Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dr Mahathir mengulang ucapan mengenai Malayan Union

Ucapan Dr Mahathir di pelancaran Perkasa Selangor pada hari Sabtu Januari 28hb mengulang pembuka yang biasa didengar semasa dia mengeliling negara menegur dan mengkritik Tun Abdullah Badawi hingga ia berundur.

Selepas memuji kebolehan Presiden Perkasa Dato Ibrahim Ali dan Perkasa mengumpul ramai orang-orang Melayu dan Pribumi yang diluar dugaannya, Dr Mahathir mengulang kembali kata-kata lamanya tentang peristiwa penubuhan Malayan Union pada tahun 1946.

Menurutnya, peristiwa Malayan Union begitu siginifikan sebagai pertama kali orang Melayu ramai-ramai bangkit bersuara menegur pemimpin atas kesilapan keputusan yang telah mereka buat. Tahun dimana UMNO itu juga dipercayai pertama kali orang Melayu secara beramai-ramai memecahkan amalan feudel yang memberi taat setia membabi buta kepada ketua (feudalistic blind loyalty).

Setelah memperingati penuntun bahawa menegur itu tidak salah, Dr Mahathir sering menyambung ucapannya dengan pandangan-pandangan dan teguran yang kritis. Dia ingin memberitahu orang Melayu supaya berani menegur pemimpin supaya mereka sedar dan memperbetulkan kesilapan mereka.

Sebagaimana diberitahu oleh seorang wartawan, Dr Mahathir sudah mengulang ucapan yang sama seminggu dua lepas. Apakah maknanya?

Utusan Malaysia melaporkan dalam Mingguan Malaysia berikut:

Dr. Mahathir kecewa parti Melayu tidak bantu kaum sendiri

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Jan. - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, tiga parti utama orang Melayu iaitu UMNO, Pas dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) terlalu 'asyik' mendapatkan sokongan bukan Melayu sehingga tidak mempedulikan rintihan kaum mereka sendiri.

Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata, ketika ini apa jua tuntutan bukan Melayu, sama ada beralas undang-undang, Perlembagaan atau perjanjian lalu, akan dilayan oleh parti-parti berkenaan.

Beliau percaya tindakan itu berpunca daripada keyakinan mereka yang menyedari bahawa orang Melayu tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan ketika pilihan raya dan akan tetap menyokong mereka.

"Tidak perlu saya nyatakan apa yang menyebabkan kita berasa kecewa. Tetapi kita lihat orang yang dulu kata orang Islam jika berkawan dengan bukan Islam akan jadi kafir, sekarang peluk cium orang bukan Islam dan dihalalkan segalanya bagi mereka kerana orang Melayu tetap akan bagi sokongan.

"Ia bukan tindakan yang bijak. Orang Melayu rasa tidak boleh lagi bergantung pada parti-parti politik, sebab itu ditubuhkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) untuk menyuarakan pendapat mereka," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap di hadapan lebih 2,000 hadirin pada majlis pelancaran Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) Selangor di Dewan Serbaguna Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ), Hulu Kelang di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir, Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar; Presiden Perkasa, Datuk Ibrahim Ali serta beberapa pemimpin NGO Melayu.

Dr. Mahathir menambah, terdapat beberapa NGO Melayu yang menemuinya dan menyatakan kekecewaan mereka terhadap kerajaan dan parti-parti pembangkang.

"Tetapi apa yang mereka boleh buat. Mereka kata, jika terlampau giat suarakan pendirian orang Melayu, mereka akan dituduh rasis dan mungkin juga diambil tindakan oleh pihak berkuasa.

"Akhirnya, mereka datang bertemu bekas Perdana Menteri yang sudah tidak bertaring. Mereka kecewa tetapi tidak dapat suarakan kepada pemimpin Melayu sama ada kerajaan atau parti lawan," ujarnya.

Beliau bagaimanapun mengingatkan orang Melayu agar melakukan protes secara tertib dan tidak melakukan kekacauan sehingga menghancurkan keamanan negara.

"Kalau mereka tidak dengar, kita ada kuasa dalam pilihan raya. Jangan gunakan cara yang boleh merosakkan keamanan.

"Tetapi saya bimbang, sekiranya keadaan ini berterusan, orang Melayu yang sekian lama memendam kekecewaan akan 'meletup'," katanya.
Walaupun Perkasa bukan sebesar UMNO dan tidak ada penglibatan dalam politik, Dr Mahathir mengingatkan kembali bagaimana peristiwa dia kalah di Kota Setar pada tahun 1969 untuk menggambarkan kuasa yang ada pada NGO sebagai kumpulan kecil disatu-satu tempat.

Pemimpin Parti Harus Ambil Berat Pandangan NGO, Kata Dr Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR: Pemimpin parti politik harus mengambil perhatian terhadap pandangan dan rintihan yang disuarakan oleh pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) kerana ianya merupakan suara rakyat.

Bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata walaupun bilangan NGO di negara ini adalah kecil namum mereka memainkan peranan yang cukup besar pada pilihan raya dengan mampu memberikan kemenangan kepada parti.

“Pada pilihan raya, kita tidak memerlukan beratusan ribu atau pun berpuluhan ribu (undi untuk menang), hanya 102 (undi) sudah mencukupi untuk menentukan menang atau tidaknya sesebuah parti politik itu,” katanya pada majlis pelancaran Pertubuhan Perkasa Selangor di sini semalam.

Dr Mahathir berkata malah beliau sendiri mengalami kekalahan dalam pilihan raya umum pada tahun 1969 apabila gagal mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Kota Setar Selatan di Kedah kerana terlampau yakin bahawa pengundi Melayu akan menyokongnya di kawasan itu.

Ini adalah kerana pada pilihan raya umum 1964, beliau telah memenangi kerusi itu dengan mengalahkan calon PMIP, yang kini dikenali sebagai PAS, iaitu Mohd Shaari Abd Shukor dengan majoriti 4,210 undi.

“Itu adalah kawasan Melayu. Daripada 35,000 pengundi hanya 5,000 sahaja yang terdiri daripada orang Cina, India dan Siam. Oleh kerana saya cuba memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu maka saya pun berpendapat tentulah ramai daripada mereka akan memberi kemenangan pada saya,” katanya.

Dr Mahathir berkata akibat memikirkan beliau akan tetap menang, beliau tidak mengambil berat sama ada pengundi kaum Cina di kawasan Parlimennya akan mengundinya atau tidak.

Akhirnya pada pilihan raya itu Dr Mahathir telah ditewaskan oleh Yusof Rawa dari PAS dengan kelebihan undi 989.

Katanya oleh sebab itulah, parti politik harus memberi perhatian kepada kumpulan kecil kerana mereka mampu menentukan kemenangan sesuatun parti dalam pilihan raya
Dr Mahathir turut mengungkit kembali sikap murah hati pemimpin terdahulu memberikan kira-kira 1 juta kerakyatan kepada bangsa lain hingga Melayu bukan lagi majoriti.

Malangnya, katanya, “Mungkin generasi pertama berterima kasih tetapi generasi baru ingin lupakan sikap murah hati ini. Bangsa lain lempar tuduhan bertalu-talu sebab Melayu lemah, bermurah hati dan tidak mahu menjawab kerana akan dituduh racist.”

Dia mengingatkan sebuah akhbar menulis Melayu tidak wujud tetapi yang wujud hanya kaum tertentu seperti Jawa, Bugis, Rawa, dan lain-lain. Ada yang sudah terlanjur hingga mengatakan Melayu adalah juga pendatang dari Indonesia dan saja tidak peduli pulau-lulau itu adalah gugusan kepulauan Melayu.

Sudah wujud orang-orang Melayu yang berjaya hasil Dasar ekonomi Baru tetapi kini tidak mahu lagi hak keistimewaan Melayu lagi. Perpecahan Melayu kepada tiga parti politik. Sudah mula timbul pemimpin berfikirkan liberal yang sudah tidak utama bangsa.

Kata Dr Mahathir, kalau orang Melayu itu kuat dan kukuh, tidak mengapa. Masaalahnya orang Melayu tidak kuat ekonominya.

Orang Melayu sudah mula merasai UMNO mengenepikan mereka. Walaupun Pakatan Rakyat sedang menghadapai masaalah tetapi selagi UMNO tidak dilihat tidak melakukan perubahan dan membela orang Melayu, belum tahu undi akan kembali kepada UMNO.

Dr Mahathir melantunkan persoalan. Kenapa sepanjang 46 tahun Barisan Nasional memerintah, orang Melayu tidak rasa terancam tetapi sekarang kita rasa terancam?

Katanya sekarang pemimpin menyeleweng, tidak boleh ditegur, dan susah untuk mendengar nasihat. Pemimpin juga ramai yang lebih mementingkan mencari kekayaan, mengutamakan kepentingan sendiri, dan terlibat dengan politik wang.

Pastinya ini bukan terakhir kita dengar Dr Mahathir menegur perkara-perkara ini. Cuma adakah ianya akan menjadi lebih lantang?

