Monday, July 01, 2024

RCS Edin exposed false claims of PP proponents

Bo-Su-Lynn revealed in yesterday's report HERE that RCS Edin "never guaranteed" PP program for CTS for UK specialist registration. In other words GMC did not recognised PP. 

This proves Dr Rafidah Abdullah and Dr Hanafiah Harunarashid may have lied in their early June claim that two of the trainees got a job abroad, presumably as CTS specialist. Perhaps, a police report should be made against Rafidah for her false claim and abusing her position to lie to the public. 

At the end of March, the MP for Kuching, Dr Kevin Yii claimed seven practising CTS have RCS Edin qualification to push the argument against MMC for inappropriately rejecting the PP graduates which have their diploma issued by RCS Edin.    

He was speaking in concert with Senator Dr RA Lingeswaran from DAP Penang to apply political pressure on MMC to break the law and recognise PP. 

Today, Bo Su Lynn revealed in her report HERE that RCS Edin "collaborated" with the ill-equipped and unauthorised MATCVS to design the PP training program. However, RCS Edin told the Minister of Health, Dr Dzul that they designed the PP training program for CTS!

She highlighted conflicting statements made by RCS Edin in their March 2023 and April 2024 statements. And these are from court filings by MMC in the lawsuit by four unreconised PP graduates in CTS.   

To quote from the Codeblue report yesterday, RCS Edin demonstrated their tendency to profusely lie as below:

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 — The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) now says it “never suggested” that graduates of Malaysia’s cardiothoracic surgery parallel pathway programme were guaranteed entry to the United Kingdom’s specialist register.

In a press statement last May 15, uploaded on the RCSEd website, the surgical college based in Scotland said UK-based surgical trainees – who have followed a training pathway regulated by the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) and successfully complete the Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE) in the UK – are eligible to apply for, and join, the UK GMC register of specialists. 

“This pathway to this specialist register is not available to surgeons from outside of the UK. Instead, surgeons wishing to join the UK’s specialist register must apply using the ‘portfolio pathway’ and submit other evidence of their eligibility to join the register,” RCSEd said in its statement.

“RCSEd has never suggested that successful completion of an international fellowship examination would, on its own, guarantee entry to the UK specialist register, something which is a matter for the GMC. 

Read in full in Thick as a Brick HERE

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