Monday, October 14, 2024

Budget 2025: Show me the money

Extract from Thick as a Brick's Challenging budget to be tabled Oct 18th:

Suggestions to address the problems of the rakyat is greatly appreciated. 

Still, its about the spending side. Government's PR machine can gloat on the stronger ringgit to claim country is out of the deep hole but remember that Malaysia is not out of the wood yet. 

One can talk about raising living standards, or various enhancements or fiscal responsibility or 16th Malaysia Plan and its challenges, but do "show me the money" to finance all the plans! 

Otherwise all the planned expenditures will end up being repeatedly mentioned at every Budget to give false impressions of big plans in the works which is no different than the myriad of past PAS Kelantan government grandeur project launches.   

Government need to look at the rakyats' needs and problems wholeheartedly from "cradle to the grave" and strategise a way forward. 

Privatising all the governments' revenue generating assets have proven to be a disaster to the government coffer and social programs. The outcome is presently felt with the masses becoming victims of depravation.

Rafizi need to start showing formulae more original and effective than growing chilies or introducing vending machines or announcing civil servants' copycat of policy ideas from UN or World Bank/IMF or WEF.

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