That is not a flagpole, Kit!
If it had been the due-for-display-in-a-museum Minister of Information, Dato Dr Rais Yatim that is trying to curb the freedom of expression on Tanda Putera, it can only be expected. But another tantrum from Mr Lim “piss-the-flagpole” Kit Siang?
After all, Rais was the person who orchestrated the vengeful and deceitful game to prevent Tanda Putera from showing. There is no issue of Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, or Dato Nazri Aziz or others pursuading PM to hold back the film.
If he had allowed it, the issue would have died off and May 13 is a non issue by now. The spectre against the Prime Minister’s father, Tun Abdul Razak from Dr Kua Kia Soong’s May 13 book would have dissipated and hopefully died.
The public would have endeared themselves with Tun Abdul Razak. Politically, one would hope the voters will further endear themselves with Dato Najib.
Rais manouvered through Naguib Razak, the former Director of FINAS, who was made to bark at his request using the short term contract and few months extension as his leash. Pity the bloke, Rais did not renew his contract and eventually replaced him. Certainly this is no way to develop the potential oin the local film industry.
Unfortunately, it is the same leash Rais have been using to reign Dato Sharil of MCMC. So there goes the Multimmedia industry. Heard there is a last ditch fleecing of the industry before someone goes away.
Another officer in the same faith as Naguib is Bernama's Dato Hasnul. Is some transaction brewing at Bernama TV?
In the meanwhile, Rais is now sore with Dato Fuad Hassan, who no more disclose everything to him, but only to PM. Enough bitching of the control freak and his ever foolish and egotistical ways.
For Kit Siang to make an issue on the recent private screening of Tanda Putera, it is truly a sad case of hypocrasy of the highest order. What happen to his life long struggle for free democrasy, freedom of speech and freedom of expression?
Never mind that his son is disinterested in the freedom of the press with his lawsuits against Utusan Malaysia, banning selective mainstream media, threatening reporters and journalists, and childish tantrum when asked to the wall.
More so, his habit of calling a gag order evertime DAP is caught in a public spat is bewildering. Perhaps, Dr Mansor is right to help us realise that CAT does not stand for “Competency, Accountability and Transparency” but “Cocky, Arrogant, and Tokong.”
One wonder of the kind of democrasy that DAP practise when their friendly media, Malaysiakini could make the preposterous demand for military transparency in the midst of a security threat in Lahad Datu but issue a gag order on the open DAP-PKR spat between Dr Boo Cheng Hau and Dato Chua Jui Meng.
Unless DAP has a different working definition, freedom of the press is the freedom of speech and expression through vehicles including various electronic media and publication.
Freedom of speech is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint, so gag orders is against such freedom. While freedom of expression is the freedom to speak without censorship or limitation, or both. So why the fuzz again on Tanda Putera's closed door screening to Felda settlers?
The film touches a lot on Felda and it should help remind them of their history. It should not have been a closed door screening but public screening. But no .... Malaysiakini has to make it into an issue:
It is Malaysiakini now raising the spectre of May 13
Malicious plan behind May 13 film, claims Bersih
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
(Malaysiakini) - The Bersih coalition has condemned the closed-door preview of the film Tanda Putera yesterday, saying that it perpetuates the politics of fear and is “a step backwards” in the nation’s political discourse.
“Although we have yet to watch the film, we understand there are parts of the film that are unhealthy that could trigger interracial hatred and distrust."
“We feel that there is malicious intent behind the airing of the film, such as scaring the voters so that they would continue to support BN."
“We feel that this practice is unhealthy. What we want is competition that is healthy, based on policies regarding change, health, education, development and others. That is what we want – debate,” said Bersih steering committee member Toh Kin Woon (picture) at a press conference today.
He added that this would be better than inciting fear, because it enables voters to make their choice after comparing the policies of contesting parties.
The controversial film, which has yet be aired publicly, was shown to some 3,000 Felda settlers yesterday at Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s request.
Post-May 13 National Operations Council
The film was about the relationship of Najib’s father and then Prime Minister Abdul Razak Hussein and his deputy, Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, in the aftermath of the May 13, 1969 racial riots.
However, critics have said that the film’s depiction of the riots was too reliant on the official version of the events.
The film’s director Shuhaimi Baba had defended the film, saying that it would help the nation to recover from its May 13 trauma.
Notice the keyword “yet to watch the film, we understand there are”? Whose understanding was it? DAP's?
Who else but Kit Siang. Read on in FMT full here.
First thing first, the movie was never censored or reviewed again by Censorship Board. It was cleared from the first time it was meant to be shown publicly.
