Finally, Raja Petra revealed his 'reliably informed' source of information as Lt Kol Azmi Zainal Abidin. This Lt Col is the source of RPK's controversial Statutory Declaration which pinned the accusation on the murder of Altantunya to Rosmah.
According to his "reliably informed" source, Rosmah was present with allegedly a C4 expert then Lt Col Aziz Buyong and her ADC and wife to then Lt Col Aziz, Norhayati. Both have since made statutory declarations to deny such allegations, thus returning the burden of proof lies with Raja Petra.
In his latest No Holds Barred column entitled The Mystery of the Missing Confession here or here, RPK disclosed part of his interrogation with the Special Branch during his detention under ISA in September last year.
RPK revealed Lt Kol Azmi as number two man in the Special Branch of the Millitary Intelligence. He also claimed that his MCKK collegian, Dato Nik Azmi Nik Daud or popularly known as Bull encouraged him to do the Statutory Declaration based on this Lt Kol Azmi's information. Bull is a long time Tengku Razaleigh supporter.
RPK claimed he had asked another Ku Li staff, John Pang to double check with Ku Li of the reliability of Lt Kol Azmi. He requested the same from Din Merican with Anwar Ibrahim.
Another name revealed is Dato Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis or popularly known as JJ. RPK claimed to have met JJ at a stall of Jalan Ipoh and was offered money by him to stop implicating Altantunya with Najib. A 'friend' checked with JJ and he has denied meeting RPK after he has stop associating with Tun Mahathir.
Rocky had reported John Pang's denial. I could dig up for Din Merican's old business card and try to verify with him. So is in the case of Bull.
In summary, Lt Kol Aziz Buyong, Norhayati, John Pang, JJ, Monglian rep Syed Abdul Rahman and investigating officer (name forgotten) denied the revelations by RPK.
Balasundram could be a story for RPK to work on. But as far as the court is concern, he comitted perjury and his words have no value. Lets give this one person in favour if RPK.
We are left for confirmation from Niz Azmi, Din Merican, Ku Li and Anwar Ibrahim. If John Pang denied, I would expect the same with Nik Azmi and Ku Li. Din and Anwar has a tendency to do their "PKR thing". Readers either believe or not.
However, all these people's testament will not be as important as the most crucial person i.e. the Lt Kol Azmi claimed to be from the millitary outfit Anggota Tentera Cawangan Khas (ATCK).
My initial check with 'a friend' is that there is non-existence of a Lt Col Azmi. You are entitled to refute because I am not revealing my source. But I'll tell you why Lt Col Azmi may not exist. Simply because the person RPK claimed holding such post is a different person.
[I did not bother to ask the names of the position holders. Ignorance is bliss here. Or maybe I know the names?]
Is RPK still hiding his real source of information? Or he is fabricating a story? Or he had been duped into believing information supplied by a person claiming to be Lt Col Azmi?
I hope he is not doing any wayang becasue the life of two policemen's is at stake.
* Updated 9:20 am 6/5/09
RPK is a fiction manufacturer
kengkadang saya sedikit muskil dengan rpk. Dia punya cerita dan dialog, sebiji macam cerita drama swasta. Kecuali dia rakam dan taip semula dialog perbualan tadi atau dia rekacipta, maka dialog tadi nampak lebih 'realistik'.
seingat saya, saya boleh ingat pelbagai cerita bila kita berborak panjang, tapi tak pernah pula saya ingat dialog panjang yg boleh hafal 1 per 1.
Hebat juga kepala otak rpk ni!
One of my staff married a Police ASP attached to Syah Alam. Dalam surat nikah, pekerjaan pun Pegawai Polis.
She drives a car to office with a big Police logo and seems the husband is always gone for weeks on secret OPERASI.
Eight months later she discovered this husband is actually a father of 5 (that's his OPERASI, balik rumah isteri tua beminggu2)
and his real job? Driver lori sampah..
Who knows, maybe this man is also RPK's Colonel Azmi? hehe
Sorry for laughing..
