Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pantai: The Nor Yakcop-Khazanah fumble Part 2

An anonymous commentator spoke of the need for succession plan for CEOs to come from within the group.

It is supposed to be selected from among the top executives in the Company and is one that is respected by his peers in order to earn the respect and support of the organisation.

Since most offices will will be breaking early by afternoon for Hari Raya Haji holiday tomorrow and a long weekend, the background story on Pantai debacle will have to be rescheduled. It is perhaps better to discuss the commentators view.

Sorry for being rather complacent lately to update this blog. Promise to be more regular after this Pantai piece.

Today's posting will thus publish an article in Malay from MyKMU that discussed the need for a clear policy and guideline in any CEO selection which Nor Yakcop had failed greatly. Read below:

Perlu ada polisi pemilihan CEO yang jelas sebagai panduan

Akhir-akhir ini pemilihan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) sesebuah syarikat khususnya syarikat kaitan kerajaan (GLC) sudah menjadi suatu perkara yang dibincangkan terbuka oleh umum dan dilaporakan oleh media, baik perdana mahu pun alternatif.

Ada yang hanya membuat tekaan untuk menunjukkan kebolehan membuat ramalan. Ada perbincangan tersirat bertujuan untuk melobi. Selalu juga didengar mereka yang menimbulkan isu atas hujah-hujah tertentu agar seseorang itu tidak patut dilantik.

Menteri yang berkenaan atau Perdana Menteri kelihatan sedia mendengar timbal balik yang ikhlas dari media dan menghargai dengan tidak memilih nama-nama yang dipersoalkan kewibawaan. Ini seiring dengan apa yang disarankan Perdana Menteri supaya sedia mendengar dan Menteri tidak ada jawapan kepada segala-galanya.

Apa sekali pun timbal balik yang diberi, kuasa prerogatif tersebut masih terletak kepada Menteri yang berkenaan atau Perdana Menteri dan ianya memang perlu dihormati. Namun begitu, ada baiknya suatu polisi yang menggariskan kriteria CEO GLC dibuat sebagai panduan pemilihan dan diketahui pihak-pihak yang berkenaan. Bagi mengelakkan pemilihan CEO sering jadi perbincangan umum, kriteria am dan khusus untuk pemilihan dijadikan satu polisi yang telus dan difahami, baik dalam organisasi atau media.

Sesuatu syarikat mengalami masaalah atau keperluan tertentu untuk sesuatu masa dan fasa dalam kitaran hidup korporat (corporate lifecycle). Kriteria untuk memilih seorang CEO itu perlu menyesuaikan latarbelakang dari segi pencapaian, pengalaman, dan kepakaran dengan keadaan syarikat dan suasana ia berada.

Tentu sekali syarikat yang berupa syarikat pembangunan tidak boleh diketuai oleh seorang dari pengalaman logistik. Seorang konsultan yang lebih berpengalaman dalam menjana polisi awam dan khidmat nasihat pengurusan khusus tidak bolehlah diletakkan pada kedudukan teratas sebagai CEO.

Jawatan CEO memerlukan seorang yang perlu ada pengalaman mengurus, implementasi polisi dan berupaya memahami masaalah operasi.

Pengurus yang pernah mengepalai syarikat dalam keadaan fasa pertumbuhan pesat tidak semestinya sesuai untuk mengurus syarikat yang mengalami konsolidasi atau fasa perubahan struktur dan proses atau syarikat baru mula (start-up).

CEO yang paling sesuai untuk mengepalai sesuatu syarikat haruslah seseorang yang berlatarbelakang dalam kegiatan utama syarikat. Umpamanya kontraktor harus dikepalai oleh seorang berlatarbelakang jurutera. Syarikat penerbangan dikepalai oleh seorang yang berlatarbelakang dalam aeroangkasa.

Kadangkala jika syarikat itu sedang mengalami proses perubahan untuk mengatasi masaalah yang diluar kepakaran kegiatan utama, maka CEO yang sesuai tidak semestinya dari latarbelakang sedemikian.

Umpamamnya hospital sesuai dikepalai oleh seorang doktor. Namun begitu doktor itu harus mempunyai pengalaman dan kepakaran mengurus dan mentadbir organisasi. Adakala apabila cabaran yang dihadapi hospital untuk menstruktur operasi untuk viabiliti jangkamasa panjang atau menjana dana untuk memperluaskan operasi, latarbelakang yang sesuai mungkin semestinya seorang doktor.

Kadangkala seperti syarikat penerbangan, latarbelakang aeroangkasa saja tidak mencukupi kerana ia perlu dipadankan dengan kepakaran khusus. Jika syarikat tersebut baru distruktur kembali kewangan dan organisasi, ia memerlukan seorang yang boleh memperkemaskan operasi. CEO dari seorang berlatarbelakang kewangan, atau pemasaran atau sumber manusia tentu tidak sesuai.

CEO perlu seseorang yang fokus dalam memberi kepimpinan kepada organisasi. Tentu sekali seorang aktivis politik mungkin tidak sesuai. Selain itu, ia menimbulkan syak akan ada salahguna kuasa dan kemudahan syarikat. Dalam suasana politik hari ini, ini perlu dihindarkan.