The recent showing to Felda settlers only proves that there is no such censorship and cleared for public viewing. It was only Rais’s lie to fulfill his vengenceful ways on the film industry for not kneeling to himself as Zork.
And, Dato Hishamuddin, the Minister, in which the Censorcship Board comes under, was a willing accomplice to stand down from correcting that wrongful accusation.
If Rais wants to be angry, go channel his outburst with his UMNIO counterpart, Dato Ahmad Maslan. It was he who requested for the film to be screened.
Initially, it was thought to be for 600 people but it was reported to have attracted 3,000 viewers. Did some PM Adviser say no one wants to see the film? Kasi pulang paku buah keras.
What is wrong with them watching it and be reminded of Felda's pioneering spirit and Tun Abdul Razak as the man behind it. It is a long hard struggle before they are what they are today.
Some claim it is political. What is not political in Malaysia? Kit Siang can piss on some flagpole and it be a political issue. What more with Felda being politicised to the hilt these days. Free democrasy allows all sides to present their point of view.
ANAK only surfaced few years back to politicise Felda with false and unsubstantiated accusations, and slanders to gain some vote for PAS. They were never part of that struggle to provide a lifeline for these landless farmers.
Mazlan Aliman was not a settler or assisting to toil the land of his father. He was a bumb at his Johor Felda parent’s home.
Mazlan created fear and false hope to the settler. In the end, he absconded with a major part of the compensation meant for the suing parties, i.e. Felda Kemahang 3 settlers. Felda decided not to appeal their technical victory but just pay off the demanded money.
Something is strange with this opposition fear with Tanda Putera's private viewing. It must be because of fear, DAP is willing to piss on their principle and decade long struggle for the democratic freedom they preached all these years.
One wonders why are they fearful of a movie about the sacrifices of two great Malaysian leaders in facing personal and security challenges while at the same time, build the nation, unite the multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia.
The May 13 riots was merely the backdrop or intrductory background of the situation of the time and it was the touchy situation that the two great leaders and freinds had to handle. At the same time, they had to struggle to annihilate the communists insurgents which ended only in 1986.
Like any other movie of same genre – such as Gandhi, it should not have been made an issue as it is just a movie interpretation in depicting the enigmatic leadership in quelling the racial uprising on the agitation by communists insurgents and how they put the country back on track.
There is nothing sinister about the movie and nothing that can create a Malay uprising or racial clash or anything of that sort.
Hong Kong have produced so many patriotic movies ridiculing and running down Japanese and other races and those movies were screened here without anybody making any noise. So what is wrong with Dato Najib allowing the private screening of Tanda Putra to Felda settlers?
After all, the movie can enhance the settlers knowledge on history of the country and feel the hardship of the country’s leaders in trying to make Malaysia a developed and peaceful country.
Bersih and DAP’s grumblings and noises on the movie has no ground and baseless. If the movie is no more for public viewing until after election, why their fear?
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Bersih should blame themselves for opposition's dwindling support |
Bersih is actually voicing out the minds of the oppositions and they are in fear that the movie would influence the minds and hearts of Malays to vote for Umno. They have indicated the fear enveloping the opposition when the Malays are now unite for UMNO and the opposition can only dream of Putrajaya.
The Malays are actually running away from them – DAP being chauvinistic Chinese, PKR having jokers and ridiculed by DAP while PAS is steering away from the basic struggle of strengthening Islam. They see Anwar Ibrahim and PAS leaders such as Nik Aziz Nik Mat and Abdul Hadi Awang being controlled indirectly by DAP leaders and how these Malay and Islamic leaders being run-down and belittled.
Tanda Putra the movie is just a reminder, just like the movie Gandhi, on how the population should value and appreciate what they have right now from the sacrifices of former leaders. The opposition fear most when the Malays are thankful and appreciative.
This same fear is making them jittery of whatever moves UMNO and BN makes. They fear of losing everything they have been fighting for all this while – power and the opportunity to dictate – not divide and rule and dictate.
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Academic fiction written based on a weak class theory |
They know that by making enough noise and creating the perception of Chinese public against the private screening they can make Rais Yatim fearful and return to his tantrum. However, Rais Yatim failed to realised that the failure of his Ministry to debunk the May 13 book by Kua Kia Soong that inspired this film.
The book was a case of fitting selective and foreign bias speculation of events to fit the Marxist theory of class struggle but was left unanswered and not responded aggressively. His bodeksters-filled Ministry allowed the strange ideas of May 13 as a conspiracy to maintain elistist control on power to flourish.
In the first place, class theory is a theory rejected and seen as impractical in the social science academic circle. For Malaysia with it’s racial and religous diversity, society cannot be simplistically streamlined into the ruler and the ruled.
