Latest SMS Alert:
9/2 13:03:49 PAS MP (Gantang, Perak) Roslan Shaharum died in a road accident this morning/Star
9/2 13:19:05 Correction: PAS MP for Bukit Gantang, Perak, Roslan Shaharum, 50 died of a heart attack while cycling this morning/STAR
His blog here. Al Fatihah.

Harakahdaily report dated February 2nd, 2009 spinned a title claiming one Kedah PKR exco member is being bait and threatened to leave PKR. The report is a press release by exco and Bukit Silambau Assemblymen, YB Arumugam s/o Vengatarakoo.
Pahang Daily blog posting today claimed Arumugam will be resigning soon and a by-election for the Bukit Silambau seat is expected. The reason cited is is Arumugam couldn't handle the pressure from Barisan Nasional.
There is no specific mentioned but typical PKR wild acusation against PM-in-waiting Dato Seri Najib. The accusation is Barisan Nasional is getting even for the repeated losses at Permatang Pauh and Kuala Terengganu. Money and woman is not spared in their pursuit to bring down the Kedah Government.
Such accusation is substantiated and not viable. PAS has a strong hold on the Kedah Dewan Undangan Negeri with a fairly comfortable lead over UMNO and BN. It is difficult or if not, near impossible to grab power through power hopping in Kedah.
Out of the 36 Assemblymen seats, Pakatan Rakyat controls 22 over 14 for BN with UMNO 12, PAS 16, PKR 5 and one each for DAP and MCA. It would take more than 5 party hopper for BN to gain control. The possibility is unlikely with Pak Lah's man, YB Dato Mahadzir Khalid as Kedah UMNO Liaison Chief.
The present PAS Kedah Government have gained respect from the 80% Kedah Malay population with their housing policy to reserve a higher quota for Malay in new housing areas. In his January 17th,2009 press release, Dato Mukhriz raised the issue of sales of the 400 ha Kerpan prawn cultivation land to an oil refinery company. The political impact on the Kedah Government could not be ascertain.
Bigdogdotcom blog had a posting today of a State Councillor in Kedah getting a "second wife" without a legal divorce received from her first husband. Big Dog, who has came out of anonimity, refrained from revealing name. However, he dropped hint that the said exco is a non-Muslim by quoting Civil Marriage Act.
Other than Arumugam, the other non-Malay/Muslim is a Chinese PKR Assemblyman, YB Tan Wei Shu. Wonder whose got their wee wee in without proper marriage license? The Chinese or the Indian PKR Assemblymen?
My bet is on Arumugam. Any takers?
Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah diugut, dipujuk keluar KeADILan---------------------------
Arumugam a/l Vengatarakoo
Harakahdaily, Mon Feb 02, 09
Sidang media ini dipanggil untuk menerangkan beberapa perkembangan terbaru yang serius yang melibatkan isu-isu politik yang berunsurkan jenayah yang sedang berlaku di negeri Kedah, yang melibatkan saya selaku Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah dan ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah.
Satu repot polis telah dibuat hari ini merangkumi semua kes-kes ugutan jenayah terhadap saya selaku Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah dan ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah, dan juga terhadap keselamatan keluarga saya sejak dari 8hb Mac, 2008.
Ianya juga melibatkan semua ugutan terhadap pegawai-pegawai dan bekas-bekas pegawai saya. Ke semua ini adalah bertujuan bagi mengugut saya untuk bersetuju berpindah parti dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat ke Barisan Nasional.
Antara insiden-insiden yang melibatkan ugutan jenayah adalah cubaan menculik saya pada 17/10/2008, mengugut saya melalui pegawai saya melalui beberapa panggilan telefon yang antaranya pada 31/3/2008, mengugut keselamatan keluarga saya, insiden memecahkan cermin kereta rasmi exco kerajaan negeri model Proton Perdana no BKL 4000 dengan meninggalkan nota ugutan yang diikat pada seketul bata pada 17/12/2008, dan juga menghantar beberapa beberapa individu untuk memujuk saya keluar dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat, yang terbaru sekali beberapa hari yang lalu, dengan beberapa tawaran lumayan.
