Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KJ ask Malay to shed seige mentality, Claim Malay not constitutionally special?

The Malaysian Insider reported Khairy seeking in his key note speech at the Pemuda UMNO Assembly for Malay to end seige mentality or in his exact words rasa diserang.

Is he indenial to the vocarious attacks Malays are under now?

It is one thing to be embrasive and fair to the other races but it is something else to claim Malay and Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputera have no special rights under the COnstitution.

Now that Khairy made open his stand on Malays and Bumiputera Special Rights, does that mean he is on the side of opposition critics who keep labeling UMNO and nationalist as racist everytime the mere mention of constitutional rights of the Malays are defended?

How do one relate Khairy's claim to continue with the Malay Agenda when he is an apologist to the other not legally justified left leaning and critical point of views?

It shows his Oxford pedigree is mere geometry set. Khairy has lost his soul as a Malay and does not deserve the Ketua Pemuda UMNO post.

The report below:

Khairy urges Malays to end siege mentality

By Adib Zalkapli
The Malaysian Insiders

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 14 — Khairy Jamaluddin urged Umno Youth members today to abandon its communal outlook and siege mentality, because constitutional provisions did not make Malays special.

He said instead that “it is the performance and achievements of Malays that will determine if we are” special or extraordinary.

“My dream is to one day see local institutions of higher education filled with Malays not because of quotas, but because Malays are there based on merit.

“Whilst we protect the quotas now, let us not forget that they are only supposed to aid us, and not be a lifeline for the Malays unto perpetuity. The Malay vision is not about defending quotas indefinitely, but to stand proud seeing Malays succeed on their own strengths.”

In his first policy speech as Umno Youth Chief, Khairy said Umno should move beyond the comfort zones of a communal party perspective.

He also appeared to be stopping the wing’s practice of pushing the party to the far right, adding that the Malay nationalist party cannot afford to be ideologically inconsistent.

“We are now at a crossroads of our cause, where we can choose to remain on the same path with the same style and methods.

“We can continue with the chest-thumping rhetoric, warning other races never to challenge this or that,” said Khairy to some 800 Umno Youth delegates.

“This option is easy, and may promise a measure of popularity within the party. But, we must ask ourselves, is this what Malaysians — Malays included — really want from Umno,” he added.

Khairy who won the Youth chief contest despite facing two opponents who were campaigning for Umno to be more exclusive, also told the wing’s delegates to embrace Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s message of unity.

“In this new context, do we want the President to speak about a transformation — removing barriers between races and communities — whilst Umno Youth stubbornly refuses to change, and instead, continues to voice something different from the President?” asked Khairy.

However Khairy said that Umno Youth will not abandon the Malay agenda but at the same time will assume the responsibility of leading other races too.

“Some may wonder if we should fight for other communities if they question our position as Malays. It is here that our leadership credentials will be tested,” he said.

“As the group of people given the responsibility and privilege to lead, Malays cannot simply follow the common beat — that would not be leadership. Instead, as leaders, Malays must rise above and go the extra mile,” he said.

He also called on Umno Youth leaders to get rid of their siege mentality and to look beyond Article 153 of the Federal Constitution that guarantees the special position of the Malays, adding that it is almost impossible to remove the constitutional provision.

“I speak of a generational challenge because for too long, Malays and Umno have been caught in a mindset that is negative and overly defensive,” said Khairy.

“We feel as though we are constantly under siege, and all our efforts appear to be channelled towards protecting the Malay special position. I urge Malays, beginning with the youth, to get out of this siege mentality,” he said.

Cynically speaking, Khairy is avoiding being under seige. As one former Group Editor of a major newspaper group text me, Khairy is under seige with his money politics conviction.

His statement could be interpreted as Khairy extending an ideological lifeline to PKR to receive him. Khairy has been attempting to win the heart of Pemuda grassroot but to no avail. It is a foregone conclusion that Khairy is a liability to the party.

The embrasive policy with Singapore by his father in law and believed himself to have a role has led to strategic compromises in security, commerce, and territory.

One example is Iskandar Development Region (IDR). The project claimed by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as "his idea" but was actually conceived by Dr Vincent Lim and Dato Zaki Zahid had actually placed Johor and the nation playing second fiddle to Singapore.

It willingly invited Singapore to benefit while Johor only could savour the bread crumbs and bone soups.

It is the self realisation that arise from seige mentality among the critics that was the resolve to continue the fight against the Johor Corridor. That corridor is now a scam, sham and shame that could cost UMNO Johor votes in the next general election.

