There are issues and events to write about and comments to make. But who cares?
It is the holiday season and we are still in a "devil may care" mood. To pun Billy Joel's song lyric, "I am in a Sabah state of mind." In fact, we might be going again before Christmas.
It had to take one of PKR's "General Chief" attempted stunt to deviate public attention from UMNO's General Assembly to get us to get back in a writing mood.
It is not the futile anti-Lynas group or Husam-initiated Royalti Minyak Kelantan losing concern stunt or frogging in UMNO Semporna that are worth writing about
But the one on Deepak.
Simply because he tried to revive and link with the debunked Scorpene issue by still trying to slander Rosmah with the death of Altantunya. We still have a story waiting for the timing to release.
Frankly, only idiot would buy into Suaram's latest edition of French lawyer's press conference. It is ridiculous for French court to have jurisdiction on Malaysian soil on criminal issue?
Now ... the name Deepak first appeared in Raja Petra's Malaysia Today years ago when he was in his instruments playing up the link between Altantunya's murder and Rosmah that culminated in his infamous "reliably informed" Statutory Declaration.
Deepak's name was seldom bandied as a close associate of the Prime Minister's wife in the same stroke with names like Jho Loh. Since there is not enough story to play on, they created the story that Deepak was sent by Rosmah to deal with PI Bala and pay him off. [Hear Deepak's You Tube denial here.]
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Boy Dugong |
However, it is all suspicious. Maybe Deepak did meet or maybe he didn't meet PI Bala. If he did it, it is of his own accord to win the heart of Rosmah. But pleaz ... this dugong is no toyboy material.
In the first place, why would Rosmah entrust someone like Deepak, whom she just knew for few years, to do such a politically sensitive task?
Anyway this legend of Deepak could only have come out from the mouth of Dato Mumtaz Jaafar, the former national athelete and trainer to maam, and was behind many other leakage of private Najib household.
Raja Petra used to write that she was Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop "man."
It is heard that she was a toll collector arranging meeting with Rosmah and benefited financially. God knows, if there is any truth.
Since her name surfaced everywhere and had put the first family in bad light many times, Mumtaz is now no more part Rosmah's daily life.
Back to Deepak.
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Deepak the carpet man but trying to be carpet beggar |
Deepak Jaikishan is merely a carpet seller and taking over his father's business at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Read Carpet Raya Sdn Bhd latest profile here and here
He only knew the first family when Rosmah was interested in his carpet designs and commissioned him to install carpets at their private residence at Jalan Duta. It is heard that she came down to the shop.
Like any overly ambitous and opportunistic businessmen yang "tidak tahu segan dan malu" (have no shyness and shame), Deepak used the opportunity in supervising the installation to get to know the maam.
Perhaps, he did got help from maam to ask PM to help him help secure contracts for official residence of Deputy Prime Minister, Sri Satria and later at Prime Minister's official residence, Sri Perdana.
Deepak was quite an impressionable young man and he managed to gain the confidence of others to get appointed on the Board of Directors of George Kent and many others.
Basically, he managed to exploit the opportunity to the fullest by creating the impression that he is maam's orang kuat. If one is smart, getting negative expose on Malaysia Today does boost oneself sometimes. Khairy did too.
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Deepak became greedy, reckless and ruthless |
However, Deepak got greedy and reckless. He was selling maam's name to frequently and all over town that it reached Rosmah's ears that he is a conman.
The carpet man was becoming a carpet beggar ruthlessly pouncing on unsuspecting businessman. One former Tan Sri high flying corporate man had to pay him commission for fund raising which he was not part off.
It is heard and he himself admitted to Malaysiakini that he had amassed RM600 million of facility. Off course, the public would jump to make the presumption that he got those loans because Najib is Finance Minister.
Firstly, is the number right? Secondly, having facility is one thing but was he able to drawdown those facilities. Thirdly, if Najib did not help get him the facility, who then?
Deepak had raised a couple of banking facilities with the likes of Hong Leong bank, Bank Rakyat, Maybank, and bulk of it is with Kuwait Finance house (KFH). Heard to be about RM600 million. [Hear You Tube here.]
Talk of KWH, it reminded us of BCCI that went under decades ago.
KWH had a character who was the Managing Director by the name of K Salman Younis or Dato K Salman Younis. This guy was giving facility on name lending and Deepak sold himself real well.
He has since left in 2009 or he would have been in the slammer under BAFIA. Here is The Edge report
With facility available and the yearning to be a billionaire in a hurry by 40, Deepak went about town to secure, hustle and even extort deals and investments.
One such scheme was to get himself into his failed joint venture with Wanita UMNO Selangor, Dato Raja Ropiaah's privatisation deal with MINDEF.
