This poster picture of the recent airport accident involving Airasia can be considered heartless and insensitive, but please don't say we never told you before?
This blog have been talking about the danger of Airasia flight operation for so long. Airasia is profit and cost driven without care for the danger they pose to passengers.
Bigdog had written a history of Airasia accidents here.
Airasia skidded off the runway while landing under heavy rain at Kuching Airport on Monday night. Four passengers were slightly injured and had to be sent for treatment to Kuching Hospital.
The Kuching airport had to be closed for 24 hours and caused great inconvenience to other airlines and passengers. One e-mailed a complain to FMT, reproduced below:
I’m disappointed in you Tony FernandesDon't stop there, Francis.
January 12, 2011
FMT LETTER: From Francis Siah, via e-mail
The Kuching Airport closure yesterday caused me to miss my meetings in Miri with our MoCS group and the press. I was scheduled to meet our MoCS group in Miri for lunch and thereafter called a press conference at 3.30pm.
The SMS received from AirAsia for the flight cancellation at 9.30am (my flight was at 11.10am) was that of an emergency runway closure of Kuching Airport.
I thought it was the bad weather. It has been raining heavily for two consecutive days in Kuching. I even went to the airport at 10am and no one at the AirAsia counter informed me of the accident.
When I called the MAS counter at the Kuching airport at 1pm to enquire whether the airport has opened, the guy over the phone was kind enough to tell me the reason for the closure.
“You don’t know about last night’s accident ka? That Tony Fernandes is so powerful…he can black out news about accidents involving Air Asia planes.”
Of course, the guy was from MAS and he further lamented MAS’ losses of flight cancellations and having to put up stranded passengers in hotels and paying for their meals.
So now I know. You can only get bad news on Air Asia from MAS and I suppose vice-versa. Air Asia staff will stay mum about accidents involving their aircraft. This is most unprofessional.
The accident took place at 10pm on Monday and none of the local newspapers carried the news. I was surprised or should I be?
Working as an editor for years, I will be very sore with my reporters if they do not get such a ‘major’ story back to the office.
For such a big story, I would even delay the printing deadline to ensure that the story is out next morning.
Apparently, things work differently these days. I rang one editor friend and asked him if he was aware of the accident. He laughed, saying “we knew about it on Monday night already”.
Then came the familiar tale which we have all heard before: “Aiya…AirAsia is spending millions in advertisements with us every year la”.
Of course, I know…I heard this so many times before.
My editor friend then told me that the news will have to be carried in following day’s papers because it has become a national disaster with passengers stranded throughout the country with the closure of the Kuching Airport.
Bernama only carried this story online at 12.11pm, some 14 hours after the accident. So much for speed in the news world these days!
And to AirAsia and the ‘almighty’ Tony Fernandes, let me tell you this – You have done a great disservice to your passengers.
You told the whole world, “Now, Everyone Can Fly”. You lie and you were not decent enough to tell me why I cannot fly.
I have to hear it from a third party. I think you have been most unprofessional and I’m very disappointed with you and AirAsia today.
It will be a matter of time before AirAsia change their slogan from "Now, Everyone Can Fly" to "Now, Everyone Can Die."
This blog have been making much exposure, reminding and warning the public on the bad boy of the local airline industry to no avail. Simply because Malaysian come to the defence of cheap fare AirAsia.
Malaysian public just refuse to hear of the behind the scene cheating, power abuse and manipulations of AirAsia.
The cheap fare of AirAsia come with the danger to passengers safety.
One MAS Aircraft Engineer used to describe the bare minimal safety standard of Airasia aircraft before the ordered fleet of Airbus A320s came in. In the case of MAS, they go multiple of the safety requirement.
Below is a 2009 video of mechanical faults at mid-air, as alleged by the video author, of Airasia's:
Many more safety issues are highlighted in this recently found anti-Airasia blog here and here.