Perkembangan peristiwa yang menimpa dua orang teman exco KeADILan di Perak telah menyebabkan saya tampil untuk membuat kenyataan akhbar ini.
Saya khuatir, sekiranya saya tidak tampil ke hadapan untuk membuat pernyataan secara terbuka ini, keselamatan dan ketenteraman saya dan keluarga saya akan terus diganggu, diugut secara jenayah serta dipujuk untuk memastikan saya berpindah parti.
Saya juga mendesak agar pihak polis akan segera membuat siasatan terhadap ke semua laporan-laporan polis yang telah saya buat sejak Mac, 2008 dan mengambil tindakan segera dan tegas bagi menjamin keselamatan saya dan keluarga saya.
Ini semua akan membolehkan saya mampu berkhidmat dengan lebih baik dan berkesan selaku ahli exco kerajaan negeri Kedah dan ahli dewan undangan negeri Bukit Selambau, tanpa sebarang gangguan terhadap saya dan keluarga saya.
* Arumugam a/l Vengatarakoo ialah ADUN Selambau, merangkap Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah Darul Aman
Bertarikh 2 Feb 2009 _
Good for those who didn't take the bet.
In the latest development, Arumugam resigned as exco member but still maintain his position as Assemblymen.
Kedah State Exco Resigns But Keeps His Bukit Selambau State Seat
ALOR SETAR, Feb 9 (Bernama) -- Kedah Exco member V.Arumugam has relinquished his post but will continue as Bukit Selambau state assemblymen, Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak announced today.
* Update: 6:30 pm
Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Roslan Shaharudin. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.
Dari kacamata politik, biarlah kekosongan kerusi Parlimen di Perak ini dapat menyelesaikan kekusutan di Perak. Siapa yang rakyat pilih, kita serah kepada rakyat Perak. Bukan Pakatan "Rakyat" yang tentukan.
YB Bkt Gantang involved in a road accident?
It's heart attack bro.
Wednesday February 11, 2009
Kedah Sultan wants to know if Arumugam was forced to quit
ALOR STAR: Many people, including the Kedah Sultan, are looking for former Bukit Selambau assemblyman V. Arumugam who has gone missing since Feb 4.
The Kedah Sultan’s confidential secretary Datuk Wira Syed Unan Mashri Syed Abdullah said the Sultan had asked his office to summon Arumugam to the palace following speculation that the elected representative wanted to quit both the State Exco post and Bukit Selambau state seat.
“We were unable to contact him. However, we received Arumugam’s letter stating his intention to quit,” he said.
It is learnt that the Sultan wanted to hear from Arumugam if he had been coerced into making the decision to vacate the state seat.
Arumugam is believed to have flown to Chennai, India, on Monday night after purportedly signing the letter of resignation and a statutory declaration to vacate both the executive council and state assembly posts.
A middleman sent the letter and statutory declaration to Speaker Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail at 5pm on Monday.
In the statutory declaration, Arumugam, who joined PKR after winning the seat in the March 8 general election, purportedly stated that he was quitting the posts because he was being harassed by Barisan Nasional members who wanted him to leave Pakatan Rakyat.
Arumugam’s disappearance has fuelled speculation that he was forced to vacate his Bukit Selambau state seat.
Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak was also unable to contact Arumugam.
However, Kedah Pakatan Rakyat chief Ahmad Kasim said Arumugam was on vacation overseas after his alleged scandal became public knowledge.
“He (Arumugam) is feeling stressed,” he said yesterday. Former Merbok PKR strategy director Zamil Ibrahim alleged that PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was hiding Arumugam. Zamil, who introduced Arumugam to the political arena, resigned from PKR in August last year.
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