In our last posting here, we demanded the KSN and DG of PTD to resign in response to PM's announcement to the new civil service pay rise package, revised SSB.
The reason was the hidden self serving move by both of them in the SBPA. If it is not them, the buck stops with them. No two way about it.
An Anonymous commentator described the crux of the problem in the civil service and it's an inherited tradition of ganging-up for the boys.
The comment below:
For whatever its worth, this whole SBPA fiasco has highlighted the deep animosity between PTD and government servants from other scheme.
Among the accusation made was that SBPA is meant to benefit mostly PTD without regard to others eapecially the lower ranks. PTD made-up the biggest component of the JUSA/Premier group.
It is also well known that PTD get to be promoted fastest (thus reaching the JUSA group earliest) compared to any other scheme. Sometime at a ridiculously young age.
Since most of their promotion is controlled by their own scheme, just about every PTD who decide to stay on get to be a JUSA and above.

To make thing worst, they increasingly assert themselves by expanding their billet just about everywhere in goverment agencies/department. This of course came at he expense of those from other scheme be it engineer, doctors, teachers, uniform services and what have you.
In the recent ‘pemutihan perjawatan’ exercise which was conducted under the pretext of cost saving measure, many billets for government servant from other scheme was axed despite the justification and plead by affected department.
No prize for guessing who ultimately decide on which billet to axed or keep.
They (PTD) are now infamously seen as a cancer spreading throughout government services. They took over the running of just about every government agencies/department and thereafter its my way or the highway attitude.
The justification is PTD is the only group that know best how to implement goverment policy. Is it so?
I hope the government learned their lesson from this episode. ‘Absolute power corrupt absolutely’ – in this case I am referring to PTD.
In their greed to enhanced their own perks, they abused the trust given by the goverment, so much so that the goverment might have to pay dearly in the upcoming election
Go to CUEPACS webpage and you’ll see.
150% agreeable ! Nak share di sini ... might be this is a breaking to you sir ! Starts Jan, pensioners receiving their pensions based on SPAB ! I mean Jan 2012 ! MASA TU, SPAB SEDANG DITELITI SEMULA ! Semalam, kerajaan buat keputusan SPAB dibatalkan ! So, there is a big qustion mark now .... what's going to happen to the extra pensions that pensioners received for the past 2 months (Jan & Feb)? Nak suruh pesara ni bayar balik atau apa?
Dapat maklumat sebentar tadi(tuan tolong semak kesahihan maklumat ini) ... Sejak Jan 2012, KSU2 kementerian telah menerima gaji berdasarkan SPAB ! Mohon maaf kalau maklumat ini tidak benar !
Berlaku salahguna kuasa oleh pihak PTD JPA sekiranya dua kes yang ditimbulkan di atas adalah sahih ! Maka tindakan mesti diambil ke atas pihak2 yang berkaitan !
PTD - Pegawai Tengok & Dudok.
PTD - Penyamun Tarbus Durjana
PTD control everything in Msian public service. All the KSN, KSP and KPPA are PTDs since the British left. Almost all KSU are PTDs...even when a ministy has already has a Ketua Pengarah like Ministry of Education, there's a Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia (from teaching profesion),but a PTD is still put there as a KSU . A redundancy and a waste of manpower for sure. And these is happening in some other departments and ministries.
When a teacher is waiting for his/her FIRST promotion after 8 years of service under `time based' promotion, a PTD is waiting for his/her THIRD promotion!!!!! how can anyone justify such injustice from PTD controlled JPA human resource policy...
There are too many PTD posts that are created so that PTD can get promoted easily and many PTD are only good at talking and not working... just ask any public servants (except PTD) if you dont believe me..
this people have no shame at all. they may look noble they may sound pious but this disaster could not have happened without their approval. an example must be set or they might think they could try this trick again. resign or sack 'em. but we know this would not happen. so far we didn't even get an apology. it's hard to believe this major screw up can happen and no one pays. if the little people do something less serious he be dragged to disciplinary committee and punished. where is the accountability that they promoted? i re-read the AKUJANJI and their actions violated at least 3 priciples in it.
Do u know whose behind SBPA beside JPA or PTD? They are the culprit... n they are the one who responsible for what they call transformation... Do not blame PTD only cause there are others who u all should know about it.
Saya Yang Menurut Perintah
I came to know a few PTD guys in my line of duty.
And they act exactly like those execs in Khazanah. As if they are Fortune 500 company staff.
The only thing that they are good at is their dining table etiquette.
Maybe thats the only thing they learn at Intan.
