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Malaysian crew on the Scorpene submarine |
However, the rapid succession of response by their master spinner or easier described as liar, Tian Chua, to dispell Zahid's denial in Parliament made us ponder on the manner they raised continuos doubt and suspicion. Since they are the accusing party and responding every answer with accusing questions, the burden of proof should be placed upon them.
For almost a year prior to the leak of the documents last week, SUARAM and PKR politicians have been demanding answers on series of allegations and speculation related to the police investigation. Their motive is to raise doubts and suspicions among the public.
They raised questions in Parliament, demand MACC to investigate, poke on certain personalities to answer them, and one wonder whether they demand for anyone to resign have been asked or not. The Government is right as to not entertain them or Government will end up playing to their tune.
The Government side have given answers after answers and clarifications after clarifications but they refuse to accept the answer. They want to continue to question and make-up stories as though the answers and clarifications are insufficient. Since they are having the doubts and making allegations, they should be the side to prove without any reasonable doubt? Why the "without any reasonable doubt" condition?
Easy ... as raised in Part 1 here, their motive is to form of link between the death of Altantuya with the submarine deal. PKR, SUARAM and opposition propaganda wants voters to believe that there was a cover-up to the murder because Altantuya was involved in the deal, denied her fair share and killed.
Then, they should "show the smoking gun!"
Consulting fee
Perimekar Project Manager for the Scorpene project in Cherbourg, first Malaysian certified submariner & fellow ANSARA, Allahyarham Mustafa Dapat |
The first was Defense Ministry's Public Relation officials reply issued at around the Ijok by-election in 2007. It was made in response to corruption allegations made by opposition against Najib as Defense Minister with relation to the purchase of Scorpene submarine purchase.The extract related to Perimeker, below:
Kementerian Pertahanan hari ini ingin memberi penjelasan berhubung kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh pihak-pihak tertentu tentang perolehan pesawat Sukhoi SU30MKM dan kapal selam Scorpene oleh Angkatan Tentera Malaysia.
Kementerian Pertahanan mendapati bahawa kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat terutama oleh parti-parti politik tertentu mengenai perolehan kelengkapan tersebut sejak akhir-akhir ini telah menimbulkan banyak kekeliruan dan salah faham di dalam masyarakat.
Selain itu, ia juga menimbulkan persepsi negatif dan prasangka bahawa perolehan kelengkapan untuk keperluan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia telah dilaksanakan tanpa mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan, tidak telus dan membazir.
Di sini, pihak Kementerian ingin memaklumkan bahawa semua rundingan perolehan adalah dijalankan mengikut Tatacara Perlaksanaan Kontrak-Kontrak Perolehan Peralatan Pertahanan Negara oleh pegawai-pegawai kerajaan. Ia melibatkan pelbagai peringkat kelulusan termasuk Jawatankuasa Teknikal dan Jawatankuasa Rundingan Harga setelah penilaian-penilaian yang teliti dibuat demi memastikan perolehan tersebut menepati keperluan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia.
Selain itu, rujukan juga dibuat kepada pihak Jabatan Peguam Negara bagi mendapatkan kelulusan ke atas klausa-klausa kontrak tersebut. Semua terma-terma dan kelulusan untuk rundingan terus dikemukakan kepada Kementerian Kewangan dan kontrak hanya akan ditandatangani selepas kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan diperolehi.
Berhubung dengan perolehan kapal selam Scorpene, Kementerian Pertahanan ingin menegaskan bahawa dakwaan kononnya kerajaan telah membayar komisen sebanyak RM540 juta kepada Encik Abd Razak Baginda merupakan satu tuduhan yang tidak berasas sama sekali.
Kementerian juga ingin menegaskan bahawa dalam soal perolehan kapal selam Scorpene, TIDAK ADA sebarang komisen yang dibayar kepada syarikat Perimekar Sdn. Bhd. seperti yang didakwa. Ini kerana perolehan kapal selam telah dibuat secara rundingan terus – selaras dengan tatacara perolehan kerajaan – dengan syarikat pembuat iaitu ARMARIS (Perancis) dan NAVANTIA (Sepanyol) yang telah mendapat persetujuan kerajaan masing-masing.
