I am further inconvenient by a big boil at the hind part of my thigh.
Because of these, I couldn't turn up last night for a teh tarik with a former Menteri Besar.
I have lots on my mind to write and comment about. ETP, Nazri's attack on Perkasa again, perkasa, PKR racous divisional election, strange ASLI's Unity Forum, a crooked judge, and many others.
Since the mood is not right, will write at another time or when the issue arise again.
However, I am not without something interesting to share. In fact, this will be an interesting one. It is the first time this blog is writing about a celebrity gossip.
I am sure you'll will be interested to read on.
You see a rumour has been circulating for a long time of a particularly celebrity married to a Minister and UMNO Vice President.
Whether she became the first or second wife, it does not really matter. And, we'll not prieve into other family or marital issue. It is personal. Our demand on the Minister is only to come clean.
The celebrity talked about is Zahida Rafik. I have no idea who she is. Singer? Actress? But she seem to adorn the pages of celebrity and women magazines. Socialite? Model, perhaps?
This is how she looks like.

With the name given, you'll be able to google for her pictures and stories.
The current rumour mill is talking about Zahida being married to Dato Shafie Apdal, the Minister from Sabah in charge of the Ministry for Rural Development and Vice President of UMNO.
Before this, Zahida has denied an earlier rumour claiming she is married to a VIP. That rumour stem from her oppulent home in Bukit Antarabangsa in Ulu Klang.
Her answer was that her lifestyle can be attributable to her thriving business.
Nice try. What is her business? What is her business experiance? What is her level of education? Her answer does not jive to many.
Before this, it is only the celebrity and lifestyle blogs talking about it. Now it has spread to the socio-political blogs albeit more regularly than before.
Zahida got into the socio-political radar when a political blogger RBF wote of her as far back in June 2010. He asked why she is denying in the paper before any accusation was levelled at her.
It is not that RBF did not know but he was merely launching her and Shafie into the socio-political orbit and alerting him to do something about it.
But he has been keeping quiet about it.
Sorry Shafie, paying for our nasi kandar back during Bagan Pinang by-election does not buy our silence.
Few prominent pro-UMNO bloggers was tipped off of this relationship by a former Senior Minister.
If one like to accuse the former Minister to be a bit of a spinner, we have a more direct source. One of the bloggers is the "uncle" to Zahida. Her mother is his cousin.
So our information on Zahida can be also quite interesting. But that's her personal life. She has no bearing on the socio-political well-being of the nation. It is not of any interest to us to talk about her.
Our interest is merely on the Minister. He has to own up and clean his image from such rumours. We have to remind him to take care of his image because it can affect his duty and responsibility to his constituency, party and nation.
Thats what the nasi kandar belanja is for, isn't it? To remind him when he is not on the right path.
If there is no truth, he has to deny. He can't just pretend nothing happen and play the ignore game. As a public figure, he has to be truthful with the public.
Zahida has denied the alleged marriage. But many are not buying her words.
RBF has made his reason clear. Once caught lying, it is never easy for people to believe.
Furthermore, we have even got information from a high office confirming his marriage.
It wasn't difficult to extract.
We cook up a story to say that Shafie had a kept women and he had shared it with so and so. No names was even mentioned. Straight away a denial came and the confirmation came out.
Now that it is out in the open and pro-BN bloggers are playing on it, time for Shafie to own up or deny.
If he doesn't, it will spread further into some other strange versions. By that time, it will be too late and too difficult to correct.
If Bung Mokhtar can openly made public his marriage to another celebrity, Zizie, and the public and opposition is not making an issue out of it, Shafie has no excuse but the fears of flying pots and pans from the first wife.
Nasib la. Berani buat, berani tanggung.
Patutlah Sabah masih papa, dia sibuk ngan bini baru. Saya tak halang poligami cuma nak tanya kerja menteri ni bukan ke susah? 24/7/265 kan? Ada masa utk berjoli ngan bini baru? Janganlah buat macam Bung. Kalau nak bini baru berbohong lagi tu, ni mesti kes macam Bung la tu. Jangan cermarkan nama baik Islam.
Pompuan semua sama la wei. Masa 2 tahun pertama manis, lepas tu...semua sama je. Tapi boleh kahwin lagi...asalkan ada duit. Ok la. Rahmat Allah. Hehehehe...
