Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nor Yakcop interfered in newspaper affair

Nor Yakcop, another mata lebam

Following Wee Choo Keong's speech last Thursday, someone called on the editors of newspapers The Star, the New Straits Times and Berita Harian instructing them to not report Wee's speech.

The person failed to stop Utusan Malaysia, who had published an online report entitled "Pecat Nor Yakcop, Zarinah."

Wee saw the online report. [Read here.] However, the report must have been removed from their website in the early morning.

By the next day, Utusan published instead a denial by SC's Head of Corporate Affair, Abdul Jalil Hamid with snippets in the frontpage. Was it Jalil harrasing the editors?

The commentary boxes in Rocky Bru's here revealed that Jalil was a balaci of Brendan Pereira, the former NST Editor working in cahoot with Kalimullah that left in shame for plagirising Mitch Albon's work.

Nor Yakcop got also got his denial in the next day issue on Sunday. According to blogger Syed Akbar here, it was Nor Yakcop that called on the newspapers.

Whether it is Jalil or Nor Yakcop, both points to the Singapore intelligence and pengkhianat negara, Kalimullah.

This raised several questions:
  • Why a Minister should interfere in the affair of newspapers when Najib gave more leverage to the press?

  • Does Kalimullah still exert influence on mainstream media?

  • Source said Zainul Ariffin, Syed Nadzri and Rashid Yusof are Melayu Liberals promoting Kalimullah's agenda.
The removed Utusan Malaysia news report was retrieved and made available below:

Pecat Nor Yakcop, Zarinah

KUALA LUMPUR 15 Julai – Perdana Menteri diminta supaya memecat Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop dan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar daripada portfolio masing-masing ekoran penjualan dan pembelian saham berkepentingan negara beberapa tahun lalu.

Wee Choo Keong (Bebas-Wangsa Maju) berkata, sebagai contoh, pengambilalihan Hospital Pantai daripada Pantai Holdings Bhd. (Pantai) oleh syarikat Singapura, Parkway Holdings Ltd. (Parkway) pada 2005 melalui pembelian saham bernilai RM312 juta sepatutnya tidak berlaku dan dihentikan oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti.

Lebih mengejutkan, dakwa beliau, penguasaan Pantai kemudiannya ditebus (bail out) oleh Khazanah Holdings Bhd. (Khazanah) selepas Nor Yakcop menyatakan pengambilalihan bernilai RM800 juta itu bukannya satu penebusan, sebaliknya merupakan kesediaan pembeli dan penjual dalam pasaran.

“Ini adalah kenyataan bekas Menteri Kewangan II (Nor Yakcop) yang memperbodohkan rakyat Malaysia. Khazanah terpaksa membayar RM800 juta untuk mengambil alih Pantai daripada Parkway.

“Tidak semena-mena sebuah syarikat asing (Parkway) membuat keuntungan sebanyak RM500 juta daripada wang rakyat dan lebih teruk, Khazanah tidak menguruskan Hospital Pantai sebaliknya melantik Parkway menguruskannya. Mengapa?” tegasnya.

Beliau percaya ia berlaku dengan pengetahuan Nor Yakcop dan Zarinah.

Beliau berkata demikian semasa membahaskan Rang Undang-Undang Antipemerdagangan Orang (Pindaan) 2010 di Dewan Rakyat hari ini

Selain dakwaan itu, Choo Keong memberitahu, Nor Yakcop dan Zarinah juga perlu dipecat kerana:
* Nor Yakcop mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 500 peti besi mengandungi wang tunai berikutan setiausaha politiknya, Hasbie Satar ditahan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) selepas didapati menyimpan 48 peti besi mengandungi wang tunai.

* Pelupusan 10 peratus saham Telekom Bhd. yang dijual kepada syarikat Singapura, Temasek Holdings dan tindakan Maybank Bhd. membeli saham Bank International Indonesia pada harga yang amat tinggi.

* ‘Gangguan’ terhadap empat wartawan perniagaan berkaitan penjualan saham Kenmark Industrial Co. (M) Bhd. bertujuan melindungi skandal Zarinah dan suaminya, Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman.
Choo Keong mendakwa kes-kes tersebut membuktikan Nor Yakcop dan Zarinah sengaja ‘membutakan’ mata untuk melindungi para pengkhianat serta perompak negara.

“Ini adalah contoh klasik kepada peribahasa Melayu, harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi,” tegasnya.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Despite all the information given out in the blogsphere, this Top Cat still remain strong. Its seems Najib don't dare to touch him and his machais at GLC namely at Khazanah. This top cat is still on Board of Khazanah despite being moved out as Menteri Kewangan 2 to EPU.

    He must has somnething that holds Najib's ball or is he a new partner to Najib?

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Abdul Jalil Hamid used to work in Reuters. The same place where Kalimulah worked. Abdul Jalil Hamid is a close friend of Brendan Pereira and Kalimulah. Yes Kalimulah still have people in NST namely Rehman Rashid, Lionel Morais, Musthapa Kamil and Rashid. Abdul Jalil Hamid and Brendan Pereira also have a very special bond with the owner of Leong Hup Bhd. That I shall leave for another day.