The Marxist theory would insist on the ruler holding controlling on the economy. Perhaps, someone can tell us if the Malay ruling elites were rich then? Tun Abdul Razak came from a bangsawan family but had to walk for miles to get to school. Did anyone ponder about that?
Off course, it raises the question that the Malay ruling elites were doing a pwoer grab to enrich themselves. If it had been so like those dictators of Indonesia and Phillipines enriching themselves but leaving the people impoveished, can UMNO and Barisan Nasional sustain to be in power for this long?
Kua Kia Soong is just an excuse to promote doubts in the mind of the people based on some flimsy sociological theory and disparate view of events from the perspective of the ever suspicious and deceitful western journalists and embassy officials.
Dr Kua can have his say without being censored, so what is wrong with Director Shumi having a say. Let the people and public ponder, discuss and conclude themselves. Why is Bersih and DAP so fearful?
If pissing Kit Siang can’t handle the freedom of speech and expression that is emerging despite being his life long struggle, it shows he is long overdue to retire and dissappear from the land of Malaysia.
wonder why Kit Siang did not give the same reaction over "Cinadoll the video"
I say put a stop to these racists parti dapigs lobsided views and demands. Just screens this movie to all kampungs and dewans sponsored by the rich UMNO businessmen. There are no laws against it, after all this movie is approved by the censorship board, so why not.? If no panggung wayang wants to screen it, then do it on the the businessmen own initiaves. Time to pay back what they earned and show some patriotism towards their own race. Itu kaum dapigs mau buat bising dia punya pasal, itu dia jaga bangsa sendiri, kita jaga bangsa kita sendiri, thats racists. Im proud of it, after all , whats so racial of screening that movie, Tanda Putera, when theres no law against it.? Other than stooping so low towards the dapigs demands , just screen it on a private iniatives.Why limits the screening to only Felda settlers, all people that has been affected by that incident during the year of 1969 and their generation should know and be reminded of the atrocities effecting all level of races and societies. Its educational.
So BERSIH, its freedom of expression only if it favor the party you support eh?
What about the following statement/action made by the group that you support back then? people dont have the right to know?
*“Hold high the Red Flag of Martyrs and carry out revolution to the end, to die for the people is as heavy as the mountain of Tai” – reportedly said by the party that "the pole pisser" belong to.
This was what recorded to have also took place:
Pada 4 Mei 1969 di Kepong, sekumpulan pemuda Cina menconteng grafiti anti pilihan raya. Polis suruh berhenti dan diserang dengan besi dan lastik besi. Polis pertahan diri dan tembak mati seorang. Mayat di preserved untuk perarakan pada hari undi 10 Mei.
Pada 9 Mei 1969 di Kuala Lumpur, perarakan membawa mayat melalui Kuala Lumpur dan menyebabkan jam, melaungkan slogan ‘Malai Si’ (Melayu Mati) dan slogan ‘Mao Zedong’ termasuk hutang darah dibayar darah.
Pada 10 Mei 1969, Pulau Pinang tumbang, nyaris kalah di Selangor dan Perak. Beberapa kerusi Parlimen tumbang kepada DAP dan GERAKAN.
Perarakan kemenangan dibuat pada 11 Mei 1969 di jalan BrickfieldS pada pukul lima petang. Dia kata apa? “Apa polis boleh buat? Kita Raja,buang semua polis Melayu”.
Pada 11 Mei 1969 pukul 8.30 malam di Jalan Bukit Bintang, perarakan DAP – “Mati Melayu, sakai pergi masuk hutan”.
Pada 11 Mei 1969 pukul 10.00 malam di Jalan Changkat Dollah – “KL sekarang Cina punya”.
Pada 12 Mei 1969, satu perarakan di Jalan Ipoh, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Parlimen, Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Hill masuk ke Kampung Baru dengan 500 skuter. Apa mereka kata? “Melayu balik kampung, Melayu sudah tiada kuasa. Sekarang kita Cina control.” Bila lalu depan Kampung Baru mereka kata “Melayu keluar! Apa lagi duduk sini, kita hentam sama lu, sekarang kita ada kuasa”.
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 7.30 petang di pondok polis Jalan Pudu – “Maki polis! Semua Melayu kasi habis, kasi halau semua polis.”
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 8.30 malam di Jalan Bukit Bintang – “Apa ini Melayu, kita sudah perintah dia negeri, ini negeri bukan Melayu punya, mata-mata lancau”.
Pada 12 Mei 1969 pukul 7.00 petang di Jalan Canvel – “Butoh Melayu, Malai si, pergi mati Melayu”.
