One weekend event and a late night tip-off.
One lesson from the two to young wannabees eager to be proxies to some corporate players or politicians, be careful of easy money.
Thinking that it is one way to earn that easy quick money to lead a life of luxury or that capital needed to fund one's pursuit, wannabees - young and old - get sucked into traps that get dragged into long court battle or financial ruins.
Remind ourselves, if it is quick money, why would those corporate players and politicians share with you? Have that devil advocate within ourselves to ask and doubt our easily made up decisions.

As far as we are concerned, the video is Anwar's. It is just too convincing. Anwar's responses and refusals to response substantiate it further.
The attempt to spin by Haji Hadi to say video is not acceptable witness under syaria law because it is inanimate objects, seal it up. Off course it is not a witness but evidence.
With Eskay confessing and describing in person, it is sufficient for us.
After that weekend night, now we know why Anwar was walking front and back before the main actor calls, "Action!"
Our purpose to hear out this guy was for something else. It was on something the opposition had used to slander back against Eskay.
We wanted to know why is a guy who does not morally judge his friends and he befriends everyone, irrespective on which side of the political divide, finally had a calling to expose Anwar wrongdoings.
Also, we were aware of a court case between Eskay and Dato Yahya Jalil, the controversial businessman who was recently entangled in a series of pay off to couple of politicians by a blog called The Whistleblower.
Yahya or Pakya to many Johoreans, is entangled in many financial commitments with many groups, including a member of the royal family which he cannot deliver. He may have stretched himself thin.
Read here first this Malaysian Insider's slanted report to twist it into a tale of crooks and cronies, which in actual fact are part and parcel of the lobbying process in any public work project procurement any where in the world:
Businessman’s tale of how he won ‘crooked bridge’ dealNaturally Yahya has to deny and battle it out in court.
By Yow Hong Chieh
KUALA LUMPUR, March 10 — A businessman offered a glimpse into how government contracts are secured when he told the High Court today his access to senior officials and influential ministers secured him the rights to the Malaysia-Singapore International Gateway bridge project, better known as the “crooked bridge”.
“It was all based on my effort,” Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah told the court today.
Shazryl Eskay said that, in addition to approaching the late Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub for help, he had also helped second defendant, Datuk Yahya A. Jalil, gain access to then-deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
But Shazryl Eskay was quick to stress that he did not have any power over either Megat Junid or Anwar, and insisted that he got the contract through the merits of the project and the companies involved.
“I did not influence them, but convinced them,” Shazryl Eskay said.
He had filed a lawsuit in January 2002, claiming breach of contract by Merong Mahawangsa Sdn Bhd and Yahya for failing to pay him RM20 million after he procured the project for them.
In his statement of claim, Shazryl Eskay said Yahya, executive director and major shareholder of Merong Mahawangsa, had enlisted his help to procure the project from the government and to secure RM640 million in foreign funds for the project.
He claimed the second defendant had sought his help for his “discretion and good relations” with the government.
Shazryl Eskay said the second defendant suggested RM20 million in remunerations for his services, which has not been paid.
The “crooked bridge” project was terminated by the Abdullah administration in 2006.
Shazryl Eskay is seeking a RM20 million payment from the defendants as well as interest, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.
Yahya, however, in his defence statement denied using the plaintiff’s close ties with the government and Megat Junid’s family as it was “against public policy, wild and illegal”.
The court was also told today that Shazryl Eskay and Yahya had started talks to settle the matter out of court to avoid “embarrassing some personalities involved”.
Justice VT Singham, however, ordered the trial to continue until such a settlement is reached.
He also rejected a request by Yahya’s lawyer to adjourn the matter until the latter returns from a business trip to Jeddah with former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The trial continues tomorrow at 8.30am.
What happened was Eskay and Yahya were partners in a company bidding for the "jambatan bengkok".

It turns out that Eskay's shares in the company may not be just of Eskay's but also of Anwar's. Yahya had paid Eskay in installments until he stopped few years ago.
According to the source, Eskay has a common lawyer with Anwar as in Dato Phabakaran. Eskay had asked Phabakaran to ask Anwar but was told that the money was paid long time ago to Anwar.
