Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Is the government into rethinking of global supply chain and state of the economy?

In the office today re-reading yesterday's The Star column by Anthony Dass entitled A need to rethink global supply chains, it reminded of a Chairman message for a PLC meant for their 2020 Annual Report.   

The Chairman wrote that the world is undergoing a transformtion of epic proportion due to the Corona Covid 19 pandemic. 

Contrary to the victorious chest thumping by politicians, civil servants, and public at large several months ago, he felt the world is not yet out of the woods. People are wary of other people around them and what used to work does not work the same way anymore.

Upon analysing the current social trend, he predicted trend towards remote mode of working, accelerated use of technology, roll back in globalisation, and need for self reliant and self sufficiency for goods and services. The world will be re-prioritising its needs.    

That is where he meets the view of Anthony Dass, who viewed the pandemic reversed globalisation and stiffled global investment and trade. FDI for 2020 to 2010 is expected to drop by 40%. Cross border M&A will continue to decline. 

Thursday, October 01, 2020

No brake pulling on road maintainance investigation, Hajiji!

Its only 2 days after Dato Hajiji Mohd Nor took his pledge as Sabah Chief Minister and a day after an equally tumoultous conclusion prior to pledge taking by members of the consensus-ly agreed Sabah cabinet to the TYT Sabah Governor. 

Sabahkini 2 has already rervived the issue of the RM1.5 billion road maintainence contract from Sabah Road Work Department (JKR) yesterday. The election turning news portal that was years ahead of politicians in the fight to bring Dato Seri Shafie Apdal down wasted no time to whip the new cabinet back to this contentious issue. 

The federal constitution has provision that obliged the federal government to annual allocation for maintainance of roads according to a prescribed formula. 

Sabahkini2 was the portal that first revealed  the massive swindeling of fund for public's basic needs for proper roads happening under the eyes of former Chief Minister, Dato Seri Shafie Apdal and his Minister for Infrastructure, Peter Anthony in 2018.