This blogger was once told by an aviation analyst that in order to save fuel during landing, AirAsia pilots were instructed to began descend from afar and glide at low speed into the runaway.
He claimed that as the reason for several mishaps at the Kota Kinabalu Airport in a year.
However, one senior pilot spoken this morning refused to believe such happening as it is not in accordance to the aircraft manufacturer landing manual. He is too good hearted or perhaps naive to assume AirAsia is a responsible a corporate citizen as his company MAS is.
Be that as it may.

Because of AirAsia's cheap fare, Malaysian consumers are willing to be subjected to abuse by AirAsia's indiscriminate cancellation, perpetual delay, and system designed long wait.
Their ticket sales practise have been openly questioned by airline practitioners. No terms and condition attached to tickets for flyers to read and agreed to.
As one of the country's leading aviationist highlighted in a meeting with bloggers few months back, AirAsia practise a no refund policy. This is in contravention of the aviation act.
Malaysian do not care and emphatise to the fact that Airasia grew at the expense of MAS.
Unlike MAS, Airasia is privately owned and have majority 53% foreign shareholdings. Yet they have the cheek to seek status of national carrier.
Where MAS take into account and sacrifice in many aspects for national interest, local and abroad, Airasia will have none of that.
AirAsia managed the Rural Air Service (RAS) but within the short while, returned it back to MAS when they realised there was not much money in it. The aircrafts was cannibalised and in bad shape when returned.
Malaysians have been too pissed with the endless story of losses by MAS that they do not care about the manner the Airline Rationalisation Policy was instituted.
Despite cabinet approved an already deliberated Airline Rationalisation Policy, Tony Fernandez, Zaki Zaid dan Khairy hijacked the paper on it's way to Pak Lah's office to redo over the weekend and got Pak Lah to annouce a different policy on Monday without prior cabinet approval.
Naturally, it is structured to benefit foreign majority shareholding, AirAsia immensely but at the expense of the country and MAS.
Malaysians do not give a damn that this foreign majority shareholders airline do not pay the airport taxes charged on consumer to the Malaysia Airport Berhad.
Foreign majority shareholding AirAsia is involved in unsavory accounting practice.
By equity accounting losing subsidiaries, the could bring down the size of their balance sheet to con rating agencies.

And, the analyst join the con to recommend buy.
As usual, SC Chairman, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar kept her eyes closed on anything to do with friends of her husband, Dato Azizan Abd Rahman.
Nor Yakcop, Kalimullah and Khairy have keen interest in AirAsia. They are salesmen of the nation as in selling away assets of the country.
Finally, if this does not get Malaysians blood boiling, Malaysians must be the most corruptible and self interest indifferent citizen of the world. For cheap AirAsia fares, they allow this company to get away with taxes.
Not only this foreign majority shareholding company do not pay airport tax, they do not pay taxes.
It is unthinkable that the Minister of Finance can allow Nor Yakcop to talk him into giving AirAsia a further 5-year extension of investment allowance.
This entitled AirAsia to claim an income tax exemption of 60 per cent on qualifying capital expenditure to set off against 70 per cent of statutory income for each year of assessment from 2010-2014.
This is in the midst of Pemandu telling the country subsidy will bankrupt the nation and prices of basic good like sugar will shoot the sky.
Isn't this tax break indirectly subsidising corporate tax? And, it is for foreign majority shareholding company.
This blogger has vowed to never fly AirAsia and will be loyal to national carrier MAS. Same as my loyalty to Malaysian brands like Malayan Banking, Petronas, Proton, etc.
Malaysian can go ahead to be kiasu and abused by AirAsia's cheap fare. But not me.
With MAS, one feel safe and sound with the record that the last time MAS got into any operational problem was back in 1995. Still, it is not as frequent as AirAsia.
But one never know.
Accidents can happen and it can happen to MAS too. The comfort will be that with MAS, they have records of my seats and could identify and retrieve my body.
