Thursday, March 16, 2023

Is the SC another Corporate Mafia group?

Ah! Plez Nuclearbursaman ... 

"ONE blog, which seems to be ahead of the rest, when it comes to the real underworld's involvement in the corporate world"?

That's too much compliment for a blog still not fully unblock by MCMC and short of hits. Ran out of handphones and laptops to give investigators whenever any complain arise. Just got one back yesterday. 

With a background in financial market, stocks & shares and observing corporate, its just natural instinct to put two and two together. 

The same method applies in politics. Unfortunate that political watchers lack the corporate background, thus unable to "follow the money" to anticipate the politics. 

Since the explosive revelation by The Corporate Secret (TCS) website on Victor Chin and its link to going-ons at Revenue, Green Packet, Caely and other PLCs, the mysterious, detailed, and revealing blog gave updates on Victor Chin's plan to restructure Revenue in the March 13 AGM

They plan to bring in corroborating former BNM and SC officials and their rep from their previously acquired PLCs into Revenue. 

If the speed Victor Chin is being apprehended, asset frozen and Investigation Paper forwarded to AG, is anything to go by, will the same be expected of Chong Loong?

Who is Chong Loong?

According to TCS, the lawyer, former DPP at the Attorney General Chamber and Securities Commission, Datuk Chong Loong Men is in collaboration with Datuk Teoh Hai Hin (dubbed funder for the Corporate Mafia), Datuk Sri Lim Kok Han, ex-Police Ng Keok Chai and runner in the targetted companies, Leong Seng Wui.

An extract from the blog post on Chong Loong in Malay (sorry lazy to translate and rushing for prayers) below:

Beliau merupakan Peguam penting kepada korporat Mafia di negara ini. 

Bos utamanya ialah Datuk Victor Chin. Chong Loong Men bekas DPP Peguam Negara dan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti menggunakan kedudukannya masuk dalam sektor korporat. Beliau bukan saja menjadi peguam malah menjadi Ahli Lembaga Pengarah, pemegang saham syarikat dan jadi jutawan berbanding dia berada di dalam kerajaan.

Mengejutkan beliau bukan saja berkhidmat buat Victor Chin tetapi turut berkhidmat kepada ahli perniagaan Mafia yang terlibat dengan skandal Penny Stock seperti Datuk Eddie Cha Woon Chet, Datuk Jacky Phang Chow Huat dan Kenneth Vun@ Vun Yun Lun.

4 Mafia korporat perampas syarikat di negara ini. Mereka juga pemain manipulasi saham melalui skandal Penny Stock

Berikut merupakan fail latar belakang mengenai Datuk Chong Loong Men yang menunjukkan betapa pentingnya beliau bukan saja kepada Ketua Mafia Korporat Victor Chin tetapi juga ahli perniagaan mafia kontroversi yang lain.

Punya hubungan dengan Foo Mei Mei, bekas Regulatory Officer SC 

Foo Mei Mei Meletak jawatan dalam skandal SC

Daripada maklumat itu menunjukkan Choong Loong Men merupakan peguam mafia yang sangat penting dan berpengaruh. Jika Datuk Lim Kok Han (MyEg-Green Packet) menyelesaikan urusan pegawai atasan SPRM, Ng Keok Chai (Hong Seng/Caely) untuk urusan di PDRM, Chong Loong Men pula mengatur kes di Pejabat Peguam Negara dan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Kebiasaannya beliau berjaya menutup kes atau membawa sesuatu kes ke mahkamah.

Rakyat Malaysia pasti tidak dapat lupa skandal Penny Stock yang digerakkan Datuk Eddie Cha Woon Chet, Datuk Jacky Phang Chow Huat dan Kenneth Vun@ Vun Yun Lun. Pendedahan ini pernah dibuat oleh media theedgemarkets pada tahun 2020. Kebanyakan syarikat yang diuruskan oleh Chong Loong Men ada hubungan dengan kes skandal Penny Stock seperti NetX Holdings Bhd, Seacera Group Berhad, XOX Bhd, M3Technologies (Asia) Bhd (Kini Xox Technology Berhad), Focus Dynamics Group Bhd, Green Ocean Corp Berhad, Oversea Enterprise Berhad, Saudee Group Berhad, Advance Information Marketing Berhad dan lain-lain lagi. 