Friday, January 29, 2010

KJ rejected by Pemuda Exco!

Looking lost and distanced visiting his constituency

By Triple X, Malaysia Instinct

Resistance towards Khairy Jamaluddin’s leadership in UMNO Youth reaches a boiling-point today when some of his exco members voice up asking him to resign from his post.

Reason cited was Khairy's failure to bring unity into the movements a year after helming the top UMNO youth post. has been made to understand that the call for him to resign was headed by Putrajaya UMNO Deputy Youth, Mohd Yahaya Hishammuddin during the youth exco meeting at PWTC today.

A significant number of exco members agreed to the call.

The UMNO Youth Exco meeting was held in a tense mood today with exco member loyal to Khairy exchanged words with those who were against him.

Rejection towards Khairy's leadership is a result from his failure to unite the movement after almost a year assuming UMNO Youth Movement Chief Post.

In addition, KJ's lack of attitude towards to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is also one of the rejections cause.

KJ however dismiss the idea and only promised to work harder to unite the movements.

Some parties in the UMNO Youth described what happened during the meeting today as the beginning of open pressure for Khairy to resign.

And what happened today also indicate that there is virtually no more hope to unite the movements as long as Khairy is the leader.

But in the best of interest of the movements and UMNO, he should leave ASAP.

Read also Barking Magpie here, MyKMU here and Malaysia Instinct Malay version here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Prime Minister and A Primate

Two approaches to ‘Allah’ issue

Articles in the Wall Street Journal by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim show their contrasting approaches and political styles.

The Star, January 27th, 2010

DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been on the ceramah trail the past couple of weeks. The last time he was this busy was when making his comeback as Permatang Pauh MP more than a year ago.

His sodomy trial starts next Tuesday and all this political activity is a sort of pre-trial campaign to reach out to as wide an audience as he can.

The Opposition Leader’s oratory at these ceramah have assumed a certain pattern.

Apart from providing his take on the forthcoming trial, his chief target has been Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, the man who stands in the way of his political ambitions.

The PKR leader has also been at pains to explain his party’s stand on the controversial “Allah” issue and at times, has come across as rather defensive especially when the audience is Malay and rural.

An overwhelming majority of Malay-Muslims are very uncomfortable with the High Court ruling in allowing the use of the word “Allah” in The Herald and Anwar has been grappling with the Malay-Muslim sentiment on the ground.

But his stand would go down well with the Western liberals who want to see Islam in a way convenient to them.

This came across quite clearly in the Wall Street Journal which published two articles yesterday on the issue – one by Najib and the other by Anwar.

Najib’s piece was titled, “Finding Unity in Diversity” while Anwar’s carried the heading, “Muslims have no Monopoly over ‘Allah’.”

The articles were quite a contrast, not only in content but in reflecting the priorities and political styles of the two men.

The Allah issue has become very political and at the same time very personal to the religious beliefs of the various communities.

Najib chose not to take the political argument. He pointed out that citizen action and spirit had prevailed in helping to maintain calm and peace following attacks on places of worship.

There is no denying Najib has been under a great deal of pressure over this issue and he admitted there are passionate views on many sides and that this was a complex issue that the Government was trying to resolve .

He spoke about the reform path that his administration would take and said Malaysia’s society and the economy could only be built on that which unites rather than which divides.

His message was not about blame or justification but about unity, building bridges and looking forward.

As he put it: “I am determined that the vandalism of the places of worship and arson at the Tabernacle (the church that suffered the most damage) and the powerful response from everyday Malaysians can be transformed into a moment from which we can learn.”

Anwar, in his article, offered a concerted argument why Muslim do not own the word Allah.

But the politician in Anwar dominated in his article and he pinned the blame for what had happened squarely on reckless politicians, the mainstream media and NGOs linked to Umno.

He accused these quarters of fermenting fear to divert attention from controversial court decisions and missing jet engines.

It was the written form of what he had been saying at many of his ceramah, a political attack on his chief nemesis Najib and the ruling coalition.

He went beyond the Allah issue and pronounced this country as going down the drain because of corruption, incompetence and religious extremism.

He said the vision of Malaysia as a peaceful and stable location was in peril.

Anwar, some fear, is about to launch a repeat what he had done back in 1998 when he came under siege for charges of corruption and sodomy.

He blamed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for his troubles and in his anger, he not only ran down the former Prime Minister but the system and the country on the international front.

Anwar, they say, should try to draw the line between his personal issues and his politics from that of the country’s interests.

There is no denying that race relations have been affected by what has happened. Malaysians of all races are concerned about the future.

Some are pessimistic, others more hopeful. But what everyone wants now are solutions rather than finger-pointing.

Everyone wants a peaceful and acceptable solution to the “Allah” issue and the politics of blame will not help.


The rebuttal to Anwar's article in the Asian Wall Street Journal question below:

1) Mr. Anwar Ibrahim has stated that there have been conflicting statements from government regarding the church attacks and that Malaysia frequently fails to offer a safe and secure environment that accommodates its minority communities. He goes further to allege that tensions are “largely due to incitement by a few reckless politicians, the mainstream media and a handful of nongovernmental organizations linked by membership and leadership to the United Malays National Organization”.

Rebuttal: This is cynical politics at its worst. By politicising these events, Mr. Ibrahim is fanning the flames of division and attempting to erase the progress we have made over the last year. Malaysian’s interest continues to move beyond divisiveness politics and into strengthening their communities and families. We encourage Mr. Ibrahim to do the same.

THE GOVERNMENT CONDEMNS VIOLENCE OF ANY KIND. The government and the people of Malaysia have spoken with a unified voice in condemning the despicable acts of a few. People have joined as one to assert that violence is never an acceptable way to express views or resolve differences. Muslim and Christian groups are standing shoulder-to-shoulder to ensure all people can worship safely and free of fear as is guaranteed under the Malaysian Constitution.

THE GOVERNMENT IS FULLY COMMITMED TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. While buildings have been damaged, the values all Malaysians share - religious freedom, tolerance, peace and fairness - remain the cornerstones of our communities. Malaysia has a history of respecting the expression and practice of all religions. In Malaysia, people are free to celebrate religious holidays including Christmas and Thaipusam; and, religious expression in schools, such as wearing a headscarf, a cross or a bindi, is guaranteed.

GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR SAFETY AND REBUILDING. During a visit to one of the most badly damaged churches, the Prime Minister pledged resources to rebuild and emphasised that all Malaysians can attend their places of worship free of fear. While thankfully nobody has been hurt in these attacks, the police are enhancing security and intensifying their investigation to track down the perpetrators and have made several arrests.

INTENSIFYING EFFORTS TO BRING THE CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE. The Prime Minister and Home Minister have called on the police to leave no stone unturned in this investigation so that those responsible can be brought to justice. The Home Ministry is in regular contact with those leading the investigation and will ensure full communication and transparency to the people on this issue.

AS THE PRIME MINISTER STATED IN AN OPINION ARTICLE IN THE JANUARY 26TH EDITION OF THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA: “Many Malaysians have been appalled by the irresponsible and dangerous finger-pointing of a few politicians who put personal political interests before Malaysia's national interest. They try to score political points by hammering on sensitive issues. My government chooses a different path. We will reach out to all parts of Malaysian society in the coming days to foster open dialogue and work to resolve sensitive issues together.”

2) Mr. Anwar Ibrahim says that recent attacks exemplify what’s wrong with the way Malaysia regards its non-Muslim citizens.

Rebuttal: This sceptical view of Malaysia and Malaysians is directly contradicted by the reaction of ordinary Malaysians of all religions following the attacks.

THE REACTIONS OF ORDINARY MALAYSIANS HAS SHOWN THEY REJECT VIOLENCE: The reaction of ordinary Malaysians to the Church attacks shows that Malaysians do not accept or tolerate acts of vandalism or intimidation against any religion. This is the true spirit of 1Malaysia.

AS THE PRIME MINISTER STATED IN AN OPINION ARTICLE IN THE JANUARY 26TH EDITION OF THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA: “Many measures have been taken to counter this violence. Muslim groups volunteered to safeguard churches in their towns. Muslim social activists have written petitions to oppose these senseless acts of vandalism. Muslim civic groups are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Christians, Hindus and Buddhists to ensure that all people can freely worship as they wish. Christian and civic leaders have urged calm and interfaith dialogue; they are fully aware that those who perpetrated these acts do not represent the Muslim majority in Malaysia.”

3) Mr. Anwar Ibrahim says recent incidents raise doubts as to the course of the country under the Prime Minister’s leadership and that the “vision of Malaysia as a peaceful and stable location for investment, tourism and migration is now in peril”.

Rebuttal: Malaysia’s overwhelming embrace of the respect, tolerance and community participation outlined in the 1Malaysia initiative prove Mr. Ibrahim wrong. A few despicable acts of cowardice can not derail our efforts, and the vision of Malaysia, and the social and economic progress it supports, remains sound.

