Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tommy Thomas conflicted: He mediated on behalf of Seafield Hindu Temple!

In his explanation to media, The Star reported Tommy Thomas explained his "sacking" of Syazlin Mansor as lawyer for Housing and Local Government Ministry due to her being conflicted.
Thomas said this was one of the reasons he requested Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin revoke Syazlin’s appoint­ment to represent the ministry and the Fire and Rescue Depart­­­ment at the inquest.

Syazlin’s appointment, said Thomas, caused a conflict of interest in the inquest proceedings because apart from representing the ministry and the department, she also stood in for Muhammad Adib’s family.

“The interests of these parties may conflict and it was unacceptable for her to act for all parties.
MyKMU writer Abdul Jalil Backer asked why use the conflicted excuse? Everyone including Tun Dr Mahathir's lawyer, Hanif Khatri is asking why only now?

However, there is no dispute with the particular reasoning. However, if Syazlin is conflicted, Tommy too is conflicted. He should have refrained from getting involved in the Inquest and withdraw from making any decision. Not only the public had forgotten, Tommy may have forgotten.

It is easy to suspect that he intentionally forgotten because all along, he sided and defended the temple interest. He is a Christian so it could be an unintentional Indian biasness on his part.
November 29, 2018: Malaysiakini reported "The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has offered to play mediator in the matter of the consent order pertaining to the relocation of the Sri Maha Mariamman temple in USJ25, Subang Jaya." Read also The Edge here.

December 14, 2018: Malaysiakini reported "A resolution to the land dispute involving the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple in Seafield, Subang Jaya, can be reached in the coming months, said attorney-general Tommy Thomas."

December 14, 2018: The Star reported "The AG said that an arrangement has been reached during a meeting earlier this week with the lawyers representing all the parties involved in the dispute of the land.

"Subject to terms to be agreed upon, One City Development Sdn Bhd will transfer the one acre plot of land on which the temple is located to a trust to be administered by the High Court.

December 21, 2018: FMT report headlined "Temple chairman ready to cooperate with AG, says money safe in trust
One can go on and goggle more but it is proven that Tommy had a personal interest to mediate in favour of the temple.

To stress the point of Tommy's biasness for the Temple, the major investor and controlling shareholder of One City Development, Ayala Land of the Phillipines were not likely to be happy with the settlement and there is the suspicion it was forced upon on One City Development.

The 'appropriate' solution they would expect as landowner, who paid money to the temple, despite it being a land the owned, is not to be asked to give the land to the temple.

Sources with business interest with One City Development said Ayala Land sold out of the project and gave up on Malaysia to pull out their investment from Malaysia.

Expect more sales of GLC to foreigners for Tony Pua to balance Ayala pull out and show a favourable net net FDI.

In our posting yesterday, our stand was the whole thing was a cock-up. In fact, the Dr Shahrom has his issues too but not disclosed yet.
Meanwhile, the latest from the Ajib Inquest saw Tommy's interference to remove Syazlin Mansor, the lawyer representing the Ministry for Housing and Local Government.

The lawyer's husband is Minister Zuraidah Kamaruddin's Press Secretary, but Zuraidah has since absolved responsibility to say she is redundant.

Syazlin inappropriately was cross examining in a fact finding Inquest, but why AG removed her with few days of Inquest left?

Tommy said she often contradicted DPP's position, but would the DPP's action beyond usual practise be misconstrued as fix up by Indians in authority to cover-up the murder of a Malay by Indians?

Tommy acted as if he is about to lose his job, but still not know what is expected. PAS has called for his resignation.
Go back to the posting for all the links.

Tommy not only lost his mentle. He is plain bias and incompetent. How could he miss out an obvious conflict as thiss?

Apa punya loya?

Halls of justice painted green, money talking
Power wolves beset your door, hear them stalking
Soon you'll please their appetite they devour
Hammer of justice crushes you, overpower

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price
You pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost, justice is raped, justice is gone
Pulling your strings, justice is done
Seeking no truth, winning is all
Find it so grim, so true, so real

Apathy their stepping stone, so unfeeling
Hidden deep animosity, so deceiving
Through your eyes their light burns, hoping to find
Inquisition sinking you with prying minds

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price
You pay
Nothing can save you
Justice is lost, justice is raped, justice is gone
Pulling your strings, justice is done
Seeking no truth, winning is all
Find it so grim, so true, so real

Lady justice has been raped, truth assassin
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price
We pay
Nothing can save us
Justice is lost, justice is raped, justice is gone
Pulling your strings, justice is done
Seeking no truth, winning is all
Find it so grim, so true, so real

Seeking no truth, winning is all
Find it so grim, so true, so real
Title track of Metallica’s 4th album. And Justice For All

Update: 3/6 10:00 AM

Copy and paste from Social Media

Inkues, konflik dan keadilan

Inkues ini bukanlah satu perbicaraan. Ia satu prosiding bersifat inkuisitorial untuk mencari kebenaran iaitu punca kematian. Apa bezanya dengan perbicaraan sedia ada yg bersifat adversarial?

Inkues ini bukan seperti satu perbicaraan di mana satu pihak lawan satu pihak. Tidak ada siapa lawan siapa seperti kerajaan lawan mana2 pihak dalam kes kriminal. Di dalamnya berbagai teori punca kematian boleh dikemukakan dan pihak kepentingan dan koroner sendiri berhak dan akan bertanya soalan. Objektifnya untuk mencari kebenaran punca kematian. Bukan nak tentukan siapa salah atau guilty. Ia tiada cross examination seperti yang selalu tengok dalam perbicaraan. Ia satu inquiry. Ini perbezaannya.