Sebagai pemimpin organisasi, CEO perlulah seorang yang berperibadian yang boleh memimpin, dihormati dan berupaya memberi keyakinan kepada pekerja-pekerja seluruh organisasi. Keperibadian yang sombong tidak menarik sokongan dan hormat dari pengurus dan pekerja di bawahnya. CEO yang bertanggungjawab dan ikhlas tentu dapat memberi semangat yang positif kepada organisasi.

Seringkali, resume seseorang itu tidak mencukupi untuk mengenali kesesuaian seseorang calun itu. Prestasi lepas yang tidak meyakinkan atau rekod buruk tidak boleh tidak diambilkira. Satu kajian pemeriksaan latarbelakang calun perlu dilakukan dengan mengumpul maklumat dari mereka-mereka dalam industri, rakan dan pesaing dan pelbagai sumber-sumber.

Penting sekali agar CEO sesebuah GLC itu mempunyai pemahaman dan pemikiran sosio-politikal atau sosio-ekonomi serta sikap yang patriotik kepada kepentingan negara dan awam. Walaupun tanggungjawab CEO adalah kepada stakeholders atau mereka yang berkepentingan kepada syarikat, mereka perlu ada sedikit sebanyak roh perjungan atau sikap keprihatinan dalam sentiasa mengambilkira kepentingan negara dan rakyat.

Paling penting sekali, CEO perlu teguh nilai moral supaya berpegang kepada amalan pengurusan yang beretika dan timbang rasa kemanusiaan. Mereka bukan saja tidak disabitkan dengan jenayah rasuah tetapi bersih dari desas desus yang berunsur rasuah.

Kriteria pemilihan CEO sebenarnya boleh disimpulkan dalam slogan yang kita biasa dengar suatu masa dahulu tetapi sudah hilang dimakan masa ia-itu
Bersih Cekap Amanah.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Nor Yakcop-Khazanah debacle in Pantai: Part 1

Oversight and over exuberance is nothing new to Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, but luck has always been on his side. That luck must run out fast before the nation have to incur more costly mistake from his misadventures.

Not long after resigning from his job at Bank Negara together with the late Tan Sri Jaafar Huessein due to the humongous foreign exchange losses from his own indiscipline and excesses in trading (but he blamed others including Dr Mahathir privately), he joined the Abrar Group.

He became the group’s public figure for whatever reason for their takeover of Mun Loong Berhad. That placed him with a position and public presence. It also helped to lift him back to prominance. The problem was he was rising higher and higher to the level of incompetence.

Words are Najib is reshuffling cabinet soon. Hopefully this time former sprinter Mumtaz Jaafar will stop 'running' as Nor Yakcop's lobbyist. No more Mumtaz, please. This is for the nation's sake.

The much needed break

The Abrar Group was a clueless group of Malay boys with a confused political economic agenda. From the words of Malaysian student studying in the US in the 90s, they were managing some mysterious Arab funds. They were armed with doctoral degrees and immediately had access to manage fund out of Connectibut, US.

It is theoretically impossible to beat the S&P 500 without taking excessive risk. Abrar's Wan Hasni dan Rahim Ghouse decided to return and invest the money in Malaysia.

Mun Loong was supposed to be their public listed vehicle to consolidate businesses they acquired. They were acquiring businesses in no orderly and strategic fashion - from plywood factory, Canadian satellite company to prawn farming. They had no inherent management expertise. Without experiance but thinking big, management was typically command and control style with corporate headoffice mindset. In a matter of time, they failed.

Nor Yakcop left Mun Loong to the boys to sort the mess with bankers, shareholders, and investors. Gone was his plan to be a corporate player. Then, the financial crisis came in 1998. He was brought was brought to meet then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir to assist in solving the crisis.

Dr Mahathir understood that it takes a thief to catch a thief. Thats how he described foreign exchange traders. Nor Yakcop may have failed in his market dabbling, but he knew sufficiently how the market operates and the big boys in the game. Yes, as described in Edwin Lefevre's investment classic, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, the foreign exchange market too was a game where knowing the rule book is insufficient.

He was appointed as Adviser of Bank Negara. From there, he was elevated to Ministerial status and appointed to Senatorial position. Under Tun Abdullah administration, he became Minister of Finance II. Originally the plan was to maintain him in cabinet with the task to restructure and consolidate the Government companies into Khazanah, but he managed to stay longer after Abdullah's departure.

The shortcut to disaster

Part of his task was to create a new pool of “young” CEOs. The keyword was young. Experience, expertise and capability came second to young. Company succession plans were thrown out the window. The cardinal rule of thumb in choosing CEOs - operational experience, planning capability and understanding finance - were made irrelevant.

The way was to get kids from branded ‘schools’ (meaning Universities) and those with impressive resumes, preferably consulting experience.

The first few identified for that program were Rosman at Malaysia Airport, and Abd. Rahman and Shahril at MRCB. Then came names like Azman Mokhtar for Khazanah, Wahid Omar for Telekom (now Maybank), Cik Khalib for TNB, etc.

Some did a good job but most of these CEOs suffer due to lop-sided experience. Not to mention, ego and arrogance of youth and lack of finess. They are mostly accountants and naturally are figuratively minded book keepers. Too few anong them went through the ranks to acquire sufficient operational experience in planning, managing and problem solving in the day-to-day running of organisation.