STRENGTHENING THE CONCEPT OF 1MALAYSIA. Over the past year, the government has implemented a number of reforms to increase opportunities for all Malaysians regardless of their ethnicity, including establishing scholarships and other programs to support Malaysia’s ethnic communities. Some have attacked 1Malaysia in the wake of these attacks, but the vast majority of Malaysians will continue to foster unity, tolerance, and understanding because of the shared belief that we are stronger together, and weaker divided. -

Monday, January 25, 2010

Al Fatihah: Negarawan Tun Ghazali Shafie meninggal dunia

Ghazali Shafie meninggal dunia

KUALA LUMPUR 24 Jan. – Bekas Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tun Ghazali Shafie meninggal dunia di kediamannya di Subang Jaya dekat sini kira-kira 7.45 malam ini.

Kematian Ghazali, 88, disahkan oleh cucunya, Farah ketika dihubungi.

Ghazali dilahirkan di Kuala Lipis, Pahang, meninggalkan dua orang anak lelaki, Bachtiaer dan Sheriffudin.

Isteri beliau, Toh Puan Khatijah Abdul Majid meninggal dunia pada April 2008. – BERNAMA
Berikut adalah biograpfi negarawan kita Tun Ghazalie Shafie yang dipetik dari Wikipedia:

Tun Ghazali Shafie (22 Mac 1922-24 Januari 2010) merupakan ahli politik Malaysia era Tunku Abdul Rahman hinggalah era Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad iaitu dari 1970-1984.

Beliau lahir di Kuala Lipis, Pahang pada 22 Mac 1922 dan meninggal dunia pada 24 Januari 2010 di kediamannya di Subang Jaya kerana sakit tua.

Ghazali mendapat pendidikan awal di beberapa sekolah Melayu dan Inggeris di sekitar Raub, Kuala Lipis, Bentong dan Penjum sebelum melanjutkan pelajaran di Clifford School, Kuala Lipis pada 1939 hingga 1940.

Pada 1941, beliau melanjutkan pendidikan di Raffles College Singapura sebelum ke London di mana beliau menerima Ijazah LLB (Kepujian) di University College of Wales dan kemudian mendapat ijazah dalam bidang pengajian antarabangsa di London School of Economics pada 1954.

Politik dan Kerjaya

1941-1946 beliau berkhidmat dalam Pasukan Sukarelawan Malaya dan Pasukan Gerakan Menentang Jepun. Kemudian menjadi kerani di Selangor. 1957 menjadi Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaya ke India .1959 menjadi Ketua Setiausaha di Kementerian Luar Negeri .

Ghazali mula berkecimpung dalam bidang politik dengan menyertai Persatuan Melayu Pahang pada 1946 yang pada mulanya melakukan kerja-kerja kebajikan sebelum diserap memasuki UMNO.

Pada tahun 1958 beliau dipilih menjadi Ahli Jawatankuasa Politik Umno sehingga 1978. Beliau pernah beberapa kali menjawat jawatan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno dan merupakan Naib Presiden Umno pada 1981.

Ghazali pernah dilantik sebagai Senator pada tahun 1970 hingga 1972.

Beliau bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia 1974 di kawasan Parlimen Lipis dan menang tanpa bertanding.

Beliau pernah bertanding jawatan naib presiden UMNO tetapi tewas pada 1972 dan 1975. 1981 beliau menang jawatan jawatan Naib Presiden UMNO.

Beliau berkhidmat di bawah empat perdana menteri bermula dari zaman Tunku Abdul Rahman sehingga era Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Perkhidmatannya dalam kabinet agak lama bermula pada tahun 1970 apabila dilantik sebagai Menteri Tugas-tugas Khas (1970). Kemudiannya sebagai Menteri Tugas-tugas Khas dan Penerangan pada April 1972.

Sebagai Menteri Tugas-Tugas Khas merangkap Menteri Penerangan Malaysia, beliau bertanggungjawab membentuk , merangka dan melaksanakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru serta merangka Rancangan Malaysia Kedua 1970-1975.

Kira-kira 16 bulan kemudian beliau diberikan kepercayaan sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Penerangan, di mana jawatan Menteri Dalam Negeri itu dipegangnya sehingga Julai 1981 apabila beliau bertukar ke jawatan Menteri Luar.

Ghazali menjadi Menteri Luar Negeri dari Julai 1981-Julai 1984. Dasar luar semasa zaman Tun Abdul Razak diperkukuhkan dengan pembentukan ICG iaitu Majlis Antara Kerajaan-Kerajaan.

Beliau pernah menjadi pegawai kerajaan dan duta kanan ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. Peranan beliau amat berkesan bagi menghadapi kebanjiran pendatang haram Vietnam ke Pulau Bidong, Terengganu pada 1975.

Kepakarannya dalam bidang perhubungan antarabangsa amat terserlah serta dihormati dan ini dapat dilihat melalui jawatan-jawatan yang disandang termasuk Pengerusi Persidangan Asia mengenai persoalan Palestin pada 1983, ahli Suruhanjaya Selatan dan juga pengerusi suruhanjaya yang ditubuhkan bagi membuat cadangan mengenai rombakan dan pengukuhan mekanisme Asean.


Satu lagi penghormatan ialah terpilih sebagai ahli dalam Pasukan Eminent Persons Komanwel untuk Afrika Selatan bagi memberi sokongan kepada proses rundingan pelbagai parti pada 1981, ahli Kumpulan Pemerhati Komanwel untuk Pilihan Raya Umum Afrika Selatan, ahli Kumpulan Pemerhati Pilihan Raya Sri Lanka, dan Pilihan Raya Bosnia Herzegovina serta Pengerusi Kumpulan Pemerhati Komanwel untuk Pilihan Raya Bangladesh.

Setelah meletak jawatan daripada kabinet pada Julai 1984, beliau menumpukan perhatian pada bidang lain yang menyaksikan beliau menjawat jawatan penting dalam sektor swasta dan pertubuhan antarabangsa. Antaranya menjadi Pengerusi Landmarks Holding Bhd ,MUI Finance, Pengerusi Paremba, Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat Rolls-Royce Asia Tenggara, Pengerusi Westmont Bank Manila, Filipina, Pengerusi Intermega Energy NL, Australia.

Beliau pernah menjadi Presiden Kesatuan Olahraga Amatur Malaysia (MAAU) dari 1962-1988. Dari 1993-1995 beliau menjadi Karyawan tamu di Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Beliau menjadi pengasas dan presiden pertama Galeri Seni Negara pada 1959, Ahli Majlis Pengelola Universiti Malaya, Ahli Majlis Gerakan Negara (Mageran), Pengerusi Majlis Pengelola Institut Teknologi Mara, dan ahli pengasas Malayan Forum, United Kingdom.

Beliau pernah dilantik sebagai penasihat khas kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia mengenai hal ehwal luar, serta bertugas sebagai perunding World Bank Economic Development Institute.

Tun Ghazali menjadi Presiden Kehormat Seumur Hidup Kelab Penerbangan Diraja Selangor serta Presiden Kesatuan Olahraga Amatur Malaysia (1962-1988), sehingga beliau diberikan Anugerah Tokoh Sukan pada tahun 2002.

Pembentukan Malaysia

Beliau menjadi penasihat tetap Suruhanjaya Cobbold bagi meninjau pendapat rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak untuk menyertai Malaysia. Peranan beliau dalam pembentukan negara Malaysia dengan penyertaan Sabah dan Sarawak cukup signifikan.

Beliau bertanggungjawab terhadap pembentukan Rukunegara iaitu satu prinsip perpaduan negara selepas Peristiwa 13 Mei. Cogan kata Bersatu Bertambah Mutu bagi Malaysia juga adalah hasil inisiatif beliau sebagai Menteri Penerangan pada tahun 1970.

Terselamat dalam nahas Cessna

Pada 10 Januari 1982, pesawat Cessna 206 yang dipandu Tun Mohd Ghazali Shafie, ketika itu Menteri Luar Negeri Malaysia terhempas di Kampung Janda Baik.Mereka dari Kelab Pnerbangan Diraja Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dalam penerbangan ke Kuala Lipis, kawasan pilihan raya yang diwakilinya.

Bagaimanapun Mohd Ghazali terselamat kerana jatuh di atas rimbunan pokok buluh. Manakala pembantu juruterbang dan pengawal peribadinya (ASP Charon Daam dan co-pilot Vergis Chacko) terbunuh. [1] Dua mayat ditemui dalam helikopter yang terhempas jam 3.00 petang dan diterbangkan ke Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur.

Isteri Tun Ghazali iaitu Puan Sri Khatijah Abdul Majid, anaknya Sharifuddin dan Bakhtiar menanti di Kuala Lumpur.

