Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mencari Lailatulqadr?

Bulan Ramadhan kini sudah menghampiri kemuncaknya. Pemikiran popular menggalakkan orang ramai sekurang-kurangnya mempertingkatkan amalan ibadah pada 10 hari terakhir Ramadhan untuk mendapatkan Lailatulqadr. Banyak kisah-kisah mitos yang telah merosakkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai Lilatulqadr. Apakah sebenarnya Lailatulaadr? Apa yang dicari dalam Lailatulqadr?

Mohd Shauki Abdul Majid, Pengurus Penyelidikkan YADIM memberi penjelasan kepada inipati Lailatulqadr dalam rencananya, "Simbolisme Malam Lailatulqadar "yang tersiar di Utusan Malaysia September 20hb, 2007 dibawah ini:

DISEBABKAN lailatulqadar ini abstrak, bersifat spiritual dan rohaniah dan tidak boleh dipastikan melalui kajian maka timbullah pendapat yang pelbagai mengenainya. Pelbagai cerita mitos terbit ketika lailatulqadar turun iaitu seperti air sungai berhenti mengalir, pohon-pohon serta tumbuhan tunduk tenang, alam maya kelihatan cerah dan sebagainya.

Justeru lailatulqadar ini kita dapatkan asas legalitasinya dalam al-Quran, maka selayaknya ia memberi tanda-tanda itu agar tidak terjadi penyelewengan dan menimbulkan cerita-cerita karut dan tidak masuk akal. Bagaimana sebenarnya al-Quran berbicara soal tanda- tanda lailatulqadar ini?

Di dalam surah Al-Qadar (97) ayat terakhir Allah s.w.t. menyebut tanda-tandanya: "Sa laamun hiya hatta matla‘il fajr”–kedamaian atau kenikmatan hakiki (terjadi) pada malam itu hingga terbit fajar. Jadi jelas tandanya tidak bersifat lahiriah kerana kedamaian itu adalah sesuatu yang dirasakan. Hakikatnya sesiapa yang mendapatkan lailatulqadar, akan berasa kedamaian atau ketenangan yang luar biasa dalam dirinya pada malam itu hingga terbit fajar. Justeru itu di dalam surah ad Dukhan (44) ayat 3 lailatulqadar disebut Laylatun mubaarakah kerana kedamaian hati yang bersumber terus daripada Allah adalah berkat yang paling tinggi. Ia bagaikan air sejuk bagi musafir yang kehausan.

Al-Quran adalah sumber pengetahuan tertinggi dan kerananya, kebenarannya tidak diragukan. Ia hanya dapat dicapai melalui darjat intelektual paling tinggi iaitu intelek kenabian. Sekurang-kurangnya jika kita dapat sekadar percikannya (saja) pada malam lailatulqadar bermakna mujahadah kita waktu itu sekurang-kurangnya berhasil menyentuh intelek kenabian. Dan itulah kenikmatan dan sekali gus berkat yang paling tinggi. Nilainya pasti lebih mulia dari seribu bulan.

Inilah malam yang sangat dinantikan oleh umat Islam, malam yang penuh barakah dan lebih baik dari seribu bulan. Pada malam itu turun rahmat dan kebaikan daripada Allah kepada umat-Nya. Pengalaman mendapatkan lailatulqadar merupakan pengalaman spiritual dan individual. Tidak semua orang mampu mendapatkannya. Ia tidak boleh dicapai hanya dengan kehadiran kita pada malam-malam ganjil 10 malam terakhir Ramadan.

Apa dan bagaimanakah malam lailatulqadar itu? Apakah ia terjadi sekali sahaja yakni malam ketika turunnya al-Quran atau terjadi setiap bulan Ramadan? Ada pendapat sesetengah ulama bahawa malam lailatulqadar juga berlaku pada malam nisfu Syaaban. Walau bagaimanapun yang pasti ia harus diimani oleh setiap Muslim berdasarkan firman Allah di dalam surah al-Dukhan (ayat 3 - 5) yang bermaksud:
Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkannya (al-Quran) pada suatu malam dan sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang memberi peringatan. Pada malam itu dijelaskan semua urusan yang penuh hikmah, iaitu urusan yang besar di sisi Kami.
Dari al-Quran kita menemukan penjelasan bahawa wahyu-wahyu Allah itu diturunkan pada malam lailatulqadar. Akan tetapi kerana umat Islam percaya bahawa al-Quran telah sempurna. maka ada yang berpendapat malam mulia itu tidak akan hadir lagi kerana kemuliaan malam itu disebabkan turunnya al-Quran.

Pakar hadis, Ibnu Hajar menyebut riwayat dari penganut fahaman di atas menyatakan, Nabi pernah bersabda, malam lailatulqadar tidak akan datang lagi.

