Nile Bowie
Scenes of chaos unfolded on the streets of downtown Kuala Lumpur this past weekend, culminating in an event, which many have called the most defining moment in recent Malaysian history.
Thousands of people, many well intentioned first time demonstrators gathered to voice their discontent about the Malaysian electoral system under the umbrella of Bersih 2.0, calling itself ‘The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections’, which is comprised of a ‘coalition of like minded civil society organizations unaffiliated to any political party’.
Amidst this climate of seeming neutrality, the ruling Malaysian political party Barisan Nasional declared the gathering illegal and has made stark allegations regarding group’s true intentions, accusing the movement to be a vehicle utilizing mass fervor to strengthen foreign funded political parties associated with opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, the former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minster and former Chairman of the Development Committee of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan has admitted to Malaysian Press that two US-based organizations, the National Democratic Institute (which receives funding from the US National Endowment for Democracy) and George Soros’s Open Society Institute have donated an undisclosed amount of money to the organisation.
These think tanks and Intelligence front groups based in the United States are synonymous for authoring US Foreign Policy and shaping world opinion towards foreign leaders as they actively fund various oppositions movements through color revolutions, which lead to the installation of leaders of whom are friendly to objectives of the Anglo-American establishment and profiteers of Corporate high finance.
Malaysia is multicultural society with a history of race related tensions between the predominantly Islamic Malay ethnicity of whom tend to control political bureaucracy through preferential treatment of members within their racial group and ethnically Chinese Malaysians, descendants of settlers and economic migrants seeking employment in Colonial British rubber plantations of whom today dominate the business and commercial sectors and hold the highest national income.

Regardless of Bersih 2.0’s objectives or its utilization from Opposition leaders, the mass gathering succeeded in creating a patriotic and carnival-like atmosphere of unity between its participants of all ethnicities, as they behaved nonviolently and in uniformal stride for greater representation prior to riot police distinguishing any chance of dialogue by dispersing the gathering with waves of tear gas and chemical-laden water cannons, amidst numerous cases of heavy handed police brutality and arbitrary arrests, to the extent of launching tear gas canisters into the compound of a nearby hospital where demonstrators sought cover.
Initially, many Malaysians may naively welcome support from American Institutions, which market themselves on keen selling points such as ‘instilling democracy and funding freedom’, this funding is not intended to alleviate corruption or to justly persecute police brutality, it is intended to increase Washington’s presence in countries integrated in China’s economic orbit and the eventual installation of a compliant Opposition leader, friendly to the bidding of International Financial regulatory bodies and planners of the New Financial World Order.
Amnesty International has urged the United States Government not to be a spectator while Malaysian authorities defy human rights by dispersing its demonstrations, it’s director adding “If the U.S. government does not take strong approach to human rights in Malaysia, it will seriously affect the United States credibility and effectiveness on human rights in the region”.
Dramatic coverage from Al-Jazeera prods the same wound amidst UN experts warning the methods of crowd dispersal exercised by the Malaysian authorities actively undermine democracy.
While it is distressing to see well-intentioned people from every age demographic gather in the pursuit of creating better order in their electoral system be subject to police brutality, their activism will be leveraged and totally exploited by media outlets and foreign Governments to undermine the credibility of the Malaysian Government, which obviously then provides a outlet for Western Governments to back their own opposition candidate.
NGO’s urging the United States Government to enter the dialogue on human rights abuses is equivalent to using a searing branding iron to treat third degree burns; in fact such statements reflect total negligence for human rights by summoning a country currently involved in five wars in the Middle East and North Africa while enforcing heavily militarized domestic police protocol.
While aggression cannot be denied on the part of Malaysian police who dispersed the event, it is curious that similar methods of crushing peaceful gatherings utilized in Europe, Israel and North America are met with a total media blackout, often using more elaborate forms of dispersal such as rubber bullets and sound frequency cannons on small gatherings dwarfed in comparison to the volumes of people present at the recent Bersih demonstration.

Mahathir has previously made accusations against George Soros for using his influence in the currency speculation market to contribute to engineering the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis as a punishment for allowing Myanmar to join the ASEAN Union. Malaysia’s central bank, Bank Negara reported a loss of approximately six billion USD when George Soros previously placed bets against it.
