Monday, August 05, 2024

Reforming the audit system

Its about her (Wan Suraya) tasking "to transform and restructure the auditing system and strengthen the country's financial management".

In last year's report for 2022, she commented that there was an improvement in financial position from 2021 despite increasing national debt and liabilities and recommended strengthening public financial discipline

But she highlighted the glaring wastage of RM122 billion recurring annually. The public sector had serious issue. Had not for the wastage, the almost RM80 billion annual subsidy could still be provided to the rakyat. 

Thus, don't blame the ruling party - past and present.      

This year Wan Suraya introduced the Auditor-General's Dashboard (AGD) online platform where all types of Auditor-General's certificates on Federal Agencies' Financial Statements will be displayed. This is essentially introducing transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in audit findings towards achieving good governance. 

The priority of national audit is, to quote from her keynote address at a recent Bank Audit Conference 2024, "to respond to the concern by the government over instances of non-compliance and internal control weaknesses that are repeatedly mentioned in the annual audit reports in the past". 

This is exactly what the action and follow-up the commentator meant, isn't it?

From the latest Auditor General report onward, the National Audit Department will trace the public money through the various GLCs and agencies. The more significant tradition-departing changes from Wan Suraya is an amendment to the Audit Act to expand the scope to audit government guarantees. 

Read in full on Thick as a Brick HERE

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