Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak annnounced today the revised pay rise for the entire civil servants.
The announcement cancelled the announced new Public Service Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) that was criticise heavily for feathering their own nest by the higher echelon of the civil service.
The announced pay rise scheme is based on the improved version of the current Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM). The Star SMS alert reported the increase as:
8/3 Civil servants to get salary hike: Management/professional grp - 13 per cent; Jusa staff - 9pc; Grades 2 & 3 - 8pc; Grade 1 & Chief Sec - 7pc/STARThe recent saga of the new salary pay rise only reminds us of the once popular British TV comedy series, Yes Prime Minister in the episode, A Real Partnership.
In the episode, the Chief Secretary and Exchequer was manouvering to increase their monthly income by a more significant increase than the lower grade using hidden increases in allowance, perks etc.
Watch the episode in full in the Veoh video, below:
To understand what had happened, read this column by Dato Zaini Hasan of Utusan Malaysia:
Oleh Zaini Hassan
Utusan Malaysia
ISU ini amat sensitif. Ia lebih sensitif daripada isu ladang lembu dan lain-lain. Jika isu ini tidak selesai, jangan diharap pilihan raya boleh diadakan.
Ia membabitkan isu gaji kira-kira 1.3 juta kakitangan awam, yang kesemuanya, termasuk keluarga mereka layak mengundi. Ingat lagi kisah ‘penyapu’ di Selangor? Negeri itu jatuh antara sebabnya kerana penjawat-penjawat awam termasuk DO, ADO sehinggalah ke peringkat peon, begitu marah kerana dihina.
Jangan cari pasal dengan golongan ini. Mereka ialah kumpulan pelaksana dan tulang belakang kepada dasar-dasar kerajaan. Jika mereka marah mereka boleh bertukar warna menjadi Mr. Blue atau Mr. Green seperti dalam watak filem Incredible Hulk. Dan itu amat bahaya.
Dalam hal ini Perdana Menteri sememangnya cukup sedar. Satu tindakan cepat sedang diambilnya. Memang PM sendiri tahu jika isu ini tidak selesai maka Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 ini tidak boleh dilaksanakan. Maka itu, YAB PM telah mengarahkan sebuah jawatankuasa petugas khas (task force) semakan semula gaji duduk berbincang dengan Cuepacs mengenai hal ini, setelah Presiden Cuepacs, Datuk Omar Osman sendiri mengamuk.
Setakat ini sudah tiga kali task force ini berbincang. Hari ini sekali lagi rundingan akan dilangsungkan. Kali ini ia akan membabitkan cadangan lima perkara daripada Cuepacs sendiri. Omar akan mengetuai perbincangan itu bagi pihak kesatuan tersebut dengan wakil-wakil dari JPA, Pejabat Peguam Negara, Perbendaharaan dan agensi-agensi lain.
‘‘Kita mahu rundingan ini diselesaikan sebelum 30 Mac ini,” kata Omar kepada saya semalam.
Omar seperti biasa cukup bertenaga. Cakapnya juga cukup tegas. Dalam rundingan itu, beliau diberi tanggungjawab dan kepercayaan oleh kumpulan 54 (pengurusan dan profesional) ke bawah untuk membawa suara dan nasib mereka ke atas.
Kumpulan-kumpulan itu termasuklah: Jawatankuasa khas Gred 54 ke bawah PTD dan Pegawai Tadbir; Persatuan Pensyarah Universiti Profesor Madya Ke Bawah; Persatuan Jurutera Kebangsaan; Kumpulan Doktor-doktor Pakar Gred 54; Kumpulan Anggota Keselamatan Polis; Kumpulan Gred 54 Teknikal selain gabungan Cuepacs sendiri terdiri daripada Kumpulan Pelaksana 1 dan 2.
Hari ini saya mahu menyiarkan sepucuk surat yang dihantar kepada saya oleh seorang penjawat awam. Bunyinya agak keras. Tapi ditulis secara profesional, bernas, ada logik mengenai gaji baru mereka di bawah skim baru SBPA (Skim Baru Perkhidmatan Awam).
Begini bunyi surat itu. Semoga ia menjadi iktibar kepada kita semua.
