Friday, October 05, 2012

Experience of a Cancer Survivor

A friend e-mailed us this you tube testimonial of a friend, Masjuita Hamzah experience with breast cancer.

Some months back we attended her children's wedding without knowing of her health condition. It had been a while since we had any get-to-gather with her.

She is one strong woman who had faced many personal and professional challenges. We remembered this professional architect is also an accomplish painter and held an exhibition in Kuala Lumpur decades ago.

She underwent an alternative therapy and the ordeal she went through is worth sharing.

She must have intended to have this You Tube be known to others and help others. We are only giving a helping hand.


  1. mohd nor karim4:29 PM

    I had surgery done 3 months ago to remove the cancer in the lower 1/3 of my esophagus. A week ago the follow up PET showed cancer activities in my lung and pritoneum. The doctor advised that I go back for chemo tratment. Brother, how do I contact Prof Syed.I would like to see him for the alternative treatment.My hp is 0133926298 and email This is my ikhtiar. I had previously had chemo treatment. Please kindly assist me.
    Mohd Nor Karim

  2. En Mohd Nor

    I will give you a contact number. Gimme bit of time.

  3. Prof syed putra number is 0126655549.

    Once you ve got it, leave me a comment so i can remove your personal details, if you mind.

  4. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I will tell you,two real experiance how the cancer patient was cured.
    1- a lady name,Yasmin.She had colon cancer.stage4.The Dr at the hospital had told the husband,she has another 4 month to live.The husband decide to bring her to Mecca because her wish was to die in Mecca.She stay in Mecca for 40 days.Beside praying to Allah,she only drink zamzam water and eat Ijwa Dates.After 40 days she felt vary healty.They came back and she went to see her doctor.The Chinese doctor was shock to find out,her cancer was disapper.

    2, another family friend,Ismail had a lung cancer.stage 4.The family already lost hope that he can survive.They deided to discharge him from hospital.At home he only drink zam zam water and ate ijwa dates.Now his cancer disappear.He can drive the car and even go to Mecca to perform Umrah last Ramadan.

    Allah Akhbar.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    May I know prof home addres? Need 2 meet him this wednesday

  6. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The reason you get better in Mecca..heck even Mauritius. .Singapore and even India is because our food and water is hopelessly contaminated with chemicals..hormones. .preservatives..etc. Our Health authorities are sleeping on the job. Our best and cleanest food is exported mainly to Singapore. The coming generations will see an exponential rise in cancer patients because of the garbage being produced in our factories and being dished out at our supermarkets..provision shops and even our school canteens. After 50 yrs the sheer incompetence of our health authorities at prevention is going to see thousands killed.

    Ironically the late Puan Masjuita Hamzah who was a medical architect may have been a victim of the very health system she tried very hard to improve. May Allah bless her soul. Al Fatihah.


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