Rocky came from Singapore who was there visiting his sickly old friend in hospital. Bigdog and ourself came from Kuala Lumpur.
Throughout the trip, the two Johoreans, Big Dog and ourself were nervous after getting a friend's call. He was in the audience when Tuanku made a royal proclamation in the morning to turn Muar into Johor's royal town. He said Tuanku mentioned not to believe untrue rumours of himself in the blogs.
Now what did we write? We were sure we didn't inadvertently accused Tuanku in our postings. But one can never know if Tuanku had misunderstood it to refer to him. Was Tuanku offended with the coded words of Ghost of Johor?
By 4:30 PM, we reached Istana Muar, as commonly called. It is in Muar town situated near Government offices and next to the Muar river. It does not have a palatial character, more like a large bungalow with 60s retro architecture.
We were immediately whisked upstairs. Tuanku was at the dining table as though he was waiting for us.
The dining room had a majestic view of the Muar river and the second Masjid of Muar on the other side of the river as backdrop. The table were already set with plates and silverwares. There were two grills at the verandah.
Our imagination ran wild as we wonder what are those grills for?
Tuanku was casually dressed in light blue short sleeve shirt and blue jeans. Rocky was in his usual casual self. It made the us, the two Johorean felt overdressed with our black coats on. Just in case it was a formal affair, we even had our songkok and ties ready in the car.
After the initial introduction and pleasantries, Rocky told Tuanku how surprised he was with the simplicity of the Muar palace. Tuanku replied he loves being in Muar and to watch the flowing Muar river.
That could explain why he was the Sultan that finally proclaim Muar as royal capital of Johor. In our conversation, Tuanku shared his big plans for Muar.
As we got into the reason for our presence that day, we apologised to Tuanku and asked did we wrote anything wrong. He gestured to show he was not concerned with who wrote what or to hear our explanation of our postings. He didn't call us to be reprimanded.
Tuanku wanted to, as he said, "I just want you to know what really happened."
That was comforting to know his Majesty was willing to "mencemar duli" to engage us bloggers. It was also an honour to be seen in Tuanku's eye as Johoreans concerned for the well being of our home state.
As for Rocky, he can always call Johor his home state. Singaporean Malay tend to look at the Sultan of Johor as their own. As a Masjid Tanah born, he is not far off also for the Johor Sultanate begin a year after Melaka Sultanate ended, explained Tuanku.
Throughout our 5 hours marathon conversation that ended near 10 pm, we covered a wide range of subjects on the current issues and happenings in Johor.
We got a lot of insights into many happenings in Johor. Unfortunately, not all can be told here. They call it client confidentiality. Some are private. And, it is also about being selective.
One thing was obviously noticeable throughout our conversation. Tuanku was conversant in the economic and business development of the state as well as the corporate game. Honestly Tuanku knows what he is taking about and more.
We took a break for Tuanku to grill the meat he had marinated himself for our bar-b-que dinner. He marinated a lot of meat but he could not join us for dinner. He is currently on a strict vegetarian and exercise regime.
Since my father's days in the Johor civil services, we knew of Johor Sultans' hereditary hate for wastage of food in any event at Istana. Tuanku had his ADC, District Officer, and members of his entourage to join us.
It was a relief to finally know what the grill was for.
Despite running the risk of Tuanku's displeasure, we saw the engagement as an opportunity to hear out Tuanku's perspective as ruler and someone selfishly concerned for Johor.
Throughout our audience with Tuanku, he was frank and as we described, brutally honest. Tuanku was so straight forward and open that there seem no attempt to withheld information or side step any issue. It was no holds barred all the way.
We were quite sure that Tuanku had read himself all our recent blog postings on Johor because Tuanku touched on all the issues we raised.
Upon hearing out Tuanku's side of the story, we realised we had our hits and misses.
And, there were areas we "agree to disagree." For instance, Tuanku mentioned he doesn't care what others say on some appointments in Johor Corp, because he insist he wish to see certain things in order and get new blood.
Tuanku knows well the parameter of his authority under the state enactment on the Johor Corporation and expressed his unhappiness with certain area of governance. He specifically express that he wants to get things done properly and in order.
Throughout his days as Tengku Mahkota, Tuanku had been closely monitoring the state and reading the reports. Tuanku had a strong grasp of administrative matters of the state and grassroot issue of the rakyat.
Every year, Tuanku will lead his Kembara Mahkota Johor visits to every corner of the state to meet and touch base with the rakyat. The event this year will be in March, said Tuanku.