A few year ago PTD wanted to be hospital directors! The doctors fought like mad. Then PTD created posts for deputy director of health (management) for all states instead of senior administrative officer (which is what they should be called!) and whenever there were international sponsorhip for health conferences, the PTD who knows nothing about helath problems would be chosen instead of public health doctors to attend... so they only go for holidays abroad. PTD are like parasites in professional departments. They make decisions and weak director general (professional) just follows the Secretary general (PTD)... very sad and unfair. About time people see who these PTDs are.
Professionals like doctors, engineers,architects and accountants have been bullied by PTD. Doctors have fought hard and managed to get many JUSAs now because govt fears specialists might leave the service in droves but what about other professionals? PM Najib needs to study this big difference in promotion between professionals in govt and the PTDs. And yet the brightest among our youth go for professional courses but then what happens to them once they join govt service???
Agree, PTDs only know how to butter up their bosses. PTDs would not voice their opinion in front of their senior for fear of offending them. Have seen how timid they are in front of KSN and KPPA!! It's pathetic to witness. Most of them are mediocre officers no wonder SBPA failed!
You guys are frustrated over something while in gov service and just jab smack the PTD for every wrong reasons.. I have a brother.. he is a PTD and a very good one.. more often he went home late and dedicated his entire life for the country.. more of an unsung hero where they are the one that get the job done and somebody else get the name for it.. i dun need to mention here what are the successes are.. let that be with Allah the Mighty God..
I'm very proud of him and most of the success stories on gov policy came from this service as i can conclude it.. so please be fair in your evaluation.. and dun get ur life frustration of cannot be a PTD ruined your sanity..
SPAB tu apa pulak?
tu la...sapa suruh tolak SBPA...bawah SBPA, sapa2 bleh jadi KSU, KSN..ada tatacara bawah SBPA untuk tukar skim..skarang ni dah revert balik ke SSM, gigit jari je la sebab tak ada peruntukan undang-undang untuk tukar skim...
PTD are the highest paid EVENT MANAGER in the world. No technical skills but manage technical departments. Dlm meeting buka mulut hanya utk mkn kuih dan minum teh tarik. Whoever speak up againts bosses will be immediately transferred or pooled. There is no such thing as giving opinion. Everyone follow bosses. SYMP - Saya Yang Menurut Perintah. Promotions are automatic - ikut batch, bukan ikut merit or kelayakan. They are not think thanker but merely urusetia or facilitator. They call for meeting and other ppl do the job for them. They think they are the cream de la cream when the truth is their mind is cramp de la cramp - they cannot think, only follow. They were trained to be MC, hence, Jack of Trade Master of Ceremony. And yet the got promotion so fast for that disability? Thats why i called them the highest paid event manager in the world. That explain billions of ringgit lost because the PTD never understand lopsided agreement they signed- they have no technical expertise. They were too busy with majlis perasmian itu dan ini utk mengampu org atas. Is these the type of managers of the country that we want?
Saya pun dengar yang mereka di superscale ke atas telah pun menerima gaji baru sebab mereka dah terima skim itu.....so sekarang macam mana .tolong siasat.
Kenapa di Malaysia tiada accountability? Semua muka tak malu dan tak mahu bertanggungjawab .
Kenapa rakyat selalu di perbodohkan????
No wonder chinese don't want to work in government.
Wow tpt mengutuk Ptd Oleh mereka yg jeles dgn Ptd. Admin kena study & baca sejarah dulu. Kalau Ptd xde mahu huru hara gomen. Xpercya? Tu sbb Aku study dulu....
Anonymous 8.40pm. Memang betul KSU, Ketua Pengarah di bayar ikut SPAD. Baru ini dikeluarkan arahan supaya tidak lagi membayar duit pencen itu. Soalannya, untuk Premier service, apakah surat persetujuan untuk pencen dan kemudian dilantik semula sebagai kontrak 3 tahun itu masih berkuatkuasa? Memang huru-hara betul!
Anonymous 8.40pm. Memang betul KSU, Ketua Pengarah sudah menikmati pencen lumayan di bawah SBPA, walaupun PM telah umum SBPA dikaji semula. Baru2 ini dikeluarkan arahan supaya tidak lagi membayar duit pencen itu. Nak kena bayar alik ke? Soalan 2: untuk Premier service, apakah surat persetujuan untuk pencen dan kemudian dilantik semula sebagai kontrak 3 tahun itu masih berkuatkuasa? Memang huru-hara betul! What a incompetent lot we have at JPA. KPPA and Dato' Farida Md Ali please resign! You're a disgrace to the service.
