Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Muhyiddin's and Najib's twist of fate

Malaysia's contemporary politics could be in the midst of a new phenomenon that is not positive for governance and country direction.

Past feud and camaraderie could be swept under the carpet to be held at bay to meet realpolitik objective of the day.

Pondering over political events of the past five years, it could set any thinking citizens to wonder whether any political alliance or/and narrative at any one time have any relevance to past or subsequent events.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Failing faculties, Frigging soundbytes

Tun Dr Mahathir is renown for his ability to communicate in simple soundbytes and use it effectively to attack political opponents or to turn the table on their attack.

Quite often than not, it is not technically accurate. But it serve the purpose to convey the essence of his message.

These days, with his faculties failing and memory limitted to remembering the past but not recent events, he is frigging himself silly to think the simple soundbytes still works.

With supporters split and politically dependent on DAP, his past narratives are irrelevant today.

Frankly, it is pointless for him to even consider returning as PM for the third term. [Go to the survey by The Unspinners blog HERE to agree or disagree]

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

SURVEY: To understand Mahathir, follow the money

Raja Petra Kamaruddin's latest video claimed money was the motivation for Tun Dr Mahathir to insist on being PM again for 6 months before passing over the position to Anwar.

The planned return will be upon winning the vote of no confidence for July Parliament seating.

Before reading further into this posting, go to the link HERE to vote YES or NO to DAP and AMANAH agreement to this suggestion.

A discussion on the matter can be found in the previous posting here. This posting is still related.

RPK's reason is Mahathir raised the bulk of PH's RM2.5 billion election bill for GE14.

Monday, June 22, 2020

PM for 6 months: Survey and Another Open Letter

James Chai discussed the options available for PH Plus choice for PM candidate in a Malaysiakini article dated June 14, 2020.

Since then, DAP, Amanah, Warisan and Tun Dr Mahathir's expelled PPBM faction have announced their plan for Mahathir to be PM for 6 months and Dato Seri Anwar as Deputy PM.

The development create the perception PH Plus have the numbers and will win the vote of no confidence motion for July Parliamentary session to enable PH to return to power.

The puzzling question is....

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Independents' motivation to run at Chini mysterious

By 10 AM, only two independent candidates submitted the nomination forms purchaed from Election Commission office.

Though PPBM, and PH particularly PKR officially said they are not running, they may have placed proxies to run.

Why the need for proxies when these candidates could run using their own party platforms?

However, it is not quite so simple.

More so, the motivation for the two candidates to run and face the risk of losing their deposits in a BN stronghold and Dato' Najib home ground homegrown remains a mystery.

Friday, June 19, 2020

RM15 million for independent to run against BN?

The nomination for the by-election of the vacant Chini state assembly seat will be tomorrow, June 20th.

Yesterday, BN announced their candidate as local son of a local Felda settler, 42 year old Mohd Sharim Mohd Zin.

PKR, Amanah and PH had a change of mind to announce not running. They cited the  Covid Corona as reason. The SOP for campaigning is quiet stringent.

The claim is probably true.

However, BN won the Chini seat at the GE14 with about 10,000 votes, PAS second with about 5,400 votes and PKR last at slightly more than 1,000 votes.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Points media failed to pick up from Ali Hamsa's cross-examination

The attention of the court proceeding on Tuesday, June 16th 2020 was on Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa's denial of pressuring for amendment of the 1MDB Audit Report and meeting's discussion on certain clauses in the report. MMO and Edge highlighted his opinion on the unethical taping of the meeting.

Social media was focused on DPP under fiat, Dato Gopal Sri Ram for application to change again charges using excuse of typographical error. Gopal's case kantoi for charging wrongly and he was to amend the charge. It's unfair for the accused, BH reported.

However, there was interesting points raised in the exchanges of question and answers during cross examination of Ali by defense counsel, Tan Sri Muhamamd Shafee Abdullah not highlighted by both mainstream and social media.

Read below:

Monday, June 15, 2020

Gopal Raj Kumar's Open letter to Tun

Open letter to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Dear Tun,

There’s nothing that I say that will come as a surprise to you for you have heard it all, seen it all, and done it all before. But I feel compelled to share some thoughts with you with the hope that you can show me the flaw in my arguments.

I refer to your recent reported attempts to pass a vote of no confidence in Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and to your continuing attempts to unseat him as Prime Minister.

Let’s go back a little to May 2018.  That was the year of the 14th general election. Pakatan Harapan claimed its legitimate victory and you were its choice for Prime Minister.

But a sizable number of people, for one reason or another, did not cast their vote and nor did they vote for you or Pakatan Harapan. Yet, they accepted the outcome of that GE and moved on with their lives.

That’s the democracy that we practice.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

No father and son please

Sorry to spoil the party.

The last time UMNO had a father and son holding elected office was from 1986 to 1993. The son was two term MP for Batu Berendam (1986-1994), Tamrin Ghaffar. While, the father was then Deputy Prime Minister (1986-93), Tun Ghaffar Baba.

Since then, there have been no such situation being together in Parliament. Not even the case of father in Parliament or son in a state assemblymen. Perhaps, an appointed State Speaker and wife elected as state assemblymen. Still no two elected official.

UMNO used to do an internal program with the tagline "Keluarga Ku Ahli UMNO". And, it is common for whole family to be actively involved at branch or division level. But, no more of father and son running for public office at the same time.

Dato Najib's son shouldn't run for the vacant Chini state seat.

Monday, June 01, 2020

"Me, Guan Eng and Kit Siang; We are all one" PLUS Titijaya Berhad

It was on February 8th, 2019, that this blog put up a posting,"Tommy Thomas allegedly said, "Me, Guan Eng and Kit Siang; We are all one""

In a revelation by FMT, Tommy and Lim Guan Eng are one again.

The report entitled, Ex-AG agreed to Guan Eng’s request to unlock tycoon’s money despite only 12% return of 1MDB funds, is self explanatory.

The sequel to the original posting had to wait 16 months. To gloat a bit, this is the problem with being too far sighted.

Since the fall of PH government, public and social media have been demanding on MACC, police and Attorney General Office to initiate investigation on the wrongdoings of former AC, Tan Sri Tommy Thomas.

The most frequent demand is to reopen the Guan Eng corruption case AGwithdrew.