One concern Tuanku saw was that the state coffer was not benefiting from the development brought by the Federal Government and investment that flow into the state. Tuanku was not comfortable with privatisation of Johor based assets into what he deemed as private hands.
In Bigdog's posting of the audience here, Tuanku expressed his wish to see that Johor state benefit from any investment and development via equity and dividend after certain number of years.
Tuanku expect the state to be custodian and it's agencies or SLCs to benefits from projects in the state. The state should not be expected to give away land without any benefit in the medium and long run.
Tuanku would like to see Johor benefit from the spillover of progress and development in Singapore.
This is all part of Tuanku's plan to be more participative in the tri-partite arrangement involving the Sultan, politicians and civil service in the administration of the state. Tuanku is quite conversant in his constitutional rights as ruler.
Early in the conversation, this blogger managed to sneek the question, "Who is the ghost of Johor?" to Tuanku.
"Lim Kang Hoo lah," he answered with a cheeky smile as if to kid with our coverage of Dato Lim Kang Hoo in our blog postings.
Tuanku did explained that Kang Hoo came to Johor from Sabah and was not getting anything. Finally, he came in to helped bailout Gani's RM200 million problem of Kumpulan Parasarana Rakyat Johor.
Like we said, Tuanku was brutally honest.
Tuanku did not hide the fact that Kang Hoo is his business partner. However, Tuanku made known that he had personally opposed and rejected some of Kang Hoo's applications to the local authority, including the height limit to Danga Bay development.
Another displeasure of Tuanku's that he shared with us were of those selling his name to secure business or projects or favours. There had been many including family members and friends.
But, that evening Tuanku shared with us the exploits of one fugitive lawyer that seriously smeared his good name and made wild allegations on private royal family matters. Tuanku also told of how he had taken a cut from what was wholly due to a doctor present that night.
Could the lawyer be the ghost of Johor?

Tuanku was quite upset with the allegations made on him including the rumour that he is a 30% man. The 30%, Tuanku explained, is for the state.
Tuanku said, he had always pay for what is due and sometimes gone beyond what is fair. He hoped we could tell his side of the story.
We expressed to Tuanku that many other rumours on Tuanku is making it's round and it is important that Tuanku be cautious and judicious in his business dealing. The perception need to be managed so that the rakyat do not have a false impression.
Tuanku felt that only certain level of the people would be making such allegations on him.
Tuanku acknowledged that he is involved in many businesses in Johor and he stress the point that he only invest his money in the Johor economy to benefit the state.
To be fair to Tuanku, the Johor Sultanate is very self sufficient. It is already rich and had Hong Kong Bank established a Bank 110 years ago to service for the royal family's private banking needs.
Tuanku made known that like his predecessors, the family's main business has always been in plantations, particularly oil palm.
Tuanku was considerate of the rakyat in his business dealings. For instance, Tuanku told of winning all four open tenders for petrol stations in a certain area near a University.
His company only took up two. Even one of the two petrol station was donated to a University together with some money to construct the petrol station.
Many in Johor Baru knew of the late Sultan's generosity to donate 27 acres land in the city to relocate flat dwellers near the CIQ and new planned bridge.
Tuanku personally attend to help relocate to a new prime place for stalls displaced by infrastructure development.
Tuanku had bought four pieces of old Government bungalow land in the Tanjung area of Muar for RM10 million, which is signficantly more than the market.
On the matter of Dialog, Tuanku own up to being paid S$10 million and subtly corrected us. The land had been a concession he had for many years long before the Petronas Rapid idea was formed.
So we got the wrong ghost there. That was one of our misses.

Since Tuanku mentioned his displeasure of seeing Johor land being made for corporate shuffling, we asked his view concerning Iskandar. Expectedly, Tuanku was not pleased with the whole idea but accepted the fact that it is agreed already by his late father, Almarhum Tuanku Sutan Iskandar.
In the like of these two Utusan Malaysia's letters from concerned subjects of Johor here and here, with regard to Khazanah management of Medini project in the Iskandar region, which while it was answered here, still left much suspicion remain (read Outsyed the Box here), we hope for Tuanku's concern.
When it comes to Khazanah's investment, particularly those involving Johor and with Singapore, it falls on the feet of Khazanah's Ganen Savarananthan.
Ganen could well be one ghost of Johor yielding such powers to bypass local authorities and politicians. For he is the one that brings Singapore in the development planning of Iskandar and by passing Johor's own UPEN.