These theoretical and rhetorical minds were bad in decision making, weak in problem solving and negotiating, and manage by ‘outsourcing’ - assigning to their top executives or consulting firms.

Before even introducing the background of the Pantai debacle, the reason the several part series on Nor Yakcop-Khazanah debacle at Pantai begin with a lecture on basic strategy implementation is to show the root of the problem lies within the maxim I was seldom scolded for in the early part of my career. Never be the blind leading the blind.

Blind leading the blind

The Parkway acquisition of Pantai was representative of such endemic problem. Nor Yakcop had went beyond his scope of expertise. A non starter in the corporate world is leading the government's corporate reorgaanisation plan. He had to depend on boys like of Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar to be his walking dog in the corporate jungle.

Azman Mokhtar was too inexperiance to lead Khazanah. He was picked there for Binafikir's Wide Asset Unbundling for MAS which was a mere hyped. It was basically an undergraduate corporate finance 'cookbook recipe' called sell and lease back. The Pantai disaster can be partly blamed to Pak Lah's slumbered intervention. Basically, Azman failed to find the creative, and rightly prioritised solution to such delicate problems like Pantai. It was a clear case of the blind leading the blind.

This lies the skewed Malaysian ways of always putting the wrong people at the wrong positions. If today's overzealousness is with accountants typified as company record keeper, at one time it was with lawyers. Lawyers’ role in any organisation are limited to legal matter and naturally supportive in nature, but are given such prominent roles. Such is not practise abroad but it is only in Malaysia such things happen.

The Pantai debacle was also a serious oversight by the Minister in charge. There was a prevalent lackadaisical attitude by the Khazanah CEO for not giving and being sufficiently shrewd to give national interest foremost priority. That gave rise till today the suspicion they were compromised.

In other countries, the Minister and CEO would have resigned for such serious oversight but here we allowed them to continue to make more mistakes. It seems the KPI they instituted in their organisation doesn’t apply to them.

In the case of Azman Mokhtar, words are his golden parachute is too costly for Government to drop him. Government will drop other CEOs without proper compensation but not Azman. Come renewal time, he will find ways to make himself indispensable to renew his contracts.

The serious mistakes of both Nor Yakcop and Azman Mokhtar will be elaborated further in the ensuing series.

Edited: 7:30 PM

Friday, November 20, 2009

MUSICAL INTERLUDE: Sorry seems to be the hardest words

Despite unsolicited promotion and compliment from Rocky Bru here, couldn't post the article on Pantai this week due to various engagement throughout the week.

Will duly post it Monday.


Friday, November 13, 2009

NEXT CHANGE: Revelation on Nor Yakcop's folly at Pantai

On Aug 4, 2006 the Goverment of Singapore Investment Corp (GIC) bought over 25 million shares in our biggest healthcare company, Pantai. That's more than 5 per cent. Parkway Holdings, a Singapore company, already has more than 31 per cent. That effectively gave them control. The bourse rule should have imposed a Mandatory General Offer (MGO).

There was public uproar as Malaysians question the Government's decision to approve the sales of a strategic asset to Singapore. Khazanah came in to salvage the situation as though to takeover Parkway's shares through a company Pantai Irama. But Pantai Irama was only 51% held by Khazanah and 49% owned by Parkway. Nevertheless, rules remained broken and it was an unnecessary expensive corporate exercise borne by Khazanah.

The untold part was that Pantai remained under the control of Singapore's Parkway. Malaysian were deceived by the fancy corporate restructuring designed by Khazanah's Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and perhaps at the behest and approved by Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop, the then Minister of Finance II.

This blog will NEXT WEEK reveal how both of them allowed Singapapore to control an important national asset and deceived the public into believing Pantai is majority-controlled by Khazanah.

A very experianced economist had studied our Central Bank's balance sheet and said that Nor Yakcop, Anwar's ex-crony in Abrar/Mun Loong actually lost RM16 billion in forex speculation. Multibillions may have been lost in his tampering of Khazanah and the GLCs. The country's economy is in a state of mess by his bad planning. Najib is saddled by legacy issues that led back to Nor Yakcop.

Recently, he attempted to place a member of the destructive band of Tingkat 4 boys at the top of one of our GLCs. This will allow them to continue with their past corrupt practise that led to the destruction of our economic sovereignty. It is high time he be removed from the cabinet before he made more losses and mess.

In the meanwhile, read Big Dog's PM Najib should cut NMY’s pay.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Omar Ong could prove suspicion wrong at Iskandar

Omar Ong is now a member of the Board of Director of Petronas. He was proposed by the Prime Minister and the Board of Directors finally endorsed his appointment as an Independent Director and de facto representative of the PM.

This is done within the jurisdiction of the PM as pointed out by Tengku Razaleigh. Ku Li also said that Directors who protest should have rightly resigned.

This blogger have expressed his suspicion and doubt of Omar Ong on many occasions and even in the not too distance past. Of late, there are those who feel it was wrong and unfounded. Omar Ong is not what many had perceived him to be.