Sebaliknya, syarikat Perimekar Sdn. Bhd. yang didakwa menerima komisen, sebenarnya diberikan kontrak menyediakan perkhidmatan sokongan dan koordinasi untuk tempoh selama enam tahun. Nilai kontrak tersebut adalah sebanyak EURO 114.96 juta, yang dibayar secara berperingkat-peringkat mengikut kemajuan pelaksanaan projek.
Perimekar Sdn Bhd dimiliki bersama oleh Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), Boustead Holdings Berhad dan K.S.Ombak Laut Sdn. Bhd.
Skop kerja perkhidmatan sokongan adalah seperti berikut:
- Menyediakan kemudahan kediaman beserta kelengkapan untuk tim projek bagi 27 keluarga di Perancis dan Sepanyol untuk tempoh enam tahun.
- Menyediakan pejabat urusan dan kediaman beserta kelengkapan bagi krew kapal selam TLDM seramai 156 orang untuk tempoh empat tahun di Perancis dan Sepanyol.
- Menyediakan insurans kesihatan bagi anggota serta keluarga tim projek dan krew kapal selam di Perancis dan Sepanyol
- Membayar elaun harian dan elaun krew kapal selam sebanyak EURO 50 sehari seorang untuk tiga tahun pertama dan EURO 60 sehari seorang untuk tiga tahun kedua.
- Membiayai kos penerbangan pergi dan balik bagi setiap krew kapal selam untuk balik bercuti ke Malaysia pada setiap 4 bulan (tiga kali setahun).
- Lain-lain keperluan tim projek dan krew kapal selam di Perancis dan Sepanyol
Perkhidmatan koordinasi pula melibatkan:
Jumlah kontrak EURO 114.96 juta bukanlah merupakan keuntungan bersih milik syarikat Perimekar Sdn Bhd., sebaliknya jumlah ini adalah meliputi segala pembayaran kos langsung bagi skop perkhidmatan sokongan dan tanggungan ke atas kos tidak langsung bagi perkhidmatan koordinasi seperti yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak tersebut.
- Bertanggungjawab memastikan penyertaan syarikat Malaysia dalam pembinaan dan membantu syarikat-syarikat Malaysia yang berpotensi untuk menyertai program off-set.
- Membantu kontraktor utama dalam memberi maklumat tentang prosedur kerajaan berhubung perlaksanaan kontrak.
- Menyelaras latihan krew kapal selam antara kontraktor dengan kerajaan.
- Menyediakan laporan koordinasi setiap enam bulan.
Kementerian Pertahanan membuat keputusan untuk melantik sebuah syarikat tempatan bagi menyediakan perkhidmatan sokongan dan koordinasi kerana kaedah tersebut dianggap lebih sesuai dan berkesan. Ia juga bagi tujuan melicinkan kerja-kerja Tim Projek membuat pemantauan ke atas pembinaan dan latihan krew kapal selam di Perancis dan Sepanyol.
Selain itu, segala perbelanjaan untuk projek kapal selam ini dapat dikawal dan dijadualkan manakala perbelanjaan di luar jangka (cost over-run) dapat dielakkan memandangkan pelaksanaan projek perolehan kapal selam memakan tempoh masa yang panjang iaitu selama enam tahun serta melibatkan bilangan anggota yang ramai.
Berdasarkan kepada keperluan tersebut, maka syarikat Perimekar Sdn. Bhd. telah dilantik untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan mengikut skop kerja yang ditetapkan.Perimekar's role
Mustaffa Dapat (second from the left) and Kept. Abd Rahman Ayob (centre) during a tour of duty with the Austraian Submarine squadron. |
One was that there was a former Navy submariner or a Dolphin holder within Perimeker who was also an engineer by training.
Two, if the Government was to undertake that role in accordance with Government procedures, it could cost more and require more staff. Perimekar operated on a small staff of 5 in Cherbourg and had an office in town the size smaller than front office of a Malaysian dhoby shop.
