At 1:30 AM, we were awoken by several repeated beeps of incoming messages in our BBM Groups. Since awake, scrolled through several incoming SMSes. Found one giving a disturbing SMS regarding a MAS flight to Mumbai.
Forwarded the SMS to few concerned friends. Bigdog was still up and awake. He called to explain.
It is nothing to worry there.
But it got us thinking.While the Engineering Department is still operating under MAS and not some Tony F and his crony in the background owning the out-sourced engineering company, such incident should not be too worrying.
Wait a minute ... since we are already wide awake by the excitement, might as well try that Cafe Arabica the Mrs bought last week. She's been bragging about it in the last few days. In other words, she is asking us to try ...
Hmmm .... it taste good, even without sugar. Now back to the SMS.
But what will happen when it is outsourced?
Wonder how will Medium Haul CEO aka Deputy CEO communicate with the public on the incident tonight. Or is the too young Dato' too bewildered by something else ... hehehe...
His response to an incident is funny and amusing. Read on to know ...

Malaysian Airlines MH 194 to Mumbai had a technical problem and the flight was called back to Kuala Lumpur midway after two hours of flight in air. There are panicking passengers at the Airport.We can appreciate their nervousness. However, we trust the MAS staff are familiar and professional enough to know how to handle the situation.
Unlike the Boeing 747 used for long haul flight that used four engines, the medium haul flight to Mumbai use the highly reliable Rolls Royce twin engined Boeing 777 planes.
If something go wrong or usually suspect of going wrong to an engine on a Boeing 747, the plane still have three engines to spare.
It's like driving old Beetle Volkswagen. If there is no engine at the front, there is still that spare engine in the back. Just an old joke there.
However, it is not the case for Boeing 777 with two engines. If one of the engine is suspected to go wrong, it is standard safety procedure to return and not take chances. There is no engine to spare. More so, when it involves flying over large distance of water.
In two hours, that flight to Mumbai should be within the vicinity of Sumatra. The unfamiliar would have felt shocked but it is nothing to worry. It has happened before with MAS and all airlines of the world.
Alas ... pity the staff. They have to handle lots of very vocal Indians. As long it is MAS pilots, MAS Engineering and MAS procedures, there is nothing to fear. They are people highly sought after in the airline industry.
But not necessarily MAS management.

What would happen if engineering is out-sourced to Tony F and his cronies?
Do not discount the possibility that Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, and Dato Rashdan "Danny Yusof" is also in on it. As it is, the staff are grumbling that behind CAE, the out-sourced company running the training facility, is Tony F and the gang.
Air Asia is not known for safety and have ZERO experiance in running engineering. Probably Air Asia will not be involved directly. It add to their CASK (cost per available seat km).
What about Tony F himself and his cronies?
It is, after all, a profitable business based on the business model of cost plus with a minimum guaranteed volume that Bina Tidak Fikir's WAU had "smartly" out-sourced MAS catering, IT and many others before.
Why did we say Air Asia does not equate with safety?
We've said here many times that Air Asia's cost saving driven landing procedures had caused over-run at Kota Kinabalu airport three times in a year. Google on the Internet and one will come across many images of Air Asia planes crash landed. See here.
"Now everyone can die" and not fly.

While this Boeing 777 trip to India should not be too worrying, the London trip, for instance, should be. It should have long been the concern of Khazanah.
The flight to London is regularly full, but it is not making much money. It is simply because it is flying on 20 year old fuel guzzling Boeing 747s.
Delay causing technical problems, though usually minor, are beginning to be a regular problem. This has caused customer dissatisfaction.
As an old aircraft, the features in our Boeing 747 fleet are out-dated and unattractive to customer for the ticket price charged. Many end up taking SIA or other airlines
Don't talk of Air Asia-X can giving better value for money. It is closing up routes because it can't make money at that low price.
In the long haul flight, those ladies in sexy red short skirts don't matter even if they provide mile high service. MAS's reknown MH or Malaysian Hospitality can only do so much.
This highlight the problem of marketing and the poor revenue of MAS. It is a product problem and the problem originated from Azman Mokhtar at Khazanah. They did not support the laid out Business Transformation Plan.

