In the process of writing about the lie in the Liar's daughter, Nurul Izzah's allegation on the radar system of our airports here, we discovered she is quite a compulsive liar and most of her allegations in public are factually and logically deficient.
Recently, she claimed one of the strategic partner of Felda Global Venture Holdings Berhad (FGVH); namely Louis Dreyfus Commodity pulled out totally from the IPO.
Deputy Minister PM Department, Dato Ahmad Maslan denied the pullout but they refused to believe him. In actual fact, Louis Dreyfus reduce their shares to 0.5% from the initial plan of 2.5% but confirm their strategic tie-up.
According to their website here, Louis Dreyfus Commodities "is a world leader in the processing of agricultural products and the merchandising of a diverse range of commodities."
They are "number one cotton and rice merchant worldwide and ranks in the top three in orange juice, wheat, corn and sugar and in the top five in oil seeds and coffee." Isn't that a benefical partnership for the world's third largest producer of palm oil?
It shows again that Nurul Izzah lied.
She also lied in her allegation that Perimeker were paid €36 million (RM142 million) by DCNS for selling confidential documents on the evaluation of Scorpene submarine by the Malaysian Navy. The money was paid into Razak's company, Terasasi in Hong Kong.
Back when the opposition was led by Lim Kit Siang, they were ethical, and well respected for their ability to stir up the Government with their factful revelation and sound argument. WHat happened to them now?
Since led by liar Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition has fallen into a state of decline. Their allegations are poorly substantiated, void of fact, sensationalised with lies and made-up stories, and illogical arguments.
Many versions of €36 million
On this but another of Nurul's lie, she claimed in late May that the national defence secrets was sold to the French Submarine manufacturer DCNS by Razak Baginda in response to French lawyer Joseph Breham revelation.
Was Nurul Izzah aware that the same €36 million raised by SUARAM and their French lawyer was before this claimed as payment made by Perimeker to a Malta-based company Giffen. They made it out as though Perimeker had paid that amount to Giffen and eventually finds its way to Terasasi.
On another occasion, they, as in to group SUARAM, their French lawyers and opposition particularly PKR into one, claimed that the €36 million was a payment made to Terasasi from Thales Asia or Thine and not DCNS. Thine together with Armaris later had stake in submarine manufacturer, DCNS.
None of the allegations are backed with documents or some sound facts. It kept changing.
At one time, they claimed that the payment made to Perimeker for the whole €114 million (RM574 million) were commission to Razak Baginda.
Since 2007 during the Ijok by-election, Anwar claimed he has documents to show that Najib via Razak received RM500 million in commission for the two submarine purchased. [See You Tube at 4:50]
Anwar kept repeating the same allegation as recent as in Kelantan several weeks ago. But he has yet to produce the documents.
Recently, they claimed that there is a fax document to claim that Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak who was then Defense Minister requested bribe for USD1 billion for the €1 billion (RM5.7 million) purchase of two submarine.
Forget about documental proof which is likely to be non-existense, does that make sense?
Simple denial sufficient
With a storyline from them that kept changing and not backed by documental proofs, do not complain if it is being simply denied by the Minister.
Read the denial by Malaysian Insiders report yesterday:
No secrets leaked, says Mindef
By Shannon Teoh
June 27, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — Putrajaya has insisted no information was leaked on the evaluation of the RM7 billion Scorpene submarines bought in 2002 despite court documents claiming the contrary in an ongoing French inquiry.
The defence ministry (Mindef) said in reply to an adjournment speech by Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar that it did not have any information on allegations that secret documents were sold by a company linked to political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda to a French defence firm.
“To the best knowledge of the ministry, up to now there is no information detected to have been taken out of Malaysia.
“The defence ministry has no information on the allegations of so-called secret documents sold by Terasasi (Hong Kong) to Thint Asia (Thales International) said to be worth €36 million (RM142 million),” Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told Parliament early this morning.
He also denied any knowledge of dealings between the two companies, the latter of which having formed a joint-venture with French defence giant DCNS to build the two vessels, as the government had no dealings with either company in the purchase.