If it had been the Government managing the affair of 27 officer's family and 127 crew which is about 500 people spread between Cherbourg in France and Brest in Spain together with the training coordination, off-set program, report preparations, etc.all due respect, but the Defense Ministry may require an Embassy set-up. Thus the need to "privatise" the work.
Thirdly, there is a possibility Perimekar helped to solve a mismatch between military officer and crew entitlement and JPA standard overseas entitlement. The JPA entitlement maybe more relevant for civilian but not in accordance with military traditional entitlement that comes with different ranks.
There may have been a wide disparity due to the high cost of living in France. Perimekar played the role of go-between and expedite matter without JPA having to prepare Cabinet paper and a Government policy just to specifically cater for the submarine project.
Finally and this is speculative on our part, Perimekar may have played the role of second or third line of double checking on the military and Government. One practise prevalent in the days of Tun Dr Mahathir administration was that the Ministers were well informed.
Few months back, SUARAM revealed a name involved with Perimekar's early days and linked him to Tun Daim Zainuddin. The person was Ibrahim Mohamaed Noor or Dato Ibrahim Mohd Nor, former Deputy Chairman of Bernas. They are right that he is linked with Daim. He was a protege of Daim. And also an ANSARA.
Since the Government had no experiance with submarine, Razak and Ibrahim may have been assigned by Daim and Najib to undertake study on submarine operations, identifying its manufacturers, military role and the commercial side of it. That way the military and Government - both Ministry of Defense and Finance - officials can't "bullshit" the Minister and no corruption opportunity from unfamiliarity.
So, if they uncovered documents claimed to be "military secret' given to Thales International Asia (Thint Asia) from whoever, it may not be a surprise. They could be involved with the specification or configuration. and it may not be the military's.
Before anyone buy into their dubious allegation, see the documents first. It could be given to all the other submarine manufacturers. Off course, SUARAM won't tell that.
Now, Perimekar could established to pick up the tab first, including hiring the like of Navy's first submariner and qualified aeronautical engineer, Mustafa Dapat and later be paid in some form.
Since this is a Government to Government deal, there is no commission to be paid. By the way, EU restrict commission to only 2%. Perimekar was to be paid as "logistic support consultant" by Government for their work.
Ibrahim pulled out prior to closing the deal. Some say because Daim quarelled with Dr Mahathir then. Maybe not quite so.
As a businessmen, Ibrahim realised that it is not a good deal and he could make better money with his time elsewhere. The research for Government is not paid and he has to do additional work to earn his keep. Unlike Razak, who is an academician and military buff than businessman, Ibrahim know better than "logistical support consulting" is donkey work and needs a jack of all trade but will be paid pittance. Generating profit means having to cut corners.
Perimekar was only financially comfortable after Government completely disbursed their money in 2009 and 2010. Only hardcore military buff would stick around for that business. As for the money Ibrahim already came out with, that is the normal cost of having links with politicians. Hopefully it gets paid later, but sometimes it doesn't.
The €114 million consultancy paid over 6 years to Perimekar works out to an average of €19 million a year. The finalised figure is not known but it gave little room for Perimeker to carryout their role and generate profit.
The basic recurring cost was believed to be about €90 million. Perimeker had to live with €24 million or an average €6 million a year to support their own operations and absorb any unexpected cost over-run. Not to mention, Government reimbursement would take a while.
To fund the project, Boustead and LTAT was invited to participate. It also strategic in helping raise bank borrowing from the only Bank familiar with defense procurement, Affin Bank. Otherwise Perimeker would not have survive because they had to fork out their own money and the escalating cost.
Due to cashflow problem at one time, Perimeker could not quite fulfill the client's entitlement to the letter. So there was give and take and camarederie between the Navy and former navy in Perimeker. On their part, Perimekar maintain a small staff force of about 5 people and small office in town, smaller in size than a Malaysian Seven-11 store.
In Free Malaysia Today dated June 1 , 2011 here, CĂ©line Boileau wrote below:
Besides, it appears that Perimekar has been declining since last year. Suspected of being created for the sole purpose of distributing a RM500 million commission between Malaysian and foreign beneficiaries after the sale of the submarines, the company, registered in 1999, defines its activity as “marketing, maintenance and other activities related to submarines and surface vessels…”.