Yahya had honoured his deal but did not know that the RM20 million was Eskay's portion and not Anwar which he had given to.
As a proxy of Anwar, Eskay was cheated out.
Naturally Anwar will deny he has business proxies as he once challenged to name his cronies in August 2008. Read The Star here.
Oh pleaseee... just because it is not easy to proof in court, it does not mean he doesn't have crony, in fact lots of cronies.
Just recall the list of names that secured privitasation projects that Tun Dr Mahathir put up at the 1998 UMNO General Assembly. Anwar was speechless as many saw his cronies and corporate boys were getting quite a fair share.
Read Rocky Bru here
All we need to do to call Anwar's bluff is to refer to a Statutory Declaration by former Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Dato Abdul Murad bin Khalid dated Oct 26, 1999 [read in full here].
Our interest is on 12 e, where Murad described a corporate deal involving Faiz Abdullah, Arus Murni, KUBB and Hong Leong, below:
(e) I was directed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to help Encik Faiz Abdullah (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ghost writer), together with Seow Lun Hoo of Hong Leong to buy into Kewangan Usaha Bersatu Berhad (KUBB), then owned by ldris Hydraulic Berhad. The scheme involved using Arus Murni Berhad formerly known as Timuran Berhad, a company listed on the Main Board of the KLSE as the holding company. I approached the following banks to help syndicate the loan for the purchase of KUBB shares costing above RM400 million: 1. Hong Leong Bank. 2. Hong Leong Finance. 3. Sime Bank 4. RHB Bank. 5. Southern Bank. 6. BSN Commercial Bank. Faiz Abdullah is a verv clever ghost writer and political operator for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He is also a lawyer, ex-joumalist and ex-SpecialBranch police officer.Since Anwar's released, Murad has turned around to deny his Statutory Declaration. It's actually a crime to change one's Statutory Declaration. Let that be for awhile.
Raja Petra has another version of it, a spinned version claiming some character forced Murad to admit. Read Malaysia Today here.
Alas ... it's too late.
Except for the contribution to various NGOs and Think Tank, the information tallies with what the market talk and development back then.
Anyone interested can read this 2004 analyst report on Arus Murni here. Sounds rosy hehehe ...
The above excercise occurs in 1995 to 1996.
We remembered how they played up the shares using a ridiculous rumour of Nova Scotia Bank selling their Kuala Lumpur branch to Arus Murni in 1994. That way the shares rose sufficiently for them to meet their margin.
By 1997, they couldn't carry the fiancial burden of KUBB and also KUBB's problem.
They cut a deal with Hong Leong Finance Berhad to acquire KUBB from Arus Murni in 1998 but may have been rejected by BNM because KUBB was acquired by BNM from Arus Murni the following year.
That may have been a barganing chip used to spare Hong Leong from being acquired by other Bank in the first round of Bank consolidation exercise. It was Anwar that finally helped the Hong Leong to acquire Mui Bank Berhad. They have been denied banking license by both the Malasysian and Singaporean Government since time immemorial.
Arus Murni had made several acquisition related to their core activities. But by 2001, Arus Murni was under PN4 and were sold off. It is today Naim Indah Corporation Berhad.
The shareholders of Arus Murni are still caught in a legal battle with Hong Leong Finance for loans owned, mostly to buy Arus Murni shares back then. The latest Free Malaysia Today report from the High Courts this morning, below:
Trade dispute: Judge rejects bid to include AnwarHas Hong Leong decided that Anwar is a lost cause and it is time to swing something for BN?
G Vinod, March 19, 2012
The High Court dismisses businessman's application saying it's too late to include Anwar Ibrahim in his case.KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court today dismissed an application by a businessman to include former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim in a suit involving a failed acquisition process in 1998.
In her verdict, Justice Hadhariah Syed Ismail told the legal counsel for businessman, Low Thiam Hoe, that the proposed amendment had come too late in the course of the trial.