Pendapat tersebut ditolak oleh majoriti ulama kerana mereka berpegang pada teks ayat al-Quran serta sekian banyak teks hadis yang menunjukkan lailatulqadar terjadi pada setiap Ramadan. Bahkan Rasulullah menganjurkan umatnya mempersiapkan jiwa menyambut malam mulia itu, secara khusus pada malam-malam ganjil setelah berlalu 20 Ramadan.

Suatu ketika Rasulullah bersabda kepada umatnya yang sedang berkumpul di masjid menunggu lailatulqadar. Sabdanya: Apa yang kamu tunggu-tunggu malam ini akan datang kerana aku telah melihat dalam visi (rukyah) bahawa akan berlaku hujan lebat kemudian aku berlumuran lumpur dan basah kuyup oleh air. Kemudian mereka yang berkumpul itu bersurai. Ternyata malam itu memang terjadi hujan lebat.

Justeru bangunan masjid di zaman Nabi diperbuat daripada daun kurma maka air hujan mudah menitis masuk ke dalam lantai masjid yang bertanah. Umat Islam yang ada pada saat kejadian itu melihat apa yang dikatakan Nabi. Nabi dengan mukanya yang basah kuyup dan badan berlumuran tanah liat. Lalu apa yang dimaksud dengan lailatulqadar oleh Nabi? Kerana Nabi mengatakan “Itulah yang kau tunggu-tunggu.” Justeru lailatulqadar adalah persoalan rohani, maka tidak ada kata-kata yang mapan untuk menjelaskan. Ia hanya boleh diungkap melalui simbol atau metafora.

Di sinilah timbul masalah tafsir dan takwil di mana Nabi dengan lumpur dan basah dengan air sebenarnya adalah suatu peringatan kepada kita bahawa tingkat paling tinggi dari pengalaman rohani itu ialah kalau kita sudah kembali ke asal kita.

Dari mana kita berasal kalau tidak dari tanah dan air. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: Yang membuat segala sesuatu yang Dia ciptakan sebaik-baiknya dan yang memulai penciptaan manusia dari tanah. Kemudian Dia menjadikan ke turunannya dari saripati air yang hina (air mani) (surah Al-Sajdah ayat 7-8). Dalam surah Yasin ayat 77 juga diingatkan “Dan apakah manusia tidak memperhatikan bahawa kami menciptakannya dari setitik air (mani), maka tiba-tiba ia menjadi penentang yang nyata.” Maka dengan berlumuran lumpur dan basah kuyupnya oleh air itu, sebenarnya merupakan simbolisme kita harus kembali menyedari siapa diri kita. Kita harus berhati rendah dan jangan takbur.

Ini semuanya mensyaratkan adanya kesedaran untuk kembali kepada Allah. Pulang kepada Allah itu kemudian dimulai dengan pulang ke tanah. Jadi yang dialami Nabi ialah satu simbolisasi bahawa kita pun akan kembali ke tanah, juga kembali menjadi air.

Tidak ada kebahagiaan yang ingin dicapai melainkan kebahagiaan hakiki di sisi Allah. Inilah yang kita cari dalam tahap rohani puasa ini yang kita alami melalui satu simbolisasi dari lailatulqadar. Tetapi semuanya memang harus dimulai dengan tanah dan air dengan kata lain, kesedaran tentang diri kita yang sesungguhnya.

Jika orang yang ikhlas ada tandanya, maka demikian juga orang yang mendapat lailatulqadar pasti ada tandanya jua. Pertama, apakah kita sudah semakin memahami maksud-maksud suci Allah ketika membaca al-Quran? Kedua, apakah ibadat kita sudah lebih banyak, lebih baik, dan nikmatnya? Ketiga, apakah kita melihat manusia sebagai satu kesatuan tanpa dipilih oleh mana- mana mahzab? Keempat, apakah kita sudah berasa jijik melakukan dosa dan maksiat? Kelima, apakah kita bersedia berlapang dada memaafkan musuh kita?Keenam, jika kita berada dalam kesibukan tetapi banyak melakukan amal ibadah dan zikir dengan tidak mempunyai apa-apa yang harus dibanggakan di hadapan Allah? Ini semua bererti kemungkinan besar kita berhasil mendapat curahan berkat-Nya melalui lailatulqadar.

Wallahu alam bissawwab.

Muga setiap anda memahami dan menenemui Lailatulqadr masing-masing.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Poetic Intermission: Desiderata

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

-- Max Ehrmann (1927)

A recent event reminded me of this lifelong gift from my late English teacher. I have cherish and literally tried to uphold to its every word.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ekonomi Merdeka Bukan Liberalisasi Melulu

Sukacita disiarkan disini artikel menarik berjodol "Ekonomi Merdeka Bukan Liberalisasi Melulu" sumbangan penulis pena Taming Sari. Artikel ini mahu menyedar dan meniup semangat percaya kepada kebolehan kita dan berwaspada kepada komplot jahat disebalik klise-klise kebaikan liberasasi yang dimajukan oleh kuasa-kuasa Barat.