Since the PM has decided, some level of trust on the PM's decision is due. It is expected that this blogger give the PM the benefit of doubt. However, on Omar Ong's part, he must make effort (not just deny and talk) to convince that he is different from those Tingkat 4 rascals.

As Petronas Director, Omar Ong is in the position to address a grave concern on the sectoral plan for the oil and gas industry in Iskandar, Malaysia. This presents an opportunity to change the perception towards him.

Blogger bigdogdotcom had written an impressive analysis of Iskandar and the annexation threat on Johor by Singapore. His analysis was based on the latest The Edge’s Special Report featuring the third series of CLSA report on the Singaporean perspective on the way forward for cross-causeway relationship. Comments in his blog posting highlighted potentially hostile millitary buildup by Singapore. Read his analysis here.

His concern have been the concern of Johoreans since the launch of what was then called South Johor Economic Region (SJER). The annexation was anticipated in a Malay political book put together by former journalist Johari Ismail and published last year.

In the CLSA report, the Singaporean attitude for our oil & gas industry in Iskandar is only aimed at getting a piece of the pie from Petronas and not to bring in mutually beneficial investment. Sembcorp Marine was mentioned as skirting with the idea to invest but has not given any commitment.

Another aspect they are looking is the consolidation of companies which will be explained later in this posting.

The first para of the report on the oil and gas opportunity as they see is below:

The Singaporean are eyeing Petronas contracts for future plans to do deepwater exploration. They estimate the annual Petronas exploration spending at US$1 billion. This exclude the opportunity from multinational companies which currently are required to be given out to local or locally associated companies. Read below:

The oppurtunities from consolidation mentioned above can be described plainly as opportunities for Singaporean companies to gobble up local companies. They have already identified several prospective local companies. Read below:

The "larger" small local companies are targetted too. Read below:

The Singaporean companies have the advantage of financial support from the Singaporean financial market. They will end up controlling the merged entity and at the end, the merged companies will be listed on the Singapore stock exchange. Read below:

This blogger had sufficient years of experiance in the capital and financial market to say that news and special reports emanating from such financial magazines do not appear out of the sky. Usually it is arranged by parties promoting such ideas or 'warming' up the investing community to anticipate a certain plan to be executed.

It is more obvious with The Edge, which have office in Singapore and publish their Singapore version of The Edge. It could be a marketing effort by parties attempting the Singaporeans to invest. The party/ies would definately have past close relationship with The Edge and can be traced.

From this analysis, Omar Ong must ensure the exuberance to bring in Singaporean investment must not overlook the fact that it is Singapore that stands to benefit more than Malaysia. Singapore will get the meat, Malaysia, who owns the oil, will be nourishing bone soup.

Singapore is not bringing in much added value to the Iskandar and Malaysian oil and gas industry, other than competing with local companies for contracts, acquiring local suppliers, contractors, transport companies, and service providers and eventually listing on their stock exchange.

This is unlike the plan put forward by Tengku Razaleigh in a speech he presented in Parliament on September 13, 2006. According to his proposal, Malaysia should be able to harness the capital market of the world in its pursuit to be the leader in all areas in the oil and gas industry in ASEAN. Read here.

If these plan camouflaged as a CLSA Special Report on The Edge is put forward, Malaysia is not going to be that envisioned leader but will be playing second fiddle or even become dependent on Singapore.

For recollection, the Iskandar idea was crystallised and championed by Dato' Dr Vincent Tan and Dato Zaki Zahid of the infamous ‘Tingkat 4’. They were noted for being too open and embraced Singapore in their economic policies to the extent of giving away our advantages.

It shows how shallow, lacking in ambition, and regressive those deemed by some as our so-called bright young men.

Omar Ong can prove he is not in co-hort with the Tingkat 4 destroyer of the nation by redressing this aftermath from their path. As a Petronas Board of Direrctor, he can play the role to stop the Malaysian oil and gas industry from giving away our advantages to Singapore's sel serving interest described in the CLSA Report.

If he is unable to dismantle and at worst, was found to be part of this plan, the suspicion and opinion of himself will remain. And Ethos Consulting and Capital used to be given special coverage by The Edge.

* Updated: 12/11 1:45 am

Monday, November 09, 2009

PAS: Aman Sebelum Bergelora

Dalam ucaptama Seminar PAS, Presiden Dato’ Haji Hadi Awang dilaporakan berkata tidak akan ada lagi sebarang rancangan atau usaha untuk bekerjasama dan bergabung membina kerajaan dengan UMNO.

Kata Hadi, PAS akan memberikan tumpuan untuk memperkukuhkan Pakatan Rakyat bersama PKR dan DAP. Objektif PAS untuk pilihanraya umum ke 13 adalah untuk mengekalkan kerusi-kerusi yang telah dimenangi. Turut dinyatakan adalah komitmen PAS kepada perjuangan asal untuk membina kerajaan negara Islam akan kekal.

Bagi yang merasakan ucapan Hadi boleh mencapai hasrat yang dinyatakan oleh Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, Naib Presiden PAS agar PAS menjadi pengganti kepada UMNO, pendapat itu hanya impian belaka.