Struktur perkhidmatan di bawah SBPA terbahagi kepada empat:* Kumpulan Premier (Strategic and key positions (Turus): KSN, KSU)Kumpulan pegawai yang mendapat kenaikan gaji paling banyak ialah kumpulan Premier dan JUSA. Difahamkan semua KSU diberikan opsyen bersara dan seterusnya berkhidmat secara kontrak. Persaraan pula dikira sehingga umur 60 tahun. Ini bermakna semua KSU akan mendapat pencen dan gaji selain daripada faedah persaraan lain seperti gratuiti. Pencen sahaja, mengikut jadual gaji SBPA untuk kumpulan ini akan menjangkau puluhan ribu ringgit. Apakah rasionalnya keputusan ini memandangkan kebanyakan KSU telah pun berada di akhir tempoh perkhidmatan? Gaji kumpulan Premier ini difahamkan sama besar atau lebih besar daripada CEO di GLC atau di perbadanan-perbadanan swasta.
* Kumpulan Pengurusan Tertinggi (Jawatan Utama dan Gred Khas: JUSA C, B dan A)
* Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (Pegawai Gred 41 hingga Gred 54)
* Kumpulan Pelaksana (Pegawai dengan kelayakan masuk PMR hingga Diploma)
Isu penting SBPA ialah ketidakadilan yang amat ketara dari segi kenaikan gaji. Contohnya kumpulan JUSA C sahaja mendapat kenaikan gaji melebihi RM5,000 dengan peratus kenaikan di antara 57 peratus dan 81 peratus! Sementara kumpulan pelaksana N22 hanya mendapat kenaikan gaji di antara RM100 dan RM200 (ada yang lebih rendah) dengan peratus kenaikan di antara 3.7 peratus dan 7.5 peratus sahaja.
Difahamkan di bawah skim baru ini, Premier 1 akan menerima gaji sebanyak RM60,000 sebulan tanpa elaun; Premier 2 RM40,000 tanpa elaun dan Premier 3 RM40,000 tanpa elaun dan Premier 4 RM35,000 tanpa elaun. Tunggakan pampasan adalah antara RM800,000 dan RM1 juta.
Secara logiknya peratus kenaikan di antara kumpulan tidak boleh terlalu berbeza kerana ia akan meningkatkan jurang perbezaan pendapatan serta mengundang rasa tidak puas hati penjawat awam yang 80 peratus terdiri daripada kumpulan pelaksana.
Ketidakpuasan hati kumpulan pelaksana ini, ditambah dengan keluarga masing-masing, mampu menumbangkan kerajaan.
Sebagai rumusan SBPA telah menidakkan semua usaha kerajaan untuk menonjolkan kerajaan sedia ada sebagai a caring government. SBPA dibuat secara tergesa-gesa, tidak telus dan merupakan the biggest blunder Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) dalam sejarah Malaysia.
Pihak JPA tidak perlu lagi memberi taklimat di sana sini mengenai SBPA tetapi mengakui bahawa SBPA sebenarnya tidak adil, tidak telus dan JPA perlu mengambil langkah positif untuk memperbaikinya.
Adalah menjadi satu tindakan yang bodoh, sia-sia dan akan menjadi bahan ketawa umum dan dunia untuk masih lagi mempertahankan bahawa SBPA merupakan satu sistem saraan yang baik dan mampu membawa negara kepada negara berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020.
Kerajaan juga perlu mengambil tindakan tegas kepada mereka yang bertanggungjawab (merangka dan meluluskan tangga gaji itu) bagi menunjukkan kerajaan bertegas serta prihatin kepada kesejahteraan semua kumpulan penjawat awam dan rakyat.
Dengan kepincangan SBPA yang tidak masuk akal dan tidak terfikir oleh kebanyakan penjawat awam ini patutkah Kumpulan Premier, di antaranya terlibat secara langsung dalam penggubalan SBPA, dibayar pencen beserta gaji yang sebegitu tinggi?
Sekiranya dikatakan bahawa SBPA disediakan oleh pihak konsultan, maka apakah peranan kumpulan JUSA dan Premier yang merupakan pemegang strategic dan key positions dalam perkhidmatan awam?
Begitu bunyi surat itu. Benar juga apa yang dijelaskan itu. Ia umpama langit dengan bumi atau antara atap rumbia dan atap genting. Ia juga umpama strata rakyat di India, yang terlalu daif dan yang terlalu kaya.