Apa yang sedang dilalui oleh kebanyakan negara Barat terutamanya Amerika Syarikat semenjak krisis “sub-prime mortgage” melanda sepatutnya membuka mata kita rakyat Malaysia. Krisis perbankan ini memang sudah lama dihidu, yang menjadi tanda tanya ialah sejauh mana impaknya kepada ekonomi AS dan ekonomi dunia.

Ramai yang berpendapat walaupun Federal Reserve atau lebih kenali sebagai Fed, sudah pun memotong kadar faedah sebanyak 50 mata, tapi tindakan ini seolah-olah mengiayakan teori bahawa AS adalah diambang kelumpuhan ekonomi.

Kalau mengikut petunjuk ekonomi, sepatutnya sudah lama ekonomi AS lumpuh dengan defisit kembar dalam akaun imbangan bayaran dan badget tahunannya. Berapa lama ekonomi AS dan nilai Dollarnya boleh bertahan adalah untuk tekaan semua? Buat ketika ini, hanya harga minyak mentah yang tinggi sahaja dapat mengapungkan nilai Dollar.

Namun, penulis sebenarnya lebih berminat melihat reaksi pendukung-pendukung ekonomi AS dari Rumah Putih, ahli akademik, ahli korporat, ahli perbankan dan media massa mereka bila berhadapan dengan krisis yang makin meruncing ini. Bandingkan pula apa reaksi mereka 9 tahun yang lepas semasa negara kita menghadapi krisis kewangan dan matawang Asia 1998.

Politikus dan media massa AS begitu cepat mengutuk dan memperkecilkan hampir kesemua yang negara kita dan jiran-jiran “Ekonomi Harimau” lakukan. Walaupun sebelum ini, pertumbuhan ekonomi begitu baik dirantau Asia Tenggara yang diransang oleh dasar ekonomi yang baik, namun negara-negara ini dihujani dan dituduh sebagai negara korup yang dasar ekonominya selama ini silap semuanya.

Begitu kuat tuduhan ini sehingga ada pihak yang beranggapan bahawa negara-negara ini wajar “diajar” supaya lebih berdisiplin. Tuduhan dan gembar-gembur ini lebih mendorong kepada panik dan hilang keyakinan yang menjadikan krisis matawang itu bertambah teruk. Spekulator matawang menggunakan peluang ini untuk mencipta dan menambah keuntungan mereka.

Syukurlah ketika itu negara ini dikemudi oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir, Perdana Menteri yang tidak mudah menyerah kalah dan menerima tohmahan orang luar begitu sahaja. Walaupun diasak dari luar dan dalam untuk menerima “ubat pahit” yang dibawa oleh IMF termasuk menaikkan kadar faedah yang amat tidak masuk akal (pada suatu ketika mencecah 18 peratus) dan mengetatkan kecairan kewangan, Tun lebih yakin dengan ubat buatan sendiri yang nyata lebih mujarab untuk negara ini dalam bentuk Kawalan Dana/Matawang terpilih (Selective Capital Control).

Ketika itu ramai (termasuk bekas Menteri Kewangan dan Gabenor Bank Negara) yang begitu obses dengan cadangan pakar luar terutamanya dari IMF dan Bank Dunia yang mahukan negara ini mengamalkan liberalisasi ekonomi yang menyeluruh. Sejarah menjadi hakim yang adil. Kejayaan negara mengekang kelumpuhan ekonomi dan keadaan kacau bilau (seperti di negara jiran) tanpa menyerah diri kepada IMF dan mengamalkan liberalisasi ekonomi sepatutnya dijadikan antara highlite penting dalam kita menyambut 50 tahun kemerdekaan. Kedegilan pemimpin nombor satu negara yang amat patriotik ketika itu menjamin kesenambungan kemerdekaan ekonomi Malaysia . Kejayaan kita ini akhirnya diakui juga oleh IMF sendiri dan pakar ekonomi seperti Ethan Kaplan & Dani Rodrick dari Harvard University melalui kertas kerja mereka “Did the Malaysian Capital Control Work?”.

Ternyata setelah hampir 9 tahun, kita sedar betapa hipokrit-hipokrit dari dunia Barat ini tidak pernah ikhlas dan hanya mahu mengambil kesempatan dari kelemahan kita. UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) sendiri baru-baru ini memberi amaran betapa bahayanya liberalisasi kewangan tanpa kawalan kepada negara membangun.

Dengan keterbukaan pasaran kewangan, aktiviti spekulasi dan pelaburan berisiko tinggi akan lebih senang menjerut ekonomi negara membangun ini. Dengan modal yang begitu besar, spekulator ini boleh bebas menaik dan menurunkan matawang dan pasaran kewangan mana-mana negara mengikut kehendak mereka. Disamping itu, dengan liberalisasi kewangan mutlak ini juga, ekonomi kita akan begitu bergantung kepada ekonomi negara mereka.