Jadi bila AG beri alasan semalam, pelbagai soalan timbul. Malam tadi saya berjumpa beberapa orang yang terlibat untuk mencari beberapa kepastian. Walaubagaimana pun saya akan kebanyakannya guna maklumat umum. Dan to be fair saya lampirkan alasan AG.

Di dalam kes Adib sebenarnya seperti saya tulis, terdapat dua teori kematian. Pihak AG dan polis menyatakan bahawa adib dilanggar (accident). Tetapi pihak bomba berpendapat tidak. Apa yg terjadi akibatnya adalah perlantikan oleh KPKT dan bomba Syazlin berlainan dari AG.

AG tahu akan ini dan tiada objection sebelum ini. AG ada bantah/object misalnya siti Kasim untuk mewakili sesuatu pihak. Tetapi tidak syazlin. Walaupun boleh dikatakan unusual AG tidak mewakili KPKT, jelas kpkt dan bomba mempunyai teori berbeza dan AG dari awal tiada objection syazlin bertindak.

Untuk ini saya puji AG. Ini membenarkan kita boleh tahu teori mana satu yg betul. Justice prevails atau keadilan akan terserlah.

Masalah yang berlaku adalah apabila keterangan prof Shahrum menidakkan teori dr Hafizam bagi pihak AG. AG pula memohon untuk membalasnya dan apabila Dr hafizam memberi keterangan balas, terdapat beberapa kesalahan yang membuat beliau sendiri rasa dimalukan. (Lihat posting sebelum ini). Syazlin tidak salah pada saya menanya soalan itu dalam menjalankan tanggunjawabnya. Saya difahamkan dia bukan aggresif sepertimana perbicaraan lain. Maklumlah mana ada cross examination. Masalahnya dr hafizam sendiri mengaku beliau salah hal perkiraannya. (Lihat posting lepas)

This is where the turn of events yang saya amat kritikal. AG tiba2 minta Syazlin ditukar melalui sepucuk surat kepada kpkt. Dan ini tinggal 2 hari lagi nak tamat. Saya boleh terima AG rasa embarrass tetapi kenapa AG adamant sangat teorinya betul. AG buktikan teorinya lah dan biar Syazlin buktikan teori KPKT/ bombalah. Dan kalau orang tanya katalah kpkt dan bomba ada different view. This will allow justice to prevail and be done. Lagipun kita bukan nak tentukan siapa salah. Kita mahu tahu apa faktanya. Bukan ke ini objektif AG mengadakan inkues in the first place? 

Jadi bila melihat alasan semalam saya tak boleh terima. Apa konflik of interestnya. Kenapa nak paksa kementerian dan bomba tak boleh ada view sendiri? Kenapa bomba dan famili ada konflik bila aju teori yang sama? Adakah famili object/ membantah? Famili pun ada lawyer mereka sendiri. AG bentangkanlah teorinya. Tiada siapa menghalang. Biar koroner tentukan apa berlaku. Dan sebelum ini pun dah tahu kpkt ada kedudukan berlainan dan tak pernah bantah pun. 

Malah boleh dihujahkan AG sendiri akan berada dalam konflik jika berbuat begini. Bagaimana pula mereka mahu menjaga kepentingan bomba yg mempunyai pandangan berlainan? Bukan dah konflik?

Lepas tu alasan Syazlin Isteri pegawai kepada menteri. Apa masalahnya. Apa konfliknya? Syazlin pun buat pro bono. 

Saya tak nampak Syazlin dimalukan. Dia menjalankan atas kepentingan bomba yang ada pandangan berlainan dengan AG. For interest of justice biarlah. 

Dan saya ingin ingatkan kembali. Inkues ini bukan perbicaraan. Tak da siapa lawan siapa. AG bukan lawan sesiapa pun dalam inquest ni. Kita nak mencari kebenaran punca kematian. Kalau teori AG salah maksudnya fakta dan kebenarannya berlainan. Kalau teori AG betul bukan AG boleh claim dia menang pun. Dia menang against siapa? Tak da orang pun. Apa jadi ialah finding of facts yang mungkin juga bercampur pelbagai teori. Apa nak embarrass sangat ni sampai nak tukar syazlin? 

I find this turn of event not acceptable. 

Ps: saya masih lagi mahu mendapat kepastian Kenapa Syazlin tidak mahu meneruskan langsung. Ada media coverage alasannya tapi saya reserve komen dulu.

Ps: “teori” is a layman’s term. Kalau ada isu, I may change it

Anonymous source

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    As a person hailing for unwavering justice to Adib case, despite lawyer Shazlin unwarranted dismissal as KPKT (Govt). The fact still hold thatshe could still represent Adib family in persuing complete justice for Adib.i strongly suggest the thid force spearhead a call for muslim NGOs and the general public collectively to subscribe and contribute a fund created to finance costs of the ongoing court case with Shazlin continuing he legal services as Adib's lawyer. In the name of steadfast justice for Adib, who died fulfilling his official government duties, deserves our support in upholding true justice without fear or favour. Show them, justice will ultimately prevail with the support of majority rakyat. Let it be a regrettable nightmare for those in high places for their.obvious bias actions.


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