Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ucaptama Najib dan pindaan Perlembagaan

Dato Seri Najib menyampaikan ucaptama yang berjodol Menjunjung Tradisi Menzahir Perubahan.

Pada lebih kurang tengahhari, Dato Hishamuddin selaku Pengerusi Jawatankuasa berkenaan pindaan perlembagaan UMNO membentangkan cadangan dan diterima secara formal dengan sebulat suara oleh perwakilan yang hadhir.

Sehingga hari ini, pelbagai komen didengari dari pelbagai pihak dari dewan makan untuk perwakilan Perak ke pasaraya politik di The Mall. Seorang rakan telah merumuskan ucapan Najib dalam petikan SMS berikut:

1. Talk about the concept of 'syukur' with reference to Bagan Pinang by election.

2. Warn the UMNO members not to be so complacent with the victory.

3. Applying an open approach based on the valuation from the people.

4. UMNO has championed many crisis faced by the country eg 13 May tragedy, Economic Crisis, etc.

5. Malays are not racists. Malay are very tolerance towards other races.

6. UMNO must be viewed as 'people's champion' not as an exclusive party to 'make money'.

7. Leader should not be too distance from the grassroot. UMNO leader must have integrity in performing the task given.

8. UMNO's survival is very much depending on the support of the Malays. UMNO as a governing party must have support from every races.

9. Slams the quarters who claim dat the malays are already ok without help from the govt. What about the younger generation.

10. Gv credits to Wanita for for their sacrifice towards the devt of the nation.

11. Question the spirit of volunteerism among the members. Lack of the 'service spirit.'

12. UMNO must come back to teh core business to help the 'rakyat'

13. Requesting the members to work hand in hand and to face the struggle.

Outside the hall, the speech is well received by the members. Many seems to be happy to see Tun back in the hall.

Sementara itu, orang tertanya-tanya di mana Pak Lah yang telah mengesahkan kehadhiran.

Ucapan Najib mendapat pandangan berbeza dari pelbagai pihak. Ada merasakan ianya ucaptama seorang Perdana Menteri dan bukan Presiden UMNO.

Ada pula merasakan Najib terlalu berhati-hati dan agak defensif. Sepatutnya Najib perlu lebih menyerlahkan kedudukkan Presiden UMNO sebagai Ketua Umat Melayu. Ia seolah-olah mengaku kalah bahawa UMNO bukan lagi bersesuaian dengan maxim yang sering dikata bahawa UMNO itu Melayu dan Melayu itu UMNO.

Ada pihak merasakan ianya sesuai untuk masaalah dan keadaan yang sedang dihadapi UMNO sekarang.

Sementara itu, rungutan yang kuat sekali didengari di The Mall adalah perwakilan dan pemegang jawatan dalam parti tidak mendalamai implikasi pindaan yang dicadangkan.

Menurut meja yang dipenuhi aktivis UMNO yang dikepalai perbincangan oleh blogger Zaharin Yasin serta diturut serta oleh penulis politik Sabah, Musli Oli, pindaan ini tidak meremajakan UMNO tetapi 'mendewasakan' UMNO.

Kononnya sesiapa yang bercita-cita untuk menjadi Presiden UMNO merangkap Perdana Menteri Malaysia, akan hanya tercapai secara realistik pada umur 70 tahun. Hai ... 40 tahun lagi Khairy kena tunggu.

Sementara itu, Zabidi Saidi merungut mengenai perbahasan yang banyak mengampu.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    UMNO is a racist party and there is no doubt about that. But how racist it is depend how desperate they are. The same goes for most other parties in Malaysia. The fear of losing out still exits in our mind because we were spoon fed, not a wrong thing if you are still below 3 to 4 years old, now after 2 generations do we need it maybe but being a better person 1st is more important. A better person selects good leaders that is not happening in many Asian and most notably African countries. The Malays look too inward (not in the heart) to realize that some races suffered because they were not bumiputras. Now we have people who has not corrected themselves on past errors, blunders and corruption telling us to be good yet they themselves are not credible though some actions show them to be likewise. Come on Malaysia be wise Unite under better people i.e.they should unite under a capable, lucid, pious and felicitous leaders. This maybe difficult but we have to start some where but capability and integrity are a must. Find a better financial method or dealings, and find a new communication highway. Wassalam.

  2. Salam
    Berita Harian hari ini menyiarkan logo 1Malaysia di mana keris Melayu telah dikontotkan.

    Adakah disengajakan? Apa mesejnya? Inikan perubahan yang dimahukan? Adakah Ketuanan Melayu tidak lagi penting dan terpaksa akur dengan 1Malaysia?


Plainly state opinion. Only mature and sensible views welcome.

Hostile, insulting and bad language comments NOT RELEASED.