Lihatlah juga bagaimana langkah mereka apabila berhadapan dengan krisis ekonomi. Walaupun dulu mereka mahu kita diajar disiplin ekonomi sehingga mahu dibiarkan sahaja syarikat dan bank yang menghadapi masalah menjadi bangkrap, namun apabila perkara yang sama berlaku kepada mereka, bukan sahaja mereka ini di “bail-out” (seperti apa yang berlaku kepada LTCM dan bank-bank mereka), kadar faedah juga diturunkan dan suntikan kewangan berbillion dollar dilakukan untuk menjamin kecairan dipasaran kewangan mereka. Begitu berlawanan dengan apa yang mereka mahu kita lakukan 9 tahun yang lalu. Kenapa bank-bank mereka tidak dibiarkan sahaja bangkrap?

Marilah kita belajar untuk menjadi degil, sekiranya berbuat begitu memberi lebih kebaikan kepada negara dan bangsa kita sendiri. Tidak perlu terlalu mendengar nasihat tidak ikhlas dari hipokrit-hipokrit besar ini baik dari dalam mahu pun luar negara. Semoga dengan itu Malaysia akan lebih merdeka dalam erti kata yang sebenar-benarnya.

Adakah akhirnya kita tinggal berharap?

Ekonomi negara kini sedang diliberalisasi secara melulu atas pengaruh Menantu, operatif Tingkat 4 dan pemikir mereka seperti Ethos Consulting. Tindakan yang dilakukan begitu membahayakan terhadap kepentingan masa depan rakyat serta keselamatan negara. Kita pula menghadapi Perdana Menteri begitu cetek aptitude dan lemah kebolehan pengurusan. Manakala, yang menjadi penasihat mereka hanya tahu memainkan ungkapan "copycat", satu terma yang begitu lumrah diperkenalkan oleh seorang ahli Panel Penasihat Wilayah Pembngunan Iskandar, Tun Musa Hitam.

Fikirkan ...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Parental Negligent and Abuse is Real

In memory of Nurin Jazlin and
another special someone on her birthday

If the IGP Tan Sri Musa Hasan, Dato Shahrizat and Dato Nazri was wronged and labeled as “bodoh” by some commentators in Nuraina Samad’s blog here, it is perhaps due to their poor timing and insensitive remarks. Perhaps it is out of sympathy and anger, knowing the couple had suffered enough for their lackadaisical attitude. I am not about to echo the IGP and Minister and be their apologist. However, fact is fact and they are right.

Having undergone a legal battle involving the Child Protection Act, I am quite aware the existence of such law. There is such law to protect children from negligent and abusive parents. Negligent and abusive parents exist and are quite prevalent in this country!

I am not unsympathetic but fact is fact. In the case of Nurin Jazlin, the parents were partly to blame to allow her to roam the night market by herself unaccompanied and unmonitored. What more with a child sex molester widely known to be roaming the area. The lapse in attention by Jazimin Abdul Jalil and his wife, Norazian Bistaman lead to the death of their 8-year old daughter. Some parents do take things for granted and they should be made aware of such danger.

It is unfair for many parties to lay the responsibility on the police when some parents have shirked from their responsibility to take the necessary precaution. In a city of few million people, finding a lost 8-year old is almost like finding a rusted needle in a pile of haystack. What more with piling cases and insufficient resources. The police can be seek to help but the first party of responsibility lies with the parents.

Assuming there is no politics in play, the statement by the IGP and Ministers should be taken factually. It’s most unlikely Nurin Jazlin's parents will be charged. Perhaps, it is necessary to be brutally honest to make the public more aware that parental negligence is an offense under the Child Protection Act. Negligent and also abusive parents pose danger to children and it goes beyond just their physical, emotional and psychological well being but even death. The impact of abusive parents is more vicious as per the maxim "abuse children grow up to be abusive parents".

The Child Protection Act covers for parental responsibility to provide for food, clothing, and schools. It includes monitoring, guiding and supervising children’s physical, educational, emotional and spiritual development. It is not easily enforceble for the law to cover for poor parenting skill, but there is sufficient provision for parental apathy towards their responsibility.

Based on the observations of both my teacher-parents, neglected children tend to be playful, lack disciplien and as a result do poorly in school. Common indication of negligent or poor parenting are children allowed to roam free out of their home and their play activity left uncurtailed. The unsupervised and unmonitored freedom given to children is the root cause that later lead to other adolescence problems like indiscipline, gangsterism, drugs, sexual promiscuity, and others.

Surmise to say, parental neglect is the root cause and contributing factor of social ill amongst youth. Despite the affluence of society of today, the problems of parental neglect, that is assumed as common in the lower economic class, are now common occurrence amongst higher end of society.

Is the Child Protection Act of 2001 effective? Perhaps its worth sharing the experiance of my own battle in the courts to save few children from abusive parent and step parent few years ago. Our attempt to save the children had the only option to seek their removal from the abusive parent. Alas it was denied because of inadequate law.