The financial statements report that Perimekar has a single customer: the Malaysian government.
They also show that the company has a wide range of financial performance from year to year. For example, while the company has reported a net loss of RM8.2 million in 2003, it declared a net profit of RM24.7 million the following year.
In 2008, Perimekar also became a group with two small subsidiaries (Prima Laksana and Gagah Nirwana).
Now, has the golden age of Perimekar gone?
Between 2009 and 2010, while the submarines were being delivered, Perimekar’s activity has (almost) tumbled down: the company has seen its net income decrease from a profit of RM19 million to a loss amounting to RM3.3 million.
The turnover has plunged from about RM85 million to RM23 million – an amount still comfortable enough for its shareholders.
They have been granted dividends of RM56.2 million in 2009 (66% of the turnover) and RM18.7 million in 2010 (81% of the turnover).
Between 2003 and 2010, the company received more than RM200 million from its contract with the government.
However, the financial report of 2010 stated: “The company’s project with the governement of Malaysia was completed on Dec 25, 2009, after which a downsizing exercise was done in a fair manner and the company was focusing on prospecting for other viable business opportunities.”
Besides, it appears that Perimekar has been declining since last year. Suspected of being created for the sole purpose of distributing a RM500 million commission between Malaysian and foreign beneficiaries after the sale of the submarines, the company, registered in 1999, defines its activity as “marketing, maintenance and other activities related to submarines and surface vessels…”.
The financial statements report that Perimekar has a single customer: the Malaysian government.
They also show that the company has a wide range of financial performance from year to year. For example, while the company has reported a net loss of RM8.2 million in 2003, it declared a net profit of RM24.7 million the following year.
In 2008, Perimekar also became a group with two small subsidiaries (Prima Laksana and Gagah Nirwana).
Now, has the golden age of Perimekar gone? Between 2009 and 2010, while the submarines were being delivered, Perimekar’s activity has (almost) tumbled down: the company has seen its net income decrease from a profit of RM19 million to a loss amounting to RM3.3 million.The turnover has plunged from about RM85 million to RM23 million – an amount still comfortable enough for its shareholders.
They have been granted dividends of RM56.2 million in 2009 (66% of the turnover) and RM18.7 million in 2010 (81% of the turnover).
Between 2003 and 2010, the company received more than RM200 million from its contract with the government.
However, the financial report of 2010 stated: “The company’s project with the governement of Malaysia was completed on Dec 25, 2009, after which a downsizing exercise was done in a fair manner and the company was focusing on prospecting for other viable business opportunities.”The Perimekar's dividend was shared between shareholders; Boustead Holdings (20%), LTAT (20%) and KS Ombak Laut (60%), which many claimed is wholly owned by Razak Baginda via his wife. Mazlinda Makhzan.
Probably there is another shareholder in KS Ombak Laut from amongst the Directors of Perimekar that is other than Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin (Chairman) and Mazlinda Makhzan; Rozana Abdullah Meili, or Abdul Rani Mohd Hussin Abdullah or Mohd Hussin Tamby.
Assuming the final two years dividend was the profit made for Perimekar, Perimekar made RM74.9 million from the RM534 million consulting fee given from Government. They shared RM29.6 million with the military-linked cooperatives and their subsidiary.
The "real" Perimekar people only profited RM45.3 million for an effort that span for 10 years.Do your own pro-rata.
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Part of the crew before leaving home with the submarine |
Notice that they knew Perimekar cannot be a conduit to pay commission but is genuine work but they still don't want to belive and thus kept digging.
That is why they want to believe that the €35 million money paid to Razak's Hong Kong company, Terasasi is linked to Perimekar and the alleged kickback for Najib. Unless there is money trail to show such, it is all speculative.
Clue: What does Thales do? And it is not submarine manufacturing. It is only a shareholder with the French Government in DCNS.
The latest spin generated by SUARAM was made from remark by DCNS’ financial controller, Gerard-Philippe Menayas in his interview with the French police.
