One commentator here claimed Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak will allow Tan Sri Robert Phang to continue to serve in MACC.
No news is heard yet.
However, it is hilarious to hear Phang's praise Najib all the way to the sky in defense against Mallot latest critic of racism.
Me wonder what is he up to?
Is Mr Fix-It claiming to Najib that he is "the" Chinese taiko that can deliver Chinese votes for BN?
Please ... late Tan Sri Wee Boon Ping or replacement Tan Sri William Cheng could, but not this ex-car salesman bag runner for Harris Salleh.
To get a better defense of Najib against Mallot than this "bodek" news, read Azmi Anshar's column on NST. The "juicy" one on Malaysia Instinct.
Read first the old coot doing the "bodek" below:
'Najib is a Dynamic Person' - Robert PhangRead the rest which is background information on Malaysia Instinct here. Not sure where the source is. [Suggest MI people put the source of the news and not be mistakenly seen as passing it as their own material.]
Friday, 11 February 2011
Former United States ambassador to Malaysia John Malott should forge goodwill between the two nations instead of meddling in Malaysia's domestic affairs.
Businessman and former Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel (CCPP) member Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin said Malott's legacy would have been more significant if he had left behind a high level of goodwill on which his successor could build.
"He has failed to do this. Further, he has made it uncomfortable for the current ambassador.
"An ambassador and the host nation must have mutual respect for each country's image on the world stage without stepping on each other," he told the New Straits Times yesterday.
Phang came to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's defence over an article titled "Price of Malaysia's racism" written by Malott in the Wall Street Journal on Feb 8.
Malott, who served here from 1995 to 1998, criticised the prime minister's 1Malaysia concept as being hypocritical, claiming "racial and religious tensions are higher today than when Najib took office in 2009".
Phang said: "Najib is a dynamic person and I am sure he will be able to address all the allegations hurled against him.
"He has the people's support to steer the country and their priorities in the right direction."
Azmi Anshar wrote an excellent article in answering Mallot. Read below:
Malott's slanted axe strikes againFor a conspirational version reply to Mallot, read about CIA errand boy for Anwar's family in Malaysia Instinct's "John Malott, One of Anwar’s Secret Lover?" in here.
FORMER United States ambassador to Malaysia John Malott has penned a sweeping but disingenuous indictment of Malaysia in the Wall Street Journal Asia’s opinion page, alleging that “racial and religious tensions are higher today than when Mr Najib took office in 2009.”
Referring to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s handling of prickly race relations issues in that period, Malott mischievously characterised the tensions as “worse than at any time since 1969, when at least 200 people died in racial clashes between the majority Malay and minority Chinese communities.”
Malott went on to accuse Malaysia’s leadership of “tolerating, and, in some cases, provoking ethnic factionalism through words and actions.”
His 1,100-worded missive had two obvious but odious slants:* The so-called racial tensions he misdirected are perpetrated exclusively by the Malay leadership against what he deemed as helpless and hapless non-Malays; and,Let’s see: by cleverly deploying the noun,‘tensions’, against the May 13, 1969 trajectory, he is implying that racial clashes are a regular feature on Malaysian race relations since 1969.
* a deep-seated revulsion for the Najib administration matched only by his consistently unabashed public relations pitch for Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, which makes his vitriol a simple sales promotion for Anwar.
The real question is, where are the worsening tensions that could trigger fatal racial clashes as terrible as those incited on May 13, 1969, as Malott slyly claimed?
Malott asserted that the Malaysian leadership “is tolerating and provoking ethnic factionalism through words and actions”. He can’t be more flat on that.
What Malott perceived to be a malevolent circumstance can be seen in a more enlightened prism - it is Najib’s willingness to engage all aggrieved parties - Malays, Chinese and Indians alike - by encouraging them to say their piece, even if it is unpleasant.
That’s several notches up for free speech when previous administrations had curtailed debate on race relations, restricting them only in Parliament and special closed-door councils.
Now, the debate is so open that websites, blogs and social media networks are abuzz with the freedom to discuss what had been a taboo topic. The downside? You’d think Malaysia is reeling in a perfect storm of racism, given the rancidness of many comments from all sides.
From Hindraf’s exaggerated claims of genocide to the Chinese community leverage of precious votes (some would call it blackmail) to get more Chinese schools to the Malays’ defensive posture against shrill demands that their special position is irrelevant and obscured by historical skewering, the multi-prong debate is boisterous and healthy.
These are strong, passionate stances made possible by an administration that accepts such sentiments as a fact of life and does not fear it from surfacing aloud, only if it allows Najib to formulate pragmatic solutions which may or may not appease the aggrieved parties.
Malott doesn’t get this but to be fair, he makes no mention of the word “racism” in his opinion piece but he, whether he likes it or not, is party to the loaded WSJ heading “The price of Malaysia’s racism’, which implies that Malaysia is drowning in a toxic cesspool of racism. That’s not what Malaysians are experiencing now though the WSJ appear to have no misgivings in branding that label on Malaysia.
