Listen to this Tanda Putera theme song as you read this posting
On July 17 before Ramadhan, the media and few bloggers were invited by film director, Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba, or comfortably called Shumi by her peers, for a sneek preview of Tanda Putera, an upcoming film due for release on September 13.
Unfortunately, words were going around last week and mStar reported on July 19 that the movie’s release would be delayed to an unspecified date. [Read in here]
They denied it had anything to do with the general election.
Director General of the National Film Development Board or FINAS, Mohd Naguib Razak said it clashes with other events like Independence Day and Hari Raya celebration. He added that they need more time to promote this ‘heavy subject’ film to the universities and schools.
The reasons cited were unconvincing and defensive. Thanks for the invite but as a blogger, we’ll say it is a load of rubbish when we sense one!
Thus far, reviews by media, mainstream and alternative, to this tearjerker film described as dramatic, patriotic and inspiring have been good. [Read one review by entertainment blog Oh Bulan here.]
Our limited cinematic understanding - from our days running the North American Malaysian students paper and reading the polemics between film-makers Mansor Puteh and Los Angelos-based Mufti Jantan in the early 80s - thought the same.
The screenplay was good and compact, straight to the point, and delivers the message right from the bat. There was none of those time wasting scenes that used to be typical of Malaysian films.
It was well-researched and the sensitive areas delicately handled without compromising the truth. The script was excellent. Good casting and loved the multiracial casts.
And off course, superb directing from Shumi.
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Great work, guys! Malaysia boleh! |
With reference to Naguib’s reasons for the delay, why should the release of this genre of film clash with any of the Independence Day events? Shouldn’t it be part of the month long celebration?
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Tun Razak was reknown for his walk about and son, Dato Najib emulated it |
Logically, there is ample time to promote the film and Hari Raya is as good, if not the best and traditional time, to release new films. More so, with a two weeks school holiday coming soon.
While, schools and Universities is the last place that need promotion of a film documenting this piece of history.
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Subversive elements was primarily faulted in the film for May 13 racial clash |
Our instinct tells us that it must relate to some groups making an uproar over the depiction of the May 13 incident in the film.
Otherwise, why would Lim Kit Siang’s blog be writing incessantly of May 13 and in his stereotyped language and argument of nitpicking to perpetually accuse the Government and its leaders as inconsistent, in contradiction and hypocrits?
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Another chaos scene caused by subversive elements |
At the same time, these Komtar cybertroopers, who are already stretched to the limit to debunk Lim Guan Eng plastering himself at the end of the rainbow, are on a warpath to make sure this film fail big time.
It is easy to figure out.
There was a scene of two Chinese men pee at the foot of the flagpole in front of the then Menteri Besar house in Kampung Baru (now site of Selborn building) and slurring racially provocative words at the Menteri Besar inside the house.
When it happened, we were old enough to understand adult talk as to who did it.
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The scene of Malay mob seeing blood on the sight of a Chinese student |
Not sure if someone uttered the name Mummy Foo to silence him but that is typical of him and his party members’ reactions when they are guilty as accused.
The only different one would be Lim Guan Eng who would instead lie or make up stories.
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The touching moment of Tun Abdul Razak confiding of his terminal disease |
So does one big sized but mellowed heart blogger was sobbing like the rest in the hall. And .. okay, we’ll admit it. As much as we tried to contain and not embarass ourselves to a pretty young lass sitting a seat away, we did shed a bigger share of tears.
It is not just tears of sadness from such scene of Tun Abdul Razak confiding Tun Dr Ismail of his terminal leukemia condition when Tun Dr Ismail was himself trying to tell him of his ailing heart condition.
Neither was it merely the tears of happiness to see the great flood of Kuala Lumpur washed away the hate and misery of May 13 and brought hope and optimism to this new nation that many destined to be a time bomb waiting to explode into chaos for the colonials to reinvade.
Nor was it just the tears from being touched by Tun Razak’s kind and thoughtful gestures to give a ride and encourage Felda kids walking far to school, or that clutsy teacher in a delapidated rural school trying hard to hide the embarassment of a big hole between classrooms, or the presents he couldn’t give to his staff when he returned in a casket.
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A usual scene in early Malaysia |
There were too many personalities in the films that we grew up and relate with, and not to mention, those we personally know.
And there were too many scenes of the leaders, and people in the struggle and perseverance to overcome obstacles, develop the nation, and find its own achievement that reminded us of our own youth filled with our own fair share of experience.
It is sad and also tragic if the film is sent to the chop shop for editting to appease those with narrow agenda to vociferously accuse it for racial overtone without viewing the film first.. Shumi said it will happen. [Read in here]
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Lies perpetrated when truth suppressed |
For that, the truth shall set us free from the bounds of the past. The more we keep silent, the more will such lies as the foreign-referenced book May 13 book by Dr Kua Kia Soong will be perpetrated.