Not in the case with free seating AirAsia.
And, I am not to sure, like in the case of your airport tax, whether they pay the insurance company for the flight insurance they charged you.
Have a nice flight on AirAsia.
Salam.. Minta jasa baik tuan untuk link kan blog saya di dalam blog tuan..
i dont think airasia still practice free seating. nevertheless, this is really an eye opener. thanks Voice
wait a minutes, a thousand thinking about this "They manipulated their account to not consolidate their 48.9% owned Thai and Indonesian Airasia"
wow...really shocked...not for air asia company..those young caliber auditor...any scandal exist here?
I heard the Air Asia pilots r the Berani Mati ones.Scarry!
Air Asia berjaya bukan kerana Tony Fernandes.Tony orang midia dan dia pandai PR.Orang yang berjaya memajukan Air Asia ia lah saoranr Irish dari syarikat consultant Aircunsult.Asalnya dia bekerja dengan Ryian Air,syarikat Penerbangan Budget dari europe.
Kenapa kita harus mendoakan kematian Air Asia.Dengan adanya AirAsia maka penerbangan kita untok melawat rakan kita di Sabah dan Serawak menjadi mudah dan murah.Bagitu juga kita dapat pergi melawat Jakarta dengan anak bini dengan harga yang murah.
Soal safety kapal terbang bukan perkasa main2.Ia perlu di poereksa dengan baik sabelum terbang.Ia melibatkan nama baik AirBus dan syarikat Insurance.Saya tidak percaya Air Asia mahu compromise soal keselamatan oleh kerana mahu jimat belanja.
Satu lagi orang di belakang kejayaan Air Asia ia lah Kamaruddin Maarun.Dia hanya tahu kerja dan membuat semua perancangan perjalanan Air Asia.
Tony ini orang wayang.dia pandai main sandiwara.
do a detail study comparing Airasia against Ryan Air and Easy Jet - one of the pioneer and succesful budget airlines in UK/Europe.
with the exception of higher labour cost, tax exemption and off course the union on the negative side but with a bigger market on the positive side, one should wonder how the hell Air Asia still makes a huge profit where else Ryan Air and Easy Jet are struggling to satisfy their shareholders and passengers.
From the accounting and engineering aspect, you'll find the answer.
My question is, how do the DCA monitor these aircrafts safety requirement before they are fit to be on the runway, whatmore take off and fly.
PS - I have flown worst and older looking aircraft but never seen a missing rivet especially on their wings. This is like a flying coffin
Pernah naik satu kapal dengan Tony, terkejut aku pasal kapal airasia pun ada pergi destinasi yang sama pada hari yang sama dan waktu yang lebih kurang sama.
Kenapa boss sendiri tak naik kapal dia sendiri. Naik kapal lain kena bayar. Takut ke ? wonder why
If you stay in shah alam / subang area, you'll notice airasia aircrafts from the north will start decending above our apartments.
You know they will land at KLIA and not subang - which is tony's xmas wishes.
So Tony now is using his walking stick presented by KJ to warn out his staff and competitors. And that's including Proton and Lotus.
Have a nice fright on Air Asia!
Kami tk pakai AA dah lama dah.will not berjimat on our lives :)
A stormy flight aboard a budget airlines. The airlines boss is sitting next to a man in the grip of serious white-knuckle fever as he watches, through his porthole, the aircraft's wing bending and bouncing in the tempest.
The boss tries to reassure him; he works in the industry and flies all the time, he tells him. "There is nothing to worry about. the pilots have everything under control. I interviewed them my self"
"Tony," he replies, "I am an aircraft engineer and we did not design this aircraft to do what it is doing."
A Voice
On the contrary, Air Asia resort to hard landing.
Meaning they do a sharp decline to maintain longer time at higher fuel saving level.
That is the reason for the many landing casualities.
This hard landing is giving rise to structural problem of their aircrafts.