Pada malam 12 Mei 1969 di Jalan Bukit Bintang – “Ini negeri bukan Melayu punya, kita mahu kasi halau semua Melayu.”
Pada awal tengah malam 13 Mei 1969 di Kampung Baru – “Maki orang Melayu, Melayu balik hutan.”
Pada 12 Mei 1999, 9.30 malam, PJ. – “Sekarang kita perintah apa boleh buat? Melayu balik kampung. Melayu sudah jatuh, MARA boleh keluar. Melayu balik kampung, MARA hendak beri habis.” Tuan Yang di-Pertua, ini yang berlaku pada masa itu.
Ini juga direkodkan:
“Pada 11 Julai 1964 di pasar Bukit Mertajam, seorang pekerja Melayu diketuk dengan cangkul oleh seorang anak tauke Cina sayur berumur 15 tahun. Dia buat report, polis lambat ambil tindakan. Dia tidak puas hati, dia pergi lapor kepada Majlis Daerah, maka beberapa tindakan diambil. Berlaku pergaduhan dan seorang Melayu dibunuh. Gambar dia ada lagi dalam ini – gambar dia dibunuh. Encik Kasim bin Omar terlentang atas lantai pasar dibunuh oleh sekumpulan Cina – berlaku tension pada masa itu.
Kemudian, saya ingat lagi pada masa itu sudah mula perasaan tidak puas hati ini timbul. Baru-baru ini saya ada ceramah di kawasan Kampung Baru. Orang-orang tua di situ cerita bagaimana terhinanya orang Melayu pada masa itu pergi ke Chow Kit hendak beli barang daripada Cina. Minta cili, minta bawang, DIA TUNJUK DENGAN KAKI SAHAJA – lu angkat ini. Ini perasaan orang Melayu pada masa itu.”
*Extracted from Hansard
Noone gives a rat's ass what Toh Kin Woon feels and feels and feels. If you have not even seen the movie Bersih-Toh, why you keep feeling and feeling. Shut the fish up! we dont need to hear about your feelings. If you cant back up with facts- dont try to give your opinion. Jelak laaa
So Mr. Brick, you've watched the movie, right? Enlighten me, why do the pro-PR insist on calling it the May 13 movie? How long is the movie and out of that time, how many minutes are the actual riot scene? May be you should do a pie chart and write in big prints because I think their comprehension level requires lots of colorful pictures for them to understand.
Anon 9:02
In peace time, your suggestion is good but these people are rrebel rousers who are beyond reason.
They, LKS included, are beyond any ounce of honesty but just psychological sick and mentally deranged rebel rousers that would harp on anything to deliberately mislead people ann influence public to suspect any govt good initiative.
This is the sickening politik baru perpetuated by the equally mentally sick UMNO Deputy Minister, Saifuddin Abdullah.
These DAPsters are worried that the truth will be known and they will lose support again. So they need to make it as though the government wants to threaten the CHinese by inciting on the Malays.
Time has change lar idiots!
actually kit siang will act like a dog especially with his gang around.
he'll bark at anything he doesnt like but will hide away if you act like throwing a brick at him.
Lge also the same
I wouldn't even know about Lim Kit Siang pissing if he didn't throw a tantrum about a movie that's not even screened yet.
The lady doth protest too much.
So clever of him to put people attention to that, and by so clever I mean stupid.
Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore's failed policies fame is the tail that wags the DAP. Please go home to Daddy, Daddy's Action Party. Please leave us Malaysians alone to enjoy our peace, stability, prospertiy provided for us by the BN as led by the UMNO with 14 component parties.
How can the DAP compare with the great Lee Kuan Yew with the warts or feet of clay. During his rule of 55 years over Singapore, the indigenous population reduced from 100% to 62%. The Government White Paper envisages that this 62% will be reduced to 31% by a generation. This failed policy of Lee Kuan Yew is what the DAP is trying to con the Malaysian voters. In fact, Lee Kuan Yew's policies mainly failed. Never allow DAP to rule. They do not have one iota of Lee Kuan Yew's intellect !
The World has never seen a Ruler reduces his own supporters so after World War 2 !!!
Lee Kuan Yew is the tail that wags the Dog !
Ask them to make their own version of the movie lor. After all these days, their coffers very bloated ma. Can rival those of BN.
Tanda Putera? More like Tandas Putar.
Saw parts of the movie... boring, poor acting, gross historical inaccuracies. Sekeping papan pun ada lebih karisma dpd pelakon utama.
If UMNO is putting their hopes on a movie to get back their support, they sure have low expectations.
IF Rais Yatim really did restrict that movie from screening he surely did a favor for Shumi Baba's career. :)
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