Thursday, July 18, 2024

The revival of the Teoh Beng Hock case

Cynical of Lim Kit Siang and DAP's attitude of excessive politicizing of the death, this blogger was initially defensive of MACC. However, there was a change of mind following Government DNA expert, Dr Seah Lay Hong revelation to the Coroner of Beng Hock's snapped belt in the August 9th 2009 Inquest on the cause of death. 

Enquiries made with certain sources went silent.

In her 3 parts series on the untold story of Beng Hock, the former Research Officer to the Selangor MB, Tricia Yoh mentioned the name of Dato Seri Hishamuddin Hashim, the then Deputy of MACC Selangor in the final part. 

At the time of writing in July 2017. he was promoted to Director of Special Operations Division or  seldom referred to as B.O.K. in MACC. 

He is now the current Senior Director of Investigation of MACC and the gossip at the courts are saying his IOs threatened a suspect by claiming involvement in Teoh Beng Hock interrogation.   

Last year, a whistleblowing blog was more aggressive in finger pointing towards Hishamuddin. Sabah Big Mouth revealed his family relationship with Ismail Sabri's powerful Principal Secretary Dato Nazimah. 

The blog blatantly accused him for allegedly cleaning the tracks of Ismail and PN leaders and for alleged death under detention for interrogation. Serious allegations need prior investigation before such allegations are made.

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