Syarikat yang terlibat dalam skandal Penny Stock saling berkait satu sama lain.

Harga-harga saham yang dimanipulasi meningkat mendadak 

Kenneth Vun misalnya pernah didakwa di mahkamah kerana manipulasi saham tahun 2014 melalui syarikat DVM Technology. Namun tangan-tangannya dalam skandal Penny Stock masih ada melalui budak-budaknya Mak Siew Wei (Saudee), Nicholas Wong Yew Khid, Tay Ben Seng, Benson (Focus Dynamics Group), adik-adiknya Carol Vun Nei dan Grace Vun Siaw Nei yang juga banyak memegang saham pelbagai syarikat tangan abangnya Kenneth Vun.

Legasi ini diteruskan oleh Datuk Eddie Chai Woon Chet (Anzo Holdings Berhad), Fintech Global Berhad, XOX Berhad, Oversea Enterprise, Green Ocean dan lain-lain lagi. Begitu juga Datuk Jacky Pang Chow Huat yang memiliki Sanichi Berhad, Computer (M) Berhad, MNC Wireless Berhad dan Flitters Berhad. Pendek kata terlalu banyak rangkaian syarikat berhad untuk mereka boleh manipulasi saham.


Ada 18 syarikat Berhad dikaitkan dengan Chong Loong Men setakat ini dan mungkin lebih banyak lagi jika dilihat pemegang saham. Chong Loong Men berada di semua syarikat milik Datuk Victor Chin Boon Long, Datuk Eddie Cha Woon Chet, Datuk Jacky Phang Chow Huat dan Kenneth Vun@ Vun Yun Lun. 

Bagaimanapun The CorporateSecret akan memberikan maklumat beberapa syarikat yang jelas ada nama Chong Loong Men dan berkait dengannya. Manakala Syarikat Datuk Victor Chin Chin Boon telah diperjelaskan diartikel sebelum ini Rahsia MAFIA korporat Malaysia.

To know more of Eddie Cha, Jacky Phang, and Kenneth Vun, continue reading below:

Managing director Foo Lee Mei, executive director and general counsel Chee Fei Meng, as well as executive director of digital strategy and innovation Chin Wei Min resigned from SC May last year following the Serba Dinamik debacle by AG.

However, their resignation did not improve their optics in the market. They have long been the talk of the market for covering up the wrongdoings of certain corporate personalities and making it difficult for honest corporation and even government entities to raise fund from the market.  
Conflict of interest by former SC top officials have been long been an issue. Few months earlier last year, questions were raised on the conduct of former Board of Directors of SC, Gooi Hoe Soon, Lynette Low Su-Yin and former Chairman Syed Al Bar.    

The misdeed of SC is believed to have started since the Chairmanship days of Tan Sri Munir Majid of IPO fame, Tan Sri Zarinah Annuar via her husband and later Tan Sri Ranjit Ajit Singh. 

Is Chong Long the pinnacle for the decades of unabated abuse by the leadership of SC that is currently widespread in the organisation that there is collaboration with criminal syndicates? 


  1. Datin Che Teh Ija Binti Mohd Jalil is the Chairman if HSBC Amanah and. She was previously from SC.

    The question is are these mafia rampant in the financial institutions too? After all, they group of banks colluded to cease financing from Serba Dinamik based off hearsay of financinal misappropriations, which today has not been proven.

    What better way to coerce companies if they are not threatened by way of governance and be financially suffocated .

  2. Datin Che Teh Ija Binti Mohd Jalil is the Chairman if HSBC Amanah and. She was previously from SC.

    The question is are these mafia rampant in the financial institutions too? After all, they group of banks colluded to cease financing from Serba Dinamik based off hearsay of financinal misappropriations, which today has not been proven.

    What better way to coerce companies if they are not threatened by way of governance and be financially suffocated .

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Chong Loong Men is his full name. Very detailed analysis.


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