Hala tuju PAS sebenarnya mengelirukan. Seminar PAS tidak mencapai apa yang dihasratkan akarumbi dan aktivis PAS. Keadaan dalaman PAS tidak akan menjadi aman tetapi bertambah celaru dan gelora. Konflik ideologi antara PAS dengan PKR/DAP akan tetap berterusan.

Dengan hanya cita-cita untuk mengekalkan kerusi yang ada, Hadi mengesahkan PAS tidak akan menjadi parti dominan dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dengan demikian bagaimana PAS berupaya menggantikan UMNO yang merupakan tulang belakang dan penentu hala tuju Barisan Nasional?

Tentu sekali, PAS tidak berupaya menjadi suara dan kuasa yang mewakili Islam dan Melayu jika terpaksa menurut dan akur kepada keputusan kesepakatan dengan PKR dan DAP.

Jika demikian, Hadi hanya beretorik dan mengelamun di siang hari untuk menyatakan PAS akan kekal dengan objektif asal untuk membangunkan negara Islam.

Ideologi PKR nampaknya adalah liberal kebaratan. Pemimpin-pemimpin dan ahli-ahli PKR terdiri dari latarbelakang yang berbeza-beza hingga ada potensi konflik. DAP yang berpaksi kepada slogan “Malaysian Malaysia: Sama Rata, Sama Rasa” lebih hampir kepada ideologi PKR.

Kedua-dua rakan PAS ini tidak mempersetujui gagasan negara Islam yang diunjurkan PAS.

Dalam PAS pun sebenarnya sudah ada perubahan sikap mengenai negara Islam. Bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Dato Seri Muhammad Nizar sendiri ketika dipersoalkan kenapa Pas meninggalkan gagasan negara Islam di sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pernah mencabar UMNO buktikan di mana dalam perlembagaan PAS tertulis perjuangan untuk negara Islam.

Malahan Hadi sendiri, selepas persetujuan persepakatan Pakatan Rakyat, pernah menyatakan bahawa negara Islam hanya istilah dan menekankan semangat disebalik negara Islam.

Lim Kit Siang tidak menjawab komen Hadi mengenai negara Islam tetapi hanya menyatakan kelegaan mendengar komitmen PAS kepada Pakatan Rakyat.

Kewujudan jentera PAS dalam Pakatan Rakyat penting untuk PKR dan DAP tetapi ide mereka untuk hala tuju Pakatan Rakyat tidak dikehendaki sangat. Petunjuknya adalah kecaman yang diajukan kepada Dato Dr Hasan Ali setiap kali beliau bersuara untuk isu-isu yang membabitkan orang Islam.

Walaupun Hadi menjadi sasaran kritikan keras sebelum Seminar oleh ahli panel Seminar, Dr Aziz Bari yang dipercayai suara Anwar Ibrahim, sokongan kepada Hadi dari fraksi ulamak masih kuat.

Kedudukannya begitu utuh hingga mudah untuknya menyatakan tidak akan undur diri. Malah Nik Aziz pun turut disindir oleh ahli panel Seminar dan perwakilan sekutunya. Ini pasti telah memutikkan dendam di kalangan pihak yang tidak berjaya.

Di penghujung Seminar PAS Sabtu lepas, Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayub menyeru jemaaah PAS rapatkan barisan dan bersatu untuk merancang pelan kemenangan untuk PRU13.

Rancangan Salahuddin untuk mengadakan think tank hanya melibatkan pihak atasan. Masaalah yang timbul hingga perlu diadakan Seminar kini merebak ke akarumbi dan bakal menimbulkan pertembungan antara fraksi.

Pertembungan diantara pemimpin-pemimpin berfraksi kepada kumpulan-lumpulan yang dikatakan pro-Pakatan Rakyat dan pro-Kerajaan Perpaduan. Penglibatan pengaruh luar, perbezaan ideologi, dan peranan personaliti bakal merumitkan keadaan dalaman PAS.

Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa personaliti-personaliti yang dikatakan pro-Pakatan Rakyat adalah mereka-mereka yang rapat dengan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Antara mereka yang dimaksudkan adalah Husam Musa, Kamaruddin Jaafar, Dr Hatta Ramli, Khalid Samad dan Nizar.

Sedikit demi sedikit, mereka ini sudah mula condong untuk memeluk pendekatan liberal serta pragmatik dari segi politik yang didendangkan Anwar dan PKR. Ini bercanggah dengan pendekatan tradisi PAS yang lebih konservatif.

Fraksi ulamak dalam PAS masih berpengaruh dikalangan akar umbi. Mereka kurang senang dengan campurtangan Anwar Ibrahim dalam PAS. Sebahagian besar undi kepada Mat Sabu dan Nasharuddin adalah undi yang menentang campurtangan tersebut.

Dalam isu kerajaan perpaduan dengan UMNO, fraksi ulamak mempunyai pendirian berbeza-beza. Ada yang menyokong gagasan penyatuan ummah.

Manakala, ada pihak yang menentang. Mereka seperti Dato Ahmad Awang berdendam dengan kerajaan BN yang lepas. Segolongan lagi serik untuk cuba sekali lagi, terutama beberapa golongan lama seperti Nik Aziz yang mengharungi zaman bersama dengan UMNO dalam Barian Nasional.