Pada 22 Jun 1983, coroner Abdullah Sidek di Mahkamah Majistret Bentong, Pahang memutuskan kematian dua orang penumpang itu kerana kemalangan udara. Perbicaraan berlangsung dari 14-18 Mei 1983. Juruterbang membuat keputusan merempuh awan di Waterworks Gap. Vergis patah di leher dan pendarahan dalaman. Sementara Charon cedera teruk di tengkorak dan leher. [2]

Peristiwa 13 Mei

Kajian / hipotesis oleh Kua Kia Soong terhadap Peristiwa 13 Mei mendapati bahawa nasionalis Tun Abdul Razak cuba melakukan rampasan kuasa terhadap Tunku Abdul Rahman dengan sokongan daripada Dato' Harun bin Idris, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Tun Ghazali Shafie.]


1. Ghazali dikenali sangat tegas dalam segala kerja yang dibuatnya sehinggakan beliau digelar 'King Ghaz'.

2. Beliau dikenang oleh wartawan yang bertugas pada zamannya sebagai sangat garang kerana sikapnya yang sentiasa mengharapkan para wartawan mempunyai pengetahuan lengkap mengenai sesuatu isu atau perkara yang ingin ditanya kepada beliau. Ini menyebabkan ramai wartawan cukup berhati-hati apabila berdepan dengan beliau ketika membuat liputan.


Beliau mendapat anugerah kehormat kerajaan asing termasuk dari Singapura, Perancis, Republik Korea, Iran, Filipina, Jepun, Tunisia, Thailand, Austria dan Korea Utara.[3]

Hasil tulisan

Ghazali Shafie's Memoir on the Formation of Malaysia (2nd printing). 2004.

Ghazalie Shafie. Penerbit UKM: Bangi ISBN 967-942- 364-6 (paperback)

Ghazali Shafie: Malaysia, Asean and the New World Order. 2000. Ghazalie Shafie. Penerbit UKM: Bangi ISBN 967-942-479-0/ 967-942-487-1 (international Edition).

Tamadun Melayu: Menyongsong Abad kedua Puluh Satu. 1997. Ismail Hussein, Wan Hashim Wan Teh & Ghazali Shafie. Penerbit UKM: Bangi ISBN 967-942- 379-4 216 hlm.

Rumpun Melayu dan Bangsa Malaysia Menjelang Tahun 2020. 1995. Ghazali Shafie. Penerbit UKM: Bangi ISBN 967-942-326-3.


Isterinya Toh Puan Khatijah Abdul Majid meninggal dunia pada April 2008. Anak lelakinya Bachtiaer dan Sheriffudin.

Meninggal dunia

Beliau meninggal dunia meninggal di rumahnya di Wangsa Baiduri, Subang Jaya jam 7.45 malam , Ahad 24 Januari 2010 akibat sait tua. [4]

Kemudian dipindahkan ke rumah adik perempuannya Datin Yuhanis Shafie di Damansara Utama. Jenazah disembahyangkan di Masjid Al-Mujahiddin Damansara Utama. Dikebumikan di Makam Pahlawan bersebelahan Masjid Negara.

Turut hadir ialah Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka, Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob, Menteri Besar Pahang Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sultan Johor mangkat, Allah peliharakan Sultan Johor

Tuanku Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail disahkan mangkat petang tadi Januari 22hb, 2010 bersamaan 5 Safar 1431 pada pukul 7:15 petang di dirawat di Hospital Pakar Puteri. Kemangkatan baginda diumumkan Menteri Besar, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman pukul 11.20 malam tadi.

Khabar kegeringan Tuanku sudah mula berlegar dari tengahhari lagi. Ini disahkan dengan pengumuman perlantikan Tengku Mahkota, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail sebagai pemangku Sultan Johor oleh ahli Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor petang lebih kurang pukul 4 tadi.

Kemangkatan Baginda yang amat disayangi oleh rakyat Johor akan disambut dengan rasa sedih oleh rakyat Johor. Tuanku adalah seorang yang amat prihatin dengan nasib dan kebajikan rakyat.

Sultan Iskandar mangkat pada umur 77 tahun. Baginda naik takhta sebagai Sultan Johor apabila ayahanda baginda Almarhum Tuanku Sultan Ismail Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim mangkat pada 10 Mei 1981. Baginda menjadi Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong VIII antara 26 April 1984 hingga 25 April 1989.

Semasa menduduki tahkta Kerajaan Persekutuan, baginda menunjukan keperihatin terhadap rakyat dan pembangunan negara.

Baginda juga mendermakan keseluruhan elaun sebagai Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong sepanjang menduduki takhta kepada sebuah NGO, Yayasan Iskandar. Dana ini digunakan sebagai membantu pembiayaan pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan.

Baginda juga merupakan Kolonel Kehormat Rejimen Grup Gerak Khas dan menunjukan minat dalam aktiviti sukan.

Sebelum jatuh gering, Baginda akan diingati akan upacara merasmikan Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar di Danga Bay pada November 2006 yang mana Tuanku telah meminta diroboh Tambak Johor supaya "biar air lalu". Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah mengarahkan projek 'Jambatan Bengkok ' dibatalkan pada bulan Mac 2006.

Dalam ucapan yang membelakang protokol, Baginda memperingati Kerajaan supaya tidak tertipu dengan orang asing sebagaimana keturunannya ditipu oleh orang putih hingga terbina tambak Johor.

Permintaan Tuanku supaya wilayah tersebut dinamakan bersempena Mantan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Johor, Dato Abdul Rahman Andak tidak disempurnakan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri. Wilayah penuh kontroversi tersebut akhirnya dinamakan Iskandar, Johor.

Semasa perasmian Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor ke XII pada tahun lepas, 2009, baginda telah menitahkan agar digunakan saluran perundangan untuk mengambil kembali Pulau Batu Putih yang telah terlepas ke Singapura hasil keputusan Mahkamah Antarabangsa.

Kali ini, baginda menegaskan agar cadangan untuk ‘Jambatan Ke III’ tidak diadakan.

Istiadat pemasyhuran Sultan Johor yang baru akan dilaksanakan di Istana Besar Johor sebelum upacara pemakaman jenazah Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Ismail Ibni Sultan Ismail di Makam Diraja Bukit Mahmoodiah kira-kira pukul 2 petang hari ini.


Patik sebagai anak Johor diperantauan ingin menyembahkan rasa dukacita dan ucapan takziah di atas kemangkatan DYMM Tuanku Sultan Johor kepada keluarga diraja Johor.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh baginda dan dipeliharakan Sultan Johor yang baru.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Perkasa rushes in where Umno fears to tread

Will Perkasa be more relevant to the Malay and Pribumi than UMNO?

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insiders

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 20 — Perkasa, the Malay nationalist movement which began as a one man band after Election 2008, is shaping up as a national pressure group to Umno, representing those seeking to defend the constitutional position of the Malays and the social contract.

For the past two months, the Perkasa national leadership, led by veteran politician Datuk Ibrahim Ali, has been going on road shows to officiate state level launches and to organise massive recruitment drives.

On Jan 30 former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who once made Ibrahim a deputy minister, is expected to launch the Selangor Perkasa. His presence will be seen as a coup for the right-wing organisation.

In every state, Ibrahim who is the sole independent Member of Parliament has been able to attract local Umno leaders to attend gatherings and express support for his struggle.

It has also successfully recruited Umno grassroots activists who have failed to climb up the party hierarchy.

Perkasa, which has been at the forefront in fighting for the exclusive use of the term “Allah for Muslims, has also set up its Sarawak chapter, the only state in Malaysia without Umno’s presence.

The group has also been lodging police reports against politicians who stand in their way such as the PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, who supported the Roman Catholic Church’s right to use the term “Allah”.

“What Perkasa stands for today, was what Umno used to fight for when it was formed,” said a source close to the Perkasa leadership.

Umno began in May 1946 in Johor Bharu as an umbrella group for all Malay groups and parties opposed to the Malayan Union proposed to consolidate the Malay states after World War 2. It fought for Malay rights and later independence with allies MCA and MIC as the Alliance.

But a section of Malays, who form some 60 per cent of Malaysia’s 28 million population together with the natives I’m Sabah and Sarawak, think Umno has strayed from its founding ideals and is ‘pandering’ to the non-Malays.

Among them are ex-servicemen who have defended the nation and expect some rewards are retirement, such as taxi permits and business opportunities, which they see as rightful entitlements.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s emphasis on a new economic model and his move to free 27 economic sub-sectors after taking office last April has changed that equation and has pushed more Malays to join Perkasa or form its state chapters.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Perkasa’s first national assembly will be held by the end of first quarter of this year once all state chapters are formed.

At the official launch of the Johor Perkasa last weekend, Umno supreme council member and Deputy Education Minister Dr Puad Zarkashi was the most senior party leader present while the Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman dispatched his senior aide to the launch.

“About 1,000 members were present, we expect to get 5,000 in every district, and the response was very encouraging” said Johor Perkasa chairman Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakar on the launch last Sunday.

“We are not trying to replace any party, we are here to complement Umno to remind the Malays,” Abdul Rahman told The Malaysian Insider when asked about the group’s ambitious plan.

“We welcome everyone, Pas or PKR, we are just defending the rights of the Malays and the social contract,” he added.