Question should be posed to Ganen as to why should Keppel Group be offered a 40% stake in the IPP to produce power to Singapore on Johor land and yet Johor gets none?
Ampun Tuanku. The Iskandar Malaysia which is not to your liking was the brainchild of Zaki together with Dato Dr Vincent Lim (now with ISIS) of the infamous Tingkat 4 of Pak Lah's Prime Minister's Depatment.
Ganen is also considered as part of Tingkat 4.
Zaki should be closely monitored and checked in his role at Johor Corp as to not to compromise the interest of Johor again!
He is capable of being a ghost of Johor and guardian of Singapore's interest. And he attracts suspicion and spoils confidence on entity he is attached with.
Another puzzling development is Kang Hoo, Tuanku's own business partner which is not Johorean.
How could he be allowed to control Tebrau Teguh by using a company he control to buy the shares of the custodian, the state of Johor's SLC, Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor in which state lands had been injected?
Read in Bigdog's A precursor of ‘Seri Flipping-jaya’.
In line with Tuanku's new aspirations for Johor, we trust Tuanku is aware of all these and would take up these matters accordingly with the concerned parties for the sake of Johor.
served by the king
As long as there's no GHOST in Muo, gua tak de hal.
Hidup Muo.
ini bezanya lu orang blogger elit dgn blogger lain, lu orang ada agenda, etika dan nilai. lu orang berani dan hanya dok main dan ampu ahli politik.
lain dari wartawan yg hanya pelapor, lu orang are players. perspektif lu orang lain. lu orang cakap apa yg lu orang lihat.
Bro you should ask him his sand business with Singapore and about his close partner Dieng Malek.Kamal Hisham problem with Tungku started with Dieng Malek.Both he and Kamal try to outdo each other to be closer to Tuangku.
Kamal have vary damaging thing about TUNGKU.Since he already sign the document to return the 60m belong to Tungku,Tunku should keep his bargain no to disturb Kamal.This what Shafee Abdullah promise to Kamal.
Keep him alone.let him stay in Dubai.Everything should be ok.
More reasons to HOLD Tebrau Teguh shares.
Bro Aji
any chance to share some information of the big plan in Muo. Am getting fed up with the traffic situation lately.
So Jaz and hisham were not involved at all but what ghani doing on the Iskandar's land development issues?
PS - wish I could join the BBQ that night. was having mee bandung in town with my family.
whatever it is come GE13 AGO , the PM should drop him out , we need fresh faces...4 terms is far too much and too long. Suroh dia balek ajar and his boring lectures, anywhere out there
its the talk talk aka talk cock in JHB that LKH is the defacto MB, AGO is his assistant and The professorie.is the advisor...
My wife is from Muar. Gua selalu lepak kat Tanjung tu.
Johoreans should act and think smarter than the Singaporeans. Otherwise Johor will just be the shit-yard of Singapore.
We wonder who is the ghost who gets approval to sell such and such sands and so called silica but its actually building sand to the small island republic whom we lost Batu Puteh. The long crappy trucks are surely a menace on our roads day in and day out even on sundays.We wonder who is the ghost
layanan diraja tu..Tahniah!
The state was duped into believing Lim Kang Hoo used his money to save KPRJ. Actually he only forked a few millions to pay some upfront to KPRJ. Then after over year of trying, he manage to obtain 100% loan to pay off KPRJ's original loan. In the meantime, KPRJ waived late penalty while at the same time, he charged KPRJ late interest on purchase of PLS shares. Then he sold back back 30% of the Danga land to KPRJ at 5 times original price of RM13psf. He is definitely the ghost but you should ask who is his assistant. (Hint: He comes from the same northern state & speaks fluent Chinese.....)
A Sultan loved by his rakyat.
Jambatan Bengkok apa cerita? Tuanku dah give up ke?
A Ruler should not be involved in any business... period. No matter what it is there will always be a conflict of interest. A Ruler should be seen as impartial.
As a Johorean I'm dissapointed by HRH admission that HRH is involved in business. My late grandfather was once a JCS officer and he had refused to accept an inch of land offered to him by the state. He told me once that as long as there are people in Johore who are homeless, he would not accept any land from the state, eventhough land concession to JCS officers was one of the benefit.
Sorry, I'm further saddened by your revelation. In trying to tell HRH side of the story..I think it has further expose HRH to more speculations than answers.
