That was Husin Lempoyang's depiction of Tony F and Air Asia in here.
Low caste carrier.
Typical behaviour of Low Caste Carrier is trying to stretch their luck and patiance of others too far.
Just as we guess it back in June here, "the Indons ain't stupid' and will take no shit from Tony F and Air Asia.
Apanama has the story here.
If someone can explain the Indonesia report here, which sounds Malay or English but is incomprehensible, we would gladly appreciate.
Did they had three of their aircrafts grounded for not paying airport tax?
If that is the case, it is something our airport authority, MAHB can learn a pointer or two in handling this bad boy of the airline industry and an embarassment of Malaysia.
For a long time we've been telling, if not for the idiots in Khazanah, but not Malaysia Airports Berhad who knows the real happening, not to kow tow to them.
They are not worth the extra effort.
And Air Asia's contribution to the Malaysian economy is negligible. It is only lining Tony F's pocket. Do the study and it will show.
In our posting, Macho talk, women CEO and big headache, we said:
Again, don't fall for Tony F's Jakarta talk.
It is obvious he tries to replicate Malaysian operational success abroad. At the moment, he dare not say he moved his headquarter. He still depend on the Malaysian market and would jump should it be open up soon.
But he is talking big as though he could grow profit by five-fold abroad. Can he get the same preferential treatment and political clout in Malaysia as he gets abroad partnering with former political despots? [Read The Star today here]One thing we know Tony F will be facing stiff competition:
Aside from Garuda and Lion, there is also Singapore Tiger Airways's Mandala and Pacific Royale to contend with.
One can see how edgy he is but he can't show that in Malaysia. He carries an image of being on the ball and like Ferguson of Manchester United or Branson of Virgin have the upper-hand in the war of words.Don't think by having sister of Media Prima CEO, Dato Ahmad Idham Omar, Aireen Omar as CEO of Air Asia Berhad Malaysia, Air Asia can push their way around.
We know she tried to show her spunk. Read Rocky Bru here.
If she is clever, don't try to be a man but use her natural weapon as a woman. Don't play hardball with man and try the power game of using her brother, men don't like that and eventually you will be victim too.
If we release the list that Air Asia wanted for the new LCC and how much it cost, we will make sure Aireeen is so naked that she will have nothing else for imagination.
Remember Aireen that the airline you are running cannot only make it in Malaysia.
Air Asia's new business model is a joke.
That is what this You Tube we picked up from Apanama is.
Everything about Air Asia is a joke and lower caste than the pariah that latest revelation on MAS shows the lower-than-pariah of an Air Asia alumni, if they ever left Air Asia.
Read the comment in Wee Choo Keong here, that caught the attention of Jebat Must Die here and one MAS blog.
![]() |
This logo is boring, plain colored and unspiring. Only a dysfunctional management without any sense of pride would allow Air Asia to take the red out of MAS logo!. |
Oh man ... now we understand why Wee is not relenting despite having made Danny and Rosman leave MAS. While we are giving Ahmad Jauhari the break for his willingness to address issues of our concerns, he cannot just keep quiet to these allegations.
It would mean that he is not firm and decisive enough.
The least for MAS is to communicate and engage. If they continue to be silent and not explain the truth, these allegation will be accepted as the truth and it will snowball into something bigger. Trust me!
Trying to clamp down and do witch hunting on leakage will do no good. It will still leak, trust us. Like the American Italian would say, "Forget about it!"
Just do your work honestly and be trustworthy.
And for that matter, if MAS's public relation cannot do their job properly to understand the phenomenon just described, fire them en bloc!
Dear Sir,
In short, the Indon news report says that 3 AirAsia aircraft were grounded by the airport authority due to "lateness of spare part administration" says the AirAsia PR. Of course a lot of stranded passenger went 'naik angin'. Obviously another classic case of "Now Everyone Can Fly". Yeah right. We definitely need to learn this from the Indons. DEFINITELY!
Are you a low caste Mat? If you're not then i suggest you refrain from using that on others. Kapish?
I wonder in 10-20 years time whether you'll still be alive to continue to downtrodden your own fellow Malaysian trying to do business overseas, since politically it is so exasperating to do business in their own country. By then, AA may be the biggest LCC in the world.
Someone happens to cross into some lucrative turf which were enjoyed for umpteen years by cronies and families linked to BN and he is blasted more due to his DNA being different rather than his business acumen. Some people just want the status quo to remain at the expense of the majority of travelling Malaysians.
Hopefully, you and your bunch of bashing cybertroopers do not find oneday you have to eat your own words.
The entreprenism of this guy called TF was acknowledged all over the aviation world overseas with many awards and accolades thrown in even within the business cycle locally.
Compare this with you and your cybertroopers standard and level, then tell us all where do you stand in that caste?
Save yourself further embarassment by keeping quiet and just join in and celebrate with fellow Malaysians on having produce a world class entrepreneur.
No caste man.
If you call stealing and destroying another Malaysian company that has benefited nation building through power abuse and deceptiion as entrepenuerism, forget 10-20 years.
Malaysia will be destroyed sooner than you think because people like you glorify liars, cheats and robbers.
Isn't that has always been the UMNO model of doing business?
So, if what he does follow the UMNO model, what's wrong with that?
Is is because of his DNA?
No caste man.
When devoid of any justifiable proof and argument one resort to cheap shallow politics.