Menayas only made a general statement that associate companies and offshore account were used to pay kickbacks. He did not mention Malaysia specifically but inclusive of other countries. Go through this in Asia Sentinel.
There is also a document of an interview which Menayas claimed that he instructed a Malta based company, Giffen to pay for Razak and his "translator" Altantuya for travelling expenses sometimes in 2004-2006. Now Tian Chua also laughed off why the need for a translator since English was used for negotiation.
In fact, much of the negotiation was done in Malaysia.
As proven in Part 1 here, Altantuya is neither a translator or has the capacity to mediate in any arms business transaction. The agreement was made in 2002 so why is there a need to negotiate anything at all?
The operation issues can be sorted out by the operations people.
Speculate as much as they wish on Razak's tryst with Altantuya abroad but by the time Altantuya came into the picture, there is no need for translator and negotiation. Altantuya was a party girl and is not related with the arms business. That is the end of story.
It should be the end of story for Menayas's testimony too. His recollection seems guesswork and should be thrown out of the beautiful French court.
There is no money trail to support any probable claim on the Malaysian transaction or basis for Razak and Altantuya's travelling expenses.
In FMT here, Tian Chua response was reported. He raised questions as to why French submarine was chosen over South Korea. Burden of prove is on their side. Prove it!
The answer is technical and strategic, thus is best not answered. The Government does not need to reveal military details to novices. Whether it is Tian Chua or Dr Kua Kua Soong or Tony Pua, hate to be miscontrued as rasist, Chinese NGO and politician knows shit on military matters. These people have no guts to join the army or the volunteer.
They will not put their life on the line in the event of war. For all likelihood, they will run away just like Tan Cheng Lock ran to India during the world war.
Tian Chua raised also of claims that UMNO could be a beneficiary. Show me the money! Support that allegation with a money trail or its thrown down the Eiffel Tower!
He gets worse in his own Malaysia Chronicle here with various unsubstantiated allegation thrown but his basis premise remains proven wrong.
This is the propaganda methodology of the great Goebbel to keep repeating and make a lie big enough to be believable.
Despite answers from the Government, Anwar continues to make the same allegation he made in the 2007 Ijok by-election till today that the RM500 million paid to Perimeker was all kickback, the full RM500 miliion plus.
Not part of it or percentage of it, but the full payment made to Perimeker. And no money trial established. He said this without considering that LTAT is a cooperatives and Bouestead is a public listed company. And Anwar continues to claim Perimeker is owned by Razak Baginda, on behalf of Najib because Razak is his crony and adviser.
Anwar accused without showing any proof of transaction and instruction. He only said he had documents in his hand and only waiting for time to release it.
But only last week was there any documents leaked and those documents were only gathered upon French lawyers of SUARAM's initiative since 2009 to get the courts to direct police to investigate and gather information.
The sodomist lied!
Malaysian first submarine commander, then First Lt. Cdr. Zulhelmi Isnin, Cdr. Abdullah Sani Ismail, Mustaffa Dapat and Kept. Abdul Rahman Ayob at TLDM Lumut, 1997. |
Najib: No commission paid on Scorpene, Sukhoi deals
Tim Leonard
KUALA LUMPUR (May 6, 2008): No commission was paid by the Government to any parties for the purchase of the RM4.5 billion Scorpene submarines and the RM3.2 billion Sukhoi jets, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said today.
Najib, who is also Defence Minister, said allegations of corruption and cronyism were baseless as all these transactions were made in keeping with proper procurement procedures.
He was responding to calls by opposition leader Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday for the Prime Minister to set up an independent commission to probe these purchases as she claimed that large amounts of commission were paid.
Speaking to reporters after presenting excellent service awards to Defence Ministry personnel in conjunction with Workers Day in the Mindef headquarters here, Najib advised those who make such allegations to check their facts first.
His ministry also issued a statement that allegations that the ministry had paid RM540 million to Abdul Razak Baginda (an accused in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial) as commission to secure the Scorpene deal were without basis.
It said that a local company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd, was awarded a contract worth 114.96 million Euros to provide support and coordination services for a period of six years. This was the amount that was miscontrued as “commissions”.