“The statement by the Lembah Pantai MP that the two Scorpene submarines were purchased from Thales International are untrue,” the Bagan Datok MP said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who was defence minister at the time the deal was sealed, has for years denied allegations of wrongdoing in the purchase.
There has been no evidence linking him directly to the alleged corruption in the deal and his supporters say the opposition is behind efforts to revive the issue just ahead of an election that must be called within a year.
French lawyer Joseph Breham, who is acting for activist group Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) in the ongoing inquiry in Paris, said last month the data allegedly sold was purportedly for “commercial engineering” works
Abdul Razak, a former think-tank head who was at the centre of a 2006 investigation into the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, is listed as a director of Terasasi with his father, Abdul Malim Baginda.
The company was previously incorporated on June 28, 2002 as Kinabalu Advisory and Support Services Ltd, according to the Hong Kong Companies Registry.
Suaram filed a complaint against DCNS in a special French investigative court at the Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance in April.
The opposition has described the alleged leak of defence secrets as an act of treason, demanding an investigation by the government.
But Zahid discounted any such move by the Najib administration, saying the procurement was done according to existing guidelines and it would not seek access to documents from the inquiry.
“The Malaysian government understands there is no hearing in France regarding the Scorpene submarines. Therefore, there is no question of the government asking to be observers,” he said.
He refused to elaborate when approached by The Malaysian Insider later, saying “that’s the official statement.”
Nurul Izzah, who is PKR vice president, later told reporters that the minister was “technically correct” as the case had yet to enter a full hearing and was currently still a judicial investigation.
Malaysia paid RM6.7 billion in 2009 for the two submarines of which RM574 million was earmarked for co-ordination and support services for Perimekar Sdn Bhd, owned by Abdul Razak.
Abdul Razak is being sought as a witness in the French case.
Nurul admitted the Minister is technically correct. No proof, next no talk la Nurul Izzah the liar's daughter turned liar.
She said to wait for the full hearing. but will Nurul stop repeating the lie until it is proven and presented in court? Maybe not.
Talking about full hearing in the French Court, that will take 2-3 years. Will there even be a hearing if Perimeker turned out to be genuine logistical support for the project?
They will not believe it but what if we say that they other side is aware that Perimeker hardly make any money or profit?
SUARAM under pressure
The latest revelation had all the 153 documents, compiled by police which Suaram claimed they sighted but could not get a hard copy of the documents to proof their various allegations, is released out in the Asia Sentinal here.
We suspect that SUARAM is under terrible pressure after being accused for lying and spinning but have no proof to show that someone from their side may have leaked all the documents to Asia Sentinel.
Recently SUARAM was under much heat from the accusation of lying when they announced on June 15 at their fund rasing dinner that Jasbir Singh Chahl will subpoenaed but no such instruction was received by the local French Embassy.
Since it is not a trial, there is no subpoena but call of witness. The local Embassy will pass the order to the Malaysian police to serve the appearance order. Do Malaysian need to comply?
According to Suaram here, they have legal means to get witness to cooperate.
SUARAM is merely working on hunch that there is possibility the Malaysian purchase of Scorpene submarine is laden with corruption like another case in September 2008 involving Pakistan.
GĂ©rard-Philippe Menayas, former chief financial officer of DCN mentioned Malaysian submarine contract in his memorandum in the Karachi case.
“Since the entry into force of the OECD Convention regarding the fight against corruption in September 2000, only two contracts have been signed; the first with India, and the second with Malaysia in 2002. These two contracts are the result of commercial actions undertaken prior to the OECD Convention.
Now that the documents are all released, could SUARAM care to pinpoint which documents prove their various allegations and stories. That way our translator can do his work to double check too. Our translator is pretty good. He talks French even in his sleep.
How about SUARAM first prove to us the story of the Malta-based company, Giffen claimed to be used to channel money. Show me the money!
The submarine story that is intended to be inextricably linked to Altantunya's murder have been the game played by SUARAM on Najib. That political intention is so obvious.