Yang mendapat imbuhan maha-besar itu hanyalah kira-kira 4,000 kakitangan berbanding 1.3 juta lain yang sedang marah. Dan difahamkan peruntukan untuk membayar kos kepada 4,000 itu merupakan 2/3 daripada keseluruhan peruntukan untuk kesemua kakitangan kerajaan.
Kita berharap rundingan itu akan mencapai satu kata-putus yang menang-menang. Jika tidak, menurut Omar: ‘‘Ia akan menjadi satu isu yang amat kritikal. Dalam road show kami, kakitangan telah memberi kata dua…''
Kita berharap kata dua itu tidak seperti kata-kata Dr. David Banner sebelum dia bertukar warna menjadi Incredible Hulk: ‘‘...don‘t make me angry. You wouldn‘t like me when I’m angry. (Jangan buat saya marah. Saya tidak akan sukakan saya jika saya marah.)
Saya berharap satu formula yang lebih bertamadun dapat dirangka demi kesejahteraan semua pihak, terutamanya kepada kerajaan semasa.
Ingatlah YAB PM telah bekerja amat keras, janganlah kerana skim yang tidak masuk akal ini akan menyebabkan apa yang beliau usahakan rosak sebelanga.
That is funnier than the 47% pay rise attempted by the Chief Secretary, Sir Humphrey and Exchequer Sir Frank in the Yes Prime Minister episode.
Seriously, it a blatant self serving attempt to feather their own nest by our Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan and Director General to the Public Service Department, Tan Sri Abu Bakar bin Haji Abdullah.
Sidek (left) and Abu Bakar (right) should resign!
On a more serious note, the two senior officers of Government seemed to ignore the Government effort to prioritise the welfare of the common peoples and their lower grade staff over themselves.
As civil servants, it is supposed to be their role to implement the new Government policy and to practise it first in their new pay rise.
After much protest by unions like CUEPACS, the Government had to halt the implementation of the new SBPA scheme and review it.
If they claim, their position in Government warrant them for such pay as per the private sector, do they have deliverables set upon them and someone to monitor their performance.
On a lighter vein, the video clip should deliver the same message:
Alas the new pay scheme was announced yesterday. The report of the new and fairer pay sheme can be found in the Bernama Report below:
Najib Announces Cancellation Of SBPASir Humphrey and Sir Frank's attempt were stoppped by the sharp political advisor, Mrs Weinright without causing embarassment to the political masters and her Majesty's Government.
March 08, 2012 12:01 PM
PUTRAJAYA, March 8 (Bernama) -- The Prime Minister Thursday announced the cancellation of the new Public Service Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) and the adoption of an improved version of the current Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM).
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak also announced salary adjustments of 13 per cent for employees in the management and professional group from grade 1 to 54, nine per cent for the Jusa A, B and C grades, eight per cent for the staff grades 2 and 3, and seven per cent for staff grade one and the Chief Secretary to the Government.
During the announcement, which he made at a special gathering with civil servants at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre here today, Najib also said that the government had agreed for the Cost of Living Allowance (Cola) to be increased from RM200 to RM250 for the B area, and from RM100 to RM150 for the C area.
The Prime Minister also announced the setting up of a commission comprising the relevant interest groups to make a comprehensive and holistic study of the remuneration system for civil servants.
He said any suggestion proposed by the commission comprising interested parties who worked using the principles of discussions and consensus would be considered according to the affordability of the government.
He said the SSM salary structure would be adapted from the Matrix Salary schedule to the Minimim-maximum Salary Schedule with the rate of Annual Salary increase (KGT) for Grades 1 to 54 fixed between RM80 and RM320 according to grade.
The rate of increase of the annual salary for JUSA grades and above remained according to the SSM annual salary increase and given adjustment according to the percentage agreed upon.
Najib said the government had also agreed that the Critical Service Incentive Payment (BIPK), Regional Incentive Payment (BIW), Interior Incentive Payment (BIP) and the Educational Subject Incentive Payment (BISP) would be maintained according to the existing regulation under the SSM.
For teachers, he said the government maintained the decision on career path improvement based on the time-based principles of the Education Service Officers as announced in the 2012 Budget.
