Dato' Husam Musa was a rising star in PAS when he won the vice President post in 2007 to come out with the highest vote. It was the party's acknowledgement for the good work of this golden boy of Kelantan Menteri Besar and Spiritual Leader for PAS, Tuan Guru Dato Nik Aziz bin Nik Mat and leading personality of the pro-Anwar Erdogan faction.
That was until he got bolder and challenged incumbent Deputy President Nasharudin Md Isa in 2009 based on his opposition to the Unity Government (UG) issue.
Husam openly criticised certain party leaders and blamed them for the UG idea. This did not go well with delegates. All along, UG was subtly a subject of discussion at the 2008 Muktamar and within the party political committees.
Consequently, he was left idle in the political wilderness. That same year, Kelantan candidates were totally wiped out in the party polls.
Husam is back in the race this year but this time, vying for Vice Presidency. Candidate personality weigh heavily in this year's election. Performance and credibility balanced by their popularity in the party will be some of the criteria delegates will look for.
Tainted with much controversies in the past two years, this time around choosing Husam will be a moral challenge for PAS.

PAS Muktamar or the party's Annual Convention begin on Friday, June 3rd, 2011 and will be on till Sunday June 5th.
Unique to the election this year, it is neither an intense and serious factional confrontation between the Ulamak against Erdogan, nor driven by issues such unity government as in the pasts.
That means the main determinant for this year's election lies squarely on the candidate. Performance will be an important yardstick of delegates. There is also the dilemma between credibility and popularity.
Mat Sabu came in again as a serious contender against incumbent Nasharuddin. Despite his popularity, he may fail again due to the credibility factor.
However, this time around Nasharuddin may not be able to ward off attempts to unseat him. Another pro-Ulamak candidate, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man may come out as the new Deputy President.
This may weigh heavily in the Vice President's race. Husam's and former Perak Menteri Besar, Dato Seri Nizar Jamaluddin's entry into the Vice President race has made life uneasy for incumbents Salahuddin Ayub and Datuk Mahfuz Omar.
There are also another Kelantan exco member, Datuk Nik Amar Nik Abdullah and PAS Information Chief, Idris Ahmad to content with.
Husam's justification to contest was that Kelantan needs to be represented in the party hierarchy. Despite Nik Aziz's campaign for Kelantan candidates, the choice will only mean it is either him or Nik Amar.
The bigger challenge for Husam is his image. During his time in the political wilderness, Husam's image was splashed with the same red ink that hit on Ariffahmi. The expose of the various wrongdoings of Arifffahmi in Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan Berhad (PMBK) and his questionable appointment leads back to Husam.
His role in PMBK is only as member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the plantation subsidiary, PMBK Sawit Sdn Bhd (PMBK Sawit) but his illegal and unethical workings and failings have began to surface.
Thus far, Husam has been able to cover and ward off his critics. Will he this time?
This blogger obtained set of documents containing Husam's network of cronies and lieutenant. This is only an opportunistic time to release this information.
All these while, pro-UMNO bloggers have mistakenly enlisted Husam's lieutenants as cronies. The inner circle remains elusive to those outside the party.

If one remembers, his membership in PKR was being questioned when Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim took him into PKR to play the role of Director of Strategy. He was then still a PAS member.
Husam is the Chairman of PMBK Sawit but Razak is still not considered within the inner circle.
Syed Azidi (pix on right) or the popular blogger known as Kickdefella was doing Husam's communication and propaganda worked but paid by PMBK. That was until he was sacked by Ariffahmi last year.

Kamalrulzaman is another of Husam's lieutenant. He was a former staff in the IT Division of Universiti Sains Malaysia and held a PAS Youth position in Penang. He left his job to join Husam.
Kamarulzaman handles Husam's personal organic farming venture under a company called Sunnah Tani Sdn Bhd (Sunnah Tani). However, his monthly salary of RM5,000 is being paid by PMBK Sawit.

