But some may have not.
Blogger Zukri Valentino left a comment here to deny the alleged rumour of a second marriage of Dato Shafie Apdal.
He said:
Shafie Apdal has denied ever, ever married another wife, in front of a crowd of 5,000 people or so at his Semporna Aidilfitri Open House on Saturday, 26 Sept and again the next day when his ministry's agencies held an Aidilfitri Open house in Tawau.In case, you do not know who Zukri is, he is the current Head of Corporate Communications (or Ketua Komunikasi Korporat) for the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, Malaysia.
Shafie has declared that he has NO second wife, zero, ziltch, nyet and nein....
Shafie has denied...period
His blog Utarawan can be found here.
This is as good as Shafie denying. If you are not convince yet, read further what Zukri wrote in his second comment:
This "story" was only picked-up by a few not-so-popular blogs, and me just read on and ignored.Thanks Zukri. I am not comfortable to ask Dato Shuib.
But when my fren A Voice writes about it, then i am compelled, as an old friend of Shafie Apdal to shed some light into the issue.
This man that i knew since 1995 (both of us were in Angkasapuri then, he was a parliamentary secretary and a yb and me a secretary to the boss) is not the type who will take another wife, although this is permissable in Islam, dengan syarat anda mampu dan layak dan menepati hukum syarak.
Ini orang bukan jenis pekena designer kopi after office, cohiba in hand and talk cock with frens for hours at some coffee house or lounge.
This man hardly have time outside the house except for work and most of the time he was with the family -- wife and 6 kids, two whom are not here but elsewhere pursuing their studies.
U see Bro Din, unsavory stories like this hurts the family the most and those blogs seems happy to "godam dia" tanpa ambil kira faktor-faktor lain, yang penting he is a family man.
Apa lah kata family dia? Depa yang dok tulih pasai fitnah ni dapat apa? Jangan dapat dosa fitnahkan orang sudah la...
This story of him having another wife has been around since the last 2 years when the man was helming KeKKWA. Until now I have not met the so-called second wife!
Macam dia kata kat saya semalam lah, kalau betul la cerita dia ada wife lebih dari satu, by now he has 3 wives already and not 2 as reported...
I am not saying taking another wife is wrong, no and far from that, in fact there is a cabinet member who have two wives and masih ada gurlfren itu dan ini di Duta Vista..and and another member of cabinet has two wives, the father-in-law of the younger wife being an old fren of mine.
Poligamy is NOT a crime but Shafie Apdal is NOT the type....he is one-man-woman, period.
Denying in front of a large crowd like he did in Semporna and Tawau needs lots of guts and balls and this man has both because he came clean on this issue.
Shafie denied Bro and yours truly was there as a witness, among other witnesses.
He has nothing to hide, hanya bosan and annoyed with the fitnah yang ditaburkan oleh "seseorang yang dia sendiri berkahwin 3"....ya, orang ini yang berkahwin 3....pemimpin ini amat gusar dan gundah gulana akan shafie apdal hanya kerna politik, justeru, hamburkan fitnah and pelbagai untuk menjatuhkan Ahli Parlimen Semporna ini.
Menafikan fitnah seperti ini hanya akan menarik minat musuh-musuh untuk terus membedil lantaran sudah ada teladan seorang ahli politik sabah yang menafikan berkahwin dengan artis akan tetapi kenyataan terserlah minggu berikutnya.
Tapi, itu cerita orang lain. Orang ini, si Shafie ni BUKAN macam tu.
Penafian Shafie adalah jujur dan dibuat di hadapan isterinya dan ahli keluarga yang lain yang juga kita boleh jangka mungkin tercalar emosi mereka lantaran fitnah yang mampu merosakan keharmonian rumahtangga dan keluarga mereka.
Sekiranya Shafie menafikan yang hak maka saya dan puluhan ribu manusia di Semporna dan Tawau boleh dikatakan tertipu mengenai isu ini...namun saya yakin dengan kenyataan beliau bahawa beliau TIDAK beristeri dua seperti yang difitnahkan.
Cukuplah setakat ini Bro Din...thanks my fren for the space here to say my piece of mind.
Dan cukup2lah fitnah pasai Shafie ni, leave him alone lah...i mean to the other bloggers...
Thks Bro...
So readers and bloggers, you heard it here on Another Brick in the Wall. Lay off now.
I'll have to get back to all the sources to correct the rumour.
Unless there are photos and marriage certificate, Zahida Rafik is available as she claim. That is for those willing to take up the challenge to woo her.