The first Malaysian-Asean Regional Bloggers Conference will be held from Friday to Sunday at the Intercontinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
The conference, organised by the recently-registered Blog House Malaysia (BHM), is themed "Blogging Mindfully and Responsibly".
BHM president Syed Akbar Ali said there would be two workshops on Saturday for participants from 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm.The Saturday workshops are ONLY for regional representative and is by invitation. Whilst, the Sunday conference is open to all registering bloggers.
The topics to be covered include blogger networks and blogger etiquette.
"We are expecting 16 Asean bloggers at the conference. They will come from Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
"On Sunday, our patron, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, will deliver the welcoming address. Prime Minster Datuk Seri Najib Razak will then deliver the keynote address at 12.20pm, followed by a 15-minute question and answer session," he said.
For details and registration, visit www.bloghousemalaysia.com. - The New Straits Times
No fee is charged, but a RM50 refundable commitment deposit is required. You know Malaysian ... they tend not to value something that is free.
If you are serious blogger from Sabah and interested to be a representative, there maybe room for an all expense paid trip.
E-mail all your registration to: register1marbc@gmail.com.
wud luv to participate but m also having a book launch (a kecik one laaa) with berita publishing on sat & sun in conjunction with the pesta buku at pwtc.
wish u and others all the best.
aku pun tgh busy 'memelayukan' TDM's a doc in the house. dateline is closing in.
see u when u want to c me...
How i wished i could attend. All the best, anyway...
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