Should ask him 32 % share in Lingkaran Selatan with MRCB, Should ask hm 50% in Gerbang Selatan, should ask him 30% In Menaik Taraf Jalam Abu Bakar Ctt, should ask him Pelabuhan Tg Langsat, should ask him about how they robbed Jcorp esp KFC, should ask him Double tracking , should ask him about land deal TNB's quaters how he managed to get it only at 60 M, even IOI offered TNB 100M earlier, should ask him which projects in Johor which he have no "pau" or involvement????? Ask him whether he pays taxes???
So, did you get a subtle rap on the knuckles?
And what's this about Singapore, seeing as how Malaysian VVIPs love to visit that little red dot for shopping, R&R and the odd medical checkup?
And it's no secret that Singapore ministers visit the Istana Bukit Serene in JB annually for a Hari Raya lunch.
So, what are you trying to pull here? That Johor is so flush with funds that it has no need of external monies to kickstart it's development and provide good jobs for Johoreans?
Get real, brudder. Like I said in another blog many moons ago, go stand at the JB end of the Causeway in the mornings and see how many Johoreans commute to cari makan in that same little red dot!
Get Johoreans to work in Johor and not subject themselves to the Causeway traffic jams and strict Singapore Immigration checks in order to earn Singapore Dollars! Mana ada pride, eh?
You said,
"Another puzzling development is Kang Hoo, Tuanku's own business partner which is not Johorean."
Typical Johor Angkuh,Hipokri, Racist, Regionalism...Whatever else you call it.....
when did the last time you went to Johor ?
I rest my case.
all the outdoor adverts, banners, billboards etc etc..decaux like in Johor is controled by one who is very connected with the palace...the permits and the charges we have to pay this companty...SA...which ultimately supposed to be paid to the PBT...but the PBT gets nothing in the end except the mess and banners and trainers dangling here there and everywhere
You should ask him....
there was nothing wrong with the JCorp..one of the best managed, profitable and well run GLC...employing thousands and managing mills and estates..mostly Malays..but now we hear that Jcorp have to rent mills from other people connected to you know who...
A voice
Kamu patut jangan layan singapork si skilgannon. Cara dia berhujah selalu lari perspektif.
Jgn layan budak hingus, bro. Bukan standard lu.
last two weeks saya balik Singapore.. can't help to notice a lot of lorries carrying rocks and sand to Singapore..
Is Malaysia ban on exporting sands is still on?
Layanan *R*ja* konon - byak antara kita meluat dan menyampah tengok golongan ni.Bila lah nak blah....
Nasib orang Melayu.
Perjuangan untuk mempertahankan ...
Agama, Negara dan Bangsa...
dari siapa?
Kami tak sabar nak dengar Lawyer Kamal dedahkan segala skandal di johor. Masa zaman sultan Iskandar dan masa Lawyer Kamal ada, negeri Johor tidaklah kucar kacir, Kami nak Lawyer Kamal balik segera selamatkan Negeri Johor, selamatkan bangsa Melayu dan ajar semua pengkhianat rakyat. setahu kami dalam sejarah Negeri Johor hanya seorang yang pernah marah seorang Sultan di khalayak ramai krn tak bersetuju dengannya iaitu " Lawyer Kamal Hisham". dia inilah yg menaikkan imej keluarga diraja melalui brain childnya program Kembara mahkota. Baliklah segera!
when there's a gost in your neighbourhood, who do you call?
Huge royal stipend and salaries and allowances he gets,,Big budget for Jbt DiRaja,Jbt Kebun Bunga, JMF budget upkeep of Royal jets, official cars all paid for by the State..indirecly or directly my income tax ..Ok MADO's is family business but gets huge favours...What more business does he wants..The Sultan and the royal families shouldnt be in business...Period.
Kenapa raja perlu berniaga? Dah waris harta kekayaan, ambil projek Mega spt Gerbang Selatan(Sultan ada kepentingan 50% melalui syktnya IBZI),Buat Lebuhraya Lingkaran Selatan (Sultan ada 32% melalui IBZI), Lombong Bijih Besi di Caaah Baru dan Kota Tinggi, Menaik taraf Jalan Abu Bakar Kontrak 300 Juta (Sultan ada 30%)Dan semua projek Kerajaan perseketuan Sultan ada 30%, Projek besar nak bolot,projek kecil nak bolot, Rakyat nak makan apa. Duit dah banyak lari cukai kereta beratus Juta,(Hak Sultan cuma 7 kereta sahaja kecuali cukai) kereta ada hampir 300 buah, cukai tak bayar...ini namanya orang kaya berhutang kerajaan. Malunya rakyat beli kancil pun bayar cukai...Sultan yang kaya lari cukai...bodohkan kastam import kereta melalui pelabuhan singapore, masuk Johor tampal no plate "JOHOR",Kastam tutup mata...negara rugi hasil.Bayarlah cukai kalau nak melawa, rasanya hutang Sultan pada kerajaan dari segi cukai kereta rasanya ada 400Juta....kalau Kastam buat kerja secara telus banyak kebajikan rakyat yang boleh dilakukan dengan 400Juta. Rakyat tak bayar cukai kastam kejar dan dakwa, tapi bila Sultan...kenapa tutup mata, Queen di England pun bayar cukai. Jangan cakap melawa tapi menipu rakyat. Rakyat dah menyampah dan muak.