Leeches; parasites more apt.
remember....for every one finger pointed at someone...4 other fingers are pointing at yourselves... how can it be right when all that we do is blaming others when we ourselves did as much, and nothing less, than as we say the others did... certainly the means does not necessarily justifies the ends, and if all these grouses and dissatisfactions are directed at certain profession, how will it be beneficial for the country? Please give your thoughts considerately and not merely plain negativity... all professions in the government service has their roles and responsibilities...and we are all best united, rather than divided...for the sake of the country.
if we say certain individuals did some wrongs in the course of their duty, who has not? pak imam pun buat hal.. but that does not mean that we are condoning the wrongs, simply put, there are alot of rooms for improvement in the government service...for PTDs, for teachers, for doctors, for engineers,...for every profession...we have our roles and responsibilities and we will answer them when we face Allah in the hereafter...have we not heard the sayings that the world is created big enough for everybody to get rezeki, and for everybody to contribute...unless if all the things that we have in our mind is for everything to be ours...and not sharing it with others...
Anon 3.50
i agree with all that you said all though its not my habit to bring god into the argument between human which can be sorted out by ourselves.
All except describing feathering ones own nest as just a mistake. Unless you can proof mr wrong.
gua malas nak cakap banyak laa beb.. kalo bukan sebab PTD.. dah lama kerajaan UMNO ni jatuh.. najib pun dah jadi ketua pembangkang dah tahun 2008 yang lalu.. cakap x pakai otak la lu beb.. banyak kejayaan dasar pembangunan negara PTD yang buat dan execute.. kalo bukan sebab PTD, cekgu sibuk duk main politik nak naik kat PPD.. malaysia ni pun dah lama kehabisan doktor sebab semua nak berebut keja jadi ketua pengarah hospital.. doktor pun x cukup nak ubat patient.. pastu bising cakap doktor x cukup kat malaysia.. mmg lah x cukup.. semua nak sibuk keja opis..
xde sapa halang ko kalo nak jadi PTD.. peluang terbuka sama rata.. kalo x dapat maknanya ko x layak la tu beb.. jangan duk tembak belakang macam ni..
ini lah yang dikatakan komunis dalam perkhidmatan awam.........
I understand & agree to those "blaming" on PTD laozy useless stupid position in gov servants pool
no matter how useless they are, they only open mouth instruct people do works for them BUT they din HURT/KILL you
those so called of "professional":
doctor, engineer,
I think you guys more "killing" than PTD
those JKR engineers, do projects without brain, always newly built buildings have problems, leaking, cracking etc
if you r not qualified engineer, pls dun be engineer, u r killing many people
those doctors, now u all are time-based promotion, all kaya-raya but the skill and knowledge 1000 times laozy than last time elder specialists, within 10years get grade 54 (if 25 years old enter service, at age 35 already grade 54), i so regret last time I didnt study medicine be doctor
my friend almost "killed" by stupid doctors in university clinic, again, if u r not qualified doctor, pls dun hurt people
in conclusion, PTD wont kill anyone with their order/action, but you are the profession, pls take good care your field. thank you very much
Something to ponder :
piiraahh....lu org cakap banyak. PTD itu la, PTD ini la...tapi kat rumah, setiap mlm doa, anak dh besar nanti harap2 lepas exam PTD then masuk as PTD...tak pun anak n menantu dh memang PTD kat rumah tu..atau suami atau isteri kerja as PTD..
cikgu2 tak payah la nak menggeletis mcm cacing..ingat PTD hadap sangat nak duduk kat PPD/PPN. Kalau semua berangan nak duduk kat opis, siapa nak mengajar kat sekolah2? pastu bising cikgu tak cukup la..itu la, ini la. elaun pedalaman la, elaun kesusahan la...ingat penjawat awam nama cikgu je ke yang ada kat pedalaman n susah?
Apa peranan Ketua Perkhidmatan? KP Pelajaran dalam hal2 mcm ni menikus tak cakap apa2...haihh....
Funny la those blame PTDs. Based on 2009 statistics, more than 6000 doctors out of 23000 doing admin works....So who to be blamed? Doctors right....Doctors must take care of citizens health, but they take a leave and doing locum and Full Paying Patients...so they generates more income and set aside public health... Doctors now lazy. they want easy money, barking like dog, harrasing PTDs like a crazyman...demand more allowances, more incentives, need special care, but refuse to go to pendalaman...request to be placed at big city...what the hell u!!!...
Teachers also, always bully other teachers, politics their food, always bring hatred among civil servants, always come with no ideas, DG of Eduations always revised syllbus every year, students become lazy and not respect the quality of teachers nowadays. Please finger point yourselves before pointing your finger to PTDs....
Engineers and Technical Assistants, they sucks government money with corrupt practices, demand commissions, involved in bad practice in selecting contractors, bad quality of planning, building design and many more....so please relook, who is the culprit!...
Those totally rejects SBPA, i think they ara afraid of being sacked due to low performance...cheers...
