bullshit about net profit. If your operation don't make money, how are you to keep the Company afloat?

Oh yes, the 2nd quarter operating figure is also rumour. So don't sue.

Monday, August 03, 2009

The Economist described Anwar Ibrahim as Chameleon

Is it the end of tunnel for Anwar the Great White Hope? Read the article from The Economist dated July 30th, 2009:

Malaysia's chameleon

The rise, fall and rise of Anwar Ibrahim, South-East Asia’s most extraordinary politician

ONE evening in mid-July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger. The candidate was from the conservative Islamic Party (PAS). A tiny by-election for the state assembly PAS already dominates is ordinarily small beer (or would be, if PAS allowed such a beverage, which it does not). But Mr Anwar needs PAS. For the paradox is that without the Islamists, the alliance he leads of Malay modernisers, Indians and secular Chinese has little chance of driving the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) from power. The coalition that UMNO dominates has ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957. Mr Anwar longs for UMNO’s destruction. The feeling is mutual.

That morning, Mr Anwar had been in Perth where he had met Australia’s foreign minister. What had he been doing with Stephen Smith? “Plotting,” replies Mr Anwar, with a conspiratorial wink. Mr Anwar spends a lot of time abroad with national and religious leaders whose names he drops slightly too easily into an engaging conversational style. He moves like quicksilver from one intriguing subject to the next, but you get the uncanny sense that he is speaking to what interests you.

Mr Anwar thinks he will soon need international support. Two days after stumping in Kelantan, pre-trial hearings began in a case in which Mr Anwar stands accused of sodomising a political aide “against the order of nature”. Mr Anwar vigorously denies the charges. He says he is the victim of a political stitch-up. International outrage might help him. Much is fishy about the case. Photographs of the former aide who brought the accusations show him with UMNO members, including people close to the current prime minister, Najib Razak. The charge has been changed from sexual assault to “consensual sex”, yet his accuser has not been charged. (All homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia.)

Mr Anwar has been here before. In 1998 he was charged with corruption and homosexual acts. In custody, he was beaten up by the chief of police. He spent six years in jail, mostly in solitary confinement, until his conviction was overturned. Upon release, his political career seemed over.

It is easy to forget now but for many years Mr Anwar led a charmed life. He made his name as an Islamist student leader in the 1970s and was even jailed under the draconian Internal Security Act. Then he shocked his former colleagues by joining UMNO, where his rise was spectacular. By 1993 he was deputy prime minister and heir to Mahathir Mohamad, the country’s long-serving leader. Malaysia seemed about to fall into his lap. “Ah,” says Mr Anwar, “the good old days.”

But during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, Mr Anwar moved too soon against his mentor, who after 16 years in power was not ready to bow out. Mr Anwar railed against the UMNO cronyism from which he had benefited. Livid, Dr Mahathir threw him out of the cabinet and launched Mr Anwar’s persecution. Mr Anwar’s reformasi movement sputtered out with his jailing.

Yet the hopes which that movement represented surged again after the general election of March 2008, and especially after August 2008 when Mr Anwar won a seat in Penang. In the election the ruling coalition lost its precious two-thirds majority which gave it power to change the constitution. It has since lost five out of six by-elections to Mr Anwar’s forces, which also control four of 13 states. In getting out its message, the opposition has been helped by an explosion of internet opinion that has undermined the influence of the UMNO-controlled mainstream media.

UMNO’s back is against the wall. Even its own officials admit to its arrogance, with corruption bound into the fabric of its power. The New Economic Policy (NEP, introduced in 1971) instituted racial preferences for majority Malays, when ethnic Chinese and Indians owned much of business. But instead of helping the poor, the NEP has enriched rent-seekers around the ruling party, while dragging down economic growth. Resentment has spread from Chinese and Indians to poor or pious Malays.

This has made possible Mr Anwar’s strange alliance. In calling for the end to the NEP, he says poor Chinese and Indians need help as much as Malays—but because there are more poor Malays than other races, they will still get the lion’s share of government help. It is a possible way out from the baneful influence of race on Malaysian politics. But the real strength of this alliance is that Mr Anwar’s charisma and political nous holds it together. Alas, that it is potential weakness, too.

Trials and tribulations

The challenges for Mr Anwar and his alliance will now multiply. For a start, Mr Najib, prime minister since April, has said the NEP must adapt, stealing some of his opponent’s thunder.

Then there is the time-consuming trial. Mr Anwar says he will win whatever the verdict. If he is acquitted, the government which brought the case will be discredited. If found guilty, tens of thousands of supporters will take to the streets. Mr Anwar hints tantalisingly at new information in a murder case that has gripped the country partly because of its links to Mr Najib. This, he suggests, gives him ammunition to fight back.

Intriguing, but it is unlikely to be enough. If Mr Anwar does go to jail, the alliance may not survive the loss of its leader. If he calls out his supporters—for something of the martyr lurks in him—he may be blamed for the ensuing chaos. And if he appeals to international opinion, his local supporters may question that.

This points to a trap waiting to catch the silver-tongued Mr Anwar, who deftly tells different audiences—religious or secular—what they like to hear. The same blogosphere that helped his meteoric rise may one day pay more attention to his chameleon qualities. Malaysians would then come to ask more closely: who and what exactly does Anwar stand for?