Even sand export was banned to singapore, why everyday openly sand to spore? The criminal is VVIP and Customs is sleeping.
Less said about the Sultan of Johor the better. Even better if nothing is said about his late father.
A reliable source say MB Ghani gave away KPRJ with nothing for Johore. Ghani is LKH silent partner way before he seconded Hishammudin to Innovest. When proxy needed in Umno, Ghani tells LKH to use Hishammudin. Apparently, now Johoreans want Ghani out after serving 4terms as MB. Please continue your excellent work on KPRJ. I suspect LKH will try all means to keep KPRJ and himself out of the news.
bugatti Veyron...0 to 150km in 5 seconds...lawa dan cantik ..yang satu satu nya di dunia sebelah sini...plate Johor lah..wah hebat..ada Mat Salleh jaga garage beratus2 kereta air cond at 20 degree C..sapa bayar duit letrik ha?..best nya..am proud lah..ada bayar cukai jalan???eleek..tara?? bo liau..kata Cina..mereka tengok aje dan herdik aku..aku malu tak tahu nak cakap apa ..
Rakyat johor sebenar marah. Dah menjadi perbualan setiap rakyat di JB bahawa kalau ada projek jgn harap lah bolih dapat..semua di sapu oleh Istana melalui proxy Daeng Malik. Berbeza semasa zaman almarhun sultan Iskandar dulu.
Nah itu dia..amekaw..so to speak..Johor people have seen this can of worms being prised open..takut nak komen konon2 c'est majestie..tapi aku ingat banyak lagi..baiklah kita tengok apa..suroh SKMM godam ke???
Orang Melayu serba salah ..orang Melayu lagi berpecah pasal ni.,hurmat tu kalau dah setakat apa pun..ni terang2 kata berniaga..bersekongkol dgn orang yg porak peranda kita semua..
Nak harap Anuar Ibrahim jaga institusi ini..nah aku ingat jadi republik lagi ...macam Maharaja di India lagi cepat
SO obvious that Ghani is selling out everything precious owned by KPRJ to LKH. When Dato Amirullah (ex KPRJ CEO) was there, LKH was not so aggressive coz Dato Amirullah would not kow-tow to him... I think the same cannot be said with the present CEO. At least that's how I see it from afar...
The Sultan's much ballyhooed moniker "man of the people" is highly-overrated and not deserved. It is like saying the UMNO leadership think only of serving the people and are scrupulously honest. His lavish lifestyle is at the expense of the local taxpayer. His decision to marry his cousin's daughter, who is younger than his sons, is also not an act worthy of a ruler who is supposed to set a good example for his subjects.
Dear Anak jati Johor 12.59 diatas..AGO brings in people of shady and dubious background and past when he took over from TSM..termasok this crook budak MCKK Mersing Amirullah..dia punah ranah KPRJ and now cabot lari kat mana..anak Abas Cina pun sudah hilang..yang baik kat JCorp semua dia tak mahu bela..skrng KPRJ, JCorp dan nak pupus...YPJ tinggal nama aje..yg kuat lagi zapin dia aje
The annual Kembara Mahkota just served to superficially show he is close to the rakyat..what is that a 10-20 min pitstop at villages..even the JKR had to pasang his mobile royal toilet..It cost millions in combined expenditure frm govt dept and DO office..wasted resouces for thousand of people
His sojuorn at driving the keretapi caused severe interupptions on trains timetable and difficulties for the travelling rakyats.
Btw I wont want to claim to drive the last train out of TG Pagar if I were him..the last bastion of our heritage and pride was taken away from us by Lee Kuan Yew and someone had the chick to lead in the final defeat..