The company’s job scope includes preparing accommodation facilities for 27 families and 156 submarine crew in France and Spain, preparing offices and health insurance policies for staff and crew, paying daily allowances of 50 to 60 Euros per person and buying return flight tickets for the crew three times a year.
Perimekar is a joint venture company between Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera, Boustead Holdings Bhd and KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd.In the latest Government official reply, Defense Minister, Dato Ahmad Zahid Hamidi answer in Parliament on June 26th is equally consistent, as below
Tuan Yang Dipertua,
Sekali lagi saya ingin maklumkan Dewan Yang Mulia ini bahawa kontrak Perolehan dua buah kapal selam BARU Scorpene telah ditandatangani pada 5 Jun 2002 oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dengan Syarikat DCNS (Perancis) dan NAVANITA (Sepanyol) selaku pembekal kapal selam dan Perimekar Sdn Bhd sebagai Project Services Provider. Nilai kontrak ini ialah EURO 1.084 bilion. Skop kontrak ini terbahagi kepada dua bahagian iaitu:
a) Bahagian Pertama: Antara Kerajaan Malaysia dengan Syarikat DCNS ( Perancis ) dan NAVANITA ( Sepanyol ) merangkumi perolehan dua buah kapal selam jenis Scorpene, pakej Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) dan latihan untuk warga kapal selam Scorpene. Nilai bahagian ini ialah EURO969.15 Juta.
b) Bahagian Kedua: Antara Kerajaan Malaysia dengan Perimekar Sdn Bhd merangkumi perkhidmatan koordinasi dan sokongan kepada Pasukan Projek dan pelatih pelatih kapal selam di Perancis dan Sepanyol. Nilai bahagian ini ialah EURO114.96 Juta.
Tuan yang di-Pertua,
Sekali lagi dinyatakan di Dewan Yang Mulia ini, Kementerian TIDAK PERNAH membayar sebarang bayaran komisen sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung kepada mana mana syarikat dalam perolehan Kapal Selam Scorpene.
Perolehan kapal selam tersebut telah dibuat secara runding terus selaras dengan tatacara perolehan Kerajaan dengan Syarikat Pembuat iaitu Perancis dan Sepanyol yang telah mendapat persetujuan Kerajaan masing masing.
Kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai bahawa dua buah kapal selam Scorpene dibeli dari Syarikat Thales International adalah TIDAK BENAR. Kementerian Pertahanan TIDAK mempunyai sebarang maklumat mengenai DAKWAAN penjualan dokumen yang dikatakan RAHSIA oleh Syarikat Terasasi ( Hong Kong ) kepada Syarikat Thint Asia (Thales International ) yang didakwa bernilai EURO36 Juta.
Kementerian juga TIDAK mempunyai maklumat DAKWAAN bayaran secara berkala daripada hint Asia kepada Syarikat Terasasi ( Hong Kong ) Tuan Yang di-Pertua, Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai telah menyarankan supaya Kerajaan dan Kementerian Pertahanan perlu mengambil beberapa langkah antaranya;The Government is consistent but the Opposition keep changing their story and asking already answered questions.