Was it not true that DAP and Gerakan participated in rallies that later turned racially provocative and violent?
Was it not true that Malay mobs killed innocent Chinese? Was it not true that Chinese mobs killed and injured innocent Malays and policemen?
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Scene of subversive elements murdered a Malay and a Chinese rubber tapper |
For that matter, most of the snippets that form the montage on the May 13 incidents are true. Thus why do we need to deny these truth? Why this old habit of sweeping anything not so rosy under the carpet?
When the truth is not made to be told, many will not understand, refuse to agree and resort to pepetuate shallow political perception game of hatred and blame. Delaying and censoring Tanda Putera will make this nation continue to be haunted by May 13.
May 13 did not start as racial clash but was the work of subversion.
The film CLEARLY did not blame DAP or Gerakan or UMNO or anyone but blame subversive elements, terrorists and agitators infiltrating into political parties, unions, organisations, and public to invoke chaos through racial agitation.
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The scene of Dr Ismail blasting foreign media for their exaggerated death figures. Dr Kua Kia Soong used the untallied death figure from foreign sources for his book. |
As a new nation still grappling with its citizenry still in the infancy and the delicate security situation, the idea of strength from diversity has yet to sink in and it was fragile to agitations from instigators.
That was well depicted.
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Two great men and their family sacrificed to help build this nation from the rubble of hate |
The major part of the film was about this two great men, borne the responsibility to lead a nation and their selflessness and dedication to revive and propel the nation forward. The sacrifice they had to make was indeed both inspiring and touching for all Malaysian to appreciate and emulate.
For the young citizens, it should open their heart and minds to appreciate that the comfort that they have today was the sacrifice and efforts of others before them.
And the achievement the country made was not without it’s blood sweat and tear.
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The scene of Tun Abdul Razak walking solemnly in Masjid Negara as he ponders of the challenges he has to face without the person he entrusted |
Why not them?
For this important and emotive film to be unfairly delayed release, definitely someone must have made Naguib to hold back it’s release. He can deny it but we insist to believe that someone must be more powerful than he is and with the authority to do so.
That someone may have not given much thought but driven by the need to ampu the boss as though he had done a great service to protect the party from losing the general election if such film is released.
Most likely that someone posses much power and reknown for his tendency to interfere and put his hand in all the pies baked.This is someone is a control freak that insist all buck of his big organisation stops at his office.
It does not bother him that he has turned the organisation under him into a pumpkin repaired by mice in the same manner he has instructed to edit out 30% of the original version. [Read in here.]
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Caller: Tun ... there is someone from your time in your son's cabinet. Tun: He is wasting people's time. He should join me. I'll see if I can haunt and scare him away |
Talking of peas, it so happen that capital letter PEA is the abbreviation for the chemical, Phenylethylalamine. It is the chemical that makes one randy and dandy with pretty maids all in a row. Off course, not small-lettered pea-brain. He happens to be a benevolent employer.
Without realising it, this someone's act of censorship is actually a disservice to the truth and perpetuating the existing lies of subversive elements that it will be more damaging to his political party.
If this someone bothered to think and not still living by his stoneage values, he would not fell for the propaganda to accuse this film as racial and pull the trigger of censorship. [Read Shumi’s comment in here]
Shumi was so careful as to avoid the film being miscontrued as racist that she run the risk of angering some Malay by intentionally down playing the larger than life personality of Dato Harun Idris to only cameo scenes.
In fact, the suspicion was that this someone pre-empted the decision that any May 13 scene in the film is considered sensitive and will get censored.
Rumours of this sneeky someone connivingly meddling to delay the film release was the whispers among the media on sneek preview day.
The sad part of this someone is that he is known by his between UMNO transitory party comrades as a pathetic bodeking expert.
This someone is willing and open enough to meet the controversdial Taiwan-trained filmaker, Namewee but closed his mind to this film. One can see what a big bully he is.
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A scene of hope for this young country. Mesej ini macam pun mahu censor ... Mr Analog? |
Basically this someone who posses an analog mind in a digital world is so out-dated in his method and failed badly in his task this time around.
This someone isover due for retirement, thus this should expedite his departure.Although it is unlikely to happen, it would be a great nation building act to UMNO and Malaysia that he not run in the next general election and be replaced by newer, more open and dynamic minds.
Bigdog have similiar resentment on this unnecessary delayed release of Tanda Putera here. MIK is countering the negative publicity against this film here.
Support Tanda Putera Facebook here.
