Wednesday, September 01, 2010

TNB sue a Melayu, but did nothing to Namewee!

Reading the blog Garamanis here, made me ask back what was written by Kickdefella here.

Watch the video first.

Is it because Namewee is Chinese that TNB, AG and MCMC are afraid to do anything to him?

Fuck the votes! Be fair.

Sigh ... maybe DAP should start to champion Malays because we are now second class citizen in our own mother fucking land!!!

- END -


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Malays have always been second class citizens.

    It is the UMNO ruling elites (many of them non-Malays such as Indian muslims) that are the first class citizens.

  2. WMD, or wee meng dung can also mean weapon of mass destruction - destructing the nation's harmony.

    Access to higher education. So far, Najib, is very dissapointing! A historic move to dish out scholarships to chinese education.

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Salam Bro,
    Ini lah sistem pemerintah yang kita ada. Apabila Melayu aje cepat aje ditangkap/dipancung/ dicantas/dihukum dan lain2.

    Agaknya negara kita ni hanya menjatuhkan hukuman keatas orang2 Melayu aje atau pemerintahan yang ada hari ini diproxy oleh bangsa lain.

    Lihat sahaja undang-undang yang kita ada, tidak cukup dengan mahkamah civil. Kita melayu masih boleh dikenakan hukum di mahkamah syariah.Walaupun telah dihukum dibawah mahkamah civil.

    BroHassan kena tukar nama ke nama cina seperti Ah San baru terlepas. Lihat saje namewee memaki hamun TNB dengan gelaran Teo Na Beng, mengutuk /menjatuhkan nama bangsa Melayu yang berkerja di TNB di lepaskan sahaja. Banyak lagi yg dilakukan beliau tetapi FREE sebebasnya.


    1)Apabila ada pelajar MELAYU yg miskin di Perlis tidak pergi/menyertai ke kem PLKN ditangkap dan dihukum kerna membantu orang tua tetapi cina s**l/kiasu /teo naseng /nia mahai Ci B*i namewee dilepaskan sahaja.
    2)Apabila sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina diberi peruntukan beratus-ratus juta tetapi sekolah agama dihentikan bantuan malah diarahkan tutup?
    3)Apabila sekolah kebangsaan matematik dan sains dihapuskan pembelajaran dalam bahasa Melayu diganti dengan bahasa ingeris TETAPI sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina masih kekal diajar matematik dan sains didalam bahasa cina disamping bahasa ingeris.
    4)Apabila budak Melayu ditangkap didapati membakar gereja dan dihukum penjara TETAPI budak cina yang menyimbah cat merah umpama warna darah bersimbulkan bunuh dan membaling arak yg haram kemasjid cepat2 dicover up.
    5)Banyak gerai/warong2 Melayu dirobohkan TETAPI gerai/warong2 bangsa asing dilepaskan/dibiarkan.
    6)Perkampungan Melayu atau Setinggan Melayu banyak di robohkan dan tidak dibayar pampasan sewajarnya oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan atau diambil oleh PBT/GLC/Swasta TETAPI Setingan Cina di Rawang TNB membayar berjuta-juta.
    7)Tanah2 rezab Malayu dilepaskan berjuta2 ekar diseluruh Negara dan tidak digantikan semula dan dibayar dengan pampasan yang rendah TETAPI tanah2 milik cina/bebas dibayar dengan harga tinggi sekiranya pengambilan diambil.
    8)Tanah2 milik kerajaan contohnya milik DBKL di mana tersergamnya mid valley tiada satu pun atau 30% tiada pemilikan Melayu disana TETAPI cina dapat memilikinya. Contoh lain tanah milik pavillion.
    9)Apabila setiap tahun kita mempunyai palajar Melayu yang cemerlang satu Malaysia dalam palajaran SPM dengan mendapat 18A atau 21A seperti adik Amalina dll TETAPI kini dipancung dengan tidak membenarkan mengambil melebihi 9 matapelajaran sedangkan itu menjadi Pembakar semangat pada anak bangsa bahawa melayu mampu melakukannya apa saja dengan cemerlang sekiranya dilakukan dengan tekun.
    10)Tanah Milik Keretapi Melayu Dibahagi Kepada Cina singapore.
    11)Banyaklah Bro.

    Jadi Apaperlu kita buat.
    Melayu kerna bangkit menjadi kurang ajar agar tidak diperkotak katikan oleh orang lain.

    Saya Doakan Bro Hassan tabah dan berjuang dengan jitu.


    p/s- Betul kata namewee TNB memang teo na Beng, Teo Na Seng , Niamah, hanya mengulang kata2 namewee.

