Saturday, January 03, 2009

Denial and Clarification from Dr Mohamed Ezani Md Taib

In an earlier posting here, this blog reported Dr Ezani Md Taib, Cardiothoracic Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Director for Heart and Lung Transplant Department at IJN suggested to the Board of Director to consider the privatisation proposal.

A commentator by his name replied and denied. The right to reply as earlier promised shall not denied and is reproduced below:
Asalamualaikum Voice,

I am not sure why and how the stories started but let me clarify things.

1. My so called meeting with KJ was pure coincidence. I was waiting for the health minister and Dato Dr Robaayah. As I waited with Dato Salleh , KJ came out of Dato Ismail's suite and stopped to meet us. I actually mention , please dont allow the privitaisation. It will have a tremendous impact on the public and I was worried. Thats it. Does this by chance meeting labels me as one of the conspirators?

2. As for the Christmas eve meeting. I was not invited to give a presentation. I was one of the 8 consultants nominated to meet the board. However only 5 attended.

3. Yes, I mentioned that IJN should not behave like its a bank (like a corporate entity) BUT it should stick to its original core activity (that is being a hospital). I dont know why this was left out. You can check with my medical director , dep. medical director , head of cardiology and another 2 consultants that attended that meeting. (the MD is also a board member )

4. I have no corporate interest nor have the resources to be part of this conspiracy.

5. My parents are in their 80s , my uncle is wheel chair bound and I only know the doctor son of Tan Sri Kadir , an prominient endocrinologist.None of them have any interest in this , although they are patients of IJN. My Father in law is not interested in all this now and is busy entertaining his cucus

6. I stand firmly to state again that I am against privatisation and have been very vocal against it. This is well known amongst my fellow doctors and staff.

7. I am not sure why I am being implicated in al these things but my loyalty remains with my patients especially those that require constant government support like the transplant and mechanical heart patients. Why do you think I am so vocal against privatisation?

8. On the claim that I was quiet during the professional meeting, I was very vocal but the points and discussion were all summarise by the secretary.

I am very disturbed by your allegations and remarks and may i request that you take them back..

Thank you and wasalam

Dr. Mohamed Ezani Md Taib
On issue no. 8, the mention of Dr Ezani as silence is based on the meeting minutes. It was meant to show he did not display attempt to dominate or influence the other members in the discussion. He may have misunderstood.

His reply is confirmed by another commentator by the name Rosli Mohd Ali. Upon checking on the IJN website here, the name resembled one cardiologist, Dato Dr Rosli Mohd Ali. The reply is reproduced below:
Dear Sir,

I was disturbed with the article on IJN and the Trojan Horse. I happen to be one of the doctors who attended the Emergency Board of Directors meeting. The part about Dr Ezani making a point towards consideration for privatization was absolutely inaccurate. We stand by the earlier and only statement we the doctors made to the press.
This blog will accept in good faith his expressed position to oppose privatisation. Hereon, this blog will refrain from probing further on Dr Ezani’s conversation with Khairy and possibilities of Tingkat 4 boys influence.

Do recall this blog did pose this question; “Is it fair to assume (him as an interested party for the 49%) just from his expressed opinion in a Board meeting and publicly seen having a conversation with Khairy?”

A Voice of ABITW apologise for any harm or inconvenience caused to Dr Ezani.

It is not the practise of this blog to withdraw posting, thus the posting will remain. There will be noticable link on the original posting to ensure blog readers are aware of his denial.

Thank you.

A Voice of ABITW


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Well Voicey,
    I think its a case of friendly fire

    But it was good of you to write about the topic, privatising IJN must never be allowed.

    Funny, the good doctor asked KJ to intervene? Perhaps, KJ is seen now as a solution rather than a problem. I think that post pru FIL, may have turned to the dark side of the force, and away from KJ and the Gang. Knowing the behaviour of the newly minted, they probably may have ditched him, so as I had written in my blog before I did a John Mc Cain and suspended my campaign, I think KJ was on the right side of public opinion.

    I do hope KJ comes back into power. Those who back stabbed him deserve retribution

  2. Bro,

    Takes guts to own up to an error. After 20 years in journalism, I am resigned to the fact that the profession is (also) about making errors .. and apologies.

    In a way, Dr Ezani now really has to walk the talk! But what I've heard of him ... not bad at all.