For political analyst Dr. Muhammad Agus Yusoff, there is nothing surprising about Perkasa’s growing strength.

“It is not shocking, they will most likely end up as a pressure group, on certain issues they will be seen with Umno, and on some issues they may not,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

“As long as they do not pose a threat to national security, they are perfectly fine, as most importantly the space for civil society groups to move freely must be recognised,” he added.

Agus noted that the ongoing debate on Malay issues has provided Perkasa a perfect environment to grow.

“We have become more ethnically divided, with the ‘Allah’ issue, church attacks, so Perkasa is benefitting from these issues.

“And you must understand Ibrahim Ali, he is a phenomenon, he has always been good at mobilising support,” he added.

“They can always fight for Malay supremacy, social contract, and oppose to liberalisation, so they are at the right place and at the right time,” he said, explaining the issues that resonate within the community.

Agus also said that the real question is whether Perkasa’s approach is sustainable.

“The real challenge is to [sustain] the momentum, with only the support of one group, if there is a major political change, can they last?” he asked

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Allah for East Malaysian Christians only: A solution nevertheless

Allah is seen in this Batu Bersurat stones 1303, Christian's earliest Malay manuscript is 1524. To whom does "Allah" belong to here?

Dato Nazri Aziz was sent to East Malaysia last Wednesday for damage control on the Allah issue. Words emanating from there are saying that Allah would be allowed usage in Christian’s Malay publication for East Malaysian circulation.

That may not be the most ideal solution for both parties. It does not feel right. But in the light of the hard stance by both parties, it is a solution nevertheless.

Already political critics from the other side are claiming it is a compromise made out of political expediency. But, it is hardly so.

PAS’s Khalid Samad have been saying that such usage in East Malaysia has been since eternity, or their historical claim is for 300 years. It is already culturally embedded and the Muslims in East Malaysia have tolerate and lived with that reality.

In fact, as my Sarawakian friend told me, such familiarization by non Muslims with Islamic terms has actually favoured the Muslim. It has eased the conversion of Christians to Islam.

The solution could be a realistic closure to an attempt by shit stirrer and PM-at-any-cost Anwar Ibrahim to create a communal division within BN and voters facing up to the Sarawak state general election.

Again, the wrong of 300 years made to deceive Muslim into conversion to Christianity by intentionally mistranslating the word Allah as tuhan can not be justified.

Christian Argument

For the Herald - Catholic Weekly, they would not want any restriction on their publication, which they may not admit but, undeniably targeted for the Semenanjung Malay Muslim.

They would likely argue that it is an infringement on their rights for religious freedom which include the act propagate their religion.

At least, that is what they understand article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution to be, as endorsed by Justice Ban Lee Lian controversial judgement.

They have been arguing that the word Allah was used by Arab Christians and Jews as God. To argue their case that Allah is God instead of the true meaning in Malay word as Tuhan, they referred to the an Indonesian bible and age old dictionary as proof.

Off course, the Indonesian bible and dictionary can be proven to be linguistically flawed. It is not difficult to proof that the Christian Dutch took evangelism seriously to the extent of manipulating translation to serve their propagation purpose.

Muslim Argument

Blogger SatD here was able to dismiss such argument by merely showing historical evidence that Islam has existed more than 400 years based on the Batu Bersurat evidence.

Another blogger, Ktemoc Konsider here asked where in the Bible was Allah used as name of God? He claimed that Yahweh or Elohin was used frequently but Allah.

With those cultural issues cleared, there are two aspect of religious freedom for non Muslim that need to be understood.

Constitutionally, clause (4) of article 11 of the Constitution, limits the freedom of Christians to propagate to Muslims. While in article 3(1), the freedom to practice came with the condition that it be done to maintain general peace and harmony.

Justice Bee Lan Liau missed an important clause (5) that empowers Government with the disgression to ban non Islamic practice that could erupt into public disordera.

Although the court’s decision may not currently be in their favour, Bee Lian Lau’s judgement is seriously flawed and chances are in can be overturned at the Court of Appeal level. Read a criticial analysis of her judgement here and here.

The problem with taking such a hard stance now is that it is not politically correct.

But it is made harder by the fact that there is an unresolved issue in court with the judgement in favour of the Christians and has constitutionally eroded Government's discretionary power that could proof useful for balancing and negotiating between disputing parties.

Monday, January 11, 2010

UEM-Genisys: Federal Court to judge over Gopal Sri Ram RM87 million judgement

LATEST 6:30 PM: Court request postponement of judgement pending for further documents.

In the heat of the Abdullah administration era, they hired a legal barking dog, Zaid Ibrahim to thwart off Dr Mahathir's political attack using the Lingam case with support from the Bar Council to shame his reputation.

At around that time, the legal community were out to get even for the 1986 judicial crisis accused on him. Matthias Chang, Dr Mahathir's former polical secretary countered with an exposure on the Bar Council.

He accussed them of unethical practises and being a politically inclined self interest group. Bar Council was exposed to be in cohort with the British High Commission to lobby for several judges promotion including Gopal Sri Ram.

In his entry to the bench, Gopal also did the unethical act of lobbying the Prime Minister or some other source said was several attempt for an appointment with the PM.

The judge promoted by Bar Council as an examplry judge made a judgement against UEM in a dispute with their joint venture partner, Singapore-based Japanese Genisys. Gopal overturned a High Court judgement that awarded the decision in favour of UEM for a fraud case.

Although it was a 3-0 decision Court of Appeal decision, Gopal seemed to be the dominating judge. He wrote the judgement for himself and Datuk Hasan. Suspiciously, Datuk Zainun Ali's judgement started with the words, "I concur with Justice Gopal ..."

A clear cut case of fraud by Seow Boon Cheng in favour of UEM turned into a dispute over UEM's intended withdrawal from the Joint Venture Agreement with Genisys.

The Star report below:

D-Day for UEM Group on Jan 11

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SOME RM87 million is at stake for UEM Group Bhd as the government-linked company (GLC) and wholly owned subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Bhd faces the Federal Court on January 11 in a fight against its former joint venture partner, Singapore’s Genisys Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd (GIE).

The impending case follows an appeal made by UEM against the decision of the Court of Appeal, which had on Nov 7, 2008 allowed GIE's appeal against the High Court's dismissal of a petition for relief and had ordered that UEM purchase the UEM Genisys Sdn Bhd (UEG) shares from GIE.

In reversing an earlier High Court decision, the Court of Appeal also ordered UEM to pay GIE some RM47 million plus 8 per cent interest per annum from the date of the UEM petition, which was in April 2001. To date, this amount totals some RM87 million.

According to corporate lawyer and strategist, Khairul Anwar, the case has attracted the attention of legal practitioners not ony from Malaysia but elsewhere as well in view of a dispute between companies from two different countries.

"The case in essence is a commercial dispute between two companies, but as it involves two countries, it is now a high profile case that has attracted the attention of many parties following the judgement made by the Court of Appeal," he said.

United Engineers (Malaysia) Bhd, as UEM was previously known, and GIE established a joint venture company in 1993 with a view of undertaking mechanical and electrical contract works, and to this end capitalising opportunities for such work presented by amongst others the UEM group of companies.

The joint venture company was called UEM Genisys Sdn Bhd (UEG) where UEM was a 51 per cent shareholder and GIE had 49 per cent of the shareholding.

UEG was under the management and control of GIE with its Chief Executive Officer being Seow Boon Cheng, the controlling shareholder and director of GIE.

However, things went wrong for the JV in mid-1998 and litigation commenced in 2000 and 2001 following the total breakdown in relations between UEM and GIE.

In 2000, GIE commenced proceedings against UEM under section 181 of the Companies Act. This is a specific provision that empowers a High Court to make appropriate orders on a petition by a shareholder.

These include ordering the company in issue to be wound up as well as to order a buy-out of the shares by the other stakeholders.

In 2001, UEM in turn commenced proceedings against GIE under the same section of the Companies Act.

The case was first heard in the High Court and after 50 days of trial, it had in October 20, 2005 found in favour of UEM where the court had also ordered that UEG be wound up.

GIE then filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals and won the case.

Now UEM will hear the outcome of its appeal with the Federal Court on Jan 11. - Bernama
The Star's column by Errol Oh below:

Many are following UEM court case

The Star, Saturday January 9, 2010

IF you are at the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya on Monday morning, you may spot more reporters at the Federal Court than there normally are. If that’s so, it has to do with a case that pits UEM Group Bhd (once known as United Engineers (M) Bhd) against Singapore’s Genisys Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd, a former business ally.

Over the week, several news reports and at least one feature story have trained the spotlight on what had begun as essentially a commercial dispute, but has developed into a courtroom battle with the makings of a legal milestone for the business community.

Furthermore, on Friday, a public relations firm has sent an advisory note to media organisations to alert them about the Jan 11 “face-off at Federal Court”. It’s perhaps no accident that the heading reminds you of a boxing match – “Malaysia’s UEM vs Singapore’s Genisys, RM87mil At Stake,” it reads.