Nuri is an ex-teacher of PASTI and like Kamalrulzaman, earns salary from PMBK Sawit. In a common modus operandi with that of Kamarulzaman and Shieh Azidi, his job not related to PMBK Sawit but to take care of Husam's Salor state constituency.
Mohd Khir Zahri Abdul Ghani is the current Director for Tok Kenali Trust Fund. He is lietenant handling Husam's political affair including the welfare of his lieutenants.
Khir plays an important role in Husam's current campaign for Vice President. Husam have been away in India and China throughout the campaign to avoid allegations of money politics and being seen as overzealous in his campaign.
Finally, there is Asmawi, who manages an event management company to handle Husam's programs in Kuala Lumpur. Husam finances the company.
These lieutenants received money to run their assigned operation. However they are not involved directly in negotiation and obtaining money from third parties on behalf of Husam. That is left to the inner circle of cronies.
Inner Circle and It's Working

Hashim can be described as Husam's trusted banker and runner to collect for Husam the "commissions" from projects or "donations" from businessman able to secure state projects with Husam's help.
All the monies are in cash. Monies in the form of cheques are banked into the account of Telda Corporation Sdn Bhd. Hashim keeps the monies till a verbal instruction from Husam to deliver the money to certain individuals.

Another person is Abdul Rasul bin Mohamad from Pasir Mas. He is a close friend and partner of Hashim.
Hashim was instrumental in hiding Kickdefella in Yala for a month when police were looking for him for the offense of inverting the Malaysian flag. During the investigation on Global Media Channel by MACC last year, Husam instructed Hashim to hide in Yala.
Hashim is also involved in fronting outfit, Kelantan Research Institute of Strategic Studies (KRISS) and company Agarwood Industry (Kelantan) Sdn Bhd.

His cordial relationship with the palace, specifically the former Raja Perempuan Kelantan enable him to be Husam's go-between for projects involving the palace.
During the time the former Sultan of Kelantan was in Singapore undergoing treatment, Rosli was the bridge between the Raja Perempuan and Kelantan Government, specifically Husam.
Rosli benefited from the awarded timber concession using the not quite functional KRISS as pass through outfit and him being a major contributor.
KRISS was purchased at undisclosed price from Dato' Ibrahim Ali, who run under PAS ticket in the last general election.
KRISS undertake some research work for Husam but it is the money cleansing mechanism for money to Rosli. Dr Mohamad Hanapi bin Mohamad is believed to run teh research operation.
Ramli is the person entrusted on land matter as in to identify and to apply for land approvals. He knows much of Husam's secret dealings in land and timber and that is the reason Husam keeps him around.
Ramli managed the purchase of a building for Global Media Channel Sdn Bhd for RM1 million on behalf of Yayasan Khumus Bhd but the money did not come from the Foundation but from a black op fund kept by a lawyer.

Between 2005 to 2008, Global Media Channel Sdn Bhd received money to finance TV PAS. It was used to purchase technical equipment worth more than RM1 million.
Husam important man in media game is former Editor in chief of Harakah, Zulkifli Sulong. He is the man behind the opposition political tabloid, Siasah.
In addition, Husam controls the tabloid Wasilah, controlled through a company Hasrat Tinta Sdn Bhd. He bought it for more than RM3 million and financed by black money kept by Hashim. The company is fronted by Mohamad Nuri@Nuri bin Mat Yaacob and Mohd Noor bin Mat Yajid.

Husam helped to revive and finance their family's foundation under their father's name and changed it to become Akademi Pembangunan Keluarga Bahagia Bhd. (Akademi). They survive as recipient of Husam's fund raising effort through the same "commissions" and "donation."
Shukri Rahman can be described as Husam's ATM machine in Kuala Lumpur. He takes care after Husam's affair in Kuala Lumpur; his accomodation, transport, and clothing.
Shukri is seldom introduced by Husam as Consultant. He is seldom seem in Husam's overseas entourage in business discussion involving state government. In addition, he is also involved in Yayasan Khumus.

Jihad Ternak was given RM3 million from the Akademi but is now embroiled in a dispute due to their attempt to cheat the state Government.
The company has since lost the exclusive rights to supply goats for the Jihad ternak project for Kelantan.