After more than two years, it has yet to show any progress but an overstaff and overpaid organisation, hundred of million of unnecessary spending of consultancy fees, and miles thick of studies with no prospect of implementation. Contracts for infrastructure building are overpriced.

Investors are pulling out. In a matter of time, IRDA would be changing praying direction from Mecca to Singapore and willing to give in to every Singapore's demand.

All this becasue some group of simplistic young punk devoid of any sense of history insisted and inflenced slumberjack for the past five years to end our seige mentality. Slowly the country is being sold lock, stock and barrel to Singapore and Western strategic interest.

If Pemuda agree with Khairy, we can kiss UMNO goodbye to the next layer of empty souls as leaders that are selfish and self serving!


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Dear KJ
    Kau bukan dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Malaysia.Kau tidak pernah bersosial masa kanak-kanak dan remaja mu dengan anak Malaysia.Lebih baik KJ,kau baca dahulu sejarah penubuhan UMNO dan perlembagaan UMNO dahuli sebelum berbincang tentang metrokrasi.

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Salam Tuan,

    Tulah budak KJ ni apa yang dia tahu pasal perjuangan bangsa melayu? Dia tak pernah merasa sekolah melayu, tak pernah hidup di kampong. Sepanjang riwayat hidupnya yang 32 tahun membesar di luar negera dengan segala kemudahan anak duta. Jadi pada dia memang lah melayu tak boleh ada 'siege mentality' sebab dia tak pernah rasa hidup susah. Sekolah menengah di Singapura dan masuk universiti di Oxford tempat golongan bangsawan orang putih belajar. Lepas tu bila waktu kerja pulak putar punya putar nasib baik kahwin pulak anak Timbalan PM. Bak kata orang lepas tu semua orang maklum lah bapa mertua jadi PM maka si Kitul ni tunjuk belang lah.

    Jadi, apa yang dia tahu pasal perjuangan orang Melayu? Kalau pemuda UMNO ikut cakap dia dan kononya nak buang jadi haluan kanan, maka saya kata 'kick him out to kingdom come'.

    What say you, A Voice?

    Saya Sayang Melayu

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Another kawan baik KJ yang masih berkuasa is Datuk Ismee, CEO of Tabung Haji - dulu dia nie direktor ECM Libra. KJ and Kali la yg letak dia kat situ - to do the dirty job for them from inside. Dengar cerita contract Datuk Ismee akan expire hujung tahun nie, letak la org yg bersih sikit. Malu la, sampai Tabung Haji pun diaorg nak rompak? Tak sekolah ugama punya budak!

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Tapi jangan Ini Dtk Ismee Ulam Rajah pi masuk TNB sudah la, habis lah ekonomi malaysia. naik lagi tarif menggemukkan master2 depa.

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Salam A Voice aka Din,

    Ana cukup meluat dgn apa yg si KJ ni cakap.Dia yg dlahirkan dlm keadaan senang dan bergaul terlebih banyak dgn golongan atasan ternyata tidak nampak apa yg berlaku di peringkat bawahan.

    Sedapnya ucapan yg dia buat tapi retorik itu hanya melukakan lagi hati golongan muda.

    Adakah dia sedar mengapa melayu rasa diancam?
    Adakah dia sedar ancaman itu adalah wujud sebenarnya?
    Adakah dia sedar apa yg dia lakukan masa pemerintahan Pak lah dulu masih belum terubat lukanya?
    Adakah dia sedar yg dia sebenarnya adalah penyumbang kpd prestasi buruk BN dlm PRU yg lepas?

    Cukup2lah mat kery oi! Hang ni hanyalah makhluk perosak tinggalan pak lah. Tak percaya?

    Tgklah apa yg dah jadi dgn Pemuda. Di pecahbelahkan habis. Takdak usaha utk merapatkan balik barisan.

    Nak mengaku kesalahan? Kirim salam saja la.....

    Lagu ni nak jadi pemimpin aku? Kirim salam di angin lalu biaq di awai sikit kata orang utara.

    Marilah kita ramai2 kempen terajang keluaq kery ni cepat2 sikit. Tak buleh pakai punya pemuda melayu....

  6. vinnan11:15 PM

    Wah!!!. UMNO controls the banks, the armed forces, the police, the judiciary, parliament and the F;[',./' government. Yet UMNO thinks the Malays are still not safe in Malaysia.