  4. Anonymous10:17 PM

    give them each a copy of this book:

    Chinese Dilemma by Ye Lin Sheng
    Dec 2003
    East West Publishing Pty Ltd
    ISBN 0-9751646-1-9-215

    they dont sell this book anymore bro, so check at

    and tell che khalib to stop reading blue ocean or red sea or whatever.

  5. Anonymous12:20 AM

    For almost sixty bloody years, Chinese segregate business & trade from Malay by championing Chinese School, (Private 60 odds school & hundreds SRJK (C) and SMJK (C),)to retain mandarin as the national language.

    Private sector (Chinese Mandarin) vs Public Sector (Malay lazy nincompoop Bahasa Kebangsaan, as Namewee said), you want me give us Mandarin as national langguage of this Chibai land. Work with me ok you know mandarin chow chebai?.

    Today, Zong Zong all winners get scholarship ma, soon UEC is recognised, ask Mahathir did he gave face to this ZONG ZONG batak cibai? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    This is a true reason for division in the country's race unity. Mandarin language chibai. Talk cibai language everywhere to separate Malay from their business.

    They can't see the work of our army, what they think army makan gaji buta ke? This services chibai juga ke?

    I want to see how's the government copies the winning heart and mind of the Chinese people from the British.

    national interest first my brother, no chibai language. This is the true way for nation building, one language , one school and one nation.

  6. Anonymous6:02 AM

    eh, sejak bila melayu berkuasa? sejak bila ada ketuanan Melayu? BN bukan ketuanan Melayu BN is UMNO, MCA MIC dan sekutu adalah ketuanan Malaysia. Melayu kampong makan kuah jeeee... .termasuk lah aku. Kesian aku. Padan muka aku.

  7. Adakah Malaysia,Melayu dan Islam akan lebih baik jika PAS, PKR dan DAP memerintah? No, nahi, nahi. Tengok dominasi DAP di Penang dan Perak,PKR di Selangor pun dah kelam kabut macamana nak perintah sebuah negara. Kelantan bawah PAS 20 tahun masih lagi mundur asyik janji surga jer, jaga kohilal pun rugi. Kat Kedah PAS dok pulun hasil BN jer.

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM

    we cant even joke in this country... cant even express ourselves.. and they expect us to vote nothing else. but BN... ah... i feel sorry for myself

  9. man dego12:25 PM

    50 puluh tahun lebih dibawah Umno. Ls ni kita adalah hasil dari pemerintahnya.
    Jika dibawah PR .... Melayu ... jadi lagi teruk.
    Melayu la ni tiada pilihan.
    Harapan melayu la ni hanya pekasa.

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I have read a posting couple of days ago from GAP regarding a Katy Lim Li Lian cursing Allah in her Facebook. What isn't she being locked up under ISA for her comments? Where's KJ, Hishamuddin, Rais Yatim, TGNA & Ibrahim Ali? I am really sad by current antics of Ultra Kiasu testing the patience of the Muslims. If DAP, MCA & Gerakan are not racist, why the silence?

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Totally agree...

    Malay cause Malays doomed...
    Malay is good in team when Malays are nobody...
    When Malay is on top, they forgot that they are Malay.

    Latest incident...
    When Church got burnt, Malay give RM500k, Malays guard their church. Eventhough, at that time, we do not know who did that.

    When mesjid kena simbah cat & kena baling ARAK, Malay just quite, not even a single sen given, not even a single non-malay/muslim want to guard.

    ...So, is this 1Malaysia? Or Malay sacrify and Non-malay gain? Is non-malay so gready ? Should we change from 1Malaysia to X-Malays-i-a.(prounance.. cross(remove) Malay in Asia.)

  12. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Totally agree...

    Malay cause Malays doomed...
    Malay is good in team when Malays are nobody...
    When Malay is on top, they forgot that they are Malay.

    Latest incident...
    When Church got burnt, Malay give RM500k, Malays guard their church. Eventhough, at that time, we do not know who did that.

    When mesjid kena simbah cat & kena baling ARAK, Malay just quite, not even a single sen given, not even a single non-malay/muslim want to guard.

    ...So, is this 1Malaysia? Or Malay sacrify and Non-malay gain? Is non-malay so gready ? Should we change from 1Malaysia to X-Malays-i-a.(prounance.. cross(remove) Malay in Asia.)

    6:25 AM
    Yeah, Chinese go and give donation, hina Islam kononnya.........

    How to give?

    People step into your mosque, you say they tainted your place of worship.

    Is this how your religion teaches you? Treat others like pariah?

    Remember, two journalist from Al-Islam desecrate a Holy things of the Catholics, where were your voice?

    Respect, my friend goes both ways.


Plainly state opinion. Only mature and sensible views welcome.

Hostile, insulting and bad language comments NOT RELEASED.