The submarine deal was signed in June 2002. In court in the trial against Azrilah and Sirul, it was stated that Razak got to know of Altantunya in 2004, way after the submarine deal was signed.
There were claims that she can speak 6 languages and was a millitary dealmaker or translator in the deal. The opposition spin stories that she was allegedly killed for demanding her share of the commission.
Now it turns out that she does not speak French and only speak Russian. During the murder trial, it was proven that she can't be a translator. Even her English as proved by her letters was child-like and pathetically horrible. Heard it from one of the lawyer ourselves.
Altantunya's death was being repeated by SUARAM for sensational value. And the political motivation was obvious as SUARAM only raised Najib's name to be "subpoena" as witness.
Why only Najib?
Tun Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister till October 2003. Tun Abdullah Badawi was subsequently the Prime Minister till 2009. He held the defense post towards the end of his premiership and before that. They could have drag Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Abdullah but only Najib.
There are many cases of ever changing stories and wild speculations in SUARAM's politically motivated game to smear Najib.
The lies are out there, the truth kept tight
While we happened to have some privy knowledge in this so-called Scorpene Scandal, there is no need to divulge new fact and the truth.
Revealing their lies from their sources is sufficient and we intend to debunk it one step at a time.
The police documents already showed there is no proof of entry by Altantunya into France. However, Asia Sentinel had pictures of her in France without any date, and other information. There are claims that the picture came from Dato Syed Abdul Rahman the Mongolian ambassador.
There are those that claimed she may have entered through other EU country but it seems Mongolian requires VISA to enter.
When asked of this, one of the editor of The Mole told us that SUARAM's Cynthia Gabriel made up excuse that she may have entered on diplomatic visa. That is not possible and it shows she could not substantiate SUARAM's own story here.
She is caught lying again like her alleged subpoena of Jasbir Singh and many other lies.
For a long while, the story of Scorpene only gets revealed in pro-opposition portals; Asia Sentinel, Free Malaysia Today and Malaysia Today, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicles and The Malaysian Insiders.
It is a surprise as to why no coverage from International News Agencies including France own AFP if this is scandal and a big international story.
After the revelations by MT here, FMT here and Asia Sentinel here seemed to change tone together, Reuters here reported with a less convincing tone on the corruption.
Reuter reported it as mere trouble on the Prime Minister before the election. They quoted SUARAM's lawyer answered that they couldn't prove the corruption money goes to UMNO as they alleged. The role of Terasasi is not known.
Hopefully the Government will comment on that later. Even Thales have been quiet facing up to all these wild unsubtantiated allegations. Hopefully they will clarify matter too. So do Razak Baginda.
Our suspicion is the Government is keeping quiet because SUARAM and their lawyers is repeatedly shooting their own feet that they do not need to explain anything. This is similar reaction by Zahid's easy denial.
The Government could be waiting for the right time to do so. And the opposition can only press on to swing the ball back to the Government side of the court. They may have realised recently that they are caught and the Government have something up their sleeves.
SUARAM questioned
Most blogs are only answering based on the opposition's sources. That is dangerous for SUARAM.
In the meanwhile, SUARAM is getting exposed as an organisation funded by George Soros, NDI (an American organisation with link to CIA covert operation) and acknowledged as part CIA organisation.
Their strong links with opposition is too obvious that Cynthia Gabriel has no solid answer than mere rhetorics. [Read Apanama here.]
Another big issue on SUARAM is how did they paid for the lawyers before the fund raising dinner and how they will maintain these French lawyers till the two to three years is over?
How much more dinners and fund raising to pay these expensive lawyers and SUARAM's own lawyers too? A SUARAM dinner could raise maybe RM100,000 but the legal bill could come in the millions.
One after another of their lies and propaganda is being exposed. Time is not on their side. All it takes is one 'bomb' and the reputation of SUARAM is ruined forever.
As said by YB Zaharin Hashim from Bayan baru, "The more information comes out, the more the opposition and Suaram will have to answer."
Stop using the computer then.