The image of two companies, one linked to the Malaysian Government and the other from across the Causeway, slugging it out before the highest judicial authority in the country, with millions of ringgit on the line, is bound to grab our attention.

It has been a while since our business pages had featured a civil case involving non-listed companies. Clearly, there are people who believe that the outcome of the UEM-Genisys feud ought to be highlighted because it could have broad implications. They may be right, and it’s not just about the money.

First, some history. As then Court of Appeal judge Datuk Gopal Sri Ram – he is now a Federal Court judge – wrote in his July 2008 judgement, “This case is about a joint venture gone wrong. There is now litigation about it.”

UEM and Genisys, a mechanical and electrical engineering company controlled by group managing director Seow Boon Cheng, teamed up in 1993 to form a joint-venture company called UEM Genisys Sdn Bhd (UEG), with UEM having a 51% stake and Genisys owning the rest of the shares.

The idea was for UEG to undertake mechanical and electrical contract works, particularly for projects handled by companies in the UEM stable. Seow was also appointed chief executive officer of UEG.

The ties between the two UEG shareholders deteriorated badly for various reasons – it depends on which party you talk to – and both (Genisys in 2000 and UEM the following year) presented petitions for relief under Section 181 of the Companies Act 1965, each accusing the other of acting oppressively.

Under Section 181, a shareholder can apply to the High Court for an order to remedy the situation if it can be established that the company has been run in a way that’s oppressive or prejudicial to the shareholder.

In offering a remedy, the court has the following options:

● direct or prohibit any act, or cancel or vary any transaction or resolution;

● regulate the conduct of the company’s affairs in future;

● provide for the purchase of the company’s shares by other shareholders or by the company itself;

● in the case of a purchase of shares by the company, provide for a reduction accordingly of the company’s capital; or

● provide that the company be wound up.
The two petitions were consolidated and heard together by the Kuala Lumpur High Court, which dismissed Genisys’s petition but granted that of UEM. The High Court also ordered UEG to be wound up. Genisys appealed against both decisions and the matter went to the Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal upheld the High Court’s decision to dismiss the Genisys petition. At the same time, the Court of Appeal found that UEM had failed to establish a case of oppression under Section 181. Therefore it dismissed UEM’s petition as well and set aside the High Court Order to wind up UEG.

The Court of Appeal also ordered UEM to buy the UEG shares owned by Genisys, with the valuation based on UEG’s audited accounts for the year ended December 1998. UEM is also required to pay interest on the purchase price at 8% per annum from April 13, 2001, the date of the presentation of the UEM petition.

It was reported in May last year that UEM had to deposit RM47.3mil in a stakeholder’s account as a condition to obtain a stay of execution against the Court of Appeal ruling. The amount represented the purchase price for Genisys’s 49% shareholding in UEG.

With the 8% interest worked in, UEM will have to fork out about RM87mil if it has to buy out Genisys. In June, the Federal Court granted leave to UEM to appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal. This brings us to a decisive Monday, when the Federal Court will hear the appeal.

Business journalists here rarely look at court decisions, but now that the UEM-Genisys dispute has come to our notice, it is a fine opportunity to appreciate the role and impact of the judiciary in our lives, including in how business is structured and conducted.

The outcome of the UEM appeal will be of interest to many in the corporate, investment and legal circles because it is likely to have a bearing on future treatment of shareholder disputes that go to court, particularly those that rely on the Section 181 provisions.

The hope, of course, is to see more clarity and definitiveness to the many issues of the case. Maybe it’s too much to expect a tidy and satisfying conclusion to the long-running legal battle, but at least, because we are paying attention this time, this will be one important court ruling that will not just slip past us.

● This case reminds deputy business editor Errol Oh that some court decisions have a deeper impact on the business world than many of us care to realise.
Further comment will come after the judgement. Something smells really fishy.

This blog have in the past taken UEM to task and is still waiting for the "all-is-settle" claim in the UEM Qatari lawsuit. This time around it is about injustice against UEM.

It is not about managemnt issues or Khazanah management but a legacy issue in which the process of justice system may have been tampered with. It may involved the judges at the Court of Appeal level, in particular Gopal Sri Ram. This judgemnt is not only about UEM and Genisys only but judgement on Gopal Sri Ram.

A piece of crumb from a RM87 million pie could be quite a comfortable size for anyone. Don't you think so?

* Edited 6:30 pm

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Khairy mahu kuasai NGO belia untuk dilumpuhkan

Majlis Belia Malaysia sedang mengadakan pemilihan pucuk kepimpinan. Ketua Penerangan Pemuda UMNO yang tidak efektif, Reezal Merican adalah salah seorang dari calun untuk jawatan Presiden. Memilihnya akan menjayakan rancangan Khairy untuk mendominasi pergerakan belia untuk dilumpuhkan, sebagaimana dilakukan ke atas Pemuda UMNO.

PM Mahu Norol Azali Terajui MBM, Januari 6hb, 2010

Presiden Majlis Belia Pahang, Norol Azali Sulaiman disebut-sebut bakal dipilih sebagai presiden baru Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) pada pemilihan pertubuhan belia itu minggu ini, menggantikan Datuk Shamsul Anwar Nasarah.

Difahamkan, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sendiri 'merestui' pemilihan Norol Azali dan pada masa yang sama mengharapkan 300 perwakilan menolak Ketua Penerangan Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican yang turut berhasrat merebut jawatan itu yang disifatkan sebagai 'boleh membawa masalah besar'.
Nama Norol Azali yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Guai, Pahang, muncul pada saat-saat akhir menjelang penamaan calon yang dijadualkan esok dan Jumaat ini, setelah sebelum ini hanya dua calon disebut-sebut merebut jawatan berkenaan iaitu Presiden Majlis Belia Pulau Pinang, Mohamed Maliki Mohamed Rapiee dan bekas Presiden Penaja Gerakan Belia 4B, Shukor Mohd. Yusof.

Bagaimanapun usaha-usaha bagi memastikan tidak berlaku pertandingan bagi merebut jawatan Persiden MBM itu sedang dijalankan sebaliknya semua calon terlibat diminta berkompromi memberi laluan kepada Norol Azali.

Ini memandangkan sebelum ini sudah kedengaran berlakunya perpecahan dalam MBM untuk pemilihan Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja sesi 2010-2013, apabila Mohamed Maliki dan Shukor yang dikenali sebagai dua 'orang kuat' MBM mahu berentap merebut jalan itu.

Tambah menimbulkan kebimbangan apabila Reezal Merican yang juga bekas Setiausaha Politik Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan kini bergelar 'Datuk Seri' dalam usia belum mencecah 40 tahun, turut berhasrat merebut jawatan berkenaan.

Norol Azali, 38, yang juga merupakan Ketua Eksekutif Persatuan Francais Malaysia (MFA) dan beliau pernah mengacarakan program Selamat Pagi Malaysia kelolaan Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) selain menjadi Timbalan Pengerusi Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) Pahang.

Lepasan Ijazah Sarjana Pengurusan dan Perniagaan dari Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) ini juga bergiat aktif dalam politik kampus apabila memegang jawatan Timbalan Presiden Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) universiti tersebut 15 tahun lalu.

Beliau dilihat sebagai antara mereka yang boleh ditonjolkan untuk menjadi pemimpin pelapis dan perlu diketengahkan dalam politik arus perdana dalam tempoh beberapa tahun lagi.

Sebelum ini Presiden Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Jais Abdul Karim berharap Mohamed Maliki dan Shukor dapat mencapai kata sepakat agar tidak berlaku pertandingan dalam pemilihan kali ini.

"Kedua-duanya merupakan pemimpin yang hebat. Sayang sekali jika salah seorang daripada mereka tewas lalu bertindak menjauhkan diri daripada perjuangan belia Malaysia yang kian berkembang.

"Saya ada menghubungi mereka dan berpendapat kesepakatan itu bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil. GPMS selaku badan gabungan MBM sedia mengambil tanggungjawab sebagai orang tengah bagi menemukan kedua-dua mereka agar berlaku perbincangan dalam suasana muhibah," katanya.

Perdana Menteri akan merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung MBM malam ini.
Kalau tidak mahu Norol, jangan undi Reezal Merican. Asal bukan Reezal.

Jangan sekali memilih seorang yang tidak tahu menghargi budi dan jasa. Reezal adalah pencatur disebalik pemecatan Tan Sri Sanusi Junid dari jawatan Presiden Universiti Islam Antarabangsa. Padahal Tan Sri adalah orang yang meletakkannya sebagai ahli Lembaga Pengarah UIA mewakili bekas penuntut.

Reezal adalah sebahagiand ari kepimpinan Pemuda UMNO yang diketuai Khairy Jamaluddin. Pemimpin UMNO dari akar umbi hingga ke pucuk kepimpinan merungut mengenai Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO yang lumpuh dan tidak efektif dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja parti di bawah Khairy.