One strongly kept secret is that AirAsia had to write off one of its aircraft.
Never liked AA and u guess thats why. They are nor a responsible company.
ya ini Tony sudah besar kepala. Pernah saya dah check-in (2 hours before departure) baru staff cakap flight delay almost 2 hours dan lepas tu baru dapat sms bagitau delay. Dah lah tu tak adanya nak offer meal voucher ke apa since it's dinner time. Memang dah melampau airasia ni. harap PM ambil perhatian dan jangan biar kepala Tony makin besar sampai dia boleh lawan semua orang. Dapat macam2 awards konon tapi service hancus.
AirAsia is one of the strange company included the TOP 100 MSWG CG Index, despite opaque disclosure on their directors' pay. In its 2009 annual report, I fail to see the remuneration disclosure in the band of RM50,000 as required by the Listing Requirements, and there are no separate figures for salary (fixed pay) and bonus (performance-based pay). I'm sure enlightened investors are interested to know whether the bonus is justified?
I use to fly with Malaysia Airlines and now I'm with Air Asia. A low cost Airline doesnt mean low cost pilots. Air Asia pilots are paid very well. We have family and do not go and take unnecessary risk. Air Asia plane nowadays are very new. When we descent we follow the optimum descent profile calculated by the computer. If we descent early, the plane burn more fuel. A lot of MAS pilots join Air Asia for better salary etc. Both Airline are safe because we wont fly unsafe plane.
Syed Mustapa alattas
This posting is about AirAsia in case you didnt realise.
Anon 9:14
Were you hypnotised by Tony to say that?
It sure looks like you didn't read any of what was written by A Voice.
Yes I have experience this sharp descend akin to hitting an air pocket or a negetive"g" feeling.
Now I know.
Good one, Voice.
This fatso is dangeorus, he even said in 2008 "I know Malaysians very well," said Fernandes, a native of Malaysia. "If you put a fare low enough, they'll risk their lives," he said, as the crowd laughed.
Yeah,Zibi you are right , it was a brand new A320. "This hard landing is giving rise to structural problem of their aircrafts.
One strongly kept secret is that AirAsia had to write off one of its aircraft."
More airlines scandals here
Ramai kat sini beli banyak saham MAS ke? AirAsia tu bukan milik Malaysia ke?
Komen kat sini banyak khabar angin je, tak pass UPSR kut.
Benci orang ke? syarikat ke? atau semangat nasionalisma berkobar-kobar?
Tak masuk lojik lansung.
at least Air Asia has not killed anyone.
Remember the MAS/TAwau saga?
"...Air Asia still makes a huge profit where else Ryan Air and Easy Jet are struggling to satisfy their shareholders and passengers....From the accounting and engineering aspect, you'll find the answer." Anon 5.37.
I have studied AA's published accounts. Have you? It's very, very clear that sales from advanced bookings for flights that do not take place in the financial year are reflected in the Balance Sheet and not in the P&L. Therefore your implying that AA may be cooking the books has no foundation whatsoever!
As for the AA incident at Kuching airport, it happened in severe pouring rain. It's happened all over the world to reputable airlines in similar conditions. In Feb 2006 a MAS 330 Airbus skidded off the Kuching airport runaway. Check out Kuching Airport's history and safety -related and other incidents at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuching_International_Airport
If you still have any doubt, check AA's safety record, then pronounce judgement.
AS for Ryan Air and other European airlines being in financial difficulties it has a lot to do with the US and Europe financial debacles since 2008 and poor financial prudence.