  3. Najib nak simpan puak ni sampai reput kat dalam.

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Another brick in the wall. Why NMY walkin tall? There seem to me a wall. Blocking doors to the hall. Who has this gall ? Stalling NMY's fall ! ! ! Another Brick in the wall. Will ya fite to the fall? Boys with balls. Girls play with dolls. In Malaya we only stall. Ceasar beware this coming fall. -By Pinky wit additional vocals from Fat Lady and Jho Low.

  5. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Nor Yakop was appointed Minister under the sleepyhead regime with the help of Kalimullah. This is a known fact.

    Nor Yacop, Zarina and Datuk Azizan Abdul Rhaman are the macai of Kalimullah. The son in law is of course the head of them all.

    I hope that Najib will see through them before he is screwed in no time.

  6. Anonymous11:03 PM

    KaliUlar said that he did not get any project from the government throughout his life. This is the joke of the century. Who is he trying to fool?

    How about ECM Libra taking over Avenue assets? was this not a project? He has a hand in most projects under the Slumberjack regime.

  7. That mangy cat should be put out in the streets where it truly belongs.

  8. Anonymous2:22 AM

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    NMY will not be dropped from the Cabinet. KJ and his men in the govt and media are in 'grand design' mode to take charge. Who says Badawi is sleeping. He is actually meditating for the future of the country with all his soothsayers.


  10. Anonymous10:24 AM

    WE all know NMY is a leech of the biggest kind. But why Najib insists keeping him around? Why can't NMY be drop out of the cabinet? Maybe you should ask why your Big Boss is not working? Instead of harping on and on and digging up dirt about Kali, Kian Onn, NMY, Zarina. Najib sleeping on the job? Seems like it. Or do they have damaging evidence against him that holds him to his balls? I am more interested to know why nobody dare to touch these fuckers. Have they become what Syed Akber Ali called The Untouchables?

  11. Anonymous12:23 PM


    In spite of your valiant attempts to expose Md Nor Yakob and Co, he is still going strong and cheerfully "going on as planned".


    Hmmmmm you should know that its more than just about one's misdeeds...... Its about "Us" and "Them".
    You are just another "Them"......
    How about "Honour Amongst.. you know who..?"

    Joe Black

  12. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Yes, Jalil Hamid used to work with Reuters. If not mistaken, he left Reuters to join Zarinah in SC as Head of Communication. So the whole gang is in SC now gang-banging everybody.

  13. Budak kampung6:22 PM

    Betul - betul dasyat perkara ini,bila masa pulak tuan2 semua tahu yang ada orang interfered dalam media massa sampai laporan tak keluar.

    Tanyalah Ketua Pengarang, kenapa? janganlah kaitkan orang tak bersalah dalam perkara ini. Rasanya dasyat betul informasi semua ini sampai semuanya ditujukan kepada pihak yang berkenaan.

    Sampai tahu dia ni machai kepada si itu lah, si inilah,fikirkanlah
    kawan akrab kamu pun kamu tak tahu siapa dia sebenarnya , inikan pula yang tidak rapat.

    Biasalah bila isu ini dibangkitkan, boleh menguntungkan sesetengah pihak dan boleh spin sesetengah pihak.

    Steady YB Frog, semoga terus berusaha mencari yang sensasi biarpun sebenarnya adakah ia merupakan realiti atau fantasi atau cuba mencari populariti ?

    YBM EPU tak mempunyai kuasa nak mengarahkan sesiapa untuk keluarkan story atau apapun berkaitan dengan media massa. Tanyalah syarikat komunikasi sesiapa yang mengarahkan editor - editor ini. Fakta kena kukuh bro, baru boleh buat sesuatu kenyataan dan bak kata KP MCA, kenyataan mesti konsisten, jangan tangkap muat sahaja.

  14. Salam Dato'

    Ahmad Mazlan cakap " kalau ada yang meluat dengan UMNO memanglah dia pembangkang " Link :

    Saya menjadi ahli UMNo sebaik sahaja UMNO lama di haramkan. Surat keahlian saya di tandatangani oleh Tun Dr M. Bapak serta to nenek saya orang UMNO.

    Memang sial orang macam Mazlan ni, pengampu besar, beri penerangan yang salah kepada PM.

    Saya yakin UMNo kalau rosak bukan dari bawah tetapi oleh mereka yang diatasnya. Kalau ada saham kerosakan UMNO yang akan datang, Mazlan lah pemegang terbesarnya!.

  15. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Walla! Melayu Liberels you mention already linking to KJ & Kali, Nor Yaccob alike which open secret among Dato Seri Najib inner circle. PM wrong move will strengthen group to oust him. NSTP today no help to PM and Umno.


  16. All these people mana ada malu. Semua penyangak. Itulah akibat memilih penyangak memimpin negara. Anyway what choice do we have? Kesemua penyangak yg bertanding. So this penyangak threatens another penyangak, so both penyangaks will stay on whether or not these penyangaks come from the sleepypast decade or present one. Count with me, Nor Yaacob, KJ, Zahid Hamidi etc masih surface di arena politik without fear or shame sebab they have DS Najib's dirty laundries in their pocket whattt.....


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