"I hope this decision can ease the dissatisfaction among the various levels of civil servants. As for the other issues concerning the service and scheme of service, they would be studied by the commission announced earlier," he said.
Najib said the civil servants played an important role in ensuring the success of the implementation of the national transformation programme.
He said the SBPA which was introduced early this year had resulted in the feeling of uneasiness among civil servants and because the present government was sensitive to the needs of the people, it listened to their woes.
"We are not like those had planned to dismiss the civil servants when they had not even formed the government," he said, adding that following the feeling of dissatisfaction, the government had decided to review the SBPA on Jan 12.
He said a task force chaired by the Director-General of the Public Service Department was later set up and given three months to study all complaints and feedback submitted, and it had been given the responsibility to suggest a solution to the government.
Najib said the task force received 1,087 complaints and feedback besides several memorandums, and 23 unions had submitted proposals while eight trade unions comprising the Cuepacs, the National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP), Royal Malaysia Police, Malaysian Armed orces, Malaysian Medical Association, Malaysian Dental Association, the Malaysian Academic Association Council and the Council of Registrars had submitted proposals.
He said the government was hoping for the civil servants to appreciate and work together in facing the challenge from the uncertain global economy, and although the government succeeded in taking the country out of the global economic uncertainty, efforts must be intensified to ensure that the country continued to be free of the uncertainty in the years to come.
He said that in making the decision, the government must think of the best measures, while it was giving priority to the interests of the people, at the same time it did not ignore the other factors, especially in terms of sustaining the national economic stability, or in other words, the government's financial capacity must be taken into account.
"Remember that whatever we do today will have a long-term impact. The government does not want Malaysia to face a financial tragedy like Greece or the other countries," he said.
Najib said in order to ensure that the national economy was not affected by the uncertain global economic scenario, the government must continue the efforts to reduce the national fiscal deficits.
He said that in 2010, the national deficit reached 5.6 per cent, while last year, the deficit was reduced to five per cent and this year, it was hoped that the deficit would further be reduced to 4.7 per cent.
The last salary revision was made in 2007, which saw civil servants enjoying a pay rise of between 7.5 per cent and 35 per cent, with the support group receiving a rise of 35 per cent and the highest group 7.5 per cent. -- BERNAMA
However, Tan Sri Sidek and Tan Sri Abu Bakar's sneeky attempt had caused serious embarassment to the Government and could have serious political consequences to the ruling party.
This is real life and not some British TV comedy series. It is not good image for the Government to laughed at. The credibility and people's confidence in the Government are at stake.
For being caught red handed, both Tan Sri Sidek and Tan Sri Abdullah should resign. Or sent away on gardening leave pending investigation by MACC for alleged abuse of power for self interest.
Gardening leave shouldn't be seen as funny. Because there are clauses in the penal code that fit the offenses they have done.
Up-dated 10:50 AM
depa mana ada maruah...!
I was wondering who is this Abdullah, oh .. it's "Hassan and Abdullah should resign" ala Yes Prime Minister.
The intention of SBPA for performance based reward should be lauded. Of course, the quantum of increment is ridiculuos, but the performance based should be a new pillar of public service. Do any of these people mention about the performance based? None. They talked about money.
Salam Tuan,
On the matter of retirement, the Star today, "Sidek: Little things can mean a lot to public" http://bit.ly/wYNhQn
- At the function to honour 167 senior public officers who re- tired last year, Sidek thanked them for their work, saying working in the civil service was “a calling”.
of course more moolah helps.
All the best
quantum of increment first and performance based reward comes later.
how smart they are.
and who will monitor the performance of KSN,KSU and the other 3998 guys in the same rank?
well. your guess is right.
DAP @ Dalang Anti Perpaduan
When Kamaruzaman was the KSU at Defense Ministry, he expressed to the Minister for an extension. The Minister [SH] left it to the in coming Minister [AAB]to decide which later on brought in the guy from Selangor, HM who was originally earmarked for Health Ministry. AAB's SUSK was uni mate to HM which made it possible for the swap.
The same appetite goes to this former KSU of MinDef, but it was turned down by Minister ZH.