Off course not.
Only nutheads would resort to the WAU the second time despite it's failure the first time around.
It was WAU and Khairy manouvred Airline Rationalisation Plan in 2005 that drastically slashed MAS routes.
Some routes may seemed unprofitable but it serves the purpose of establishing a network, which is important in full service premium airline business. At times, it serve a strategic purpose for regional market entry.
Unlike Air Asia and Air Asia-X that never earned their routes but got it through stealing from MAS, they could never appreciate the trouble, cost and time to secure, negotiate and develop international routes.
Air Asia simply take MAS's Christchurch route and closed it when it can't make money. If that route return to profitability, both Air Asia and MAS are not positioned to benefit from it.
WAU outsource catering and IT and WAU II will outsource ground handling and training. These two outsourcing programs destroyed MAS competitiveness in the need to have a comprehensive operation and services within it's disposal.
Something sinister must be happening behind the scene for MAS to out-source the profitable cargo services.
Imagine the "spine and spoke" concept of Hahn Airport as distribution hub into Europe had remained and managed smartly. It could have been phenomenol.
That is the real problem in MAS.
Too many short sighted pen pushing morons, organisational politicians and backstabbers in the "Dolly Parton"-like top and middle management of MAS. It is too top-heavy with too many with Managers, Directors and Presidents as suffixes.

Generally, the common staff can't afford the food and lodging to take up their once a year free travel abroad. The trip to Haj and Umrah is dominated by the Jabatan Kebajikan Islam MAS for their cronies. Neither do the staff travel much domestically by plane on discount fare.
The common staff won't abuse to upgrade their nanny to fly first class on paid economy ticket. It is only Executive Director that once wreck the company and are wrecking it again that abuse company benefit.

QPR is languishing at the bottom of table and bringing shame to the name Malaysia on the jersey.

Questions should be asked: Did Azman Mokhtar and Danny get kickback for this favour and endorsement?
Wee Choo Keong caught Danny upgrading his nanny to first class for the price of economy without informing the Chief Steward on a flight Sydney to Kuala Lumpur on new year, 1-1-2012.
Read on in Wee here for the ensuing and amusing story.
Good way to start the new year for more rip-off with another abuse of power, ain't it?
For Azman, Danny and many other detractors, when he was managing MAS and he still is entitled, Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli never used the staff benefit. Love him or loathe him, he paid in full.
We should wonder what was special about his nanny. Could she be as sexy as Fran Drescher to deserve a first class plane seat next to the boss?
Mile High Club, Danny Boy eh?
No.. not with the wife accompanying.
After the ruckus of Air Asia-X passengers using MAS planes at no additional cost got media attention, the issue of Danny's abuse finally came up. How did Danny responded?
The idiot bersumpah atas nama Allah and recited some Quranic verses to cclaim his innocence. How stupid can this wet-behind-the-ear boy do?
Never ever do that.
Never abuse God's name to strengthen one's words. More so to abuse God's name to tell a lie and hide one's guilt.

Wee revealed a little of the Voyage Report here.
It shows how ignorant the Deputy Managing Director or de facto CEO is of airlines operations. It also proves Danny as someone without conscience and a liar whose words cannot never be trusted, even when he swear in the name of God. He did it before in many statements on the CCF.
Hope he deny and issue a press statement. Then we can see the whole blown up version of the report. Don't go witch hunt or many more abuses will be revealed.
Itulah terjadi kepada penganalisa kerusi empok yang hanya berdasarkan kertas laporan dan membaca angka (that happens to armchair analyst who rely on paper reports and numbers). They are totally ignorant of procedures.
It is a safety requirement to keep proper record of passengers's names and seats. That is to prepare in the event of any unfortunate disaster. The record serve as a head count of bodies and forensic analysis. And it is for insurance claims.
Apalah finance man tak tahu pasal insurans?
Wonder how will Danny response to the press on the Mumbai incident.
No response means something. A response means something selse. How it is responded means really something. We are looking if there is an agenda to stifle MAS in order to justify the makan swap and CCF.
Probably Danny better let his office nannies - Dato Ahmad Jauhari and Tan Sri Mohd Nor Yusof - speak. Both are entitled for first class seats.
By the way, there is another group that used to abuse by regularly seeking to upgrade seat. They buy economy or business class ticket and ask for upgrade to first.
It is the royalties.
We'll name one compulsive up-grader: Negeri Sembilan's Tengku Dara Naquiah. No fear of any royal retribution from her, do we?