Anak haram betul la org yg suka dok ngutuk org ni.. Yg kau sakit ati sgt kt ptd tu pe hal? Ko ingat senang ke tugas nak tadbir negara, sial? Ko tak tau pengorbanan org yg diberi t/gungjwb di jwtn yg tinggi dlm krjn··· jgn ckp bende yg ko tak tau jgn tgok yg buruk je sbb nobody's perfect, fucker!
Try jd ptd then baru ko tau camne keje mcm nak gile
The problem with Malaysians is that they always blame each other and unwilling to accept their mistakes or weaknesses. Then while they are barraging others, they will make generalisations, just like what anon mar 13 9.45pm did. They will just exaggerate their baseless accusation. I'm a doctor myself, and i dont mind being sent to the district hospital or even to a klinik kesihatan deep inside the pedalaman. Those who did locum, they do it outside their working hours and they are not neglecting their duty to their patients.
Just because a patient died under the treatment of a doctor, doesnt mean that the doctor "killed" him. Pt might have died of certain complication. There's always risk for every decision that is made. We have to balance the risk and benefits. And we have to get patient's informed consent. More often than not, it's not the patient or the close family that makes all the fuzz or kecoh, it's their distant relative or sedara mara instead.
Moral of the story is, we should stop blaming and start finding a solution. Accept our mistake and weaknesses with open heart and try to improve ourselves rather than retaliating by exposing others mistake. Don't be like our politicians, when one side exposed mismanagement the other side will expose their opponent's mistake and say "tengok depa lagi teruk"...
And please, please dont make generalisation and never exaggerate your accusation. I understand the fact that most of us are upset with the current situation. But please act like an adult. You are not a five year old kid anymore.
Just my 2 cents worth of opinion. No offence intended...
Great!.. bagi jeerrr tugas pengurusan di kementerian kpd DG (Guru), kat luar nampak semua okey.. dalam macam tahi dalam perut yang sembelit!!
Contoh: jabatan pengajian politeknik! Sudah lama jadi tahi dalam perut DG, keluar je dari KPM, baru tau betapa busuknya taik itu!
Guru2 ni hanya gila nak buat pengurusan. naik pangkat je terus mintak nak duduk Ofis, tak nak mengajar. BODOH.
Ada seorang pesara skim PTD yang sangat kanan pangkatnya bagi analogi menarik tentang skim PTD.
Katanya PTD ketika ini saling tak tumpah macam zaman Pak Lah sebelum PRU 2008. KSN tu ibarat KJ, KSU kementerian/group premier yang lain-lain tu seolah-olah budak 'tingkat 4'. Semua dah besar kepala kerana kerajaan (as in Pak Lah) percaya bulat-bulat tanpa usul periksa. Dengan harapan kerajaan akan terus 'terlelap' (macam Pak Lah), mereka ni pun bermaharajalela. Tu yang tergamak buat skim SBPA walaupun terang-terang bendaallah tu hanya menguntungkan 'bebudak tingkat 4' dan rakan-rakan, tak masuk akal serta bertentangan dengan aspirasi kerajaan.
Aku rasa analogi ni menarik, tepat dan kena pada masanya. Komen yang di buat oleh anon dalam post ni pun memang mencerminkan pandangan ramai penjawat awam bukan PTD. Tapi of courselah PTD akan bangkang bermati-matian dan maki aku, well what do you expect? PTD...
The way PTD responded in this blog speaks volume of their standard and ability to reason/articulate their ideas.
Enough said.
likewise with the response from the others...so enough said there, too.
Jika setiap penjawat awam pegang amanah dan tanggungjawab masing-masing, isu salah-menyalah & tuduh-menuduh antara skim takkan timbul.
Ingatlah setiap jawatan, gred, pangkat...semuanya adalah amanah yang datang dengan tanggungjawab.
Dan selagi kita tidak berada di tempat itu...kita takkan tahu susah senangnya. Tak semudah yg dilihat atau didengar atau dibaca.
Keharmonian dalam perkhidmatan awam adalah tanggunjawab setiap mereka yg berada dalam pelbagai skim itu.
PTD from grade 41 to 44 in 4 years
ENGINEERS in 4 years
Doctors in 2-3 years!!!!!
PTD can be a JUSA only when a JUSA post become available.
Teachers cud be a JUSA even if just an ordinary teacher...not principal of a fancy school...just "guru biasa" who gets recognised as "guru cemerlang". So who has d better deal?
Why PTD r sent to education mins n dept? Cos the DGs were corrupted n incompetent. Personal record never updated, uncontrolled spendings n etc. DGs hate PTD cos PTD have blocked their illicit income, exposed their corruption n their incompetence.
PTD kat institut aku plak digelar compiler officer...compile everything yang research officer have done...pastu bawak gi meeting. Ada je PTD yang bagus tp bkn di institut sy la.
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