She got it when she was not a position holder but a struggling business women.
How convenient that Deepak sued Raja Ropiah at around now when he does not have a legal fighting chance of winning the lawsuit? Read MI here.
For him to make a police report against Raja Ropiaah on claims of CBT, can the bloke differentiate between alleged CBT and alleged non-fulfillment of agreement?
Isn't it obvious that Deepak is lending a hand to assist PKR Selangor from Wanita Selangor's planned onslaught?
With the money standing by, it is easier to get and secure deals. The trump card Deepak used was Najib and Rosmah's name. How is anyone going to check with Najib and Rosmah? More so, with Malaysia Today's help to create him into an urban legend..
But since 2009, after Salman left, and his relationship with maam gone sour by 2010, things were not looking up for Deepak. His board membership were pulled back.
True he was investigated by MACC and IRD by him. Opposition made noises of him and so sure they will go in. Only thing is MACC do not make noise.
It is heard that he called maam for help to remove all the officers. Apalah Deepak, since when first lady can order around government agencies like that?
Banks begin to recall their loans. It is raining so Bank will pull back their umbrellas.
It is heard that Maybank had forsold his land to recoup the loan. Kuwait Finance House also pulled the plug on him when they found that there were elements of conmanship or fraud in the manner Deepak secured the facility.
Deepak couldn't pay back Kuwait Finance House. It is believed in the tune of more than RM100 million. Some say it is as much as RM170 million. This is part of the reason behind his debacle with Raja Ropiah because he wants his money back or give the project wholly to him.
Obviously Bank had to sue him and it is also another of Deepak's many ongoing case with Banks.
He fits in the maxim seldom heard in the securities industry, "high flyers get shot down."
This amateurish wheeler dealer but smooth talker was flying high. He once flew by private jet to Las Vegas to impress one sexy leggy Chinese girl. Smart girl .. take the money and run.
Deepak tried to seek Rosmah's help, tried to seek Rosmah's name when being investigated, tried to get Rosmah to ask Najib to ask investigators to pull their brakes and get banks to allow him to use his facilities, etc.
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Deepak .. where ever you are? |
When all fails, he tried to appear himself in public whenever Rosmah is present to salvage the image that he still has cable with first family as big as any submarine cable from Bakun to Semananjung. One instance was at Batu Caves during the Thaipusam festival.
Not only he was desperate for his failed deals, Deepak's family carpet business was going down and his father suffered heart attack from seeing his lifetime work up in "smoke" because of his over ambitous and over zealous heir apparent son.
Realising that he could go under and become bankrupt, Deepak's friends recommended him to go to Anwar Ibrahim, another fake financial adviser with Malay studies qualification from University Malaya. Some say he never actually graduated.
Deepak's friend is Dato Ravi Dharan, Chairman of Daya Group of Companies arranged for Deepak to meet anwar Ibrahim. [Read it here in Medan Info here.]
Deepak was hoping Anwar's links with Middle East banks can help him. Anwar's pro murtad daughter, Nurul Izzah smelled the political opportunity.
At one point, Deepak was in so deep a trouble that no lawyers wants to take up his cases against the Banks and also to sue Raja Ropiaah. One an understand the reluctance of lawyers to take up cases of controversial and questionable character like Deepak.
Despite being in touch with Nurul, Deepak never got to meet Nurul. He chickenned out. Perhaps he was worried Nurul will talk him out of his Hindu faith.
PKR set the bait to entice Deepak till he finally agreed to meet Anwar. And he did meet Anwar a couple of times.
One of the meeting is at the house of Dato Ravi, a close friend of Anwar. Off course, Anwar agreed and promised to help him just like he promised the people of Kg Buah Pala. Maybe promised Deepak post of Sabah Chief Minister.
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Deepak at the court |
For a start, Anwar asked his conman lawyer from SUARAM, Sivarasa to help his case against Raja Ropiaah. We call Sivarasa conman because he together with Dr Xavier Jeyakumar tried to "steal" lands belonging to former Sime Darby Indian estate workers.
Anwar showed keenness to help Deepak in order to get back in his battle to discredit PM via Rosmah. That has been his plan since he has no current issue against PM that sticks so he dig up on the past and exploit the negative perception against Rosmah.
Deepak was given lyrics by Sivarasa to sing Anwar's tune to implicate PM and his wife and revive the Altantunya's murder. Sivarasa also arranged for interview with Malaysiakini and broadcast during UMNO's 2012 general Assembly. [Read Malaysiakini here]
Free Malaysia Today sambut the story further here and here, And Malaysia Chornicles here.
