The best to describe the move by the trio Dato T is dumb.
Initially, they came out holy to claim moral ground. Intention is not to shame the pornstar of this new sex video tape, which is alleged to be Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The announced they will send the video within 7 days for Anwar and Datin Seri Wan Azizah's verification. Subsequently, they demanded Anwar and Wan Azizah to quit from politics.
That was fine until these three stooges decided to show the video to PKR MP for Sungai Petani, Johari Abdul, whom is anak buah to Dato Shuib Lazim.
Even if it to settle ole score, never lose one's head and end up with the message lost.
Currently, they have helped to revive the reformasi PKR spirit and provided ammo for them to claim there was a Government conspiracy against Anwar. Although this amateurish feat is most unlikely to have the hands of Government or Prime Minister, their propagandist will still insist such.
More so with controversial Rahim and Shuib are UMNO former leaders with Rahim having an ole score with Anwar.
The issue of Anwar's morality and sexual tryst with a prostitute could be diffused. Do not expect the rakyat to take our side because they have not seen the video.
Anwar and his supporters have conveniently and immediately denied. They are already on a campaign. If not adressed, Anwar's boys will have a long lead to influence teh voting public.
This is counter productive to Najib's effort to show of a more friendly and people caring Government.
The trio could have waited for a better timing since things were turning up fine in the courts. Their stupidity has upset the effort of bloggers and media players in putting BN on the advantage in the psywar.
This is nothing but sheer dumb!
It was a naive move to show to Johari because he is a hardcore staunch Anwarista. He even resort to Azmin-like manipulation at the PKR Cabang election to remain as Cabang Chief. The man is high in Anwar's cai for National level Committee.
Are we so naive as to not see that?
Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik claimed yesterday that Johari acknowledged the person in the video to be Anwar. What is the relevence?
As a matter of fact, it is too late because Johari has revealed on them earlier. And that forced Rahim to reveal themselves. Isn't that bodoh and dumb?
If you have a script, stick to the script. Do not bring elements to disrupt your script. In this case, showing it to Johari Abdul is dumb and naive.
So what he is your anak buah? Can't they size him up properly.
If they can't, then stay retired and out of the game. Let somebody who knows who it works today do it.
This blogger is not saying it from an armchair. This is talking from experiance.
They could have met with people in the know or some bloggers who are master at making an issue out of something like this. It is not just posting on blogs only. Syyy .... trade secret.
Done is done.
What Dato T should do is now find a way to get as many rakyat to see it and publish still pictures from the video to convince them that it is undoubtedly Anwar Ibrahim!
If they are going to be charged for distributing pornography, they deserve to be in the slammer for being dumb. What matters to them now is to stay true to their words to save Malaysia from a man with no moral to fill-in the Prime Ministership post.
For the media players, this sex video has got nothing to with any other issue or persons but about two dumb has-been politicians unaware of today's psywar game and a businessman for trusting prehistoric method practitioners of psy war trying to memandai-mandai.
The video revealed a man, strongly believed to be Anwar Ibrahim and acknowledged by DAP-sympathiser Star Chief editor, Dato Wong Chun Wai, in a compromising position in an immoral sex act with a prostitute.
Let's not lose focus on convincing the rakyat. And do it fast. Betul-betul menyusahkan orang tua-tua ni.
After these is all over, stay retired or whatever work you all are doing.
Salam Voice,
Could not have been said any better. I am puzzled as well.
The trio now have their work cut out to prove its authenticity to mitigate a very delicate situation.
Damage has been done. Guilty by association
Damage control for BN in general and UMNO in particular as the advantage has swung to the PKR.
The tape being fake looks to be a better prospect (for BN and UMNO) as culpability would then fall on the trio of in their personal capacity.
Thank you
Mistakes had been done and the best way to correct it is by allowing the police to do the investigation.
Without doubt this whole episode may affect the election mood in S'wak which is scheduled to be held on April 16.
What we can do now is to pray for the best and allow the authorities to do their work..
agreed.. well put!
Hi brother;
The exposure by the Trio is definitely flawed, miscalculated and has all the trappings to backfire. Had the exposure be surreptiously done and the Trio kept quietly behind the scene, the effect cold have been devastating against AI. But now he can exploit this exposure to his advantage - particulalrly religiously.
So says Dzulman Anonymosly from Shah Alam.
can you find out who is the owner of this spa and which party he is linked to.
to get a video of this vvip is a big time agenda bro.
boleh tergadai bangsa dan negara
Dalam perkembangan yang mengejutkan dan mengelirukan semalam, ahli perniagaan Dato Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, Pengerusi Risda Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik dan bendahari PERKASA Dato Shuib Lazim mengakui mereka ialah TRIO “Dato T” yang terlibat mendedahkan rakaman video seks lelaki yang didakwa pemimpin pembangkang dengan seorang wanita di percayai pelacur dari negera China.