Sokongan Nik Aziz kepada kumpulan Erdogan yang telah memberikan tenaga dan pengaruh kepada kumpulan yang lebih liberal ini. Kajian Dr Hasan dari Zentrum Studies, University Malaya mengenai kurangnya kecenderungan orang muda kepada PAS memberi kekekuatan hujah kepada pihak Erdogan.

Disebaliknya, tidak semua dari kumpulan Erdogan cenderung kepada ideologi liberal yang dibawa oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Husam umpanya adalah lebih merupakan seorang aktivis dan ahli politik dari seorang pelopor idelogis. Gandingan dengan Anwar hanya lebih untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukan politiknya.

Pemimpin seperti Husam mempunyai sokongan akarumbi dalam PAS dan dilihat sebagai berpotensi untuk kepimpinan pusat. Dia merupakan tunjang harapan kumpulan Erdogan.

Di dalam aspek ini dilihat kelemahan fraksi ulamak. Pemimpin fraksi mereka seperti Nasharuddin, dan Dr Hasan Ali tidak berapa popular di kalangan akarumbi.

Kekuatan faksi ini terletak kepada Haji Hadi yang mewakili kumpulan konservatif dalam PAS. Itu Hadi menjadi sasaran untuk dilemahkan oleh kumpulan Erdogan.

Walaupun serangan kepada pucuk kepimpinan dapat dipintas mudah dengan sokongan pro-ulama dalam PAS, kumpulan Erdogan tidak kalah habis. Mereka berjaya mengetuk gendang perang untuk didengari akarumbi dan aktivis PAS yang menyebelahi mereka.

Satu lagi elemen penting dalam pertembungan dalaman PAS ini adalah elemen kenegeriaan. Elemen ini tidak difahami ramai tetapi wujud perbezaan ciri-ciri antara PAS negeri.

Persaingan PAS dan UMNO di Kelantan lebih berupa pertembungan kelas. Akarumbi PAS adalah dari golongan kelas ekonomi rendah. Faktor ugama bukan merupakan faktor utama.

Ini berlainan dengan PAS Kedah yang merupakan tuan punya tanah dan penghayatan kepada perjuangan Islam mendapat lebih keutamaan.

Sementara ciri PAS Terengganu adalah konservatisma ugama mereka. Mereka pula agak lemah dari segi pentadbiran dan merupakan penyebab utama kekalahan PAS di Terengganu pada tahun 2004 dan 2008.

Pada pemilihan PAS baru-baru ini, PAS Kelantan dengan Husam sebagai pembawa bendera mengalami prestasi yang buruk sekali dengan hanya Kamaruddin Jaafar yang mendapat tempat dalam AJK Pas Pusat. Tentu sekali, PAS Kelantan yang merasakan negeri mereka menjadi asas batu loncatan untuk PAS akan kembali menuntut tempat.

Fakta-fakta yang dibincangkan ini semua menunjukkan ke arah PAS yang akan berhadapan dengan krisis politik dalaman dari hala tuju mereka yang tidak jelas. Tidak hairan jika PAs akan berhadpaan dengan krisis dalaman yang berlaku seperti pada tahun 1982.

Sebenarnya PAS yang konservatif lebih sesuai berada dalam Barisan Nasional dan PKR dan DAP adalah lebih sesuai sesama mereka dari segi ideologi. Kehadhiran PAS hanya merumitkan keseragaman ideologi dan agenda Pakatan Rakyat.

Selagi perbezaan antara PAS dan PKR/DAP tidak dapat diselesaikan, PAS dan PKR/DAP akan berhadapan dengan konflik yang berpanjangan. Ini antara sebab Anwar cuba mempengaruhi politik dalaman PAS.

Hanya satu kompromi meyerupai penubuhan Barisan Nasional saja yang boleh menyelamatkan keadaan. Masaalahnya ego politik masing-masing tidak akan mahu memperakui formula BN sebagai yang terbaik.

Selagi mereka terus hilang dalam buaian mimpi retorik, PAS dan PKR/DAP akan terus berkonflik. PAS pula akan terus berkonflik disebabkan percubaan Anwar untuk mempengaruhi melalui ejen-ejennya.

Sumber: MyKMU

Friday, November 06, 2009

Is Khalid Ibrahim in another favour-for-cash with Lim Kim Hong?

When Khalid was asked by reporters on his link with Lim Kim Hong written in this blog on June 9th, 2008, the above was his response.

This blog has been in pursuit of the Selangor Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's past corruption trail since early 2007. The claim is that Khalid had a history of favour-for-cash arrangement with Lim Kim Hong.

With Khalid currently under financial difficulty to repay the balance loan of RM66 million with Bank Islam, there is suspicion that he had done another favour-for-cash arrangement.

Past Revelation

This blog made it's first revelation of the link between Khalid Ibrahim and Lim Kim Hong during the Ijok by-election. A set of questions for candidate Khalid Ibrahim was posted on April 26th, 2007. The questions were partly answered by the first expose made by Dato Desa Pachi at the campaign trail in the presence of Najib.

In June 2008, another series of posting was made on the opening of Lim Kin Hong I Berhad's I-City.