Oh well, all the best la. Now you have 2 mother in laws to contend with. Kakakakaka...Bila nak yang ketiga?
Jealous la.
Pak Cik Naz
Seems like a trend that Sabah MPs like them fair and plump-my. The sex must be great now huh Shafie? And they like them without tudung too. Wah! So liberal.
You know what is ironic? They want to have 2nd wives, they quote their right in the Quran (men can have up to four wives what!, yeah dude, how about taking a widow or an OKU, heck even an older woman for a change instead? Emulate la the Prophet a bit la kawan).
And I also thought the Quran says the women must tutup aurat. That one is conveniently swept under the carpet. Look at those cleavage baby! Yum yum...milky.
Oh God, I hope this wouldn't get in the way of his work. Jangan terpancut banyak sangat Datuk. Kaki nanti lenguh, lepas tu tak boleh kerja. Kesian rakyat kat Sabah.
Two things came to my mind: Horny Bastard and Gold Digger.
The fastest way to get rich is definitely thru politics. Or how could our politicians afford such bitches, I mean, sweet young things?
Can some please introduce me some of these HOT Liars?
Remi Nazlin
Hai, satu hari pernah pi rumah seorang bekas Menteri, dah bertongkat umur 75 keatas.
Sambut kami anak dara dalam dua puluhan... jadi kami minta izin nak jumpa Atok dia..
Tau2 tu ISTERI empunya! Apa boleh buat, kan MAMPU...
Voicey, what a story. First,it is Azmi Khalid with Normala Shamsuddin.Then,Bung with Zizie.Now,it is the turn of Shafie Abdul and Zahida Rafik.The next and the biggest will be a VVIP marrying MAYA KARIN.
The personal lives of people are just that. It's personal and private.
Personally, I don't see any cause for excitement should any Muslim take on another wife or wives, as long as it is lawful. And I would assume in this case that Shafie has not broken any laws in regards to having another wife. If there is, so be it.
If there was proper solemnization before 4 witnesses, then allow the newlyweds their happiness for as long as they have not trespassed any laws, whether syariah or civil.
The thing about Malaysian Malays who are Muslim, a thing like this has tongues wagging. Why so kay poh?
Unless of course, by taking on an additional household, he has neglected and lost focus on his role and responsibilities as a peoples' representative and cabinet minister, then the rakyat have every right to take him to task.
Unless of course, the lady in question has benefited by being enriched with opportunities and rewards won unfairly, then the rakyat have every right to question.
Unless of course, these have already happened. You know la, Barisan politicians' perks and benefits...
Until then, let's allow what is legal and lawful to thrive and support it. If it's not right, then let's amend the laws to make it so.
Until then, tak payah la nak jaga hal orang lain. Banyak lagi hal kita sendiri yang tak terurus.
Until then.
Bro Din...
Shafie Apdal has denied ever, ever married another wife, in front of a crowd of 5,000 people or so at his Semporna Aidilfitri Open House on Saturday, 26 Sept and again the next day when his ministry's agencies held an Aidilfitri Open house in Tawau.
Shafie has declared that he has NO second wife, zero, ziltch, nyet and nein....
Shafie has denied...period
Salam Aidilfitri....
Yo Bro Valentino
Papers should highlight that. Rumours spreading fast.
Bro Din...
This "story" was only picked-up by a few not-so-popular blogs, and me just read on and ignored.
But when my fren A Voice writes about it, then i am compelled, as an old friend of Shafie Apdal to shed some light into the issue.
This man that i knew since 1995 (both of us were in Angkasapuri then, he was a parliamentary secretary and a yb and me a secretary to the boss) is not the type who will take another wife, although this is permissable in Islam, dengan syarat anda mampu dan layak dan menepati hukum syarak.
Ini orang bukan jenis pekena designer kopi after office, cohiba in hand and talk cock with frens for hours at some coffee house or lounge.
This man hardly have time outside the house except for work and most of the time he was with the family -- wife and 6 kids, two whom are not here but elsewhere pursuing their studies.
U see Bro Din, unsavory stories like this hurts the family the most and those blogs seems happy to "godam dia" tanpa ambil kira faktor-faktor lain, yang penting he is a family man.