The law only give living parent the locus standi for guardianship. There is no or too stringent provisions and process to remove the parental right of negligent and abusive parents and to award child custody to other family members. What hope is there to safe the children when the court allowed for the children to live under the same roof with the abusive parents? What hope to protect children when they couldn't distinguish between capital punishment and child abuse? Although there are avenues under syariah law, indifference was another insurmountable barrier we faced.

Since the incident, the physical abuse has lessen. However, there is no guarantee that their suffering has reduced. It merely changed from physical abuse to emotional and psychological abuse and from abuse to neglect. With the parent more aware of their rights, the burden of proof on the Welfare Department is heavier should the abuse occur again.

It was a frustating situation. Till today, I keep wondering whether the Ministry of Welfare, Family Development and Women Affair has the necessary steps to make it difficult to remove parental right of negligent and abusive parents. Is it sufficient to merely hope the abusive parents volunteer to attend counselling? Is there sufficient resources to organise such counselling session? Is the Welfare Department's far in-between surprise checks sufficients to monitor the children's welfare and their education? With limited budget allocation available for Welfare Department, is there sufficient capacity for them?

Family development is nucleus for human development. Has the era of “Bapa Pembangunan Modal Insan” evolve into any significant progress in this area? I have always had reservation of the human resource development strategy in the RMK9, which is merely sloganised education development. One can't expect the strategy to look at family development as important. The same vicious circle of negligence and abuse will only repeat itself.

My fatihah and prayers to Allahyarhamah Nur Jazlin and all the victimised children of negligent and abusive parents.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Fasting & May Your Ramadan Be An Enlightening One.

Its first of Ramadhan today.

In Malaysia, we have been conditioned by our local culture to celebrate the Hari Raya or end of fasting of Ramadhan. In other Muslim countries, particularly where the celebration has not been adulterated by culture, the true celebration lies in the month Ramadhan.

Ramadhan is a month for Muslims to exercise restraint, seek foregiveness and reflect. It is a month where Muslim is obliged to fast by refraining from food, drinks and other normal habits from dawn to dusk. Without such habit, Muslim have more time to spend on ibadah. To many who have experienced it, ones performance of ibadah is more driven and spiritually fulfilling and enlightening while fasting and during Ramadan. There lies the "real" sense of celebration and festivities. However, it does not mean to neglect ones responsibilities.

The culturisation to emphasise the celebration of Eidul Fitri and the practise of its celebration has gone beyond its true meaning. Upon the completion Ramadhan, the celebration of Eidul Fitri becomes an immediate transformation to practice of waste and over indulgence, and the spiritual development achieved during Ramadan compromised.

I received two e-mail today.

One reminded me of a hadith that tells Ramadhan is incomplete without seeking foregiveness prior to it. This is unlike the usual practise in the early morning on first of Syawal. Thus, I would like to take the opportunity to seek foregiveness to all.

The other e-mail reminded us to be sensitive with the pight of the poor and offers an opportunity to help. Since Ramadhan encourages us to be modest, we could perhaps transfer the savings to donate and support the effort of the Islamic Relief Malaysia Berhad. For more information, see below:

Get more information on their blog here or click the above image. Donation can be made online here.

I would like to share some peculiar experiance. In my previous career, I came upon many circumstances of non-Muslims with Muslim colleagues experimented with fasting and grown to enjoy it. For whatever reason, it is an interesting phenomenon for thoughts and perhaps, interfaith appreciation and understanding.

To All, Wishing Happy Fasting & May Your Ramadhan Be An Enlightening One.

Peoples' Petition To The Agong

I stand together in solidarity with All Blog (protem President here) and Band of Bloggers to petition the DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong on a host of concerns on the state of the Nation under the leadership of the Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah bin Ahmad. The country is in dire need to warrant for a constitutional intervention from the DYMM Tuanku on matters of security and sovereignty, nation's social, politics and economy structure, integrity in the administration of Government, law and order, civil liberties, and the constitution. Concern citizens could post their petition on Malaysia Today here or e-mail to

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Catatan Ku: Simple Observation on Multifaith

Sunday night, September 8th was a fine demonstration of multi-faith solidarity through Multifaith prayers held for Tun Dr Mahathir at the Blog House. When announced on Rocky Bru’s blog here, there were few Muslims expressing reservation out of fear such an act is deemed syirik or heretic.

It is a common reaction for Muslims to address uncertain area in their practise with tawhid or faith implication by avoiding it. For the unfamiliar, heresy, apostasy and accomplice to it (subahah) are act most condemned in Islam.

For those non-Muslims sincere in their gesture for Tun, their displeasure to such comments is understandable for it implies as though non-Muslims are insensitive and totally ignorant to the Muslims ways. Perhaps there should have been more diplomacy in expressing ones reservation openly. In the Newtonian world of Internet discussion, every action could sometimes bring about an opposition an equal reaction.

The way it is with religion, each comes with various strains of interpretations and orthodoxy. Its best left to within the realm of the particular faith to determine and even deal with it.

