For one, the Malay brand is no more the sole ownership of UMNO but that of many.
So do the alternative Islamic branding, in which PAS has an oligopoly nearing a monopoly on conservatism and only left is a niche progressive Islamic segment to be shared with others.
Despite remaining in government, UMNO has yet to set itself apart and be seen as holding the mantle of Malay leadership and the agenda setter it once was.
It is not enough to talk of merely of Bumiputera empowerment or educate members on TVET initiatives or efforts of the various UMNO Ministers in their Ministries
At the UMNO General Assembly, the discussion; ever since losing government in 2018 till the recent one, remained focus on politics, party matters, and conduct of its political affairs.
It is still repeating and convincing the same explanations and matters arising since 2018 and 2022 GE15. Is the UMNO masses that blase?