Rahim's press release reiterate call for RC, but is that enough for the public?
There was no video expose on Friday except for some old expose by Melayu Bersatu here. However, the IGP made a statement to say that the video is authentic. It was temporarily sufficient to silence the opposition.
Unfortunately, he stopped short of disclosing the identity of the Male in the sex video and the mice came out to play. PAS's Siti Mariah, and Mahfuz Omar came out with teasing statements on the IGP.
This blogger received an e-mail yesterday evening from a journalist source believed to be a press release of Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik.
In the nutshell, Rahim reiterate his call on the Government to establish an independent and multiparty represented Royal Commission to establish the "truth" on the identity of the male in the video.
With the public yearning to see and judge for themselves, will it be enough to pacify them? Are they willing to put their trust with a group of wise old folks but with poor eyesight?
Rahim said it is important that someone who aspires for the top leadership of the country, have no hidden issue of morality.
Not only will it expose Malaysian to a leader who is weak, hypocrite and morally corrupt, such leader will be a security risk and puts Malaysia at ransom in the hands of enemies of the state and foreign agents.
Despite seeking for the Royal Commission, Rahim makes no bone to declare that the person in the video is Anwar Ibrahim. He urged Anwar to stop his conspiracy play acting and consider the feeling and honour of his wife and children by resigning.
The press release below:
Kenyataan Akhbar Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby ChikFrankly, it is doubtful that Anwar will stop his conspiracy play acting with this call by Rahim.
Dengan pengesahan tentang ketulenan video sex oleh pihak PDRM tanpa mengenalpasti 'pelakon' di dlm video itu, adalah amat perlu demi kepentingan seluruh rakyat Malaysia sebuah Suruhanjaya Diraja ditubuhkan bagi mengenalpasti 'pelakon' yg terlibat di dalam video berkaitan.
Usaha ini menjadi lebih penting dan mustahak kerana jika kegawatan akhlak seseorang pemimpin yang senantiasa bercita-cita tinggi menjadi seorang pemimpin utama di negara ini cuba disembunyikan, bukan saja rakyat Malaysia akan disogokkan dengan tokoh yang lemah, tidak Islamik, hipokrit, korap moral malah jika perilaku atau tabiat seperti yang dirakam itu terlepas ke tangan musuh seperti negara-negara yang tidak senang dengan kepentingan-kepentingan negara kita atau agensi-agensi perisikan luar yang senantiasa bergerak untuk menggugat kestabilan dan keharmonian rakyat di negara ini, apa akan jadi kepada masa depan rakyat dan Malaysiasatu hari nanti?
Amat menyedihkan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia pemimpin yang dikaitkan dengan video ini masih ingin mempertahankan diri walaupun pendedahan membawa keaiban dan penghinaan kepada dirinya, keluarganya, partinya, Malaysia, Ummah dan Islam itu sendiri.
Kita suka memberi pujian atas sikap “gentleman” Dato’ Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek apabila beliau mengaku melakukan sex haram dan melepaskan jawatannya supaya tidak menyusahkan orang lain. Malah Dr Chua sendiri telah menasihatkan Anwar supaya letak jawatan saperti yang telah lakukannya. Bagaimana pun, Chua sekarang telah dipilih sebagai Presiden MCA semasa pemilihan parti.
Pendirian PAS dalam kondisi sekarang amat tidak menentu dan menghadapi satu dilema yang mungkin menjadi 'laughing stock' kepada rakyat Malaysia apabila ia bernaung di bawah seorang tokoh yang mungkin didapati tidak bermoral.
Dato Seri Nik Aziz yang sedang dikepong kuat dan erat oleh kuncu-kuncu Anwar yang telah 'disemai' di dalam PAS sejak beliau menubuhkan PKR masih khayal dengan kenyataan bahawa beliau tidak mahu terlibat dengan kerja-kerja yang mengaibkan sesama Islam.
Beliau mungkin lupa bahawa perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran adalah satu dari perjuangan Islam yg amat unggul dan abadi sejak Islam diwahyukan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad saw!
Biarkanlah si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya ... Biarkan...! Biarkan!