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi appealed to Madeleine Albright, stating the Malaysian Ringgit and ASEAN currencies "continue to be bedeviled by currency fluctuations caused by hostile elements bent on such unholy actions. It is the height of international criminality that the fate of millions could be subject to the mercy of a few unscrupulous traders.”
During the 1997 meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Hong Kong, Mahathir stated, “Great countries tell us that we must accept being impoverished, because that is what international finance is all about. Obviously, we are not sophisticated enough to accept losing money so that the manipulators become richer. We are also warned that these are powerful people. If we make a noise or we act in any way to frustrate them, they would be annoyed. And when they are annoyed, they can destroy us altogether, they can reduce us to basket cases.”
Mahathir’s views on the negative effects of currency trading and speculation from 1997 are a breath of fresh air, especially in today’s climate where wars are fought over financial regulations, as seen in the recent attack on Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi amidst discussions of creating a Pan-African Dinar currency backed in gold.
Former Indonesian President Suharto submitted his resignation while IMF riots swept his country, as the International Financial Regulatory bodies demanded the abolition of Government subsidies on staples such as rice and bread while cutting investment contribution towards State-run enterprises; chaos ensued in the streets as the Indonesian Rupiah suffered a debilitating 85% devaluation at the hands of International speculators.
On the subject of the crisis in Indonesia, Mahathir offered, "Can it be that all the assets of that huge country, with 220 million hard-working people, are suddenly worth only one-sixth of its previous value? What, indeed, is the worth of a nation, if someone can devalue and even bankrupt it?"
Mahathir attracted the envy of other emerging markets by creating exchange controls in defense of the Malaysian Ringgit, which safeguarded the currency, as it’s regional neighbors suffered IMF imposed austerity.

George Soros has been an integral figure in the funding of opposition movements in the Arab Spring, only to pave the way to governance for opposition leaders such as Mohamed ElBaradei and other trustees of think tanks and other like-minded US based outlets that would be happy to exploit their own people in a bid to grab power; in total covert imperialism, Soros has further contributed funding to organisations attempting to author a new Egyptian constitution.
Soros’s influence over the mainstream media is astounding; Fox News reports over thirty major news organizations take his dirty money, surely this friendly contribution would not contribute bias to the programming content in anyway. BBC reports Soros vainly calling for regime change in Iran by insinuating an overthrown by means of the “bloodiest of revolutions”.
Malaysians may not be happy with the current Prime Minister Najib Razak and the coalition of Barisan Nasional (which has practically ruled Malaysia since it’s independence), however it is unfortunate that populist opinion in countries of interest to Internationalists are utilized as a vehicle for undermining national sovereignty and eventual regime change.

Concerning the Bersih demonstrations, Dr. Mahathir offered, “Its objective is to tarnish the government’s name and the police, and with that the opposition parties will win. There will be some people very angry who will probably, because of the current arrests and action taken, be disenchanted with the Barisan Nasional.”
Curiously enough, Anwar Ibrahim served as Deputy Prime Minster from 1993 to 1998 under the administration of Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad; the pair initially disagreed on the utilization of recovery methods during the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis.
During a 1997 meeting of the Malaysian Cabinet, Ibrahim conceived something of an economic coup by approving IMF austerity measures without consent of then Prime Minister and vocal critic, Mahathir. Anwar favored an economic view open to speculators and defended George Soros as he threatened to ‘destroy the country’ and remove Mahathir from power.
During a visit to Malaysia, Al Gore referred to the mobs of people in the streets led by Anwar shouting “Reformasi!” as the “brave people of Malaysia”; the reforms Al Gore had in mind were strict IMF conditionalities which would cause strict foreign control over the Malaysian economy, of which Mahathir had spoken and guarded so eloquently against.
Anwar Ibrahim issued a statement in Asian Wall Street Journal suggesting that developing countries should stop “pointing a finger at speculators and put their houses in order first” by ending their “ambitious plans for outlandish projects.” Perhaps, Anwar views the symbol of Malaysia’s economic prosperity, the twin Petronas Towers as “outlandish”.
The tension between the two grew as Mahathir claimed, "Prospective colonialists and their puppets in Malaysia are still trying to weaken this country" and that Anwar “used foreigners and the foreign media to support the actions of his supporters in order to topple the government of our country, his country.”
