Monday, September 23, 2019

Milo Ais Jho Low: Bukti anda rapat dengan Najib

Minuman Milo panas, Milo ais, dan Milo ais bertopping serbuk Milo popular di Malaysia.

Tidak lama lagi, satu lagi minuman Milo baru akan memasuki pasaran iaitu Milo Ais Jho Low.

Hari ini di mahkamah, DPP Dato Gopal Sri Ram bertanya saksi Dato Shahrol, CEO pertama 1MDB bukti Jho Loh rapat dengan Dato Najib.

Shahril memberitahu mahkamah bahawa dia selalu jumpa Jho Low di rumah Dato Najib. Sebagai bukti saya selalu minta minuman Milo Ais.

Begitulah kuatnya minuman Milo Ais sebagai bahan bukti.

Untuk suami yang nakal keluar dating dengan gelfren, boleh guna Milo Ais Jho Low sebagai bukti untuk selamatkan diri.

Bila isteri tuduh kamu keluar dengan perempuan lain, katakan awak keluar dengan Jho Low dengan kawan rapatnya, Dato Najib.

Buktinya awak order minuman Milo Ais. Mantap punya bukti hingga isteri pun percaya.

Biarlah Tan Sri Shafee marah pendakwa hingga hakim terpinga-pinga kerana melayan pembuktian hearsay macam di kedai kopi.

Yang penting, lepas dari kesalahan fi mahkamah rumahtangga.

Bukti saya rapat dengan sahabat saya Ah Hock ialah saya suka order bawal stim ketika makan bersama.

Begitu caranya.


7:30 PM Updated while caught in a traffic jam

That was the funny and serious flaw in the prosecution witness's zcripted testimony blame Dato Najib.

But before Shafee begin his cross examination, the fact establizhed are:

1.  Shahrol knew Jho Low in 2007 - even before Najib became PM or Shahrol knew Najib.

2. Shahrol was the one who looked for Jho Low and Jho Low was the one who brought Shahrol to Sultan Mizan to get appointed as CEO of TIA.

3. TIA was formed by both Sultan Terengganu and Jho Low after they met Mubadala  - even before Najib was involved or PM.

4. Jho Low was the one who acted as advisor to Sultan for TIA even before Najib got involved.

5. Then Jho Low was made formalised as advisor for TIA by Sultan Terengganu.

6. And since Jho Low was the link man to Mubadala and advisor to TIA as appointed by Sultan, wouldn't Najib have an obligation then to meet and deal with Jho Low since he represents both TIA, the Sultan and Mubadala?

Even when Shahrol went to TPM house to meet Najib, it was to meet Mubadala CEO as introduced by Jho Low.

Shahrol will continue his testimony tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Guess Milo ais will become Milo panas and finally Milo Cam. Funny how deviating this issue has become. Least to say Najib was accidentally on a yacht with Joe Doe and the whole 1mdb crew!

    Plus a hippo to boot!

    Mysterious Malaysia. Come savor the hallucinating characters. No Hollywood or Bollywood characters comes close.
    Donald who pales in comparison. Wakaka

    Expect a Grammy soon.



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