The company had received more than RM1 million to pay for the technology transfer agreement from Thailand. The running cost of the operation is borne by Hashim through the black operation of Telda Corporation.
Zaidi is asssisted in Agarwood by his close friend from Pasir Mas, Rahimi Yusof and Rasul.
Failures and Money Politics
Last year, Husam's operation was busted wide open but details are still lacking. However, Husam is no more seen as a man with the Midas touch. It exposed problems in all companies he is involved.
This article in MyKMU here described the problems faced by Global Media Channel, PMBK Sawit, and Jihad Ternak.
Husam was exposed to have collected money from such companies as Cam Contract Work Sdn Bhd and SBJ Development Sdn Bhd and in projects such as the building of the water treatment plant at Merbau Chondong in Machang.
Througout 2006 to 2008 alone, Husam had financed an amount more than RM20 million to various names through money provided by his cronies and other individuals. One such individual is one lawyer by the name of Nordin bin Nor.
Undoubtedly, Husam was a slick operator and not easy to catch. MACC will have a tough time to pin it on him since nearly all the money did not land in Husam's hand. He remote controlled the flow of money.
Is this not dirty money politics flowing within PAS political and economic operations?
PAS will have to grappled with this moral issue of corruption, commission taking and abuse of power should they decide to vote Husam. They will lose the moral high ground to criticise and play their check and balance role to UMNO.
Updated: June 2nd 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
An eye opener and pretty accurate.
Pak Tua
Finally someone' s put it in writing. Congrats! Husam and his power of hidden hands and corruption represents the kind of hypocrisy thats been goin on in PAS and no one dare pin it down because Husam is Nik Aziz's protege. But it finally cracks up the big secret - that Nik Aziz and his poltical game have moved away from its original values.
Nik Aziz is as corrupt as Husam and he is aware of what Husam is doing. Which is why husam kept quiet about the corrupt son in law of nik aziz.
Now can you all remove the title of Tok Guru form Nik Aziz. He is just another greedy poltiician , power crazy and reflected by his right hand man Husam. Islam is just a disguise. A good one.
pitty d kg.folk.....they have been cheated by an islamic leader who just show `Alim'.Of d sure , the kelantan people will have nothing except their keris(man)sarung(women).
siang malam pas ceramah menuduh umno rasuah dan kroni.
tetapi di sebalik kopiah putih mereka terselindung pelbagai jenis keburukan.
Not surprise, tell me who dont like power? it's only a method of empowerment using religion.
Ha!Nobody can beat human being's ingenuity.IN this case, all you got to do is management of perception.
And the people of kelantan got..... what....?
Can you imagine the games these people play? Imagine the millions and millions of monies being put to good use as in..... pipe water improvement?
very detail informer kamu bagi maklumat, tambah pulak dekat nak pemilihan PAS, sah lah ada puak dalam PAS yang memang nak tolak Husam, Nik Aziz, geng erdogan dan anwar.
read between the lines.
A voice
after this can story about UDA ?
Dato Jaafar Hassan UDA MD resign - not on talking terms with Jazlan the land broker . Heard its about the Pudu Jail land
NMY launch his book - about 97 crisis, IMF and his effort. syok sendiri and written by wong sulong. both samdol and kj crony.
Aik! Suka politik PAS pulak dan nak backing Trojan horse UMNO kat PAS dengan buat expose macam-macam.
Kalau betul pun, chicken feed la berbanding komisyen yang diterima oleh ahli politik BN. BN kira dalam berbillion tapi yang ni nak buat cerita lain dan kalau benar pun dalam berapa juta saja.
Well done, Sir.
Whack em bugger !
PASke, UMNO ke ,PKR ke DAP ke semua satu objektif... merampok duit rakyat.
In developed country, people know their rights, they are not scared of politicians. If these crooks do something wrong, they will be exposed to their knickers.
Kudos to all Brave Bloggers, you are the voice of scared shit Rakyat.
Election done, looks like your pitifull spin is useless, there is no chance of Umno to bring Pas into the fold now, with the current lineup.
Parti orang melayu yang korup dan suka rasuah/duit haram = UMNO
Parti orang melayu yang benci rasuah dan korupsi = Pas
Fear the future, hahaha
Anon 10:19 PM
What pitiful spin?
Dont try to deny or deviate things you do not know. Info like that and as extensive do not come from the sky.
In the first place, I have stated before that I do not agree for a merger of UMNO and PAS. It is unfair to other races if the major race gang up.
I believe UMNO need PAS albeit a more clever, factual and with substantive argument to be its check and balance.
PAS need UMNO to be the nation's administrator.
UMNO and PAS are of two different software to be able to mix.
Before you comment abot me, be sure you know what the duck you are talking about.
I happen to know some PAS leaders appreciate what was reveal as a good reminder to Husam and other their leaders.
Why should I bother naivette like you?
As my PAS friend told me, there is no different between UMNO and PAS except, RM5 million.
The crooked ones among PAS politicians take in 5 mil and the crooked ones in UMNO take 10 million. :)
Anon 10:19
The fact remains that there are people in PAS whose behaviour worse than those in UMNO/BN. So much saying to eradicate corruption but they are doing it themselves. And you still want to engage in such pitiful argument.
So will hudud apply to corruption. If so I think most politician hands will be off. Don't just apply to the poor people.
Brilliant comment from anon 10:58am.
So you are saying corruption sikit saja takpe?
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