In 1997, Hong Leong Finance Bhd filed a suit against Low, Mekuritek Sdn Bhd and Arus Murni Sdn Bhd over non-payment of loans amounting to RM445 million.
The loans were given to the parties in a bid to acquire financial institution, Kewangan Bersatu Bhd.
Anwar was serving as the finance minister at that point of time and one of Arus Murni’s directors, Mohd Faiz Abdullah, was purported to be Anwar’s speech writer.
Each defendant was sued for over RM28 million plus interest for the non-repayment of the loans.
On why the case was being heard now when it was filed in 1998, the lawyer serving for all three defendants, D Paramalingam, said Hong Leong had not pursued the matter since 2005.
“All of a sudden, the plaintiff (Hong Leong) decided to proceed with the case,” said Paramalingam.
The hearing of the case would resume on March 28.
Ask also why is Anwar being considered for lawsuit? He must be involved and possibly like Eskay's case, he also has a cut. Otherwise, why would the three defendents want to drag him now?
He may be relieved from being called to court. The mystery will linger on but it is the three alleged proxies that will be saddled with the loan to pay up.
By the way, it is believed Eskay is going to drag him to court too. He should subpoena Anwar.
Now, did Anwar say he has no crony and proxy?
Salam Bro.
You just perform your Haj last year,as a muslim you should not write something which is not true.A fitnah is a major sin in Islam.
i like your story
it sort of piece them all together
there is some truth in it i think
this sort of maneuvers in the high places are crumbling one after another now
there more to come
good that they didn't stay hidden
some time someone will start talking many unexplained events of the past
your last several post returned malware detected when i clicked
i expected this to returned the same but it did not
keep exposing them..
Hj Kamal
You have just abused religion to strengthen your weak caution.
What make you think you are not slandering me as a liar and fabricator?
From now on, argue with facts if you wish to criticise or deny my points.
Damn it!
Dont bring god and religion into discourse between human!
This is a short SMS msg I receive from My friend from Kedah about Datuk Eskay."
Budak ini (Eskay)siam bela.Kawin dengan anak cik gu Kassim.Kerja dengan Majelis sukan di bukit jalil.Pandai mengurut.Aku perkenal dia dg AI dan AI perkenal dia dengan Mahathir.Dia selalu urut Mahathir dan late Pak ya(DRB boss)
Mahathir bagi dia jadi dealer Proton.Masa Syed Razak jadi MB kedah dia tuboh syarikat pernerbangan Kedah Air.Pinjam duit bank Pertanian buka kedai daging.Akhirnya semua lingkup.
Dia beri Business card dia sabagai wakil kerajaan Thai di langkawi.Pejabatnya di City bayview hotel langkawi.Dia beritahu semua orang dia proxy PM Thailang Taksin.
Dia kata dia ada kelang baja di Thailand.Tan Sri Noraian mai X IGP,Dato Ibrahim dari Melaka semua kena dengan dia.You tanya orang di langkawi yang kenal dengan dia,mereka kata dia ini BOM besar.
Dia jual nama Mahathir ,Pembohong besar,hati cukup busok.Aku yakin dia buat ini kerja makan upah.
Salam Bro.
Quran 104.Al Humazah(The Slanderer)
1-Woe to everyone who slanders and find fault.
4-By No mean,He shall certainly be cast into al Hutama(The crushing up Fire)
5-And what will make you understand what al Hutama is;
6-It is a fire kindled by Allah.
Abu Hurairah(May Allah be please with him):The Prophet (PBUH)said."Allah will cover up on the Day of Resurrection the defect(fault)of the one who covers up the fault of the other in this world"Muslim.
Abu Hurairah reported:A man who had drunk wine was brought to the Phrophet(PBUH) and he ask us to beat him.Some stuck him with their hand some with their garment.When the drunkard had gone,some of us said;"may Allah disgrace him".He the Prophet(PBUH) said"Do not say so.Do not help the devil against him"
Bro you challange me to argue with you with fact,I can tell you I am a good friend of dato Murad of BNM.He was force to sign the SD by Tengku Adnan and they told him they will put him in jail if he didnt cooperate.