After his years as Deputy Prime Minister, Ibrahim’s close friend, Paul Wolfowitz hired him as a consultant to the World Bank, amidst stints with George Soros-funded International Crisis Group and Dick Cheney’s Foundation For the Future, essentially an engine of South East Asian regime change.
While Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad may not have led a mistake-proof administration, his assertions on how to handle the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis were bold and his administration presided over an ultimately successful economic transformation of Malaysia, from an exporter of raw material to a manufacturer of steel and vehicles.
Cases of police brutality against Anwar Ibrahim during his incarceration are regrettable; his politics are obviously a threat to Barisan Nasional as riot police targeted him during the Bersih 2.0 demonstration by horizontally firing a tear gas canister in his direction, which struck Ibrahim’s body guard, collapsing his jaw.
(Obviously, the author was duped by International News reports. Anwar injured himself from banging into a see through glass door. The blog The Unspinners exposed Anwar's acting effort here and here.)
In this climate of apparent foreign funding subversion, the ruling Government’s actions have played out poorly; they have succeeded in appearing to be authoritarian in the world of International media bias and their actions have contributed to many Malaysians feeling spiteful, repressed, neglected, and left viewing Barisan Nasional as a self-serving hollow body.
Irrespective of Bersih’s self-publicized disassociation with any political party, surely the actions of the ruling Government spoke volumes to indirectly strengthen the opposition parties led by Anwar Ibrahim.
The pursuit of clean and fair elections by means of using indelible ink, postal ballot reform, and maintenance of the electoral roll are totally coherent and rational goals that would help to reduce corruption within the electoral system and they are goals worth fighting for; however an investigation of funds Ambiga Sreenevasan claims to have received from George Soros and the National Democratic Institute is imperative.
The Inspector General of Police recently announced an investigation of Bersih’s admitted foreign funding while commissioning the Malaysian central bank, Bank Negara to assist in tracing the international money trail.
As Western-owned international media has leveraged the plight of the Bersih movement’s activists, it’s opposition leaders are surely bound to receive credibility as Ibrahim warns of further demonstrations materializing in the form of ‘Yellow Saturdays’; If the opposition politics of Anwar Ibrahim use Bersih as a vehicle for his parties’ ascendency then ultimately, the Malaysian people will lose.
Malaysians will lose everything if we let the present government continue ruling while plundering the nation's wealth for the leaders personal gain. Unless the present leaderships are changed, a change of government may be for the better. There is not much to lose anymore after more than 30 years of mismanagement after the reign of the mamak Bendahara.
So please stop trying to hoodwink us further.
Anon 12:58
Is our prospect so bleak as in to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea?
Being free and miserable and being recolonised?
As I see it, it is stupid, self serving and short sightedness of sceptics and cynics to lead us into shark's mouth.
Not convincing enough if the aim is to promote TDM and his UMNO BARU as Correct, Correct, Correct and all others are always conspiring and plotting.
Give something better than all these conspirasies!
Anon 12:58
How small is your brain as you speak from your heart and not from your mind. You will never appreciate what you see coz nothing seemed right as if you and your family have not gained from this present government. I do pity people like you who are not thankful for what they have and what they have accomplished. Probably, you have/have not been to countries such as China,Philippine, Indonesia,Thailand.....are they as peaceful....as our beloved country. You talked about leaders....even in Japan which is one of the most developed country in the world...yet their leaders are corrupted but the people are contented and have accepted their way of life...well, I guess its a waste of time to reason out with people like you as you've set your mind to be corrupted by hate and dissatisfaction.
The need for all Senior Government Servants and Politicians in both Government and Opposition to declare their Assets to an Independent Arbitration Body is concept whose time has come if Malaysia wants to get out of the Third World Syndrome.
Anon 12:58
you should research the money trail of omega man when he was deputy PM
before you start to image-launder the ex-convict
I think this blogger hates Jews just as Hitler did. That makes him an outright racist. He seems to blame everything on the Jews when it is your own fucking country problem.
His blog "Another Brick in the Wall" is synonymous with the Wall built in Warsaw to starve the inhabitants to death and he is just adding another brick to that wall and basking in it's glory of what he intends to do.