Pendedahan kumpulan Dato T adalah ekoran daripada sidang akhbar di ibupejabat PKR oleh wakil rakyat Datuk Johari Abdul dalam cubaan untuk memujuk beliau dan lima lagi wakil rakyat PKR untuk keluar parti iaitu Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Abas (Teluk Kemang), Datuk Rashid Din (Merbok), Azan Ismail (Indera Mahkota), Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid (Kuala Langat) dan AmranAbdul Ghani ( Tanah Merah)
Johari Abdul menyatakan di dalam sidang akhbar semalam, mereka telah ditayangkan video seks tersebut oleh Eskay yang turut dihadiri oleh Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik di sebuah hotel di Ampang yang mana program itu telah diaturkan oleh bapa saudaranya Shuib Lazim. Sepanjang tayangan itu Johari mengatakan Eskay dan Rahim berkali-kali memberi komen bahawa watak dan gaya serta sifat susuk watak utama menyerupai DSAI
Mengikut Johari adalah amat mustahil untuk mengenal pasti lelaki di dalan klip video kerana footage-nya agak gelap dan wajah pelaku lelaki tersebut tidak jelas dan beliau yakin lelaki misteri itu pastinya bukan DSAI. Keadaan susuk tubuh pelaku lelaki tersebut menguatkan keyakinanya bahawa si pelaku bukan DSAI, tambah Johari lagi.
Di dalam sidang akhbar lain, di sebuah hotel Jalan Pinang KL semalam, Eskay membuat kenyataan 100% yakin si pelaku di dalam footage video itu adalah DSAI kerana buktinya gambarnya turut ada di dalam footage video itu. Apabila ditanya sama ada beliau menyaksikan adegan pengambaran seks tersebut, Eskay menjawab akan memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada pihak polis.
Eskay juga beberapa kali menekankan bahawa DSAI adalah kawannya yang akrab, dan telah bosan kerana selalu diperalatkan serta telah sampai masanya cukup adalah cukup.
Meminjam kata-kata Parpukari,
Siapa Datuk T? (siapa Eskay) Khabarnya, Datuk T (Eskay) merupakan seorang individu yang telah mengambil alih tempat dan tugas Datuk Nallakaruppan yang telah meninggalkan Anwar tahun lepas. Siapa Nalla? Datuk Nalla adalah bekas rakan karib Anwar selama lebih 30 tahun dan menjadi “balaci” kepada “peliwat” itu selama perkenalan mereka.
Apa tugas Datuk Nalla? Selain menemani Anwar bermain tenis setiap hari, Nalla mempunyai “tugas-tugas khas” yang berbentuk sulit. Untuk butiran lebih jelas tentang tugas-tugas tersebut, bolehlah bertanya kepada adik perempuan Nai Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali, atau sila teruskan bertanya kepada Datuk Nalla sendiri.
Berikut adalah beberapa andaian dan analisa sandiwara seterusnya :
1. Adalah amat hairan sekali, Eskay boleh berubah dan bertaubat hanya kerana terjumpa wayar berselirat dan kamera CCTV, bukan kerana terjumpa Tok Guru.
2. Eskay tidak jujur dan mempunyai hidden agenda yang disutradarakan dan diskripkan oleh DSAI sendiri.
3. DSAI sebenarnya sedang desperate yang amat sangat menghadapi kes perbicaraan di mahkamah.
4. Mengheret Rahim yang mempunyai sejarah hitam dengan DSAI akan menambahkan realiti konspirasi. Rahim dan Shuib diperalatkan.
5. Suruhanjaya kalau ada, pihak polis atau mahkamah sekiranya diperbicarakan kes ini dan orang ramai setelah footage video ini tersebar mendapati si pelaku comfirm bukan DSAI.
6. Sememangnya bukan DSAI.
7. Kempen komplot DSAI berjaya mendapat simpati rakyat dan masyarakat antarabangsa.
8. Konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan DSAI, persepsi menjadi reality.
9. Kalau DSAI disabitkan dalam kes Saiful akan ada long march.
10. Egypt in the making.
11. End of BN.
12. Persoalannya siapa kena perangkap?
13. Siapa kena perangkap? Siapa pasang perangkap?
You are right, the three men are blinking amateurish to the extent that the whole thing looks like a bad comedy and nobody is laughing.
I agree this episode looks bad on BN and to think that two of them are known UMNO members! They have brought shame to the party by involving in an illegal activity "being in possession of pornographic materials" this in itself is enough for UMNO to publicly sanction them so that the public can begin to understand that this whole caper is not planned by UMNO as a party.
Remember, most fence sitters love an underdog!!
indeed these three stooges screwed up a brilliant plan to destroy anwar once and for all.
they revealed their hand too early. worse, RTC appeared in a press conference with dato shazryl by his side. i was told some reporters were snickering shazryl could be the person in the video, as he looked alike to anwar. they should have sent shazryl to a villa in some ulu part of thailand or perlis or kedah, instead of let him make press statement that only trap himself.
now things are getting bad to worse for us. all effort must be made to prevent the trio from implicating peoples up the ladder. the trail must end with them, but i fear the damage has been done in the mind of the publics.
If you entrust The Three Stooges to do serious stuffs then this is the result. Its pay back time for RTC, someone else was sent to jail for his crime and sins, now the Almighty has caught up with him.
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