Prior e-mail registration is required which means there will be no walk-ins. Do email us your interest to participate to register1marbc@gmail.com.
The event is free of charge but it requires refundable commitment fee of RM50.
The conference program starts with a registration at 7:30 am followed-up by workshop sessions at 8:30 am.
Since the format involves several session running concurrently, participants could choose the their preferred topics. The topics to be covered include blogger networks and blogger etiquette.
We will have the benefit of listening and learning from the experience of activist bloggers from Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Patron, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, will deliver an acceptance speech for his patronship. Prime Minster Datuk Seri Najib Razak is expected to deliver his keynote luncheon address to be followed by a 15-minute question and answer session. After lunch, conference will resume with other workshops after lunch.
Schedule and various instruction will be provided to registering participants when they e-mail their interest to participate.
For details, visit www.bloghousemalaysia.com.
can a non-blogger/public attend?
What a joke. Is there a session on how to use c4?
Anon 3:00 PM
Can but you must register.
Anon 9:29 PM
Yes, it is a specialised session for stupid spinmaster that cannot get their facts right and got caught.
They will be taught to blow themselves to pieces.
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