    A day may come when some Malaysians think it is time to go beyond the polls to stop UMNO. Look at Iraq, the Shites are firmly in control of the government with the backing of 100,000 US troops. Do we have peace in Iraq? It only took less than 30% of the population aided by foreign and local sympathizers to turn Iraq into hell on earth for everyone in the country. Khairy is a lot smarter than you UMNO dolts. Why do you think Mahathir dislikes him?

  7. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Tadi masa Ketua Pemuda berucap saya nampak macam ayam jantan berkokok tapi ekornya bergelumang dengan tahi..kesian perwakilan.

    Masa pemuda masuk mereka junjung biawak hidup..kesian pemuda.Segak je memikul biawak..

    Bile ktua diberi tepokan gemuruh tak dapat bezakan mereka tepok kokok ke tepuk ayam.

    Tapi amat memalukan ..Ketua pemuda menjadi suatu liabiliti kapada UMNO. 1/4 dari kekuatan tak boleh pakai..siapa dengan cakap dia..

    Kata omputih you reap what you sow. Sebok orang kate ayam oxford..ayam macam tu kita buat ayam penyek atau black pepper je..

    Undi orang melayu dan pecah..separuh pakai kopiah dan separuh pakai songkok tinggi.Cara berfikir macam orang banyak kena daun ketum...dan bile share dah jatuh ketua-ketua UMNO kena gadai barang lah..scholarship, ekuiti . Pas pule sekarang asyik bergambar pelok cina dan India..contoh baik Nizar..dah tau jadi lembu DAP tapi..susah nak cakap.

    Tapi cakap senang je..( baca Kadir Jasin ..)tapi ada orang macam Abraham Lincoln, Shih Huang Ti,Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir ,Park, , Kamal Attaturk dan ramai lagi negarawan .. orang yang dah masuk time tunnel ke hadapan ..orang ni kita panggil visionaries dan Negarawan.

    Orang macam Ketua Pemuda UMNO dan lain-lain macam die spt budak tingkat empat tu macam orang-orang pandai kat Wall Street...semua pandai-pandai belaka banyak lebih baik dari Oxford..semua ingat nak cepat kaya dan reka macam macam instruments..kalau kat sini kita nama koridor, mergers , GLC dan macam macam lagi. Mereka-mereka ni kalau tak dikawal ..tak tau apa nak cakap.
    Ekonomi dunia terancam disebakkan oleh orang pandai dan tamak...

    Bile agaknya Pemuda dapat anu dia balek ..

  8. Salam Voicy,

    Ha ha Piggy's back to siege the son-out-law, and this time around I have better ammo.

    Khairy has spoken at UMNO assembly ... so what? Thanks to his public speaking skill, I would say 304% confidence and 0% substance.

    No wonder KJ introduced the five pillars and one of them is "relevant", the true fact is that KJ has been sidelined.

    Dear Son-out-law, Please Read The Signal


  9. Vinnan

    Are you threatening arms revolt? Over my dead body shd anyone bring about chaos in Malaysia.

    KJ is smart but he is a forreign stooge. The one that support the 30% Iraqi to bring the country down to its knees.

  10. vinnan11:43 AM

    Hei A Voice,

    'Are you threatening arms revolt? Over my dead body shd anyone bring about chaos in Malaysia.'

    First Anwar is a foreign stooge. now it is Khairy. Who is next? Do you not see echos of Saddam's rule here. Internal divisions can be easily exploited by foreign powers to bring down a country. Go to UM and ask any expert on history to enlighten you clowns here. Make sure this expert is a Malay.

    So where is the cause of these so-called 'arms revolt' of yours? UMNO? Yes, indeed. it will also be over your dead body and mine too. Judging by the history of countries with Muslim majorities invariably the people who take up arms against the government are usually the Muslims themselves. However, I do not intend to die for people who treat me as second class citizens and call me animal names on top of being 'pendatangs'. UMNO wants to be a racist hero then fight your own wars.

    Lest you think foreign powers do not eye Malaysia. Look and the Straits of Malacca and tell me what you see.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Ini lah yang menyebabkan Melayu semakin layu.. sesama sendiri bukan main pandai menghentam, tapi dengan musuh..enkorang suma macam ayam jantan berkokok, ekor bergelumang tahi.

    Kamu ni semua, hanya tahu merosakkan sesama sendiri, tetapi `kulup' bila berdepan dengan musuh sebenar.