Khairy hanya sibuk mahukan jawatan Menteri dan disokong oleh Zahid Hamidi yang selama ini berpura-pura sebagai orang Najib tapi sebenarnya orang Pak Lah. Kata-katanya kepada mana-mana Pemuda yang ada inisiatif untuk menggiatkan Pergerakan, selagi ia tidak diberi jawatan menteri, dia akan terus berdiam.

Sudahlah Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO sunyi sepi, Khairy masih dengan kegilaan kuasa mahu memainkan kerja-kerja di balik tabir untuk menguasai NGO-NGO belia. Pasti tujuannya untuk melumpuhkan NGO-NGO belia yang menyokong UMNO.

Untuk siapa Khairy melumpuhkan Pemuda UMNO dan NGO-NGO Belia? Pasti anda boleh buat perkiraan sendiri.

Kaitkan Khairy dengan Zahid. Turut ada kaitan adalah dengan Kalimullah yang dikatakan kini bekerjasama dengan Raja Petra. Khairy, Zahid, dan Kalimullah adalah orang-orang Tun Lah walaupun Zahid berpura selama ini sebagai orang Najib. Raja Petra dan Zahid Hamidi berkait dengan Anwar Ibrahim. Kesemua ini adalah satu rangkaian yang sudah mula menyerlahkan diri.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Zakat money to Foundation for the Poor; Khalid is one heartless mean bastard

Selangor MB halts RM300m UiTM campus project

Work on new campus in Serendah stopped following refusal to make Khalid chairman of poverty eradication foundation

Yushaimi Yahaya
The Malay Mail
Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

PETALING JAYA: Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is sitting in the centre of a storm that threatens to jeopardise poverty eradication programmes in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

It has been revealed to The Malay Mail that the State government, in what is believed to be an unprecedented move, has directed Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (Selangor Darul Ehsan), an NGO set up in 1990 to assist the poor in the two States, to install Khalid as its chairman.

We were also informed that the foundation, run by a board of trustees headed by chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Sakom, had also been told to appoint Batu Tiga assemblyman Rodziah Ismail as a trustee.

The foundation, it has been revealed, has refused to bow to the pressure. But this comes with a price: its subsidiary, Permodalan YBK Sdn Bhd, cannot proceed with developing the multi-million ringgit UiTM campus project on its 448-acre plot in Serendah.

The State government, it is learnt, had used the inability of the foundation to settle quit rent arrears that run into millions of ringgit for portions of its 1,642 land bank as a "bargaining chip" to get Khalid and Rodziah appointed to Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan's board of trustees.

The project is estimated to be over RM300 million and expected to create spin-off revenues worth over RM1 billion.

The foundation, which has had its numerous appeals to pay off the arrears by surrendering some of its land turned down, had wanted to settle the arrears with its earning from the UiTM project, which is slated to accommodate 5,000 students.

The move to get Khalid and Rodziah appointed is set to be scrutinised as the State government has no stake in the foundation, which is an NGO.

Ironically, the foundation was set up in accordance with the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance, 1952, which, among others, stipulates that "the foundation shall not support with its funds any political organisation or society or endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members, or others any regulations, restriction which, if any objects of the foundation would make it a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union Ordinance".

The foundation, set up by former Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib, has never had an MB as its chairman prior to this. The seat has been held by Zainal Abidin since its inception. Muhammad and Khalid could not be reached for comment at Press time.

Be gracious Zambery; Neither a NSTP nor a Singapore be

In the midst of the uproar over the court decision to allow use of Allah for the Malay edition of the Herald - Catholic Weekly, another news was taking the attention on Monday.

Perak Menteri Besar, Dato Dr Zambery Abdul Kadir announced he will sue Suara Keadilan for their slanderous fiction of Zambery being held back at the US Immigration under susoicion of terrorism.

He claimed he had initially thought of suing for a nominal amount of RM1 or 5 sen. But decided to emulate Anwar's favourite amount of RM100 million in his string of lawsuits.

That is exactly the point.

Zambery, who used to be Anwar's supporter, benefactor and was even held under ISA for a brief moment during the hey days of Reformasi, should not emulate him.

Neither should he emulate Kalimullah's NST for suing Rocky and Jeff Ooi for defamation. Surprisingly, despite a change in leadership and the corresponsing mainstream media team, NST still insist on pursuing Rocky and Jeff Ooi and trial is expected to begin on January 27th.

With friends such as Ahmad Talib, Zainul Ariffin, Nuraina Samad, Firdaus Abdullah, etc in charge of editorial, why the pursuit? Is the Hindu God and Muslim priest people still holding the helm of leadership in NST?

Since we are talking of Kalimullah, we are also talking of an Singapore intelligence operative that Tun Abdullah allowed in to lead NST and infiltrate into the corridor of power. Singapore is known for surpressing press freedom by suing them to the bone.

That is from where Lim Guan Eng and other DAP politicians get the example to sue Utusan Malaysia. While, the idea to ban Utusan Malaysia from his press conferences was copied from Anwar Ibrahim's ban on Agendadaily and Utusan Malaysia. PAP has a historical sore point with Utusan Melayu.

Having presented all the parties pursuing to sue media, Zambery should not do it and get himself into such unsavory company. Let's not do unto other what we do not wish it to be done unto you.

The argument to sue may perhaps seem justified. Suara Keadilan is not there in the US with Zambery at the Immigration point. How are they to know of such events? It is great to get even and send the right message to Zambery's true nemesis, Nizar.

In the final account, if the event did not happen, it doesn't happen. Zambery can clarify that. He should wait out to see Suara Keadilan print his denial.

Lawsuits by politicians on media does not really tip the Barisan Nasional symbol in the middle. As a Menteri Besar, Zambery have every chance of getting coverage by mainstream media.

What good does suing a media do to press freedom? It is very PAP to supress press freedom.

And, it is very DAP to claim to pursue civil libertarianism and yet supress deviating views. Malaysia Today and The Malaysian Insider takpa?


MB To Sue Tabloid For RM100mil

Monday, 04 January 2010 00:52

Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir will file a RM100mil suit against PKR party organ Suara Keadilan over an article which he has described as libel of the extreme kind.

Dr Zambry said he had discussed with his lawyers about taking legal action against the tabloid for publishing the article which was devoid of journalistic ethics and news reporting principles.

He said the newspaper should be more responsible in its reporting to reflect the credibility of PKR, which was said to be fighting for justice and truth.

“This newspaper committed a big lie when it reported that I was hauled up at the San Francis­co Airport in the United States on suspicion of being a terrorist and that I was forced to return to Malaysia.

“I don’t know who their sources are but the report is not true. It’s a total fabrication,” he said.

“Initially, I wanted to sue the newspaper for RM1 or five sen, but considering that the party leader loves to sue people for RM100mil, so why shouldn’t I sue them for RM100mil, too?” he said after participating in a gotong- royong programme with the Ipoh City Council in Kampung Tai Lee, Buntong, Ipoh yesterday.

Dr Zambry said he had never taken any legal action against the tabloid, which had called him names and published false reports to discredit the state government led by him.

“But when the lying became extreme in their latest article, it’s time for me to act,” he said.

* Updated 5:00 pm

Monday, January 04, 2010

Why are you afraid, o yea of little faith?

On my June 17, 2007 posting here, I wrote below:

Resolution to societal differences lies not in dogmatic righteousness of the law of the courts, bureaucracy of government, and narrow interest of politicians and self interest groups, but “silence” engagement in non confrontational and inclusive ways.

I stand to believe that religious dispute should be entrusted to practitioners and wise men of cloth and not be superseded by outliers of fringe groups, deviationist and non practitioners. Let society be involved to resolve its own dispute, and not be constraint and made subservient to the courts, government, politics, and interest groups.
In the wake of the High Court decision on the kalimah Allah, the Catholic Church of Malaysia has failed in their faith to pursue for peaceful co-existent and sensitive to the majority Muslim faith in this country.

Are we to believe that the Catholic Church had been practising the use of the term Allah as God unversally throughout the world? And, are we to accept the argument that since the Iban and Kadazan been misusing the term Allah as God that it become accepted legal interpretation?

The settling of legal dispute which leads to a single winner does not necessary have a winner. The loser lose. But, did the Catholic Church win with them now seen in a bad light of having devious intention to evangelise Malay Muslims?

The Catholic Church of Malaysia should have acted responsibly to find an amicable and peaceful solution with the Islamic religous authority. But instead, they decided to take the adversarial legal way that does not come out with all winners.

If the men of cloth still have such adversarial tendency, what hope is there left for the much needed religous life in modern society?


‘Allah’ controversy cannot be resolved through law, says Dr M

The Star, Jan 6 2010

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad disagrees with the Government’s effort to resolve the “Allah” controversy through the courts.

He said the law did not take into consideration sensitivity factors that could provoke tension and animosity between followers of different religions.

“The solution to the controversy will not be achieved by making an appeal to the court. Such a sensitive issue cannot be solved through law,” he wrote on his blog yesterday.