Berbalik kepada penubuhan Suruhanjaya Diraja, saya berpendapat keanggotaannya hendaklah terdiri, demi meneggakkan kebenaran dan demi kepentingan negara, dari pemimpin-pemimpin utama pembangkang seperti presiden PKR, PAS, DAP, wakil-wakil dari NGO, media, wakil negara asing dan lain-lain pihak yang dianggap berwibawa.
Ini perlu dilakukan kerana setiap inisiatif penyiasatan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan untuk mencari kebenaran akan senantiasa ditohmah satu konspirasi, dinafi dan diputarbelitkan di kaca mata rakyat.
Terma rujukan kepada Suruhanjaya Diraja ini hendaklah tertumpu kepada pemerhatian rapi terhadap teknik-teknik dan metodologi forensik yang munasabah, tepat dan boleh diterima pada standard yang ada, serta proses pengenalpastian yang eksklusif bagi menentukan siapakah pelakun didalam video sex ini.
Siasatan suruhanjaya mesti menjurus ke arah kesahihan video dan identiti lelaki di dalam video tersebut, itu sahaja yang hendak diketahui oleh rakyat Malaysia dari Perlis hingga ke Sabah.
Sebagai rakan seperjuangan dalam team Wawasan tahun 1993, nasihat saya pada Anwar:"Hai sahabat, undur diri sajalah, apa nak tunggu lagi? Lakonan pun dah tepu, dah tak laku ! Takkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia asyik nak bercerita tentang aksi depan, aksi belakang saja. Jagalah hati dan maruah Kak Wan dan anak-anak ... Carilah kerjaya lain dan carilah keredhaan Allah!"
Anwar is on a tight schedule in Sarawak till the day before April 9th nomination day. He has to move ahead to take advantage of the turnaround in sentiment as a result of the doubt he managed to create from Johari Abdul's lie. He knows that his luck can only run as good as it can last.
The first two lines in his press release made by PKR Vice President, V Surendran here to response to IGP's statement tells it all.
"Today the Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar rushed to make a statement that the ‘Datuk T‘ sex video is allegedly authentic. This announcement in no way proves that Opposition leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the person appearing in the sex video."Anwar will continue to deny and refute the statement of everyone, including experts. He will dismiss the findings of the Royal Commission, if it is established. His only fear will only be when the public have access and allowed to view the video to judge themselves.
It is because the reaction of all those who saw video, including Johari Abdul and Badrul Hisham Shahrin, agree it is unmistakably Anwar. Johari and Badrul admit it in private but in public, he spinned the other way for Anwar.
Find out where the children of Johari Abdul, Haji Hadi and many Pakatan leaders defensive of Anwar are doing their University education and getting their scholarship from.
Now, will the public get to see it?
Based on several reasons, this blogger's hunch is that the video could surface somewhere.
First, did Dato Shazryl Eskay gave the police the original copy and the recording equipment? If not and Eskay only gave a discette to the police, there is a possibility that there are other copies of the video floating.
Second, when the sex video was first disclosed, the public anticipate there are other copies of the video floating. Reason being the technology today made it easy and fast to duplicate such videos.
Third, the ground is percolating with rumours of a video to surface in a week or two. If it is not this sex video, there could also be other videos surfacing.
Eskay had asked five questions to Anwar as veiled threat to stop his boys from doing character attack of him. Anwar's boys are not relenting. Will it mean a Thai version of the video with a young boy from one of his many trips up north?
Or a latest Sarawak version from his current political tour ...
If the sex video is released, there is no doubt that Anwar will spin to accuse the police, special branch, government, Dato Najib, etc. Their side's scream and rhetorics of gutter politics will be louder.
They will claim that BN is desperate and need it to win the Sarawak election. At least that was what Tengku Razaleigh said on Selangor Government's web TV.
They, including Tengku Razaleigh, is pointing at BN as though Pakatan were not involve in perpetuating the wild accusation of the murder of Altantunya against Dato Najib and Datin Rosmah, fabricating Saiful's medical report of Pusrawi, fabricating Statutory Declaration of Pusrawi's doctor, Dr Osman, RM8 billion MAS loss during Tajuddin, and the list is long.
Will all the spinning matters if it is really Anwar in action in the video?
MI here reported a public survey, but it is from American National Endowment for Democrasy (NED)-backed Merdeka Centre. They push pull survey results, thus why should we believe them?