Well, let's wait and see whether that Wall you built will come crashing down.
Anonymous , 12:58 pm
The article is not meant to misled or blinded anyone ; nevertheless , it has its own merit of consciousness as far as the author , Soros and his Institution of Democracy Alliance in relation to Bersih/ Anwar , with the constructed idealism of ' Liberal Democracy ' are concerned .
Democracy Alliance is a powerful and wealthy institution advanced by Soros and Tim Gill under the radar of the American Democrat . It carries the flagship of liberal movement to campaign aggressively against conservatives not only in United States but to countries which they think are not ' democratic and democratic enough ' .
Democracy Alliance justifies its international movement as equal as to the American self made covert policy . Instead , of having military troops in foreign lands , the Alliance has its money coveted . As recorded , one of the Alliance goals is ' to invest in groups that could be influential in building what activists call "political infrastructure" -- institutions that can support Democratic causes not simply in the next election but for years to come '
Like , the Alliance had spent hundreds of million to the Eastern Block countries during the fall of the Soviet Union and Burma and for Bersih/ Anwar is not spared either .
The incertitude for mind to digest , why Democracy Alliance has its covertness interest in Malaysian Democracy ? And what is the democratic and politically importance of the Democrat administration by giving Ambiga Sreenevasan , the 2009 Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award ? Is it the American ways of democratic diplomacy to covert and convert the American Democracy ?
I could feel your frustration as seeing Liwat Guy blundering if every next steps he move.
It is an open secret, how your type of species hope so much Liwat Guy to be d No. 1.
This Liwat Guys, has no value left. His only hope now... The President for World Lesbi and Homo Association. YEs he will rule....
Dear Anonymous 9:46 pm
Your prudence Crandall observation and vigil amazed me . You have refreshen me to sick up . Mahatma Gandhi the man who professed non violence and who was assassinated because of his good deeds . A good man is bad for bad people , as someone remarks .
This block , in my fullest consciousness has projected out many current issues which may have given us a touch of sensibility in nurturing our matured thoughts and understandings . Calling the author Racist and Hitler , Another Brick in the Wall is uncalled for . You have no idea who is racism Hitler really was .
Let me share with you an episode of my story .
I bummed into this guy named George Green in Kandahar many moons ago . We traveled together and became the best of friends . He was on his way back from India to the United States while I was on my way to the West . He went to the East because he was running away from the Western technology to the Eastern thinking . For me , I walked from the East to the West looking for an adventure and to challenge the unknown .
Our friendship grew on as we traveled in cooperation through Afghanistan , Iran , Turkey and Greece . We had often been engaged in conversation about many subject matters specifically about human ecology , life world and human nature . Our understanding was what were needed to be a good human being . We shared our foods and drinks . We visited many interesting places . For an example , the Islamic shine in Herat . For our personal security we watched over each other .We had developed to a truly friendship meant .
He brought up the subject about the Jews in a number of times . He asked me did I ever knew about the Jews . My answer was just that I did not know them and I dislike them . I was younger then . When he asked me why . My parents told me so . He was silent by that response .
He had to fly off back to Chicago . At the airport in Athens I said fair well to him . His goodby to me was a big hug and whispered , " Ghaf you are my best friend and you are apart of my family now , whenever you decided to come to America , you are always welcome in our home , I WANT TO TELL YOU AND FOR YOU TO KNOW , THAT I AM A JEW " .
THE JEW THAT I DID NOT KNOW WAS MY BEST FRIEND . We are still friends and still keep our friendship. He and I still maintain the expression and belief , PEACE NOT WAR . ZIONISM and HITLERISM are not in our repertoire . We have learnt our way and hope you do too .
can u explain why your alexa rankings have dropped so badly?
Do I still have an Alexa ranking? I thought my placing is not even worthy of ranking.
Why must I bother, Anon?
Anon 4:40 PM
Read it on its own.
If you are not into BN, fine with me. It's your democratic right. I also have my issues with UMNO and BN.
With this new information (not conspiracy coz Ambiga herself admitted receiving money), by opting for a Pakatan whose very comfortable with inviting foreign intervention, we are doomed.
So Malaysian must ponder and look at this issue seriously and not just pick up the devil you are more comfortable with.
Just comment, but save the insult.
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