There was just no such losses!
Last Monday, September 12, Raja Petra wrote a piece, "Not cheating, just bending the rule" which relates to alleged loss of RM8 billion loss of MAS during the tenure of Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli as Chairman.
This time we are not responding to another of his grumbling to keep his conspiracy theory alive and defend the reputation of crooked, manipulative and arrogant lawyer Rosli Dahalan. This time Raja Petra and Din Merican (read here) are trying to make something out of a recent MACC raid on the house of Attorney General, Tan Sri Gani Patail in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
Earlier on August 29th, we responded to his attempt to deny us the satisfaction of proving his many years of false allegation by a cute spin to claim we do not trust the police. We wrote, "The police we trust, Your accomplice we don't", where we made further expose as to why we can't trust the characters close to him.
Yesterday, a report broke out yesterday that there is an out-court settlement to the RM200 million lawsuit by Tajuddin against The Malaysian Insider. The settled amount is said to be in the tune of RM30 million.
The out of court settlement serve only to save MI's face. Tajuddin has proved his point and it only add further proof of our hunch that there was no such RM8 billion MAS loss.
How will they respond to this news? If only they know that it is better to admit to the truth and move on than continuing to sustain an untrue story. It will open up the story to more discrepencies. No wonder the Christians always say the truth shall set you free.
Yes, free from ill will, bad intention and impure heart.
The Bernama report on the out-of-court settlement below:
Parties Seek Out-of-court Settlement In Tajudin's Suit Against News PortalOur hunch for the truth stems from a simple fact that everyone refuse to remember and by design, intentionally hide from the public. Tajuddin sold MAS shares at RM8 per shares when market was lower but everyone forgot that he bought it at RM8 billion when the highest the market was trading RM4-6 per share.
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 (Bernama) -- The parties in the RM200-million suit brought by former Malaysia Airlines executive chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli against The Malaysian Insider news portal are seeking to settle the case out of court, counsel for The Malaysian Insider said Monday.
Lawyer George Miranda said this after he, Tajudin's counsel Lim Kian Leong and the news portal's executive and journalist had met Judge Harminder Singh Dhaliwal in chambers.
The case had been set for case management today. After the meeting, the judge set Sept 28 for case management.
On Aug 18, Tajudin filed the suit over the news portal's publication of an article on the airline company.
He named The Malaysian Insider Sdn Bhd, its chief executive officer Jahabar Sadiq and journalist Shazwan Mustafa Kamal as defendants.
Tajudin, who helmed the airline from 1994 to 2001, had stated that the portal had published defamatory words in the article on May 31, 2011.
He also claimed that the portal repeated the defamatory words in other articles, despite a letter sent to it to not do so.
He said the Malaysian Insider, when responding to his letter, stated that the words in the article were not defamatory and that they had obtained the information from multiple sources.
Besides general damages of RM200 million, Tajudin is also seeking aggravated damages and interests.
Tajuddin was cleaning up the mess of Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop at Bank Negara
Malaysia. The vindictive snaky Mamak he is, instead of thanking him, Nor Yakcop did several numbers on him. It puzzles us why Najib still keep him in Cabinet?
The out of court settlement only shows The Malaysian Insider have no proof to back their allegation.
Neither do politicians Salahuddin Ayub, Saifuddin Nasution and Mahfuz Omar making the same allegation in press conferences and ceramahs.
The last one would expect from politicians is to admit they are wrong. If it is below their dignity to admit they are wrong, the least they could do is to honourably refrain from talking about it anymore.
Nor are the conspirators.
Rosli Dahlan, Dato Ramli Yusof, Raja Petra, and Din Merican with their barking dogs, Tan Sri Robert Phang and now Dato Md Zin Ibrahim could only make allegations but for the past few years could not produce a single shred of proof.
The police under conspirator, Ramli Yusof could not. MAS officers, who supposedly have access to records, documents and accounts, only made the same allegation but never could prove it.
The little proof they attempted to spin have been debunked and Court of Arbitration have proven them wrong.
If they are purveyor of good, then live with the truth and move on. They have been proven wrong and pursuing it further only shows their lack of honour.
Such quantum of loss just do not exist and is merely a figment of someone's imagination to develop a perception on Tajuddin. Why?
It is our suspicion that a larger hand is out there to create a perception of a villain on someone to justify an evil intention so that he will continue to be blame. That unlucky villain happen to be Tajuddin.
Not only has this off court settlement partly proof the allegation is false, the fact that Government is willing to negotiate a global settlement with Tajuddin add further indication that he was victimised and the Government has no choice but to sit down and settle.
How will Government settle Tajuddin's lawsuit of RM13 billion, which could be more than RM20 billion by now?
Tajuddin should know Government can't afford it. Thus, the amount he is willing to settle down for would give him a chance to show he is the better man than the nasty perception created out of him.
One wonders why him?
Could it be because Tajuddin was a serious boss that hardly smile? But that only shows Malaysian as a spoilt brat.
Really, what so bad about having a difficult perfectionist boss? It puts you on your toe and you get better from the higher expectation. If it really happened as what the gossip say, what is so embarrassing about getting thrown files for scrappy work? Face up to the boss again with better work. He should appreciate.