RPK.. another anak wayang that being a pawn for Anwar.. I already read Bro's Rocky article.. Yes he did said
"I happen to know John Pang, one of the characters who starred in RPK's latest piece. Told him about the article and the role he was supposed to have played in making RPK believe this person."
"John, who was abroad, said he was shocked. "The King of drama does it again", was the SMS that I received from John."
Quote from :
Then You also claimed that this col, is not exist..
There they go.. Another make up sci-fi thriller genre story from Anwar and the gang.. They sure good to create this kind of story.. Clap to them!!!
About two life that involved in this case.. I am have no comment..
Anyway.. Nice Article.. Love to read them.. Keep up revealing the truth and untruth..
ATCK -officially known as 92 ATCK- is one of the intelligence unit in the army, together with 165 MIB, 91 Rej Khas Perisikan Tempur and BSPP.
The fact about St Bull is true, but whether the story about him urging RPK to make the SD is still uncertain. But knowing Pete, I really think he's delusional nowadays. Wonder why...
Sure AnWar dah suruh RPK lari lintang pukang untuk nak selamat pembohongan AnWar sendiri... sama ler saperti Bala PI tu.... munkin dah dapat duit cukup untuk tinggal diluar negara.... bila duit habis merayu nak balik Malaysia... hehehehee
lt col azmi zainal abidin wujud.tapi diberitakan telah meninggal dunia 4 tahun yang lalu.
sumber dalaman ATM
RPK is fast becoming Raja Penglipurlara Kebangsaan. He should be a film Director just like Kickdefella
A compulsive liar knows no boundary...
Berani kerana benar (sanggup masuk mahkamah pertahan kebenaran, takut kerana salah (lari luar sempadan (boundary la tu) pasal sedar diri tu salah).
So RePeK, mana mau lari?
sebenarnya 'informer' rpk ialah kucing sebelah rumahnya.hahahahaha
I think you must dig deeper to find out the truth. Lt Kol Azmi might now be a full Kol... he might also be in other department... who knows... this blog says he exist
Come on... dig deeper... right now RPK is making the story interesting... making the unbelievable believable.
Bro Voice,
1. What is your take on MalaysiaKini and TheMalaysiaInsider writings in regards to Tun Dr Mahathir latest speech ?
2. Clearly these 2 news agencies are MANIPULATING Tun Dr Mahathir words.
3. If you see the video in YouTube, Tun Dr Mahathir NEVER mentioned or gave any hint that he agreed that Sultan cannot remove MB.
4. What Tun said was Agong/Sultan cannot remove PM in federal constitution.
5. This is NOT THE FIRST TIME they have been doing. They are trying to laga-lagakan Tun with Najib and UMNO.
6. Very irresponsible and unprofessional!
7. Do you have any idea on how we can teach these idiots a lesson (in $$$$ wise of course...) ?
Reymond Grey
I see you being too personal with Rocky and it has ntg to do w the RPK issue.
Your view of Rocky is based on others' view of Rocky. Thats not so much for credibility.
Do it elsewhere, but not here.
read my blog:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Walkdtalk pengecut
Apabila dimaklumkan beberapa orang sahabat handai yang menyuruh saya membaca blog walkdtalk09, sebaik pulang dari kerja, terus saya membacanya. Suami saya agak marah apabila membacanya, tetapi apabila saya membaca tulisan itu terasa lucu pula.
Saya memang tidak hormat orang yang suka "baling batu sembunyi tangan". Bagi saya penulis seperti ini berani di belakang sahaja dengan bersenjatakan pena, tetapi takut bersemuka dan berselindung di sebalik nama samaran. Bagi saya orang seperti ini adalah seorang penakut. Bak kata bidalan, paku dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia yang lebih!
Profilnya berbunyi "Menyahut cabaran DS Najib, berani menegur dan berani berubah" Nak termuntah saya membaca ayat itu. Awak yang sebenarnya yang cakap tak serupa bikin. Kalau awak berani menegur, kenapa mesti berselindung di sebalik nama samaran?
Saya boleh menerima teguran dan kritik dan tidak akan berselindung di sebalik topeng. Semua orang boleh membaca profil saya dan tahu di mana mahu mencari saya. Tidak seperti awak, penakut!