The big supporter of Tony F is Penang CM and DAP supporters. Do I call that DAP's devious business model?
Since we ate about to throw political brickbats, what happened to Pakatan's holier than thou position of no corruption, transparency and good governance?
So far in Selangor and penang, it is corruption, destruction, and coverup using SELCAT.
While PAs states, the discussion on kickbacks and corruptions are in masjid.
Talk of accelarated learning curve. Or it is a natural for them.
They will say no policy of pakatan to promote corruption. It is the fallacy of human individuals.
So us show there is an UMNO policy on corruption?
At the end of it, just admit no caste man that you support corruption and called it entrepreneurship.
Can you please re write this article without the racial undertones. It sucks. You would have made your point anyway.
New motto for angry Air Asia passengers "now everyone can let fly"
No Caste Man
By your logic, if an indian cheats, deceive and corrupt, it is called entrepreneurship.
While a Malay, you label them as UMNO.
Your brains so twisted like a muruku. They should be called as what they are. Cheats, liars and corruots.
It does not matter what their race, religion or politics. That is what thry are.
Dont confuse yourself!
>>If you call stealing and destroying another Malaysian company that has benefited nation building through power abuse and deceptiion as entrepenuerism, forget 10-20 years.
>>Malaysia will be destroyed sooner than you think because people like you glorify liars, cheats and robbers
correct. this other Malaysian company has been doing "nation building" through power abuse & deception masked as entrepreneurism for the past 10-20 years. overpriced food service, contracts to cronies, inefficiency, to the point that the government used taxpayers money to bail it out repeatedly, including buying shares above market price.
at least the red airline forced it to lower down on its airfare...
Thr red company nationbuilding? What a laugh?
Lower cost?
Sorry dude, you are paying for lower stewardess hemlines.
If it is low cost, why padwith surcharges.
Then content yourself with long wait and inconsistent policies or trickery on tix pricing.
I am not a fan of TF, but why are we are all cursing TF. IS HE THE REAL CULPRIT?
Who gave him the opportunity to rape MAS?
Who is doing his bidding to sodomise MAS now?
The person who gave him the green light for the CCF is the real culprit!
Those in the current management that is doing his bidding to rape and sodomise MAS are the real culprits!
TF is a business man (unscrupulous...maybe) - period.
Like any other business man, he will grab the opportunity to make money,
and he did say that he is here to make money. He doesn抰 care who gets hurt.
Those that should have cared are the PM, BOD and AJ and the various ministries
and regulatory commissions and government watchdogs.
No use calling him pariah and all other names as the real pariahs are those
that should have cared about MAS but did not do so, and the irony is that they are our own people?
Do you all realise one very common factor here!
All those people that have screwed up MAS over the years have one very common factor- Melayu.
All those people doing TF抯 bidding now to destroy MAS have one very common factor- Melayu.
The majority of the staff in MAS are melayu, and we are being screwed up by our own kind.
Cara ini ke ketuanan melayu, tapi jadi buruh suruhan kepada orang lain dan menjahanamkan melayu sendiri.
Cara ini ke kegemilangan dan kemegahan melayu di management BOD?
Bukan TF yang buat celaka tetapi orang melayu kita sendiri di management BOD yang buat jahanam!
Kalau la management kita telus dan ikhlas, benda macam ni tak kan jadi.
Sekarang siapa lah pariah yang sebenarnya, TF or management kita sendiri !
Selamat berpuasa dan di bulan Ramadan ni, sembayang la dengan sesungguh dan
sekeras kerasnya supayah tuhan membuka mata mereka mereka ni,
atau menetup mata mereka ni untuk selama lamanya sekira mereka engkar dan
masih nak menipu pekerja mas dan orang awam.
If TF is at the bottom of the pyramid, then those doing his dirty works must be well below him at the bottom of the pyramid too. Did you bother to see who these people are?
Actually, MAS problem is very simple.
The rot started from TR but after 15 years MNY, AFD, IJ, TAZ, AJ all could not and DID NOT KNOW know how to fix it except makan gaji buta.
The solution is simple, find the common factor and fix it from the root source. Back to basic maaa!
Tan Sri Aziz has given many clues, masih buta dan pekak kah?
Hai yaa, wo zhu zai zhe, bu shi you ke !!!
Anon 10:42 wrote
“All those people that have screwed up MAS over the years have one very common factor- Melayu.
All those people doing TF bidding now to destroy MAS have one very common factor- Melayu.
The majority of the staff in MAS are melayu, and we are being screwed up by our own kind.”
Biasalah tu, Melayu majority. Kalau kat Cina, orang Cina , kat India, orang India. No racism here, please!
Anonymous said...7:27 AM
"If TF is at the bottom of the pyramid, then those doing his dirty works must be well below him at the bottom of the pyramid too. Did you bother to see who these people are?"
yang tau aku, semua kuncu kuncu dia di gomen, khazana, BOD mas ada la melayu!!! malu la melayu cam ni, lebih lebih rendah dari pariah dan TF!
Care to explain how did TR started the rot?
Be specific.
If without proof, at least show an argument "without reasonable doubts."
Otherwise, you'll be making the accusation like former CCID Chief Dato Ramli Yusof.
Such accusation without substantiating was his work as orchestrated by twisted MAS's out-source lawyer, Rosli Dahlan.
Accuse of something but not substantiated. The rest of letter talks of something else.
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