Do not miss the trailer video below:
To my idol, Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato Hussein ....
Al Fatihah!
And also to Allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman ...
Al Fatihah!
Al Fatihah!
Dear Sir, why don't u suggest to Shumi to release a director's cut version after the movie is screened in the cinema ? After all we youngsters wanted to see the true story of May 13th. If Namewee can get his way due to "nak pancing undi", I think we can also put the same pressure to the PERKOSA (not PERKASA) leader. I've heard enuff of May 13th made bogeyman out of the Malay. And of course, Mr.30% cut needs to go this time around. DEFINITELY. And I'm really looking forward to this film. Finally a Malay movie without all the mushy sickening "cinta" thingy!
I'll reserve judgement until I see it, maybe on Astro or if I get a free ticket.
Interestingly, a post on the Tanda Putra FB page claimed Kit Siang had peed on a flagpole in front of Harun Idris house. They withdrew the scene and the purported photo after much criticism of its factual accuracy. To add, KS claimed he wasn't in KL at that time.
The people running the Tanda Putra publicity page has also showed its ties with extreme fringe pro UMNO bloggers. Which makes me wonder how accurate or fair the movie is.
I am looking forward to watching the movie. Even the trailer has evoked strong feelings in me. It should be a strong reminder to all that our independence must not be taken for granted.
the government should listen to the voices of the majority!
and the majority demand that Tanda Putera to be released!
why the government always afraid to the minority lah?!
it doesn't mean that if the minority always barked like a mad dogs, this mean that they represent the majority!
That the problem with the Malay "concern of others sensitivity" but neglecting thier own sensitivity.
History need to be told.
There was no mention of lim kit siang in the film. Kudos to shumi's delicate balancing of sensitivity.
Why didnt he kick up a storm when zul nordin put into his face in parliament?
Apa pasal diam saja? Deny la . . . Or mummy foo tak kasi buat kenyataan ka . . ?
The commies are attacking tanda putera facebook. . . .
Takut apa pula? Ini cuma film. Kata film atau video cuma cerita sahaja dan tidak boleh di buat bukti kukuh dalam mahkamah..PAS kata "besi"...Tunggu apa?Tayangkan!!
Accoding to my friend Dato Johan,UMNO is not sure about the impact of this filem on chinese voters.The Impact on Malay is clear,they will become more commited to vote UMNO sabagai party penyelamat bangsa.
Whoever this Johan is, how did he know the impact is good for malay voters? Ada dia buar survey? Sementang dia dato', tahukah dia menilai kualiti wayang dan pasaran cinema?
Berapa orang saja akan tengok filem ini di panggung. Yg pergi tengok wayang adalah orang muda.
Kebanyakkan rakyat malaysia akan tunggu ia keluar percuma di astro dalam beberapa bulan atau tv3 raya tahun depan. Setengah akan beli dvd bila review bagus.
Apa yg depa sibuk pasal orang cina apa kebenda? Ramai ke orang cina pergi ke tengok filem melayu?
Yang kecuh2 di facebook adalah cina dap dan bersih aka suaram yg di penuhi komunis, keluar atau tidak, mereka tak mahu kebenaran dijelaskan. Kalau cina rasional, mereka faham maksud wayang ini.
Buat apa nak dilayan kumpulan fringe begini?
This is just a film.about two men and an interpretation of history. This rais tangan sotong and hati pondan is making mount everest out of bukit nanas.
Assalam Bro
release ajerlah ori version kat youtube. Kita orang melayu boleh support kasi donation kaw-kaw punya. silap2 boleh pecah 'peti pejabat'. Apa silap movie nie? Biar rakyat adili. Itu Namewee Binawe lu orang boleh support kasi masuk panggung, ini tak boleh kah?
Perhaps after this Suhaimi could publish Director's Cut or extended version of Tanda Putera and sell it via website
Release! Release!
Gomen buat lah apa pun, keturunan komunis ni tak akan undi BN punya. Nak "hidung mancung pipi tersorong-sorong buat apa'? Enough with the carrot for them already. Time to wield the stick.
Tengok apa dia buat bila Gomen lemah.
SEGAMAT: Over 7,000 signatures were collected at a rally organised by Chinese educationists here in support of a Chinese independent school to be build here.
Various Chinese associations and non-governmental organisations nationwide sent their representatives to the rally held at Kampung Abdullah field on Sunday.
Present were MCA leaders, including Jementah assemblyman Datuk Lee Hong Tee.
On hand to address the crowd were organising chairperson Ser Lai Hing and Dong Zong chairman Dr Yap Sin Tian.-The Star
Dear ABITW, could the one-man censorship board be rais yatim? & he's indeed naguib's boss.
tanda putera
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