I am also vary close with Dato Yahya jalil.When I ask him about Datok Eskay claim,He said he is a liar.If you compare the character of both,I think Pak Ya is more honourable.
"As far as we are concerned, the video is Anwar's." True! True! As far "we" are concerned, the story is yours. As far as Anwar is concerned, he enjoys your story.
Hj Kamal
Thanks for replying.
The part of your reply wrt your relationship with Murad and Eskay we love to release but you are not heeding our rules on the rest.
We leave it to you to rewrite.
Its our blog. If we are to get sued, it is us.
So we make the call.
You want to know what the real story.
Dato Eskay dan Dato Yahya.
Dato yahya yang membuat proposal kapada Mahathir untok membena croket bridge.Lee Kuan Yew memangil Dato Yahya dua kali untok berjumpa dengan dia.Meeting pertama dia tanya siapa yang mencadangkan projek ini,Sultan Johor atau Mahathir.Yahya menjawab dia yang memulakan cadanan membena jabatan ini,bukan mahathir atau Sultan.Dalam pertemuan kedua Lee bertanya kapada Yahya can he cancel the project.Dt
Yahya kata NO?
Bila Dt Yahya membawa project ini kapada Dr Mahathir dan Samy velu mereka suka dan meminta ia membuat proposal ka EPU .EPu dan Cabinet meluluskan project ini.
Saya tidak nampak dimana peranan Dato Eskay dan Anwar dalam project ini.
Ia merupakan Timbalan Gabonor B Negara.Samasa Anwar menjadi Menteri Kewangan,ia mengunakan Murad sapenohnya dalam halhal yang berhubong dengan Banking dan Insurance.Ramai Ahli corporate yang hendak mendapatkan apa projeck mengunakan khidmat Murad.Hanya tigaborang yang mengunakan Murad sapenohnya.Tan Sri Loy dari MBF,Tong Philo Allide dan Quek L Chan.
Thong dengan Murad amat baik macam adek abang.Murad menolong Thong membeli Lesen Bank yang di malaysia yang di mileki oleh OUB sinngapore.Tong menukar nama bank itu menjadi Philo Allide Bank.
Quek mempunyai idaman seumor hidup untok memileki bank di Malaysia.Dia setuju untok membayar any price untok tujuan ini.Peluang nya sampai apabila MUI mahu menjual banknya..Bagi Quek membeli bank dari Khoo Key Pheng(mui) bukan sahaja memenohi cita2 nya memileki bank tapi menebus maruahnya.
Quek dan Khoo merupakan sahabat yang baik ditahun 70 han.Mereka mula bergadoh apabila Khoo K.Peng play him out dalam Central Sugar take over.Sejak dari itu mereka merupakan enemy no satu.
Sebab itu bila MUI mahu menjual bank dan finance conya denan harga 1.1 billion rgt,Quek teus setuju tampa bargain dan due deligent.Proses nya berjalan dengan cepat kerana Quek takut KHoo menukar fikiran.Murad yang menolong memudahkan pembelian ini.Ada kah Murad di bayar commision.jawabnya tidak.Adakah Anwar dibayar,Jawabnya tidak.Tan sri Dr Yahya,Heart Surgeon di beri 20juta saham.Banyak kooperasi dan Kooperasi Police mendapat banyak saham Bank Hong Leong.
Faiz Abdullah dan Arus Murni.
Bila Idris Hydrolik mahu menjual KUB Finance,Faiz dan gang nya berminat untok membeli.faiz berkerja dengan Idris sabagai Co Sec.Apabila Murad meminta Quek membantu sudah tentu ia tidak dapat menolak.Apa yang terjadi dengan Arus Murni salepas unfurtunate sekali kerana berlaku financial crisis.Jika kita hendak membuat andaian yang Anwar ada shares atau di beri commission,saya boleh nyatakan dengan Yakin tiada.
SD yang di buat oleh Murad hanya berlaku kerana UMNO hendak mengunakan untok memburokan Anwar.Jika mereka mempunyai berbilion ringgit saperti yang didakwa oleh Murad dalam SD,mereka tak perlu meminta sedekah bila ada pilehan Raya.Sekarang mereka telah control Selangor.This is the gold mine.