The benefit of doubt must be given to those Muslim taking a conservative stand to refrain from such Multifaith ritual. In the final analysis, the ultimate decision maker in the practise of religion goes to the individual. The long and short of religion is as one commonly said words amongst the Malays, “kubur masing-masing” (meaning every mortal is responsible to their own before the Creator). The individual’s decision should be guided either by knowledge or from learned ones.

Marina Mahathir visibly touched by the love from all Malaysians for her father

Generally when faced with an unfamiliar situation like Multifaith prayers, one could decide with sufficient confidence in ones own knowledge and understanding. Most important in one decision to join is that ones intention must be clear.

One Mufti (contrary to the opinion of some quarter of the public of him) is very much involved in interfaith dialogues abroad. In one dialogue in Europe, he was offered to lead prayers for world peace, while others follow and later rotated to be led by other, while he follows. While he agreed to the performance of such prayers, he declined to the proposed arrangement for it is heretic for him to follow the prayers rituals of others. Finally its agreed that each perform their own prayers in their own ways with a common purpose.

That is exactly what was practise at Blog House. The Muslims perform their regular Maghrib prayers and followed by 'doa' lead by the Imam. They later joined the others outside the premise to observe the prayers perform by the other faith. This is a similar to the act of Prophet Muhammad to stand to give respect to a Jewish death procession ritual.

For the comfort of the unfamiliar, the Imam, Dr Feisal Abdul Rauf is no stranger to Malaysia. He was raised here and studied at St. John Institution, Kuala Lumpur. His father was the late Egyptian Professor Abdul Rauf, the man who established Kolej Islam, Klang and later called again to be the first Rector for International Islamic University of Malaysia. Dr Feisal is involved in the interfaith Cordoba Initiative (press here) to build understanding of Islam in the West. One notable person involved in the Cordoba Initiative is Karen Armstrong.

Before the performance of the Maghrib prayers, one of the organiser requested one Muslim Blogger to perform the call for prayers or azan. Earlier he was seen busy preparing the area area for Muslims to pray. Unlike the complain one regular hear of the azan, the attitude by that organiser, who happens to be a Christian, was indeed a great gesture in interfaith respect and understanding on the Muslim ways.

As one Blogger used to confide, to promote a united Malaysian society, it is not to promote tolerance but appreciation and understanding to the other. The act of the organiser demonstrates that to promote harmony within the diverse mosaic of Malaysian society is to appreciate our differences and understand each others needs and at times insecurities. This was exactly what’s promoted by our nation's forefathers.

What matters most in interfaith interaction is a common respect for the right and manner of others to practise their own religion. The common act to condemn and ridicule other faith is not conducive to such spirit. Nevertheless, freedom to practise religion should be made without any imposition unto others, encroachment beyond ones faith, and within reasonable limit of practical considerations.

As advocated before by this Blogger, the solution to societal problems is best left to society to decide. Where the adversarial nature of politics and law failed, the attitude of appreciation and understanding within society is a solution by society itself to interfaith and also interracial issues.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Majlis Tahlil/Doa Selamat dan Solat Hajat untuk Dr.Mahathir

Dedikasi menarik oleh Bobob di U-Tube alamat

Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, Muslimin dan Muslimat

Dengan hormatnya di jemput ke Majlis Tahlil, Doa Selamat dan Sembahyang Hajat untuk kesejahteraan mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad di berikut:

Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur
7.00 malam
Jumaat 7 September 2007

Majlis ini dianjurkan oleh keluarga Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Semua dijemput hadir.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Catatan Ku: Pasti Ada Lagi Yang Kau Perlu Lakukan

Rasa lega mengisi sanubari Ku.

Institut Jantung Negara, 4 September YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad has successfully undergone coronary bypass surgery at the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) today.

Currently Tun Dr Mahathir is warded at the Intensive Care Unit of the IJN where his condition will be observed for the next few days as is routine in post-bypass surgery. The next 48-hours is the crucial period in his post operative care and hence he will be under close observation in Intensive Care Unit by a team of doctors and nurses. Overnight, he will be fully sedated.

Earlier, Tun Dr Mahathir was taken into the Operation Theatre Complex at 8.45am where immediate family members were allowed to see him before he was brought into the Operating Theatre. The operation commenced at 9.40am and was completed at 3.05pm. He was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit at 3.30pm.

Doctors are happy that the procedure progressed as anticipated and his vital parameters thus far are stable.

Tun Dr Mahathir was operated on by a panel of surgeons led by Tan Sri Dr Yahya Awang. The other members of the surgical team are Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery of the Mayo Clinic, Prof Dr Hartzell Schaff, Dato Dr Rozali Wathooth, Dato Dr Azhari Yakub, Dato Dr Venugopal Balchand and Dr Mohamed Ezani Mohd Taib.