Don't let false patriotism about MAS cloud your thinking and judgement about AA. In the end, whoever has superior MANAGEMENT and leadership will triumph. It's as simple as that!
we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
Anon 12.37
Wats ur problem bro? u maybe penjilat AA**hole but when some people dont like a certain company at all, its just that - they dont like AA at all- so hard to accept ke? Paksa suka ka? Kamu dari cabangan komunis mana pula comrade?
even though i dread flying airasia,it is filled with passengers,safety is not an issue here,becoz most of airasia senior crew and pilots originate from MAS,and air asia does have a better safety record then MAS
i think ure love for air asia is "akin" to ure love for KJ
Then you are agreeable to AirAsia's given "reverse subsidy" to the rakyat being asked to bear higher cost of foodstuff capital at teh expense of corporate subsidy?
And you have no problem foreign majority Airasia beng a national carrier.
And their cheating accounting.
And their illegal non refundable policy.
And their stealing of routes and manipulated "Airline Rationalisation policy."
Just because you don't agree on two points does not mean I am clouded by my patriotism for MAS.
MAS little mishaps is blown open by Kalimullah's NST but AirAsia's many mishaps are hidden from public by financial threats by Airasia.
I know how to put a proper perspective to my patriotism.
Since you touch on patriotism, my question is:
Where is your patriotism to defend a company perceived to have superior leadership and management
BUT is a cheat and irresponsible corporate citizen?
Furthermore, they are foreign majority airline??
I sure hope your 1race slogan is not misplaced.
"Where is your patriotism to defend a company perceived to have superior leadership and management
BUT is a cheat and irresponsible corporate citizen?"
I did not say AA has superior management over MAS. AA has been in operation for some 5 years, MAS, over 40 years. So, time will tell if AA's business model has long-term sustainability. So, there's no assurance the low cost carrier business here will survive for another twenty years.
But do remember that AA biz expansion has created jobs and huge investment opportunites in M'sia, especially for MAHB. Now the Perak Govt wants an LCCT to be built in the State while TF is talking about one in Penang!
As for AA's non-refundable policy, this is known before one books an AA ticket. So, with AA, like their no-frill flights, in-flight service and baggage, you get what you pay for. You don't like it, fly with another airlines. Is that illegal? I don't think so if you have been forewarned. You can always take it up with the Govt, the Minister and AG to proceed with court action and rectify the situation. Why is the Govt sleeping on it if it's illegal?
AA is a KLSE listed and quoted company. It is not a GLC and so anyone can buy its shares. I think they announced on Friday that foreign shareholdings had reached 53% or 56%. So, it's not like foreigners have swamped it or control it.
Besdides, I don't have the kind of money to buy a material % to keep a M'sian majority shareholding in AA. If patriotism is important as far as AA's shares are concerned, that's what Khazanah, PNB etc. are supposed to be doing with our Taxpayers' money. Are they doing their bit?
Cheat and irresponsible corporate citizen? Don't confuse sharp biz practices with con jobs. If you have prooof, publish it and I will support you all the way.
we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
You said:
But do remember that AA biz expansion has created jobs and huge investment opportunites in M'sia, especially for MAHB. Now the Perak Govt wants an LCCT to be built in the State while TF is talking about one in Penang!
I think full fare MAS help the economy more. THey pay airport fees and taxes when they made profits.
AirAsia dont.
The non-refnund policy is stated in the aviuation act.
Read carefully what I wrote.
Yes, why is government keeping a close eye on this?
The majority shareholding is not about you but authorities to consider.
And lastly, why do you need to be hostile to say as though others can't differentiate between sharp business practise and cheats.
I call a spade a spade. A cheat is a cheat and not a sharp businessman.
Neither do I need other's affirmation to be convinced someone is cheap, even that of authorities.
Even if a court acquited someone, if he is a cheat, I'll call a cheat.
If you are still asking for proof on AirAsia's cheating, after what was presented, then something is seriously wrong with you.
