Saturday, February 24, 2007

Knowing Me, Knowing You: Or Tagging Me, Tagging You

No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye

Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time were through
(This time were through, This time were through
This time were through, Were really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you Its the best I can do

Memries (memries), good days (good days), bad days (bad days)
Theyll be (theyll be), with me (with me) always (always)
In these old familiar rooms children would play
Now theres only emptiness, nothing to say

Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)

We just have to face it, this time were through
(this time were through, this time were through
This time were through, were really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
Its the best I can do

-- ABBA, Arrival (1976)

I was tagged by
QueenB. So it seems, QueenB was tagged by Nuraina. She mentioned last night over drinks. I didn't expect to be tagged and its strange to tell the 6 wierdest thing about myself.

Pleasantries in order. Hi QueenB! Nice to know another wall. We "wall people" must get to know each other. In fact, in Pink Floyd's song entitled my Blog namesake, there is a line mentioning I see the "Writing on the Wall". So we are cemented.

I'll not stall anymore and I'll be a sport get it over with. I am not weird. You see how difficult it is to make-up something untrue about yourself. I'll list it, but I'll deny it one day... Hehe, my caveat in case I decide to enter public office and this list is used against me. OK here goes:
  1. I've always denied when my wife tells me I snore. My easy excuse to win our argument was I do not believe what I do not hear. I realised recently that I can hear myself snoring while watching the TV by myself ... thats really weird.
  2. I could be unshaved for weeks, looking messy but I can't stand any hair growing on any part of my ears. And, I actually have a habit of picking it out.
  3. I have the messiest work table at home and perhaps in the world but I would go tantrum should the Mrs try to clean it. She doesn't understand that the so-called mess is in a state of perfect eqilibrium with the Universe. Or in plain English, I and only I can locate things.
  4. I have trouble gettign to sleep in our bedroom. I need to fall asleep in front of the TV. As soon as I fall asleep, I could wake up and move inside to properly sleep on our bed.
  5. I seldom could sleep on hotel beds (due to some ailment). Whenever I am out of town and sharing a room with another, there is always room for another cause I prefer sleeping on the carpet.
  6. I am now in a total weird cyberstate. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to move the mouse to get the screen to appear. After a quick scan of the list on already pre-set Google News on Malaysia, only then I do my ablution to pray.

Alright those are all lies. Don't believe any of them.

Now, lets have plane, plane! BigDogDotCom, the sqeeky Politikus, my former YB, Kuda Kepang, my hometown boy made good and KJ's alumni, Tony Pua, Mulah the sailor man, and rib tickling Pak Lah jabber, Husin Lempoyang. (P/S: Tony, Remember that it could be used against you ... hehehe)

I hope you'll are not rejecting. I do not know Monsterball's Blog site?

Its the best thing I can be.

A Voice
Kuala Lumpur
Febraury 24th, 2007 8:00 p.m.


  1. Voice, I find kinship in #3 and #4. If I hit the sack before 11pm I get up at 3pm and the only way to sleep is to use Mrs Zorro's jibe,let the TV watch me. They say that a man with disorganised thoughts always keep a squeky clean desk, whereas a creative mind has the most untidy desk. Touche,pardner.

  2. Oops it is 3am....the result of two bowls of Maria's mee rebus this morning.

  3. Hi, Voice! Sorry to regress into child play (again, no pun intended; never been a paedophile). Like your style of writing (again, no double entrendre!)
    I'm a Wall, alright, but not thick-skinned.
    Yeah, we Wall People should get together for mee rebus; just tell me when. Ciao!

  4. Just be there in front of masjid bulat section 14.

    In the mode for a saturday morning with mrs.

    Checkout with maria, she knows the regular faces of bloggers.

  5. Wokay, bro, but got classes sat morning!
    Catch up when I ketchup!
    (I know it's corny)


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