Frankly bro, the three stooges deserve to be charge in court.
Lantak pi lah dua dari mereka bekas pemimpin dalam UMNO.
Apa percaya sangat pada Eskay.
Charge them for indecent stupidity
Rakyat Malaysia berhak untuk tahu kebenaran. Oleh kerana datuk Eskay ada disitu semasa perbuatan maksiat itu berlaku maka beliau merupakan saksi penting, disamping tape video sex berkenaan, untuk mengenali pembuat maksiat itu,tambahan pula video tu dah sah tulen. Semoga Allah selamatkan Malaysia dari pemimpin yang pemaksiat.
Bro, apa kata tiba-tiba ada vcd diedarkan, pelakonnya iras-iras "pelakon" yang Trio dedahkan tapi sebenarnya orang lain. Dengan kata lain, depa buat vcd palsu dan calim konon tulen. Depa boleh trick ikut cara itu. Sebab itu RTC mohon kerajaan cepat-cepat tubuh Suruhanjaya. Kalau orang ramai dah tengok aksi yang kononnya mamat tu buat tapi bukan dia, payah nak counter nanti. Sebab tu, kena selesai cepat-cepat. Gomen kita ni pun nampak macam lembab nak pintas benda ni daripada terus dimanipulasi.
Kat masjid-masjid, depa dok kata salah dan dosa buka aib orang. Dia tak cerita habis pulak, apa sebenarnya yang dikatakan aib tu. Kalau dok buat dosa sedap tu pun masuk kategori aib, payah nak cerita la. Satu lagi ustaz-ustaz tu tak cakap pulak boleh dedah aib kalau nak tegakkan keadilan. Bila yang tegak ketua Keadilan, pun kira halal le dedah aksinya kot, bukan aib namanya tu, aksi terlampau.
yg penting skrng ni kami nak tau siapa yang bagi 'green light' utk keluarkan video ini. mesti ada orang punya !
filem lord of the ring lagi boleh super impose begitu 'real'. inikan pula filem hitam-putih mcm zaman p.ramlee. bikin org muda geli hati.
Hanya penyokong totok UMNO saja percaya video ini real...siapa projek manager buat video ini. Main cut and paste aje. teruk punya kerja tak boleh bagi projek lagi.buat video ni pun tak boleh harap.
Eloklah karang cerita lain pula. Ambil pengarah dari bolehwood dan buat di hotel 5 star bior nampak real.Tak tahula macam mana polis boleh kata real. Projek managernya itulah kot - yang nampak bontot dalam video tu.
boleh chanrge dato T dimahkamah dan dato T boleh gunkan tektik aljuburi tangguhkan kes. lihat apa kata pemuja liwat akan kata...meka akan spin 360 drjah.. caya lah...masa tu meka kata mahkamah tak adil, peguiam buat masa mahkamah, buang duit rakyat dan mcm mcm lagi....yg penting "Niat" dato T...dia bukan edarkan untuk tuntutanan ramai.. jika meka salinan da edar siapa pun tak tahu...yg sokong al juburi tu poket da kosong.. jika poket da kering nanti jadilah mcm yb goballah...dulu tampar pois sebab nak tunjuk dia setia dgnm pkr/aljuburi last2 kena liwat padan muko...
>First, did Dato Shazryl Eskay gave the police the original copy and the recording equipment? If not and Eskay only gave a discette to the police..
no lah, bukan bagi discette, tapi Eskay bagi VCR hak zaman 80an dulu, jenuh pulak polis nak pi cari VCR player, mana ada lagi dah zaman ni bro! discette pun mana ada orang pakai zaman ni lagi dah bro...lu ni ketinggalan zaman betolla...
Kalaulah anuar ni kaki seks awatla susah sgt nak pi tangkap dia masa dia tgh buat kerja tu, awat la bengap sgt org umno ni.
Anon 11.02,
Patutla orang muda geli hati, orang muda sekarang bodo. Melopong tengok cerita lord of the ring tapi tak tau what's behind the scene. Sebab tu senang kena kelentong ngan Anwar dan konco2nya.
The trio should face the music and be sued for defamation. After all who would believe such characters especially ROTC.
Pak tua
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