The anaesthetic team led by Dato Dr Mohd Hassan Mohd Ariff included Dr Sharifah Suraya Syed Tahir, Dato Dr Syed Abdul Aziz Syed Zain and Dr Nor Azlina Abdul Jalil.

The panel of doctors is headed by IJN’s Medical Director, YBhg Dato Seri Dr. Robaayah Zambahari and includes consultant nephrologists Dato Dr Zaki Morad Mohd Zaher, Dr Ghazali Ahmad and consultant gastroenterologist, Dr S Ganeshanathan.

Tun Dr Mahathir had been admitted to Institut Jantung Negara on Sunday for the elective coronary bypass surgery.

IJN will continue to issue updates as and when there is significant change in Tun Dr Mahathir’s condition. Doctors have also advised against Tun Dr Mahathir receiving visitors apart from immediate family members.

Rintasan pertama telah Kau lepasi. Masih ada lagi yang perlu diharungi sebelum sampai di akhir garisan perjalanan ini.
Ku rasakan pengembaraan Mu kali ini belum berakhir. Kau tidak akan mengambil risiko di waktu senja usia Mu tanpa sebab-sebab tertentu. Kerana bukan hajat Mu untuk menongkat langit.

Apabila masanya, Ku akan turut menyokong.

Demi Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hopes and Prayers Accompany Dr Mahathir to the Operating Theater

Tun Dr Mahathir is due to be operated this morning Tuesday September 4th, 2007. Despite assurance by daughter-blogger Dato Marina Mahathir here that he is in good hands, Malaysian of all walk of life await with bated breath the outcome of the operation. The people's hopes and prayers accompanies Malaysia’s glorious son to the operating room.

The Utusan Malaysia’s report entitled Rakyat Doakan Mahathir Selamat Di Bedah here is presented below:

KUALA LUMPUR 3 Sept. – Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad akan menjalani pembedahan pintasan koronari di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) di sini pada pukul 8 pagi esok.

Anak beliau, Datuk Mukhriz berkata, ayahnya akan dimasukkan ke bilik pembedahan pada pukul 6.45 pagi dan pembedahan dijalankan pada pukul 8 pagi.

‘‘Saya menjangka pembedahan mengambil masa empat hingga enam jam bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan ayahanda saya,’’ katanya ketika ditemui di Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru di sini selepas satu majlis solat hajat.

Mukhriz mengharapkan rakyat Malaysia sama-sama mendoakan Dr. Mahathir selamat menjalani pembedahan pagi esok.

Solat hajat memohon kejayaan pembedahan tersebut diadakan di Masjid Jamek Kampung Baru malam ini diimamkan oleh Imam Besar masjid itu, Abdul Ahad Abu Bakar.

Seramai 100 orang menunaikan solat hajat itu termasuk Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar, Datuk Seri Aziz Shamsudin, Ahli Parlimen Kota Bharu, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dan bekas Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Khalid Yunus.

Mukhriz berkata, bekas Perdana Menteri itu berada dalam keadaan sihat menjelang pembedahannya dan boleh bercakap seperti biasa.

‘‘Pembedahan itu memang dalam perancangan kami... ia bukan disebabkan beliau mengalami serangan jantung mengejut,’’ katanya.

Beliau menjelaskan, pembedahan tersebut adalah susulan daripada pembedahan pintasan koronari pertamanya pada tahun 1989.

‘‘Tun (Dr. Mahathir) mengalami serangan jantung ketika berada di Langkawi baru-baru ini dan pembedahan mesti disegerakan untuk mengelak terjadi lagi serangan pada masa akan datang,’’ jelas Mukhriz dalam nada tenang.

Dr. Mahathir, 81, menjalani pembedahan pintasan koronari pertamanya di Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur kira-kira 18 tahun lalu pada 24 Januari 1989.
Satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan IJN petang ini memberitahu, pembedahan pintasan koronari ke atas bekas Perdana Menteri itu esok akan diketuai oleh Tan Sri Dr. Yahya Awang.

Dr. Yahya, pakar bedah jantung terkemuka negara, pernah menjalankan pembedahan yang sama ke atas Dr. Mahathir pada 1989.

Kenyataan itu turut menyebut Pengarah Perubatan IJN, Datuk Seri Dr. Robaayah Zambahari mengetuai panel doktor yang merawat Dr. Mahathir.

Dr. Mahathir yang juga seorang doktor perubatan bersara daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri pada 31 Oktober 2003. Beliau dimasukkan ke IJN pada 18 Ogos lalu untuk menjalani pemeriksaan rutin dan menjalani ujian kardiak yang komprehensif.

Beliau dibenarkan pulang dua hari kemudian pada 20 Ogos.

Dr. Mahathir yang melalui kehidupan aktif walaupun selepas bersara baru-baru ini menjadi tetamu kehormat pada perbarisan Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-50 di Dataran Merdeka di sini.

Menurut Mukhriz, ayahnya masih dalam keadaan normal dan sihat tetapi doktor tidak menggalakkan beliau menerima pengunjung terlalu ramai. “Doktor mahu ayahanda saya berehat sebelum pembedahan itu.

