Friday, May 30, 2014

Bettor's bloodbath in Telok Intan

Had been down with a sore right elbow from a tendon injury. That was the reason this blog had not been up-dated and the Terengganu power transition was not written.

However, despite the sore right arm, had been up and down Telok Intan for almost 3 weeks. There are many interesting aspect of the Telok Intan by-election.

Putting a fresh, young, Malay woman as DAP's candidate is only one of them 

Last weekend, a friend, who claimed to have contacts with intelligence information, said BN would lose because gambling syndicates are giving away 3,000 votes in favour of DAP. We just smiled at the remark at his simplistic analysis.

Never mind that he was a former MIO officer. He could have got his information from Mat Bon played by actor Mat Sentol.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Musical Interlude: Blus Terengganu Kita

Somebody's tryin' be naugthy. Get ready for some real Blues.

Watch this blog today.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Something amissing about SOSMA

Prior to yesterday's demonstration supposedly against GST (and include TPPA and initially was to topple the government through a revolution but actually was an attempt to get public support against sending Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to prison for sodomy), there was a Court of Appeal ruling.

The Court of Appeal led by the former PAS candidate, Dato Mohd Ariff, had acquited Deputy Speaker for Selangor, YB Nik Nazmi of PKR from an earlier conviction for participating in an illegal assembly.

The way the judgement was spinned by pro-opposition news portal led a lawyer to uncover something amissing in SOSMA and it could have a major legal implication.