Dont be too sure if the submarine issue. Out of the 153 documents, Suaram can only spin stories on 4 issues.
All four issues are irrelevent and non issue. No prove to substantiate, mere speculation.
With the 153 documents revealed, the government knows what the opposition have.
They dont know what the government have to reveal. You shd be fearing the unknown
Bro.Suaran can only spin 4 issue.This is major issue.Do you think paument of Euro to Terasasi ,A Razak Bainda family co is a small issue.
We only know Perimekar received 100 euro for services they had provided. Najib had asked Razak to sell 60 percent of the shares to LTAT .
This 153 document clealy shown Najib invoved directly with the submarine contract.
How do you explain his two bodygourd can kill innocent Mongolian women.
Bro Allah Know.
Altantuya tried to blackmail Razak. Razak get help from these two officers, who cari extra money by playing bouncers, tough guys and gangsters, for people who have difficulties, private problems, debt collection, business rivalry, with money to pay & rich.
They took her away in a car, in the dark off night. One fella drive, the other sit beside her at the back. She becomes violent. The back guy try to restrain her but she resist. Somehow, during the scuffle, her cloth were torn. Her boobs, exposed. The back guy got sexually aroused, hit her unconscious, handcuff, then rape her. The driver, in front, got arouse too. Drove off the main road onto a narrow dark path to a secluded forrest, near Bukit Cerakah water catchment dam, Puncak Alam. She maybe conscious by then, but too scared to resist, because one guy is holding a rambo knife. Take her out to some clearing in the semi-forrest. Both of them, rape her again & again under the night clear sky.
Sexually satisfied, the guys then come to their senses. Start thinking of their job, wife, family and the shame, if what they did, went public. They panic, then shot her on the head. To eliminate evidence, especially their sperm/DNA, left inside her, they took C4(available in the car), shove them into her c**t, under her back & head, take off the handcuff, then blow her up to pieces.
The main road, about 500m outside, was just open for traffic, so not many people use it yet. The housing estate in Puncak Alam just open for residence. No Taman Saujana or anything yet. That time, also Raya Puasa Eve. The kampung people at junction to Jalan Paip, about 1.5km from crime scene, may have heard the gun shot & C4 blast, but nobody is alarm. Many of the kampung boys ignite fire-cracker & even meriam buloh, , especially on Raya eve.
From: The X-Files.
Detective Conan
While you have raised some good points rebutting Suaram's allegation, I still feel that your statement below does not exclude the possibility that Altantuya still could have entered France from a neighbouring EU country.
"There are those that claimed she may have entered through other EU country but it seems Mongolian requires VISA to enter."
After immigration controls between EU countries were abolished in 1995, it would have been difficult or near impossible for French immigration to know if Altantuya had entered with a Visa in some other EU country and them traveled to France.
I have personally experienced such free movement within the EU when I visited Europe in 1997 and 2003.
So while Altantuya would require a visa to land in one of the EU countries, she would not have had to clear immigration when traveling between EU countries, so there would have been no record of her traveling into France from a neighbouring EU country, even if she had in fact done so.
Besides lack of immigration records, did the French authorities also check hotel records, credit card purchases, etc. to be able to say with absolute certainty that Altantuya was never in France during that period?
As for other points, that she did not speak six languages but only Russian raises questions of what was her role in all this if any, and why was she killed.
Also, if the court documents were for SUARAM's eyes only but now have been released to big wide world, what impact will their release have on the French court's investigations and SUARAM's case.
Also, while they may have been pro-opposition in the past, I tend to think that Malaysia Today and Free Malaysia Today are pro Third Force today.
While Free Malaysia Today mentioned that the French police had no records of Altantuya's entry and Raja Petra Kamaruddin wrote what he wrote in his article Inspector Clouseau, where are you, have Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider and Malaysia-Chronicle published anything like what FMT and RPK wrote? I haven't seen anything like it on their portals.
Also two years ago, Asia Sentinel published this article about Anwar which exposes his relationship to the Neo-Conservatives.
I'm keeping an open mind on all this and the eventual outcome will be interesting.
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