The first probe was on June 9th with a piece entitled Hubungan Rahsia Khalid Ibrahim dan Lim Kin Hong. That posting received much publicity with Rocky Bru's link to the posting here. Sinar Harian published in their Dari Blog ke Blog section.

Reporters asked Khalid about the posting and he denied. It was reported by The Star, The Edge and Bernama. Comments to news report was posted on June 12th that day itself in Khalid Ibrahim Menjawab Blog ini.

Subsequently, this blog responded by clarifying the strange sales of Guthrie's Midland Estate by then Guthrie CEO Khalid to Lim Kim Hong's I Berhad that was developed into a RM1.5 billion I-City project. The posting dated June 13th 2008 entitled Hubungan Khalid Dengan Lim Kim Hong Sah!

Lim Kim Hong Again?

Khalid's political career in Selangor is in trouble.

He was described by many observers as the most incompetent Menteri Besar Selangor have ever had. Colleagues in PKR described him as indecisive. He has yet to solve a single of the claimed more than 80 abandoned projects. The problem has got nothing to do with allocation from the Federal Government.

His former assistant, Yahya Saari is being charged for corruption. Words are he is on deck for two charges - use of state fund to repair his personal car and Hari Raya Haji cow korban donation.

But Khalid's biggest headache still lies with his defaulted loans with Bank Islam. The Bank managed to get a judgement against him to pay up RM66 million balance of loan. All Khalid could do now is to seek for a stay in execution. He is trying to create issues out of the loan arrangement for bullet repayment.

In other words, he is left with buying time from paying up RM66 million or face eventual bankruptcy. A bankrupt can't be a wakil rakyat or hold public office.

If not for Anwar insistance and absence of a credible and acceptable replacement, few PKR office bearers believed that it is high time for Khalid to withdraw. But anyone having attained high position will always resist and would want to stay forever. To stay, Khalid must resolve his immediate financial problem.

State sold Tamil school land reported that one condition on the development approval for I Berhad to develop I City was to allocate 4 acres of land for the development of SRJK (Tamil) Ladang Midlands at an area now refered as Section 7, Shah Alam. That serve to replace the current temporary Tamil school

It has come to their attention that Khalid had changed the condition and exempted I-City from allocating the said land for Tamil school. reported that the allocated land was sold by the Pakatan government to a third party.

Health, Estate Workers, Poverty and Caring Government exco Dr Xavier Jayakumar made the excuse that the land for the Tamil school in I-City is not suitable as it is located in the midst of factories.

The Pakatan government purposely wanted to relocate to another part of Section 7 that was already slotted as recreational area. This seemed as an intention to instigate racial clash like in Section 23 since the area is a Malay majority area.

In response to enquiry by Saravanan, the local MIC Youth Leader, as what is the original to be used for, Dr Xavier had resorted to make wild accusation to claim MIC is inciting racial hatred.

As far as this blogger see, the allocated school land of 4 acres could certainly generate lucrative multimillion gross development value (GDV) with the necessary approvals. The new area for the school is actually taking up land already allocated for recreation. There is no real issue of inciting racial hatred or inconvenience of factory land.

Is Khalid seeking financial assistance from Lim Kim Hong to solve his financial difficulty again?

MACC should pursue this.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Why was this blog blocked by IJN?

A week before the Criminalise War conference, I expressed doubt that IJN will be privatised in a piece entitled "IJN: Is there really a takeover?"

I was expressing a differing understanding with others who fear of a renewwed takeover of IJN.

Subsequently, I wrote "IJN should be spared the "the second wave of privatisation" n response to the budget speech by PM.

I expressed forthrightly that any corporate manouvre to privatise IJN will involve the senior medical consultants. By saying that, I implied it is the doctors that should be steadfast in their opposition against privatisation becasue any corporate maonuvre will definately involve them.

Any deserter will be from them. Not others.

That view attracted few not quite complimentary comments of IJN doctors. A commentator then notified that IJN had immediately blocked access to this blog. Upon checking with few friends in IJN, it turn out to be true. Certainly the firewall must be authorised by someone high up. This caught me by surprise because I share the aspirations of IJN.

I feel that such action is not wise and only invite speculation and suspicion that it had to do with those comments.

Come on, comments are comments. Unless it is written in bad language or deviate from from the topic, I am obliged to release it. Water will find it's own level. There should not be any fear for such comments if it is false.

True enough, The Star (read below) published opinion of an analyst over the weekend that view IJN will be one of the entity to be privatised. Then came the access block. What is going on?

Since then, I have checked around and was assured there will be no privatisaion in the immediate future. But I have no assurance it will not happen in the future. And it depends on the resolve and unity of doctors to resist.

We can only do so much.


Some explanation on what “second wave of privatisation” means

The Star, Wednesday October 28, 2009

PETALING JAYA: Many people are in the dark over what the “second wave of privatisation” may entail besides an expectation that the Government’s role in the economy will be gradually reduced.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was vague in his Budget 2010 speech on what assets might be up for privatisation besides saying that it would involve companies under the Finance Ministry and “other viable government agencies”.

It was just a couple of sentences in the speech but it has sparked much speculation on what assets might be privatised, the manner of privatisation, the timeline for privatisation and how much these assets could be worth.