Before that they had a PAS delegate raised questions and suspicions on Deepak at the PAS Muktamar. Conveniently, Harakah was one of the earliest to break the Deepak story on November 27th. Who doesn't know the power Dato Kamaruddin Jaafar has on Harakahdaily. [Read here.]
Oh Husam ... do shut up! Your Tuntutan Royalti Minyak is a losing concern. [Read here]
Deepak sang some of the lyric from Sivarasa in court but not all. Even that it was rejected by the judge in the Raja Ropiah's case as "not relevant." [Read The Edge here.]
He is smart too. Anwar has to deliver first before he will sing Anwar's song. He is a Gujerati Indian, off course he has heard of Anwar's promise with the Indian population at Kg Buah Pala.
By November 29th, there will be another of Deepak's many cases.
Whatever is to come, bear in mind that this is part of Anwar's evil doing against Najib and Rosmah. It has always been that way.
Everything coming out of this sinful prositute-visiting and young boy-sodomising Anwar are lies and full ill intentions. He just can't lead this country to greater height but to disaster.
This is the gist of the story.
The details, the proof, the documents, the ... can come later. Correct, correct, correct ...?
While writing, Anwar already tried to absolved himself. He chickened out since Deepak spoke to some bloggers Friday night. Read FMT here and here.
“Similarly, coming from Deepak, who is known to be direct associate of Najib and Rosmah [Mansor]. You can’t just be dismissive.
“If it is just a scurrilous attack. I would understand that Najib would dismiss it. But this is specific, that he is involved to reverse a statutory declaration, so, answer lah,” he added.No no ... you are not diverting it to Najib. And you are not getting away on this.
I too met Deepak. the carpet beggar. he wanted to buy a marine company, for someone.
And i saw Imtaz jaafar jogging at the lake gardens.
But not my type.
Why did you and other umno bloggers take so long to come out and assasinate deepak s character. It should have been done immediately when he started singing. Now the story has spread far and wide and people believe it. Its seems futile now.
Bro - please check, UMNO's legal council Datuk Hafarizam Harun is representing Deepak in one of his legal suits. And maybe Datuk Shafee Abdullah too (but this I am not very sure). So he must still have some very powerful friends on the right side of the political equation.
You PR people have Anwar Ibrahim as leader, you people clearly don't care about character.
All you care is the pile of lies coming out from this conman's mouth.
BTW, what this Deepak guy been doing isn't character assassination?
Don't throw stones, hide your hand and be mad when people throw stones back.
Too Late!!!
The Cat is out of the Birkin Bag!!!
Rosmah has a lot of explaining to do to Najib who is now stomping his feet in Anger!!
Only an idiot would say the french courts are investigating "Malaysians". They are calling the "Malaysians" as witnesses only.If you cannot understand a simple thing like this I have my reservations about the rest of the contents in your blog.
Why did Rosmah get involved with this fella in the first place? Why the carpet installation contract in Sri Perdana? Tiada angin, takkan pokok boleh goyang?
Sometimes maybe good also to have Hadi as PM. He may be dumb, but not pandai-pandai like all these fellas. Sigh...
Your story need some correction.Yes Ravi Dahran is close to Anwar. But Ravi is not close to Depak Carpet.I dont think they know each other and I dont think Ravi arrange for Depak to meet Anwar.
I dont think As at today Depak meet Anwar.Depak use Pkr lawyer siva because all other lawyer refuse to ack for him.Depak use Harakah to interview because all other paper refuse to carry his story.
I happen to know both of them Ravi and Depak as a businessman and not as politican.
I told Ravi to fight his case base on legal ground and not to mix with politic.
If you believe a French court can investigate into the murder of altantunya in their investigation of DCNS (not even Perimekar), well ... it is no loss that you do not wish to read further.
Too many "It is heard...." boils down to hearsays......
It's okay. Say what you wish.
Have sources to protect. Sue me or whatver you wish to do but I m no Rafizi.
I protect my source.
11:29 AM
Thanks for the heads-up but I stick to my story.
11:16 AM
Whats wrong with choosing and buying carpets?
You dont own this blog to tell me not to allow anonymous to comment. If you want to comment just to insult others, we do not welcome adolescents.
Grow up!
I would think for classy and wealthy woman like Rosmah she would leave the selection and choice of carpets for her palace to a good interior designer She sure can afford one
I m sure there are better things for an important person like the first lady to do than wander around carpets shops
Deepak case with the wife now is going to be the end of Najib. Murders of altantuya, najadi ambank finally after 4 years, the crooked trail reaches its end. Rosmah will be held out to dry with her jewelry. Good luck, your dedak is finished... Hahaha
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