Awak sedar tak apa yang awak tulis itu bukan komen, tetapi adalah satu fitnah yang direka dan SUA PM sendiri boleh menyokong kenyataan saya.
Beliau mendakwa mendengar sendiri perbualan saya yang kononnya meminta projek dari SUA PM (macamlah orang tak tahu siapa yang dimaksudkannya itu).
Wahai cik kak/adik/abang di sebalik gambar orang tua manalah tu! Sesiapa pun boleh mereka ayat seperti yang awak reka itu. Adakah awak mempunyai bukti yang sahih mengenai tempat, tarikh waktu, rakaman dan saksi peristiwa itu berlaku?
Saya sudah menelefon SUA PM, Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin Tengku Ahmad dan memberitahu beliau mengenai penulisan blogger penakut ini serta meminta nasihat beliau apakah tindakan yang wajar dilakukan.
Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin pada mulanya terkejut, tetapi selepas saya membacakan komen itu di telefon, beliau terbahak-bahak ketawa dan berkata: "Bila masa engkau minta aku projek dan apa projek yang aku boleh beri pada kau? Mengarut. Inilah masalah blogger yang menulis sesuka hati dan mereka cerita. Aku sokong jika engkau mahu membuat laporan polis."
Wahai penulis yang berselindung di sebalik topeng, saya sudah mengenali Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin selama 20 tahun dan sejak beliau menjadi setiausaha akhbar PM selama lebih dari 10 tahun saya tidak pernah memintanya apa-apa daripadanya. Saya juga tidak pernah meminta apa-apa daripada mana-mana Menteri, Timbalan Menteri atau KSU.
Saya juga hidup sederhana dari dulu sampai sekarang. Walaupun duduk di apartment kos sederhana dan memandu kereta yang sudah berusia lapan tahun saya gembira kerana apa yang saya ada adalah hasil titik peluh sendiri secara HALAL, tanpa mengemis meminta projek dari Menteri atau wakil rakyat!
WalkdTalk melabel saya sebagai blogger setengah masak. Tapi saya nak tanya, bukankah awak sendiri pun baru setahun jagung dalam bidang ini? Bukankah blog awak sendiri pun pun baru bermula April 2009. Saya juga nak tanya dah berapa lama awak belajar menulis? Saya juga nak tanya kenapa takut nak dedahkan identiti? Bukankah berani kerana benar?
Saya tidak kisah jika beliau mengkritik penulisan saya. Tetapi apa yang beliau tulis adalah satu fitnah dan membabitkan dua pihak lain, iaitu Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin dan majikan saya, Agendadaily (walhal di nota pengenalan blog ini saya sudah menyatakan bahawa segala tulisan saya tidak mewakili organisasi tempat saya bekerja).
Fitnah beliau itu boleh menjejaskan reputasi saya, Datuk Tengku Sarifuddin dan majikan saya. Dengan nama ALLAH saya bersumpah tulisan/tuduhan Walkdtalk adalah fitnah yang bertujuan menjejaskan kredibiliti saya dan majikan saya!
Walkdtalk, I dare you to reveal yourself and prove your allegations. Are you man or woman enough to come to me and repeat your allegations straight at my face?
Atas semangat keadilan, saya memberi peluang kepada WalkdTalk untuk menarik balik tuduhan fitnah ini. Saya memberi tempoh sehingga 8 Mei, 2009, jam 10 pagi. Sekiranya saya tidak mendapat apa-apa maklum balas dari anda, saya akan membuat laporan polis secara rasminya.
And I am not joking!
I think RPK had succeded in....creating doubts in peoples's mind. I think that's all he is intrested in....
People had been telling and so was involved in the murder of Altantuya. My argument is simple...
You saw that so and so doing it??
If not, then , why " mahu tanggung buat dosa fitnah orang...?? " Dosa lama - lama pun belum habis, lagi mahu tambah dosa baru fitnah orang.
Blog head,please read RPK article again and again. You will understand that the person supporting RPK is in a very position in Government. Only time is not correct at this time. Moving in now will create much more Chaos. RPK flew out of this country via a private jet. Check the number of private jet owners in Malaysia.
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