Dr Mahathir, delivered the keynote speech for the Ummatic Week 2008 Seminar at the International Islamic University (UIA) yesterday, February 16th, 2008. In his speech entitled “Global Peace: Crisis in the Muslim World”, he called upon Muslim to acquire so-called “secular” knowledge in sciences and technology.
Earlier, Dr Mahathir was given a rousing welcome by the audience. In his welcoming speech, University President, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid said that UIA was established for the ummah to acquire knowledge in not only theology but other fields in science, technology, humanities and arts. Today UIA students are all over the Muslim world and are making their presence in their own countries. He told of a former student that will soon be a President of a Muslim country.

Dr Mahathir spoke extensively of the need for Muslims to acquire knowledge, and research and develop to generate knowledge. In his speech, he acknowledge that the Quran did not specifically said to acquire knowledge on area other than theology but the Quran specifically mention the need to defend ourselves. Since Muslims lack the knowledge, Muslim nation had to rely on the “enemy” for weapon and defend them and not develop the ability and capacity to defend them.
Holistically, defending a nation does not infer only on millitary cability but covers other areas of economy, trade, agriculture, education, society, international relation, science and technology, industries, communication and infrastructure, and etc. This relates to the Dr Mahathir's drive to develop Malysia during his premiership.

Muslims need to remove sectarian differences and the fanatical inclination to teachers. Dr Mahathir emphasised the need to return to the fundamental teaching of Islam to promote unity and brotherhood within the ummah.

Muslim has a tendency to be emotional and reactive without thinking of the repercussion. Thus, Dr Mahathir impressed on the need for Muslims to think and plan a long term strategy. He ended his speech with a Malay proverb, “Bila sesat jalan, balik pangkal jalan”, meaning when lost, return to the point of departure.
Who is the former student who is expected to be his country's President soon? Or just the country for that matter! Thanks
Note the keyword ... "will soon be". Try google it. I do not know neither. Definately it is not AAB, he is PM and not President.
DrM has never lost it. call him a dictator or some other shit but by the looks of things happening around the country, nobody can lead us better. he's still capable and everyone knows it.
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