    Thank you.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    1. My so called meeting with KJ was pure coincidence. I was waiting for the health minister and Dato Dr Robaayah. As I waited with Dato Salleh , KJ came out of Dato Ismail's suite and stopped to meet us. I actually mention , please dont allow the privitaisation. It will have a tremendous impact on the public and I was worried. Thats it. Does this by chance meeting labels me as one of the conspirators?

    Now, this is what happened:

    After the minister completed his visit to the mechanical heart patient accompanied by Mr Ezani & Chairman, a PC was held whereby Dr Ezani was seated next to the Minister.

    The seating arrangement was to have the minister flanked by the Chairman and Medical Director (MD). After all, she is the No.2 in IJN after the CEO, and since the CEO is away, she's technically the boss. What we saw was Dr. Rob gesturing Mr. Ezani to seat next to Minister and he willingly obliged even though the protocol doesn't allow him so.

    Immediately after the PC, the Minister with Chairman, MD and Mr. Ezani in tow, went up to the 5th Floor, the Bunga Raya Ward to visit Datok Ismail. After a while, they all came out of the suite, and the Minister requested to speak to the MD in private. Both of them adjourned to the lounge at the Ward and carry on with their business.

    KJ came out of the room and shook hand with everybody and said that he wants to go make an exit. He was already there in the suite when the Minister and the trio from IJN entered the suite.

    As KJ walked to the lift, Chairman and Mr. Ezani followed and that's when the serious discussion took place. The intense discussion was visible to all as we were all standing quite a distance away.

    After about maybe 10 minutes (max) they entered the lift.

    To the public eyes, he's a great surgeon (no argument there) and a personality that any mum-in-law dream of.

    However, we all know how ambitious this chap is. You can asked any of the support staff of how ambitious and "nasty" his guy can is. A lot of us has incurred his wrath and his often "colorful" words. There's even stories going around about him wondering why he's still not yet a Datok! Wallahuallam

    6. I stand firmly to state again that I am against privatisation and have been very vocal against it. This is well known amongst my fellow doctors and staff.

    That would be Datok Dr Rosli and not Mr. Ezani. He we know is the doctor that is strongly against the take-over in any way, shape or form.

    Dr Ezani on the hand together with the second most senior consultant, is known to be against the expansion program. To this senior guy, IJN should remain close-off to other aspiring cardiologist. Somehow, successes and the glory that come along with it has over inflated their ego.

    Finally, why are u being so defensive? Are you protecting your master(s)?

    Tomorrow (Monday) should be an interesting day at the office :-)

    Watching from a Distance

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM


    Please take the new "Save IJN" logo from rockybru or sime darby watch. We decided to change the logo.

    Thank you


  5. Watching from a distance

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Your comment is released for the simple reason I barely censure comments (unless it is too vulgar and too racist a maki hamun).

    Unless disputed by others,Dr Ezani's expressed position against privatisation that was supported by the comment of another colleague present at the meeting has to be taken in good faith.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Saya nak tanya Salleh Budu.

    Ura2 kata Salleh Budu nak letak Dr Ezani jadi ahli Lembaga Pengarah IJN Holding sebagai mewakili kerajaan.

    Betul ke?

    Boleh ke seorang pengamal perubatan diletakkan sebagai Pengarah?

    Tidak adakah orang yang lebih senior darinya yang telah diletak sebagai wakil pengamal perubatan atau lebih senior pangkat dari Ezani?

    Kalau nak dinaikkan Ezani kerana dia cemerlang, kenapa perlu mendadak macam Khairy? Mana tak orang sangka dia orang Khairy.

    Saya harap Dr Ezani teruskan usaha untuk menyelamatkan IJN dan ketepikan isu2 titik bengek.

    Salleh Budu patut beri pendirian, kalau tidak masak bininya Shahrizat dibaham Rafidah.

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Mr Padedoh hang ni memang betul KJ should be back to power SO he can privatize everything!!..

    Mula-mula KJ kata nak pi melawat Menteri Sukan tetapi pasai apa dia tak pi melawat terus tanpa perlu iringan pengerusi IJN dan MD?? Lepas tu berjumpa di Bilik Khas pulak tu??

    Dan kenapa sebelum tu KJ tak bersuara nak pertahankan IJN??

    Dont live under illusion please...


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