Here’s an alternative perspective to Malott’s blinkered observation: Malaysians are no more capable of institutional racism (read apartheid and the US’ pre-civil rights segregation) than Malott can be in his personal dealings with other races.
Malott might like to consider Malaysia’s plus point as a burgeoning plural society that goes way back to 1957 when the first multi-racial Government was formed. In comparison, developed Western countries can’t even place a non-white high up in their respective administrations.
The tensions Malott mischaracterised is what Malaysians get tangled up constantly - seemingly irreconcilable social, cultural, economical and political disputes on how best to prod the country towards a promising future of prosperity and creation of new wealth.
A lot of harsh words and comments have and will be exchanged but a prime outcome is the nature of its civility - and none of that bloodletting innuendo. Everyone, naturally, wants a bountiful share but no one is willing to budge, compromise or lose pertinent benefits gained over decades of political struggle.
So, the logical step to do is to continue negotiating, bargaining and bartering, even if the outcome is a full blown civil but civilised war of words.
Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had a barometer on gauging disenchantment among the races: he would ask representatives of each race if they are satisfied with their lot and the immediate response was a “no”.
Since nobody is satisfied, then the cogent conclusion was that the Government had been fair in their treatment of all races. Conversely, had one race stated that they were satisfied, then something was wrong somewhere.
It’s obvious that Malott based his thinking on the advisement of the Opposition crowd which puts the blame squarely on the Malay leadership and certain Malay NGOs when the reality is that every ethnic community is shouting and screaming, jockeying and jostling for the best possible position to capitalise on the goodies promised under the New Economic Transformation programme.
It comes to this: Malott has a very big axe to grind in manipulating Malaysia’s political machinations but his objective, since the time he was last as ambassador in 1998, had always been to blacken Dr Mahathir to shore up Anwar’s political doldrums.
Interestingly, Malott would conduct his sorties on Malaysia when trouble fixates on Anwar, from his troublesome sodomy trial to his tribulations in dealing with the growing army of PKR rebels and dissidents.
This latest sortie fits into Anwar’s scheme of things and being a close associate, Malott would have no qualms disparaging Najib as long it can help distract Malaysians from a very beleaguered Anwar.
NST February 9th, 2011
What we know, Mallot's developed a close family relationship with Anwar while running his errand for the CIA. He was acting parent for Nurul Izzah during her study stay at Georgetown University, Washington.
Jeng jeng jeng ...
It seems Phang appeared on NST last Thursday for a donation of RM50,000 to an NST Foundation. Will put a pix of his press appearance when I can get hold of it.
Oh boy ... now he already bribed the press.
Updated: 9:40 PM
The development of dmocracy is not about free and fair elections. It is all about what governments do in between elections. When it comes to comments by foreigners on our internal afffairs we must take the position my country right or wrong. But we have to admit at least to ouselves that there is a wide gap between what BN government says and what it does. Malaysian should not be blinded to what is happening in our country. The fondness of politicians for short cuts, the resignation of voters, particulaly those in the rural areas,does not bode well for democracy in Malaysia. Over the last thirty years we have witnessed the development of a noxious coktail of nepotism,cronyism,and to some extent authoritarian governance exemplified by many Third World countries. We do not want to benchmark ourselves agains these countries. You may wish to recall that in the first 30 years of independence Malaysia was a model for democracy for the ASEAN region including Singapore which still today is a one party state. But what they have been successful at is that what they did inbetween elections won the approval of the majority of its people.
Corruption has become a common word in Malaysia. When we see civil servants driving big cars and living in even bigger houses we assume that they are corrupted without thinking that may be they were good inveators as one of our KSNs explained. As for me corruption per se is not bad after all. The effects of corruption is what we must protect orselves against. The events in Egypt is the effects of corruption and greed because the currupted did not when to stop. If you are apoliticians or Civil servant it is ok for you take some for yourself but please remember to leave some for the people. In Egypt the ruling calss did not leave anythig for the people.
Back to Malaysia. The reforms that were so well expounded by our PM when he took office has all but stalled.Public service is shordy and is in a deplorable state, the main stram media has become the lame stream media and government contracts has becomea scandalous source of corruption.
In these circumstances it of no use for us to debate what the former US Ambassador said. It is known that Ambassadors of the first world have no qualms of talking to the opposition in the Third World because in their countries our Ambassador are not prevented form supporting or talking to opposition parties.
Small countries like Malaysia with limited resources can only punch above our weight if we run our affairs in accoradance with the rule of law and the constitution. We must not only talk about free and fair elections but make sure that free anf fair policies are implemented inbetween elections.We must always carry a big financial stick because like dealing with a bank when you have a RM Billion deposit the bank will always listen to you.
I hope that God will give the wisdom to our leaders to learn from the events in Egypt. Mubarak promised many things when he took office 30 years ago. In the end he wanted an additional 6 months to implement what he failed to do in 30 years.
To A voice and Najib
Anwar is using John Melalut to deny Najib's effort to woo more foreign investment especially from Middle East into Malaysia.
Robert Phang also using John Melalut - to keep his seat in MACC and stay as anwar's mole in the agency.
The devil's advisors never sleep.
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