Saya bukan lah penyokong Anwar dan PKR.Saya maseh lai menjadi Ahli UMNO.Tapi saya hanyanhendak menceritakan yang benar.Jika di tanya ada kah saya setuju dengan apa yang di buat oleh Anwar dan PKR sekarang,Jawabnya negetive.Kita boleh berbeza pendapat tetapi jangan menfitnah benda yang tidak betul.
Hj Kamal
Thanks. Appreiate that.
Tak taulah saya samada si polan tu atau ini dibayar tapi ramai sangat yg tau hubungan baik antara anwar/budak2 dia dgn loy, quek dan tong. macam mana gang asal realmild buat duit selepas MBO NSTP? bagaimana tong dlm masa yg begitu singkat dapat expand business empiranya dgn projects/bangunan di merata tempat di pj/kl, lebih2 surrounding klcc? fitnah? tanya dan check fakta sebenar mengenai persahabatan ketiga2 tauke cina ni dgn polikus yg cukup berkuasa berbelas tahun lampau.
There're two sides to a story. As someone who was directly involved in pulling together the concept design for the so called proposal, I can say that your tale is inaccurate. Giving credit to Pak Ya and not Eskay is very much a case of lembu punya susu, sapi punya nama.
i was in maybank grp when realmild bought nst n tv3 for rm800 mil w only paid up cap of rm100,000.
Murad called dato ahmad don to instruct dato izham of aseambanker to make sure realmild has the financing.
Izham told his team that mat don told him if you wanna keep your job, anwar wants u to make the deal happen.
Mrcb was used as the vehicle. Guess who has a stake already in mrcb to just take a ride?
Quek leng chan.
I dont buy haji kamal's claim that anwar has no cut in all the deal that he has to ask around to prepare for election.
Why ask around when he can build his war chest during his mof tenure. Bull that he did not.
His bagman was kamaruddin ja'afar was the gathrer, among others.
Cuma dia dlm pas. He did not contribute to pas but in 2008 duit tu masuk balik thru some bogus trading documents. Someone in bank negara was an accomplice.
hmm, very interesting reading, esp the responses to haji kamal's versions.
1 -- eskay was not introduced to mahathir by anwar. it was the other way round -- mahathir managed to get eskay to come back from the US to help treat anwar's back. and anwar kata dia tak kenal eskay? fikirkanlah sendiri..... eskay's reputation may not smell like a rose and maybe he did certain things to try and make some money for himself but he's not alone; we all do. tapi biar apapun reputation seseorang, tak semestinya semua yg dia lakukan atau nyatakan tak betul.
2 -- that part about quek and the mrcb group thenpun cukup menarik. yg jadi kaya raya as a result of quek's help nazri abdullah.
3 -- murad dipaksa sign the SD oleh ku nan? ku nan letak pistol di kepala dia ka sebelum dia sign? and why be afraid of being thrown into jail if u didn't do any wrong? how many people know that murad even called to daim to request a meeting to say that he wanted to make that SD and that daim refused to see him bcos nanti dituduh pulak kata bersubahat. daim told him "just ask your conscience".
4 -- macam2 lagi cerita factual la pak haji yg jauh berbeza dari versions pak haji.
Mr leon.
Daim will never help Murad,Murad mastermind take over Sri Hartaman from Daim proxy Zulkifly to Tan Sri Loy MBF.
If Muran have so much money why last month he borrow money from Along RR.You can ask Ronald of RR.
We knoe Eskay batter than you because we are from kedah.If you go to Kedah and Langkawi and you ask About Dato Eskay,they will say his is bigger than Hiroshima bomb?.
We stand by out story.
en nazri, orang langkawi semua penipu besaq en nazri oi, terutama, ydp pulau zabudin hat, ptd tanah armishah berangan nak migrate keluarq negeri dengan runner kangkung nya mohd nor. moral of the story, mercun katak pun orang langkawi akan kata bom atom, bodoh kalut orang langkawi ni en nazri
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