1) menjelaskan apakah benar maklumat dikesan keluar daripada Malaysia; Sepanjang pengetahuan Kementerian, sehingga kini TIADA maklumat yang dikesan keluar dari Malaysia.2) samada Kerajaan Malaysia akan memohon untuk menjadi wakil pemerhati di Mahkamah 'Tribunal de Grande Istance' Perancis untuk mendapat akses kertas pembuktian yang dirujuk oleh SUARAM;Kerajaan Malaysia difahamkan TIADA PERBICARAAN berlangsung di Perancis berhubung isu kapal selam Scorpene. Justeru, TIDAK TIMBUL soal Kerajaan akan memohon menjadi pemerhati.3) menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Bebas Diraja untuk menyiasat proses pembelian Scorpene jika terdapat unsur rasuah dan penjualan rahsia sulit negara;Kerajaan berpendapat TIDAK PERLU menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Bebas untuk menyiasat pembelian kapal selam memandangkan pembelian kelengkapan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) ini dibuat mengikut Tatacara Pelaksanaan Kontrak Kontrak Perolehan Peralatan Pertahanan Negara. Ia melibatkan pelbagai peringkat kelulusan termasuk Jawatankuasa Teknikal dan Jawatankuasa Rundingan Harga setelah penilaian yang teliti dibuat demi memastikan perolehan tersebut menepati keperluan ATM.Selain itu rujukan juga dibuat kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara bagi mendapatkan kelulusan keatas klausa klausa kontrak tersebut. Semua terma dan kelulusan untuk rundingan terus dikemukakan kepada Kementerian kewangan untuk kelulusan.4) Kerajaan Malaysia juga perlu menyokong usul reformasi Parlimen agar sistem Jawatankuasa Tetap termasuk untuk Pertahanan diwujudkan demi menjamin segala urusan penting Kerajaan bebas dari rasuah dan pengkhianatan;Kerajaan berpendapat TIDAK PERLU untuk menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Tetap Parlimen untuk Pertahanan. Ini adalah kerana sebarang rancangan pembelian kelengkapan tentera adalah dinyatakan dalam anggaran belanjawan pembangunan yang mana dibahas dan diluluskan oleh Parlimen. Proses perolehan aset juga adalah tertakluk kepada peraturan peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan seperti Arahan Perbendaharaan dan Tatacara Prosedur Kewangan.Kerajaan juga berpandangan proses perolehan yang melibatkan kelengkapan pertahanan yang strategik tidak wajar dibincangkan secara terbuka. Manakala itu, setiap perbelanjaan adalah tertakluk kepada pemeriksaan atau teguran Jabatan Audit Negara.Sekian terima kasih
YB Dato' Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia
To dispute the answers, burden of proof is on SUARAM, PKR leaders and the French Court to show that the Perimekar operation is not genuine but a facade for kickback.
Perimekar's operation exist and is bonafide. All the talk to claim otherwise must be proven. Claims of kickback must show the money trail from Perimekar to Razak or Najib via whatever vehicle.
As far as Government side, they have no knowledge of what Perimekar's money management and flow. Perimekar has delivered their work at the specified quoted price.
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A momento from the Commanding Officer (and Crew of KD Tun Razak. Thank you for the honour! |
Any accusation on Perimekar have to be proven. Not by endless raising of doubts or suspicion. No Government operate on doubts and suspicions. Because it will never end. There must be some level of surety.
Whoever spinned it as though MACC succumbed to their pressure [read FMT here], don't be too sure. Some people are not empty tin can making all the noise. They do not have to tell the world they are working.
If they want MACC to investigate, why don't they make a report to MACC?
Hopefully they get charged for false report because Perimekar operation was a bonafide operation. SUARAM could not prove otherwise. That should satisfy the French court and they will be no case to charge.Quite sure of it.
As for any unanswered doubts raised by SUARAM and their politician-activists, more on SUARAM's lies and deception next.
Hopefully they get charged for false report because Perimekar operation was a bonafide operation. SUARAM could not prove otherwise. That should satisfy the French court and they will be no case to charge.Quite sure of it.
As for any unanswered doubts raised by SUARAM and their politician-activists, more on SUARAM's lies and deception next.
The good die young. May Mustafa's work not lost in vain. We did not personally know Mustafa but was there to sent him away. Read of him in Zakhir's Zoo here and Bigdogdotcom here. |
* Edited and updated: 1/7/2012 10:30 AM
Pink Floyd! hehe
You have done a fine job so far, in clarifying this issue backed up with facts.
However, one may still wonder whether the outsource support services of a company such as Perimekar is really required but that's another issue.
Also, the murder of Altantuya by the two policemen leaves room for much speculation as to why she was killed and whether there are more people behind it besides the two convicted policemen acting as it seems in their private capacity.
There's no doubt that Razak Baginda was involved in some way with Altantuya and pictures show them together.
It also appears from that statement about bearing the costs of "Razak Baginda and his translator Altantuya," looks more like Razak was taking advantage of his position regarding company expenses for his companion but since Razak is an involved party in the Scopene submarine project and claimed Altantuya was his "interpreter," she is seen to be associated too, when she isn't.