Dr Mahathir said the controversy started when he was still in office, adding that the Cabinet at that time thought the usage of the name “Allah” in the Bible was a sensitive issue.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said the issue was not about the usage of the word “Allah” but the Home Minister’s powers in prohibiting its usage.

“The judge erred. She got it all wrong. She decided on the fact if the word ‘Allah’ could be used or not. That is not the issue.

“The issue is whether the minister has the power to make such decisions because the consideration is towards public interest,” Nazri told newsmen at Parliament House yesterday.

He added that the minister made the right decision because allowing the usage of the word “Allah” in this country under a non-Islamic context would cause confusion and dissatisfaction as 60% of the population were Muslims.

United Pasokmomogun Kada-zandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said every community should be allowed to use terms that they are comfortable with.

“Historically, the term has been used for a long time, even before Sabah decided to establish Malaysia with Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak in 1963,” said Dompok, who is Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister.

“The term God is used in English, ‘Allah’ in Malay and ‘Kinoingan’ in Kadazandusun,” he said.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said steps would be taken to resolve the issue and parties should not use the situation to cause further problems and confusion.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, who is in charge of national unity, called for attempts to seek a win-win solution on the issue and for everyone to approach this “with a cool head but a warm heart.”

Friday, January 01, 2010

Why not just use "tuhan"?

There were some hue and cries from the Muslims with the High Court judgement on Thursday by judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan to allow the use of the term Allah as God by Catholic publication, The Herald for their Bahasa Malaysia publication.

The Catholic welcomed that decision with a cautious celebration but is already making the claim Allah for All. That could certainly raise temperature. News reported a group of protestors gathered at the Masjid Wilayah after Friday prayers.

Noticably missing are PAS supporters and politicians. And, PAS politicians will be receiving the brunt of this judgement from Muslims. The Dewan Ulama and Erdogan faction agreed with the churches' demand.

UMNO politicians are absent too.

The respondent has within 30 days to apply for stay of excution or appeal the judgement. The legal discussion on the decision will evolve on Article 11.4 of the Malaysian Constitution and culture.

Article 11.4 prohibits propagating other religion to Muslim. Will publishing Christian newsletter using Islamic terms constitute propagating?

Do the normal European derived Christian practise use Allah as god?

Which way PAS?

PAS stand is mixed between politics and religions. The PAS MP and former Masjid Negara Imam, Dato Taib Azamuddin that have expressed strong opposition in Parliament.

For politics sake, the Erdogan faction, namely Khalid Samad and Dr Zulkifli Ahmad stand in favour of the churches in Parliament. The video of their arguments are consolidate in this posting by The Unspinners here.

As early as January 2008, Head of Dewan Ulama PAS, Dato' Ustaz Haji Mohamed Daud Al-Iraqi have stated nothing wrong with Christians and Jews use of the term "Allah" based on the argument they have used it since time immemorial.

The Mursyidul Am, Dato Nik Aziz shed off his conservatism on this issue for political expediency. He is the patron of the Erdogan faction.

Anwar have been liberal on this issue. It is politically convenient for his pursuit to be Prime Minister at any cost. That can wrap up the stand of PKR Muslims, except for Kulim MP, Zulkifli Nordin.

Zulkifli described it as the making of another Natrah, a 1949 riot in Singapore protesting the reconversion to Christianity of a daughter to Dutch war prisoner adopted to a Muslim women.

Can Christian call god as Allah?

Although it is pursued by the Catholics, what is the Christian's theological basis to call God as Allah?

This 2007 news taken from The Christian Post was placed in the commentary section of the blog Zorro Unmasked blog when the issue first surfaced. The President of the Southern Baptist Church finds it inappropriate. The news is reproduced again below:
Is Calling the Christian God 'Allah' Wrong?

By Michelle Vu
The Christian Post, Thu, Aug. 23 2007

One of America’s pre-eminent evangelicals is challenging the advice of a retiring Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands who has raised eyebrows worldwide by suggesting Dutch Christians pray to “Allah.”

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, argues that it is inappropriate for Christians to call God Allah based on irreconcilable theological differences associated with the name Allah and core Christian beliefs.

The key condition behind calling the Christian God Allah is that Allah must refer to the same God as the one in the Bible. However, this requirement presents “a huge problem for both Muslims and Christians,” contends Mohler.

The theologian pointed out that the Qur’an explicitly denies that Allah has a son, and Islam considers the idea of a triune God to be blasphemy.

“Thus, from its very starting point Islam denies what Christianity takes as its central truth claim – the fact that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father,” wrote Mohler on his web blog Wednesday.

“If Allah has no Son by definition, Allah is not the God who revealed himself in the Son. How then can the use of Allah by Christians lead to anything but confusion …and worse?”

Last Monday, during an interview with a Dutch TV program, 71-year-old Bishop Tiny Muskens promoted the idea of Dutch Christians calling God Allah, believing that it would ease much of the conflict between the Christian and Muslim faiths. Muskens contended that God doesn’t mind what He is called and the arguments over what to call Him is an invention of man.

“Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn’t we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? …What does God care what we call Him? It is our problem,” said Muskens, according to The Associated Press.

The retiring bishop was a former missionary to Indonesia – the most populous Muslim country in the world – for eight years, where he said priests used the name “Allah” while celebrating Mass.

In response, Mohler pointed out that it would be difficult to support the argument that “Allah” can be used as a generic term for God. The theologian said separation of Allah from the language, theology, and worship closely associated with it is difficult. Moreover, even non-Arabic speaking Muslims use Allah when referring to their god.

Another irreconcilable difference is that Jesus commanded his followers to baptize “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

“When this command is taken seriously and obeyed, the whole issue is greatly clarified – a Christian cannot baptize in the name of Allah,” stated Mohler.

“So Bishop Muskens is disingenuous at best when he suggests that God does not care about His name. This is not a matter of mere ‘discussion and bickering,’” said Mohler.

“If Allah has no son, Allah is not the father of our Lord Jesus Christ…This is no mere ‘discussion and bickering.’ This is where the Gospel stands or falls,” the theologian concluded.

Bishop Muskens in the past endorsed other controversial ideas which went against the Vatican leadership – such as those who are hungry can steal bread and that condoms should be permissible in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The Catholic Church's Motive?

The arguement by the pro-Allah judgement is that Christians and Jews in the Middle East have been using the term Allah to described God.

But, the real suspicion amongst the Muslim is that there are intentions by The Catholic Church beyond use within the East Malaysian native Christians' community. It is believed to be for devious evangelical work among Muslims. Read this article in the blog Dari Kacamata Melayu here and here.

The legality given for use of the term Allah by The Catholic Church would be deemed as a stubborn attempt by them to insult to the status of Islam as the religion of the Federation.

Another article in in February 2009, touched on the practise of other Christians denominations and thus questioned the intention of the Malaysian Catholic Church. Read below:
Other Christian denominations not using 'Allah'

By Saad Hashim
Malaysiakini, Feb 25, 09

With regards to Malaysia's Catholic Church wanting to use the term 'Allah' for God in its mouthpiece, the Herald, I must say that the organisation's intention is far from godly and Muslim organisations have every reason to get angry.

The decision to use the word 'Allah' can only mean that the Church, which is in a competition with other Catholic denominations including America's Church of the Latter Day Saints, or the Mormons to enlist new members, is trying to target Muslims in this country.

My question is does the Catholic Church realise that by insisting on the word ‘Allah’ for God, it is going to get into a deeper muddle.

For instance, since the Catholic Church believes in the 'Trinity' ie, God, the Holy Son and the Holy Ghost, is it going to use the term 'Anak Allah' for the ‘Son of God’?

The Muslims here may find it quite palatable if the Orthodox Church of Russia, Serbia, Greece, Cyprus or Romania want to use the word ‘Allah’ because these churches do not believe in the concept of the Trinity.

I believe the Orthodox Church also believes in the Unitary of God and regards other Catholic denominations as ‘deviant teachings’.

I would also want to ask the Malaysian Catholic Church if whether the word ‘Allah’ is being used by all Catholic countries like Ireland, France, Italy and all the Catholic churches in the US, UK, Australia and those in Latin America. Hello, I don't think so.

If the Catholic Church of Malaysia still wants to pursue this matter, have they consulted other Catholics and also the Pope because all the Catholic teachings must come from the Vatican.

And finally, if the Anglicans, the Methodists, the Southern Baptists, the Mormons, the Lutherans, and the myriad of other Christian denominations are not using the word ‘Allah’ for God, why are Malaysia's Catholics insisting on using it?
Zulkifli Nordin may be correct.

If this issue is not addressed amicably, it could turn out as another Natrah. The Muslim could interpret it as an attempt to convert Muslim.

The Catholic Church have been pushing the envelope with their legal attempt to; first, to by-pass the Syariah court in the conversion of a Muslim Women, Azlina Jeilani to Christianity, and second, the term Allah for their BM publications.

Why must The Catholic Church take this antagonistic route through the adversarial legal approach? After all, the Christian Ibans can easier pronounced the term "tuhan" than "Alah Ta'la".