For whatever its worth, this whole SBPA fiasco has highlighted the deep animosity between PTD and government servants from other scheme. Among the accusation made was that SBPA is meant to benefit mostly PTD without regard to others eapecially the lower ranks. PTD made-up the biggest component of the JUSA/Premier group. It is also well known that PTD get to be promoted fastest (thus reaching the JUSA group earliest) compared to any other scheme. Sometime at a ridiculously young age. Since most of their promotion is controlled by their own scheme, just about every PTD who decide to stay on get to be a JUSA and above.
To make thing worst, they increasingly assert themselves by expanding their billet just about everywhere in goverment agencies/department. This of course came at he expense of those from other scheme be it engineer, doctors, teachers, uniform services and what have you. In the recent ‘pemutihan perjawatan’ exercise which was conducted under the pretext of cost saving measure, many billets for government servant from other scheme was axed despite the justification and plead by affected department. No prize for guessing who ultimately decide on which billet to axed or keep. They (PTD) now infamously seen as a cancer spreading throughout government services. They took over the running of just about every government agencies/department and thereafter its my way or the highway attitude. The justification is PTD is the only group that know best how to implement goverment policy. Is it so?
I hope the government learned their lesson from this episode. ‘Absolute power corrupt absolutely’ – in this case Iam referring to PTD. In their greed to enhanced their own perks, they abused the trust given by the goverment, so much so that the goverment might have to pay dearly in the upcoming election
Go to CUEPACS webpage and you’ll see.
PTD memang mengacau dalam jabatan-jabatan kerajaan. saya merasakan PTD tidak perlu untuk menguruskan jabatan-jabatan kerajaan selaian daripada JPA/SPA. Biarkan jabatan-jabatan kerajaan yang lain diuruskan oleh orang-orang profesional lain seperti doktor, jurutera, accountant, dsb. PTD tidak boleh menggunakan asas bahawa jawatan selain daripada PTD tidak boleh menafsir dasar-dasar kerajaan, kerana profesional-profesional tersebut lebih berkelayakan untuk memegang jawatan pentadbir dalam jabatan-jabatan kerajaan. Saya rasa penguasaan PTD dalam jabatan-jabatan kerajaan berleluasan semasa pentadbiran Pak Lah. jadi saya berharap, kerajaan perlu melihat apakah relevan nya penempatan PTD di jabatan-jabatan lain seperti MOH, MOF, MOHR dan juga jabatan-jabatan latihan kemahiran
Two wrongs does not make one right.
Just watch the legal tangle that will follow.
This matter is a contractual matter.
Just a few government servants to challenge this decision and the government will look really silly
The PTDs are creating their own kingdom in the civil service. The high ranking officers are using their positions to place their own sons and daughters in strategic departments, creating another class of PTDs among PTDs. As if their family members have the right to the inheritance in the civil service kingdom. This is a dangerous and an unhealthy development and must be stopped.
Thay must resign and pay back monies spent on SBPA roadshow, seminars, talk etc. KSN, KPPA do resign now!
Hmm.. This is very political.. And it is being and will be politicised by many..
Not to back anyone or kiss anyone's hand, i humbly opine that forcing both ksn and kppa to resign doesn't solve anything. They may be ultimately answerable to the so-called debacle, but what about those penultimately responsible as well? Name the directors, sbpa committee members, etc. Even the support staff who were also involved in the meetings, if any.
Why not call for the resignation of all those involved and unleash the hell of chaos in public service.
More and more people are being confused by some who are conceptually flawed in their understanding of sbpa. The new now-defunct scheme may seem unfair in its remuneration package - the main weakness - but why were the other thrusts of sbpa, i.e. to reward civil servants based on performance, to attract captains of industries and heads in the private sector to helm government ministries/departments, and shut the door for sleeping passengers in the public service using the exit policy, not highlighted and questioned, or at least commented?
So, sbpa is not so bad after all, but for all the brouhahas on increment not fairly given to the support staff, sbpa is now relegated to the prehistoric era. I wonder for what the jusa officers around me, who everyday clock in an hour earlier but only leave office just when their support staff are about to go to bed, are giving their all.
PTD kena ada merata-rata..supaya lebih mantap..
jgn nak conquer jabatan punya pasal la x kasi ptd masuk..kalau kerjasama kan elok..
ini yg bkn ptd sendiri mula buat jurang antara ptd..which is not good la
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