    KJ bukan musuh orang Melayu, KJ bukan beban parti UMNO tetapi sesuatu yang mampu mengubah corak dan langkah UMNO dari aliran era Tun Mahathir yang meletakkan UMNO dalam keadaan sekarang. Yang tinggal sekarang adalah sisa-sisa `tahi' beliau yang terpaksa kita bersihkan.. so, siapa musuh dan siapa liabiliti pada UMNO??


  12. JomoSamaTuaran

    Pasal orang complacent, naif dan jahil yang mudah diperbodohkan menyokong orang yang menjadi penyebab kehancuran umno. maka itu yang najib kena bersusah2 repair macam2 dan rakyat berontak terhadap umno.

    Inculcate skit rasa curiga, hati-hati, analitikal, dan seige mentality supaya dapat melihat apa yang jahat tersirat disebalik tersurat dan nayata yang macam baik konon.

    Seige mentality adalah sifat orang bukan melayu. Orang melayu tak ada pemikiran sedemikian. Orang melayu selalu defensif dan hanya melawan bila dah betul2 tertelan.

    Orang yang pasti ada seige mentality adalah perasuah yang menunggu conviction.

    Kalau macam ini pemikiran dan minda pemuda, betul cakap ku din. Baik tutup saja sayap pemuda. Sekarang pun bukan lagi pemuda tapi pemudi.

    Dari dulu sampai bila2, saya akan bercakap yang benar dan apa yang sering saya tulis dan dedah banyak akhirnya menjadi benar.

    Tak payahlah nak ajar2 saya dengan teguran klise yang macam budak hingus!

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM


    Orang sabah ... what do you expect.

    Peminta rasuah yang apolegis pada perasuah

  14. "...It is one thing to be embrasive [embarrasing?] and fair to the other races but it is something else to claim Malay and Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputera have no special rights under the COnstitution. ..."

    You must be joking ler about UMNO's protective and sexy stance on Bumiputera special rights. Or any of it's crony sidekick parties like the PBB Sarawak.

    Bidayuh Dayaks in Bengoh Sarawak will be deprived of their NCR land when a dam is built over their old homestead. 3,000 ha have been alienated for them to live and sit on. That's great. Of course anybody would be if you're sitting on your own new property. But no! This resettlement land has been leased to a company, with a paid up capital of RM2.00 and Alfred Jabu, a Dayak is one of the Directors. A Dayak cheating a Dayak just as a Melayu cheating a Melayu! Who needs the bloody Chinese and Klings?!!!

    You'd be scarecrow if you ain't know who owns the Company that'll build the darn damn!!!

    Go patch up your wall, lah! It's got a big hole!

  15. Salak

    My walls is not perfect coz I cannot know everything if that is what you demand of me.

    You have to start having seige mentality and fight foor you rights.

    You have to let people know of your problem. Get organised. Persistant.

    If your land will have to be sacrificed for national development, then fight for a fair compensation. Land exchaneg for land.

    Thats exactly what I am saying. That is your constitutional special rights. You have to fight for it.

    This is the inconsistency. There will be opposition and activist who will fight for your constitutional special rights (Off course they will never mentioned about it) but not my constitutional righst as a malay.

    For you to complain agst UMNO, remember that the Sabahan and Sarawakians basically want to be politically autonamous. Your battlefield is in Sarawak.

    Just as I said to my Sabahan friends (which they still disagree but want to blame Semenanjung) you can't keep blaming others but yourself for not doing anything.

  16. "...You have to start having seige mentality and fight foor you rights.

    You have to let people know of your problem. Get organised. Persistant.

    Wow! We in Sarawak never had any seige or seizures. If we do you're the first orang Malaya who's told us!

    Hey! Thanks Man! Orang Malaya do have tamaddun after all!

    We'll let you know when we throw our cawats away. We'll need new pants. You might want to sell us some. Just make sure your price is good!

  17. Salak

    Did I made of Sarawakian in cawat? What do I care what your traditional wears are?

    You are overly sensitive and too cynical that you lose the point of good intention.

    That problem lies in your heart and no one can change except yourself.

    That got to nothing to do with whether you are a Bidayuh or Melayu or whatever categorisation we compartmentalise ourselves.


  18. Anonymous8:28 PM

    you have to disregard whatever comes out of kj's mouth

    after all he is the deliveryman for anwar's passport out of jail on a TECHNICALITY

    he knows he is on the way out, just hope his marriage with Nori will last


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