Rakyat Johor dah bosan dan kecewa dengan keadaan Negeri,Crook dan Lanun jadi kaya raya, orang tempatan gigit jari dan putih mata, orang berjasa macam Tan Sri Ali dan Lawyer Kamal dibuang. Semuanya bermaharaja lela dan bersultan di hati. Rakyat perlu pembelaan, Kerajaan Persekutuan perlu campur tangan. Dulu zaman Melaka nak hampir jatuh ditangan Portugis beginilah suasananya.
supposing LKH nephew's case is brought out for a final royal pardon and just months before that LKH had swindled the jV co with the Sultan to the tune of billions...the boy's case is for royal pardon...so is he going to get a fair and just attention???Thats why we pay the Sultan millions in salaries and wages and allowances, tax free at it, so that in cases like these he is above board...
That cheapskate bugis lanun took all the ktm train, rail, slippers etc for free.
Sikit duit pun tak kasi untuk cash strap keretapi tanah melayu.
Ah hell, bapak dia separuh melayu. mak dia yahudi kot.
Ya lah this Malay Jews, took every things for free using his power, railway slippers fro KTM. He kaw tim with TNB and bought TNB's land at Stulang Laut below market price. Paid only 60 Million. before this IOI offered TNB, 100 Million. After Kaw tim , he only paid 61 Million, GLC lost 39 Million. Who will answer this? Then this Jews son, JV with Peter lim and value the land for devt at 200 Million. Why this Jews like to intefere? fed up! Fed UP
A singaporean already tender for the ktm barang for abt rm10 mil but your cheapo of pasir pelangi asked for FREE!
Thr cost to transport was borne by khazanah for rm7 mil.
Why shd public company be used for royal indulgence?
Buat apa harta benda wang ringgit kekayaan yg melimpah2 yang kereta beratus2 tu habis bawak kesemuanya ke?harta dan kekayaan yang diperolehi dgn bukan cara halal dan rakyat marheim tak menyampah dan meluat ke tengok?..rakyat semua nampak dan tahu..duit tu nak bawak kemana? kat lubang di makam Mahmoodiah tu cukup muat untuk badan aje..semua nanti akan tinggal..kalau baik kesultanan akan berterusan selama2nya..Tengoklah tu sekarng orang Melayu tak peduli nak doa sultan lepas solat jumaat dah..
Tengoklah dlm picture tu grille makanan daging dll tapi sendiri tak boleh makan..kena diet on vegetables aje..
orang Melayu masih sayang lagi sultan tapi jangan lah melebehi sangat.Rakyat bangsa lain memang dah lama menyampah tapi mereka buat pura2 mana yg boleh bodek mereka bodek supaya dpt hidup dan sykt mereka lebeh maju..yg Melayu ni jadi pak pacak dan anggok aje..satu apa pun tak dapat!!!
GLC pun kena "paw", Tan Sri Amrin, Audit negara patut check juga dealing kerabat yg tiada class ini dengan GLCs. TNB dah rugu jual tanah kuarters di Stulang laut, Sykt IOI pernah offer kpd Che Khalib secara bertulis nak beli dgn harga 100 Juta.... tapi kenapa jual pd kerabat ni dengan harga 61 Juta???? adakah 39 JUTA uni duit apa?, Singapore company tendered nak beli barangan keretapi lama di Tg Pagar dengan harga 10 Juta...kenapa bagi kerabat ini percuma??? ini sykt kjaan patut buat keuntungan untuk rakyat bukan untuk kerabat.
"Rakyat dikemudiankan dan VVIP diutamakan" Bangun UMNO jgn cakap tak serupa bikin. Mesti ada telor jika nak pegang jawatan Pemimpin.
Saya Raja Pasir.... Bugis Sedili Kota Tinggi balaci saya, saya tak takut sesiapa, kerajaan larang export pasir, saya ubah cara guna projek CMP, 3 batch hantar Pulau Tekong, satu saya hantar ke tapak CMP, kerajaan Bodoh, Kastam banyak cerita aku transferkan, Mahadir larang export pasir...aku pandailah jeck dia bia jumpa. Dia dah tua pun apa dia boleh buat.
Aku rasa duit aku dah beberapa billion, tax aku tak bayar, import kereta aku lari duti, apa kjaan boleh buat, aku buat garang sikit semua takut. INI DARAH BUGISlah, Moyang aku pun rampas tahta dari Sultan Hussin, aku lagi lanun Zaman Moden. Lawywer yg baik dengan bapak aku aku dah tendang, banyak sangat nasihat dan tegurannya, bosan dan dia tahu banyak rahsia aku.
Allah bless the people of Johor and show your abhorrence for abuse of power and greed. Only Allah is the all-knowing. Amen.
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