This seems very much to be a corporate affair, much like someone treating a friend on their corporate account and claiming it as a business expense.
However, this opens up opportunities for all kinds of suspicion and accusations.
Government rules and regulations with regards its outside contractors need to be tightened up here.
Suaram & all its allies are subversively working to undermine & taint the government of Malaysia with the objective of discrediting all the good work of the current federal government with the hope of ruining the image for the final purpose that is the fall of the current federal government.
If I am to define such acts by Suaram and its cohort, I say, these are the workings of traitors! Acts of treason of the highest order have been committed by Suaram & PKR!!
I'm waiting for the day when law & order are applied to them congruous-ly!
Salam Tn Haji Voice.
Ape cita? Sihat ko?
Nice post!!
i wonder what shud perimekar do in light of all these defamatory statements issued by politician & AGOs....?
Takkan nak senyap aje kut?
Perimekar, Thales and DCNS should sue the pants of SUARAM and all these people making wild allegations without reservation.
Peimaker is a bone fide co.60 percent owned by LTAT and 40 perent by Raak Baginda.His his shares of the 500m paid to Perimaker was 240m.
Why you have to kill poor Mongolian girl when she ask her commission of only 500 k.
How do you accounted payment to Terasasi ,a company belong to Raak Baginda family for US36 m.No body know aout this payment if not because of SUARAM?
What a pity.
It is a pity that you bought into the lies by suaram and pkr.
1. Uncontested court document shows altantuya was not around before scorpene purchase was made in june 2002 and only appeared with razak 2004-2005. She was murdered in 2006.
2. Altanntuya has no role in the submarine deal and she is no interpretor. She only speak russian, broken english (see her death letter) and cant speak french.
3. How do you know Altantuya was asking rm500,000 for her fair share of the submarine deal? Her letter shown in court she admitted blackmailing razak for money from 2005 to 2006 to squell on their affair.
4. How do you know terasasi's 36 mil eoro not usd was from perimekar? The document only claim that it came from thales, not dcn or perimekar.
5. Suaram tricked you into believing that it from dcns or perimekar for razak via terasasi because dcn controller talked of paying thru associate companies and an example was razak n interpretor claim travel thru giffen.
Is that enuf to as proof? Raxak interpretor is not interpretor. So how? Why giffen must pay razak? Mayneas is not clear.
6. Could it be thales own payment for razak as services rendered to thales that got nothing to do w dcns or submarine?
7. Suaram has no proof but making loud their speculation. There is no money trail to show the euro 36 mil is from perimekar or dcns vis thales. Where is their integrity as lawyers and human rights activist to make accusation and rasing doubts without proof?
8. Without no. 7, no. 6 looks viable.
Iqbal, dont be easily fooled! Never take speculations as truth. It is guesswork
Salam, Tuan Voice
Finally a well researched, well written piece backed with solid evidence on this Scorpene muddle.
Your article shines like a lighthouse against the opposition's efforts to shoot unfounded accusations like mindless machine guns and then sit back very satisfied with themselves.
It is very unfortunate that many do not question the legitimacy of their claims but buy into it wholesale.
Keep up the good writing, Sir!
The question is why was she murdered? Who are the two guys sentenced as their faces are not shown, may be some bangles.Where did they get the c4? What was the motive? Why no records of entering the country? Answer this questions and i will believe you.
Bro anon 12.51 am.
Do ur researchla bro... Those 2 police officer were surely hired by Razak to snuff this nuisence mongolese girl who was trying to blackmail him. It was not related to the submarine deal. They covered their faces during trial. So what. Many do. Is it so strange? Check with the police recordsla if ur not satisfied. They were UTK bro.. U can buy those c4 in the black market. Hell u can even buy the less lethal tanerite through the internet. No record of entering the country? So does the milion of illegal immigrant entering the country also la bro.. Whats suaram stand on this issue? Razak should be hanged 4 his sins. Thats a fact. But he was freed on techincal terms. But so was Anwar during his "liwat: trial kan bro...????
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