Somehow or rather, anyone with a pre-fix Saifu- in his name seemed to fail our expectation.
Saifullah should mean the sword of Allah but the one we encounter do not fight the cause of Allah but pick a fight for his own ego. While, Saifuddin should mean the sword of the faith but the two political leaders of such names don't seem to even attempt to replicate the prophet's qualities; Siddiq (truth), Amanah (honest), Tabligh (propagate) and Fatanah (wisdom).
PKR's Saifuddin Nasution is a foreign trained propagandist and part of the trio of compulsive liars; namely himself, Rafizi Ramli and Zuraidah Kamaruddin under the guidance of their Great Teacher Anwar Ibrahim and his most trusted Pupil, Azmin Ali.
While, UMNO's Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Dato Saifuddin Abdullah aspire to be honest and propagate his thoughts but is lost in his own perception of truth and scarcely lacking wisdom.
The analysis of this character answers the last few myths or spins of Bersih 3.0
Alleged UMNO Membership

Rafizi is infamous for his revelation of NFC, thanks to the leak and photocopied documents by former Accountant and claimed DAP member, Danny Tan (we believed is his name.)
Zuraidah is known for shooting her own feet with her so-called exposes. She is facing Zahida Rafik's lawsuit and could have faced more such defamation lawsuits. However, she is the odd member of the trio, whose only qualification is her loyalty to Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali.
That spinmaster role is usually slotted by PKR's Communication Director but Nik Nazmi has gone AWOL and some say sulking for some three months. Hope it is not one of those lover's quarrel because posterior is not Nik Nazmi's best asset.

Few days before Bersih 3.0, on April 26th precisely, Sinar Harian published a revelation by Saifuddin allegedly claiming Electoral Commission (EC) Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Yusof and his Deputy, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar are UMNO members.
There is no rule against EC's Chairman and Deputy Chairman being members but not office bearers of political parties. Nevertheless, it will be deemed a conflict of interest by the public, if they were.
Saifuddin alleged that Tan Sri Aziz is a member of the Ampang UMNO Division and Datuk Wan Ahmad with claimed NRIC no. 490101-03-5179 and old NRIC number 2756290 is a member of Kubang Bunggor UMNO branch under the Pasir Mas Kelantan Division.
Stunt by such revelation, Tan Sri Aziz responded to say honestly that he couldn't recall ever filling up any UMNO membership form. It is a cautious statement in case someone may have fabricate his signature to fill-up a form for him.
It was a well set trap for a propaganda. Honestly it is not easy recalling some happening more than 30 years ago. Tan Sri was caught and PKR seize on it to turn it into a propaganda for the ceramah planned everywhere on the eve of Bersih 3.0.
Propaganda means highlighting the negative of the opponent and downplaying the positive of the opponent. But the two are not their political opponent. It does not matter to PKR's scorch earth politics of hatred.
EC is part of the many institutions of Government being systematically attacked as part of their long term strategy to weaken the ruling party. In their hypothesis, institutions of Government exist to sustain Barisan Nasional.
While the crowd were rowdily jeering the police and shoving police vehicle near Dataran Merdeka on the eve of Bersih 3.0, the ceramah in the housing areas were trying to attract more crowd by provoking them with this allegation that EC Chairman and Deputy Chairman are UMNO members.
Brilliant but conceited.
The truth
The blogs had responded within 24 hours to deny the claims and even had details to dispute the allegations. But, the newspapers were either not confident enough or insidiously went along to perpetuate the lie by doing nothing on the details published in the blogs.
That lie went on for a week till Agendadaily got the attention of everyone with their accurate data on May 7th [read here].
True, there was an UMNO member by the name of Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof in UMNO Daisy Branch, Putrajaya.
However, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz never lived in Putrajaya. He lived for quite a long time in Taman Seri Ampang and was an active member of his nearby Surau Al Falah but never was he an UMNO member there. Did the MP of Ampang, Zuraidah's people presumed he was an UMNO member?
Not only that, neither did Tan Sri Abdul Aziz signed up as UMNO member in his other previous residences in Segambut, Kg Nakhoda in Selayang and Government Quarters of Jalan Guillemard. Nor did he in his current residence in Shah Alam.
It turned out the Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof as alleged by Saifuddin is a driver at the Prime Minister's Office. UMNO Head Office confirmed that both Tan Sri Abd Aziz and Datuk Wan Ahmad are not UMNO members.
Unfortunately, the damage is done. By breaking the news two days before event and subsequently spreading it via SMS, ceramah and social media, it has spread by words of mouth and gone viral.
The lie perpetuated is difficult to neutralised. It is compunded further by the reluctance of members and supporters of the opposition to read or hear news from mainstream and pro-Govenment media.
Saifuddin has ungentlemenly refused to apologise to both Tan Sri Abdul Aziz and Datuk Wan Ahmad. This makes it more difficult for them to clean their name. The untrue will continue to be propagated.
In months ahead during the general election, some yokos in a makeshift warong in some village, traditional or new, will claim that the EC Chairman and Deputy Chairman are UMNO members.
Perhaps that is what Saifuddin wants. But that is not fair. Neither it is just. No wonder PKR is dubbed as Parti Kelentong Rakyat.
Tan Sri Abdul Aziz and Datuk Wan Ahmad will only be viewed as collateral damage in their quest for power. They could seek damages in court. But if they do so, it will be spinned as siding with UMNO.
It is really unfair for politicians to victimise non-politicians or non-political players like Tan Sri Aziz, Datuk Wan and Zahida Rafik in their politics.
Just as it is as much unfair for politicians and political players to take their political game outside the political playground into court rooms.
Dumb new politics

The Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Dato Saifuddin seems to be another Anwar Ibrahim.
This is not because he studied in MCKK like Anwar, or was a former protege of Anwar Ibrahim in the youth movement, or don't seemed to be seen on the Internet with any other ties than Anwar Ibrahim's Wednesday tie.
His "new politics", which happens to be the topic of his book, reminds one of Anwar Ibrahim as an UMNO politician. He comes out as a sore thumb then with his Islamist image.
Quietly, his liberal side emerged to appease the UMNO not used to his version of Islamic agenda. Before the demise of his UMNO politics, Anwar was already dancing dangdut, wearing Zegna suits, having mistresses and sodomising boys.
Most prominent today, Anwar's liberalism has taken over to the very extreme that he supports the security of Israel but falls short to agree for diplomatic relation.
As for Saifuddin, neither did we read his book nor does he has the standing to interest us to do so. But if we read Saifuddin correctly, he is in the same situation as Anwar Ibrahim but dare to stick out as a sore thumb.
He claimed bloggers or pro-UMNO bloggers are too dumb to understand "new politics." Perhaps he is insinuating that pro-Pakatan bloggers understand "new politics." However, he doesn't get it that his "new politics" is actually nothing new. The dynamics may differ from the past, but it is old politics in the west.
One wonders if he know enough of the practices of western democracy or he know only it's academic theory and background? Has he ever lived abroad for sufficient number of years to actually experience western democracy?
With his inability to hold himself together in the midst of criticism on his actions, which are unbecoming of a member of the cabinet, he himself has not adapted to the temperament of a western politicians.
Looks like he is merely doing copy and paste without appreciating that western democrasy undergo it's own natural evolution from their Judeo-Christian cultural background and history.

If Saifuddin understand "new politics", he would not condone the rude act of students bringing down the flag with Najib's face while protesting against UMNO at UMNO's home, the Putra World Trade Center.
And he should understand that there is still honour in "new politics." He should have not dishonour and ridicule himself to accept the protest on behalf of UMNO. He has no authorisation to represent UMNO. That role is supposed to go to the Secretary General or failing which, the Executive Secretary will accept on his behalf.
A Deputy Minister and member of UMNO Supreme Council should understand basic protocol. Or perhaps his fascination with his so-called "new politics" that there are no more need for formality, protocol and decorum.
Then we sure like to call him merely as Pudin only. He should realise that he has no significant role as Deputy Minister but merely fulfilling ceremonies.
In western democracy, especially in Britain, they behave appropriately and respect and adhere to protocol, though it seemed to be more casual in US. They are open to criticism. And they accept and counter criticism with panache and are witty in their reply.
Mr Abdullah old chap, you're still a Malay boy from Temerloh and hardly comes out as a British gentlemen. Well you may be an old boy but only from Sekolah Melayu Jalan Stesyen.
Prejudice against police
As Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Saifuddin has a strange tolerance for opposition centric students that comes with an aversion against pro Government students. It goes to the extent that in Gua Musang during the Galas by-election, he questioned and warned police against charging student-member of GAMIS caught participating in partisan politics outside campus.
In the recent anti-PTPTN demonstration, Saifuddin was quiet as a mouse. He did not comment n the students' irresponsible behaviour for neglecting their main responsibility to their academic pursuit. It is heard that he encouraged and behind the scene helped this law breaking students.
As a member of the Cabinet, he is contravening with the policies of his own Government and the Government lead by his own political party.
Off course, there is room for dissenting voices but as a party member with position in the party and Government, his has access and channels to express his views or in local political parlance, use proper channel.
If he wish to voice it loudly and openly, he should be a mere backbencher or a normal members. Even backbencher MPs is subjected to the Chief Whip.
As on numerous occasions, Saifuddin made the following comment outside his purview and this time against police handling of Bersih 3.0 as reported by the News Straits Times below:

Who is he to make such comment against the police? Does he understand the ramification of his comment? Is he listening to only one side of the story like the case with students or did he get the true picture?
One thing for sure he was not there at the demonstration.
This time around he commented on the appointment of Tun Hanif Omar as Chairman of Independent Panel probe allegation of police violence during Bersih 3.0 which is not under his Ministry but the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Saifuddin commented that Tun Hanif's appointment as Chairman as inappropriate, however he claimed it alright for him to be a panel member.
As a member of Government, again he keep shooting his mouth where he is not required. On another aspect, his comment seemed prejudicial in the light of his earlier comment in News Straits Times?
Doesn't it reflect his intention to lend a helping hand to save his deviant students like he did in Gua Musang last year?
If he is so inclined towards the opposition, he may as well do so to join Anwar Ibrahim in PKR. He will not be a loss to Barisan Nasional in Temerloh.
In fact, he is a liability to Barisan Nasional in defending the Temerloh seat. Till few weeks ago in our last 'makan' trip to Temerloh, our well grounded source still believe our regular fishmonger for Patin fish is a more winnable candidate than Saifuddin.
Independent Panel
Saifuddin's reservation seemed fashionably consistent with that of the opposition members and opposition-bias National Union of Journalist and Bar Council (if we are not mistaken). They express the same reservation to Tun Hanif's appointment and cited his comment to describe Bersih 3.0 as a potential security problem.

As oppose to the view of the opposition, having Tun Hanif on the panel provide the police perspective as input.
If the journalists is represented by two members from the journalist community; the legal adviser to Sin Chew Jit Poh, Liew Peng Chuan, one of the complainant and Managing Director of the opposition tolerant newspaper, Sinar Harian, Datuk Hishamuddin Yaacob, the police is represented by only one and only a former policemen.
Tun Hanif's presence as Chairman will be counterbalanced by the two members from the Journalist community.
There is nothing deficiently wrong to appoint him there. Tun Hanif is both an illustrious and fair-minded former Inspector General of Police. In 2004-2005, he was a member of the Commission to improve the operation and administration of the police.
And he is still well versed on security matters.
Someone from the opposition suggested bringing in someone from the United Nations. Perhaps the intention is to get a foreign, independent and international perspective.
The last time Anwar Ibrahim made any similar claim for Bersih 3.0, he brought in Nicholas Xenophony from Australia who does not fit the fair-minded description and those with him made stupid and irrelevant remarks.
Perhaps the opposition wish to claim Bar Council as independence. The Bar Council is under heavy shelling from within and without the bar itself.
How about a representative from either the London Metropoliton Police or the New York Police Department, two organisation most conversant with riot control? That should balance the police number in the Panel.
They will find PDRM too soft on the demonstrators. Part of their modus operandi involves use of force to weaken the resolve and the spirit of the demonstrators. In other words, scare the shit out of them.
None of the victims of the claimed brutality video have come forward to show they were badly injured from the abuse as what had happened to the police.
All these request from these anarchist and participants of Bersih 3.0 should not be entertained. Otherwise, they will turn it into another circus like the Teoh Beng Hock, Sarbaini and Kugan death enquiries.
The panel is quite balance. Term of reference is clear. The finding has to be a consensual agreement between all of them.
On that matter, Hishamuddin should remove Sin Chew's lawyer. He will disrupt consensual decision.
If we had it our way, we will not bother with this probe. It will be turned into a scene to nit pick on police with nothing substantive. Why must the probe be on police? Why not on the lawbreakers?
Just ignore Anwar Ibrahim's comment and Bersih's demands. Bersih 3.0 is a lost cause for them and they are trying salvage some lost pride. Don't give these anarchist and propagandists that second chance.
That include the Saifuddins.
1 comment:
Just ignore Anwar Ibrahim's comment and Bersih's demands. Bersih 3.0 is a lost cause for them and they are trying salvage some lost pride. Don't give these anarchist and propagandists that second chance."
I like the above copy-pasted paragraph. I believe Tun Mahathir would do the above were he still in power.
My long standing belief on domestic politics is all this problems was caused by the weak "No. 5".
Should there be a Bersih 4.0 or "whatever number-point-zero", the government should just let them do what they want to do before encircling them and arrest them all, the followers and (especially) the leaders.
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