‘‘Semangat ayahanda saya masih kuat malah selera makannya masih ada kerana dia sempat berpesan pada saya supaya membeli makanan kegemarannya iaitu
kuih koci dan apam manis,’’ kata beliau.

Mukhriz menjelaskan, ayahnya yakin kebarangkalian untuk sembuh selepas pembedahan itu adalah tinggi berdasarkan kecanggihan teknologi rawatan sekarang.

Beliau bagaimanapun melahirkan sedikit kebimbangan keadaan Dr. Mahathir selepas pembedahan. Proses untuk sembuh, katanya, mungkin mengambil masa yang lama.

Pada pukul 6 petang ini, Menteri Pelancongan, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor turut berada di IJN melawat bekas Perdana Menteri itu yang mentadbir Malaysia selama 22 tahun.

Beliau juga diberitahu bahawa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah dimaklumkan mengenai rancangan pembedahan itu oleh Dr. Mahathir sendiri.

Turut melawat Dr. Mahathir di IJN hari ini ialah Menteri Kesenian, Kebudayaan dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim dan Timbalan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Datuk Mohd. Johari Baharum.

The Utusan Malaysia report stands to be corrected for the turnout at the Solat Hajat prayers session at the Masjid Jame Kampung Baru was definitely more than 100. The fact that a Malay mainstream media reported it in such manner was already a good indication of the people’s concern for Tun.

Despite the heavy torrential rain late evening, there were three rows of about 350 performed the special prayers led by the Masjid’s Imam Besar. Apart from those mentioned, others present to pray together with Dato Mukhriz Mahathir were former Federal Court Judges Tan Sri Kadir and Dato’ Eusoff, Parlimentary Secretary for the Ministry for Environment, Dato Sazmi Meah, former Parti Keadilan Deputy President and Member of PRIMA, Encik Rahman Othman, former Treasury and Sime Darby, Encik Din Merican, Masjid Chairman, Dato Aziz, members of Pemuda UMNO, ANSARA and Prowaris, and the regular Jemaah. There was an anonymous donor providing nasi lemak dinner for the attendance.

As told by Encik Sufi Yusof, his Press Secretary, the first few well wishers to call in yesterday were PAS’s President Hj Hadi Wang, Deputy President Nasaruddin Jalil and Mahfuz Omar. Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim was the first to visit him in the morning.

Apart from the prayers organised by ANSARA at Kampung Baru, blogger Biggum Dogmannsteinberg reported Surau and Masjid in Segambut, Petaling Jaya, Kubang Pasu, Sungai Petani, Langkawi, Simpang Renggam, Pulai, Johor Bahru and include far away places like Sandakan were performing the special prayer.

Despite the reserved coverage of Dr Mahathir by the oppressed mainstream media, his popularity with the public has not waned. Foto-blogger Jinggo, photographing the Merdeka parade here, related a noticeable reception from the public upon the announcement of his attendance by Emcee, Mahadzir Lokman. Earlier the night before at the Dataran Merdeka ceremony and Live via RTM, the mere mention of his name draws a strong applause from the public, comparable to the present Prime Minister.

There is a string of wellwishers on the Internet at MyKMU Forum, Malaysia Today, Rocky’s Bru, and MageP's Lab, among others. The Scribe and Pahit Manis dedicated poems for Tun. These show of appreciation from the public should not be taken likely by his political detractors within UMNO that have been relentless in downplaying him.

To many young Malaysians including 11-year old blogger Aishah here, Tun Dr Mahathir is their only memory of a Malaysian Prime Minister. His immense contribution to the country could not be denied. He will always remain appreciated by fellow Malaysians for bringing Malaysia to its present economic standing and international recognition. Many will remember Dr Mahathir for steering the country to safety during the financial crisis of 1997/98.

Despite his advancing age, he has not let up to “tegur” the weakness of the present leadership. After his 1989 heart operation, many Malaysian will remember that he accelerated the industrialisation drive of the country. While, the same is not to be expected of him this time around, many Malaysian still count on Dr Mahathir to be their voice to express concern on the decaying state of the country.

At the moment, he will also need the prayers and expression of love from all Malaysian for the more crucial post-operation recovery. Other than the usual expression of well wishes with flowers, and greeting cards, can anyone get him a good kueh koci and apam manis? And off course, it has to be in accordance with his dietary requirements.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Solat Hajat for Tun Dr Mahathir

Tun Dr Mahathir is scheduled to undergo a heart by-pass operations at the Institiut Jantung Negara (IJN), Kuala Lumpur tomorrow Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at 8:00 a.m.

A special Solat Hajat prayers will be held tonight September 3rd, 2007 after the Isya prayers at the Masjid Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur to pray for a successful operation. Dato Mukhriz has confirmed his attendance. All are invited.

Lets all Malaysian pray for the well being of our beloved statesman!