That's right!tony the fat boy really sucks!i swear i will never fly with airasia again!
p/s: airasia you guys are totally greedy and annoying profit hunger!
the main purpose of air asia taking the Rural Air Service(RAS) operations and then threw it back to MAS was just for the Air Operators Certificate granted by DCA to FAX..after gave back the RAS operations to MAS,FAX can transform into air asia X....but now they will have all new competitors when they operates in the all new LCCT..all the LCC airlines will operates next to each other..and air asia cant claim that the terminal is build just for them..
dear friends;
I had a bad experience when I was flying to KK from Kuching. Some technical errors have taken place & though they've let the airplane fly with the pessangers to the next route.
As I'm having good knowledge in aviation, technically, I made myself to walk & talk about this matter to one of the engineering staff. Poor lady, was not able to give the right explainations to my concern.
When I came back to my office in Shah Alam, I wrote an email directly to Tony & he has directed the issue to one of the technical men. I was happy when prompt reply to my email.
The next day, one of the engineers called & spoke to me & would like to call me upon to discuss about the technical issue.
Just trust me, they've dragged the issue until several reminder emails sent & many reasons are given. Until today there is no full stop.
I've stopped emailing & vise versa.\
to be honest, they are not even feel bothered to entertain our concern on safety of their aircrafts.
I've informed my office, not to book me in Airasia anymore & I'm into MAS now.
Just for everyboby's info, I brought up this matter 2 years ago.
The best thing I could do now, I'll write another email to these irrogant people & if I'm left out again, I'll definatelly going to publish in media.....
Hopefully my comment here does not offence anyone as I just want everybody feels safe while flying.
dear friends;
I had a bad experience when I was flying to KK from Kuching. Some technical errors have taken place & though they've let the airplane fly with the pessangers to the next route.
As I'm having good knowledge in aviation, technically, I made myself to walk & talk about this matter to one of the engineering staff. Poor lady, was not able to give the right explainations to my concern.
When I came back to my office in Shah Alam, I wrote an email directly to Tony & he has directed the issue to one of the technical men. I was happy when prompt reply to my email.
The next day, one of the engineers called & spoke to me & would like to call me upon to discuss about the technical issue.
Just trust me, they've dragged the issue until several reminder emails sent & many reasons are given. Until today there is no full stop.
I've stopped emailing & vise versa.\
to be honest, they are not even feel bothered to entertain our concern on safety of their aircrafts.
I've informed my office, not to book me in Airasia anymore & I'm into MAS now.
Just for everyboby's info, I brought up this matter 2 years ago.
The best thing I could do now, I'll write another email to these irrogant people & if I'm left out again, I'll definatelly going to publish in media.....
Hopefully my comment here does not offence anyone as I just want everybody feels safe while flying.
naik kereta kancil pun boleh eksiden...mati tak kira tempat...yg korang nie sakit hati kenapa? dah tak ada kerja lain ke? kalau nak suruh mak bpk korang buka airline sendiri lah
And now AirAsia is robbing the Malaysian taxpayer again ... http://airasiaannus.blogspot.com/2011/08/government-allows-airasia-and-mas.html Take note of the passage: "After brokering the introduction between Mahathir and Tony Fernandes, political heavyweight Pahamin beat a hasty retreat from official politics. He immediately reemerged as the Non-Executive Chairman of Air Asia - which also happened to be the airline Malaysia's PM sold them for $1." This is a travesty. Again.
Have you heard that early this year Air Asia Philippines retrenched 31 first officers. Due to over staff. They hired a lot because MAA supposedly promised to handover 5 A320 but did not materialized. Simply Air Asia Philippines couldnt not compete with Philippine Airlines(flag carrier) and Cebu Pacific Air
After the lay off management does not know a thing about 30% of the pilots, both Captain and first officers are about to join other airlines within the next 2 months. Air Asia Philippines has a total of 14 aircraft. And due to bad management and maintenance 5 of them are grounded due to technical problems. Considering these are first generation A320's with a three digit serial number. Weeks ago they had an incident. Two A320, during pushback for departure both wingtip collided but none of the maintenace or ground staff reported it. The flight went on.
Its not safe anymore to fly with air asia brand.
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