Anwar is temporarily holed up at the Turkish Ambassador's home and has filed a civil suit for defamation against Saiful at the High Court.
Najib has denied his involvement and clarified that Saiful came early in the year seeking help for scholarship through Khairil Anas.
And, the police has yet to investigate Anwar Ibrahim.
When Rocky posted the news of the sodomy police report on Sunday afternoon, an anonymous comentator by the name of Kamal had a view this is Anwar's desperate face saving move.
Another comentator, Imran posted in Kick De Fella blog a theory that Saiful Bukhary could be a plant in Najib's camp and this is the final assault before Anwar takeover Government. The basis of the argument lies in who gains the most from this episode.
Nothing like a good political thriller to keep us glued to the Internet. Wouldn't blame Zainal Kassim for being infuriated?
Face Saving Theory
Kamal on Rocky Bru's said...
This could also be anwar's strategy to create a sense of deep and terrible crisis in the country. Yes, he is not a sodomite and I don't believe he is either and he knew that people do not believe it either. So create one so he could play victim.
He is caught in the middle. he does not actually have the 'numbers' to form the government and no way he could face the public and have an honest and serious debate with Shabery Cheek on the fuel price.
So rather than having to face questions from the public when the time comes to deliver on his promise which would surely undermine his credibility, create a crisis now and make himself the victim: that he has doubt of his safety and he needs the safe sanctuary of a foreign embassy.
Give me a break! Badawi, despite his weakness, is not Mugabe. In fact, we are witnessing unprecedented level of freedom and openness in the country. This is just Anwar's way to maintain public distrust towards the government.
I believe no member of the government would want to repeat 1998. In fact, i don't think anybody in the current government believe that he was a sodomite when he had to face the allegation in 1998. 1998 was Mahathir's people's doing.
Today's government knows that this kind of allegation will not stand in the court of public opinion. They know that the public will hate them more if they do this. Yes, Anwar is a political threat to them, but not threatening enough for them to lose power on 16 September.
Anwar has endured worse treatment in 1998 and he can afford to create such sense of treatment today. It is the sense of bad treatment that earns him public admiration and pity.
Come on. Anwar is a master politician who knows where his trump card is!
Final Assault Theory
Comentator Imran on KickdeFella said
I don’t believe the allegation against anwar, and other allegations and slanders that have been running wild from both sides.
Prior to this, we saw the very systematic and professional strategy used to slander Najib and his wife. I guess Najib’s long experience in politics has prevented him from making serious mistake such as using his position to shut the witnesses’ mouth. The C4 is a strategy to insinuate him with murder.
I don’t believe this episode is BN’s engineering for the reason that the BN are very well aware of how damaging the 1998-1999 experience had been and to be using the same trick is plainly committing harakiri.
The accusation against Anwar is probably meant to slander the BN more than Anwar. The main target is likely to be Najib. We could already see that many Malaysians are pointing fingers at them.
I believe Saiful is part of the conspirator to damage BN. It is a plain wonder that pictures of him with Najib’s assistant, Azlina, Dato’ Mustapha could be produced in lightening speed. What more, it’s already in Wan Azizah’s phone .
I am not surprise if in the next few days, Saiful would return with admission that the allegation was false and was made under forced, by individuals that would insinuate Najib with the crime.
The allegation is a strategic approach that would result in a domino effect that would lead to another anarchic like episode, similar to what we saw in 1997-1999: the world economy in crisis; similar accusation leveled against Anwar; BN leader refusing to step down; BN breaking down; opposition gaining momentum
The question is what are the end points?
(1) Destroy BN for good. The 1997-1999 episode had weakend BN tremendously. This is the final blow that is likely to destroy BN forever.
(2) Unite the oppositions who are obviously beginning to show significant crack and also to soften the blunders of PR government
(3) Pushing oppositions into government
(4) Pushing the country into anarchy
(5) The final endpoint is to destroy Islam in Malaysia, being the only country where Muslims are progressive
I am not against other parties leading the government. However, the current pack, hurriedly set up, and if successful taking the leadership undemocratically, would not be my ideal government in waiting. Particularly, we could see how the representative of Islam in the PR had failed to represent the voice of Islam.
In conclusion:
(1) I don’t believe the sodomy allegations against Anwar back in the 1990’s; but I also do not believe that those allegations were staged by Mahathir
(2) I don’t believe the sodomy allegation against Anwar now but I also don’t believe the allegation was engineered by BN.
Who was then behind this? Think.
My closing word is stick to the fact.
The most plausible theory to-date remains that it is a clear cut criminal case that needs further investigation by police before it could become a court case.