Does privatisation mean floating part of a state-owned enterprise on the stock exchange? Does it mean incorporating state agencies as corporate-run entities? Other than the obvious reason that this would mean government funds could be deployed elsewhere instead of rescuing companies and agencies under financial distress or mismanagement, analysts at this point have not read too much into that part of the speech except to view it in the more macro context of freeing up the economy further for entrepreneurship and innovation to thrive.

Private sector participation in the economy as well as innovation and entrepreneurship were key themes running through Najib’s Budget 2010 speech.

Maybank Investment Bank Bhd chief economist Suhaimi Ilias told StarBiz that the assets that immediately came to mind for privatisation were Felda Holdings Bhd and Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd (Bank Rakyat).

“The privatisation of Felda was talked about before and that of Bank Rakyat was discussed in the early 1990s but did not materialise due to the Asian financial crisis,” he said.

In fact, Felda was ready for listing at the end of 2003 and Najib had said in the middle of this year that Felda’s privatisation would be announced at the right time after the launch of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd.

There might be reason to believe that Felda Global, Felda’s integrated commercial arm, could be a good candidate for a listing as it might need funds since it plans to spend over RM6bil in the next five years to expand its overseas presence in plantations and other related businesses.

Suhaimi said other entities that could be targets for privatisation included Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) and KTM Bhd (KTMB).

“The Government has denied it will privatise IJN while KTMB’s floating on the stock market is a long way off,” he said.

Suhaimi said the privatisation would not involve any stakes held by Khazanah Nasional Bhd or Permodalan Nasional Bhd in already privatised companies, some of which were already listed.

“My understanding is that this will involve only wholly-owned entities of the Government,” he said.

CIMB Investment Bank Bhd economic research head Lee Heng Guie said any privatisation measures carried out should be done in as transparent a manner as possible.

He said although the details on privatisation were lacking in Najib’s speech, the statement of intent was there to prepare the country for a less visible role by the Government in the economy.

“The most obvious reason is the hiving off of non-core activities that the Government feels it does not need to be involved in, this will not only ease the burden on its finances but also allow for more private sector participation,” Lee added.

RAM Holdings Bhd chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the Government would need to look into areas of the economy where it played an “inhibiting role” to private-sector participation.

He reckoned that privatisation should form part of the drive to address longer term issues of competitiveness with the private sector unleashing competitive forces.

“The Government should withdraw gradually as this will allow for talent, entrepreneurship and innovation to come up to the fore under private-sector driven initiatives and dynamism,” Yeah said.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

War Crime Tribunal Hearing: Adjourned for two months

Six detainees of Guantanamo Bay - Sami Al Hajj, Moazzam Begg, Rhuhel Ahmad, Jameelah Abbas Hameedi; detained Iraqi citizen Salam Fanar Zabin and Abbas Zaid Obaid ; and an expert on environmenat, Dr. Souad Naji Al-Azzawi presented their case to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commision on Thursday.

The public hearing was chaired by Zainur Zakaria, a famous Malaysian lawyer and members are Profesor Hans Von Sponeck (US), Dennis Halliday (Irealand), Musa Ismail (Malaysia), Profesor Gurdial Nijar (Australia), Dr. Zulaiha Ismail (Malaysia) dan Profesor Dr. Mohd. Akram Shair Mohamed (Malaysia).

Yesterday, the commission made a submission to the War Crimes Tribunal yesterday till in the late hours of Saturday to a panel of judges.

The chairman of the Tribunal is Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman and members are Tunku Sofiah Jewa (Malaysia); Francis A. Boyle (US); Profesor Salleh Buang (Malaysia); Profesor Niloufer Bhagwat (India); Alfred Lambremont Webre (US) dan Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi (Malaysia).

The complains cover the abuse and torture experiance undergone by those illegally detained, the use of depleted uranium, destructuction and denial of basic needs and infrasturucture of occupied Iraq.

The Tribual will convened to ascertain their rights to hear the complains and advise on whether a head of state can exempt themselves from international law which their country had rectified and joint signatory to.

They are expected to come up with their finding in two months. The proccedings of the Tribunal will be extended to ICC, and other similar Tribunals. Copies of the Tribunal will be sent to courts of other countries, and other NGOS.

An often posed question is how the finding or judgement of the Tribunal be executed. Certainly it is not easy to execute and detain the likes of George W Bush and Tony Blair.

It provides a strong and legitimate basis to ostracise and label them as war criminals. It is hoped that this will become a deterence to others and help to stop the continual injustice, torture and murder on the innocent people of occupied territories.

Such effort is a welcome initiative for these victims have been denied legal redress. When they submitted to the ICC, the ICC took the position that there are insufficient ground of incarceration. The legal opiniosn through properly held proceedingas the one done at the Kuala Lumpur War Crime Tribunal would certainly put into question their credibility and put pressure on the ICC.

What was done in Kuala Lumpur may not be seen as insignificant and of immediate impact. In fact, it can be described as an effort doom to fail. But without such initiative by Dr Mahathir, the victims and killing will continue and got worse. Alas as Confucious say, "The journey of a thousand miles began with the first step."

Till we hear the decisions and deliberations of the Tribunal within about two months time circa early next year, we must all create public awareness and chip in to the effort to "Criminalise War!"