Apa lah kata family dia? Depa yang dok tulih pasai fitnah ni dapat apa? Jangan dapat dosa fitnahkan orang sudah la...
This story of him having another wife has been around since the last 2 years when the man was helming KeKKWA. Until now I have not met the so-called second wife!
Macam dia kata kat saya semalam lah, kalau betul la cerita dia ada wife lebih dari satu, by now he has 3 wives already and not 2 as reported...
I am not saying taking another wife is wrong, no and far from that, in fact there is a cabinet member who have two wives and masih ada gurlfren itu dan ini di Duta Vista..and and another member of cabinet has two wives, the father-in-law of the younger wife being an old fren of mine.
Poligamy is NOT a crime but Shafie Apdal is NOT the type....he is one-man-woman, period.
Denying in front of a large crowd like he did in Semporna and Tawau needs lots of guts and balls and this man has both because he came clean on this issue.
Shafie denied Bro and yours truly was there as a witness, among other witnesses.
He has nothing to hide, hanya bosan and annoyed with the fitnah yang ditaburkan oleh "seseorang yang dia sendiri berkahwin 3"....ya, orang ini yang berkahwin 3....pemimpin ini amat gusar dan gundah gulana akan shafie apdal hanya kerna politik, justeru, hamburkan fitnah and pelbagai untuk menjatuhkan Ahli Parlimen Semporna ini.
Menafikan fitnah seperti ini hanya akan menarik minat musuh-musuh untuk terus membedil lantaran sudah ada teladan seorang ahli politik sabah yang menafikan berkahwin dengan artis akan tetapi kenyataan terserlah minggu berikutnya.
Tapi, itu cerita orang lain. Orang ini, si Shafie ni BUKAN macam tu.
Penafian Shafie adalah jujur dan dibuat di hadapan isterinya dan ahli keluarga yang lain yang juga kita boleh jangka mungkin tercalar emosi mereka lantaran fitnah yang mampu merosakan keharmonian rumahtangga dan keluarga mereka.
Sekiranya Shafie menafikan yang hak maka saya dan puluhan ribu manusia di Semporna dan Tawau boleh dikatakan tertipu mengenai isu ini...namun saya yakin dengan kenyataan beliau bahawa beliau TIDAK beristeri dua seperti yang difitnahkan.
Cukuplah setakat ini Bro Din...thanks my fren for the space here to say my piece of mind.
Dan cukup2lah fitnah pasai Shafie ni, leave him alone lah...i mean to the other bloggers...
Thks Bro...
Bro Din...
This "story" was only picked-up by a few not-so-popular blogs, and me just read on and ignored.
But when my fren A Voice writes about it, then i am compelled, as an old friend of Shafie Apdal to shed some light into the issue.
This man that i knew since 1995 (both of us were in Angkasapuri then, he was a parliamentary secretary and a yb and me a secretary to the boss) is not the type who will take another wife.
Ini orang bukan jenis pekena designer kopi after office, Cohiba in hand and talk cock with frens for hours at some coffee house or lounge.
Orang lain saya tak tahu tapi kawan saya ni BUKAN jenis yang di atas yang selalunya ada kecenderungan untuk bergurlfren atau mungkin beristeri dua.
This man hardly have time outside the house except for work and most of the time he was with the family.
U see Bro Din, unsavory stories like this usually hurts the family the most and those blogs seems happy to "godam dia" tanpa ambil kira faktor-faktor lain.
Apa lah agaknya kata family dia? Depa yang dok tulih pasai fitnah ni dapat apa?
I am not saying taking another wife is wrong, no and far from that, in fact there are 2 cabinet members who have two wives, the father-in-law of the younger wife of one of them being an old fren of mine.
Poligamy is NOT a crime but Shafie Apdal is NOT the type....he is a one-man-woman, period.
Denying in front of a large crowd like he did in Semporna and Tawau needs lots of guts and balls and this man has both because he came clean on this issue.
He has nothing to hide, hanya bosan and annoyed with the fitnah yang ditaburkan oleh "seseorang yang dia sendiri berkahwin 3"....orang ini amat gusar dan gundah gulana akan shafie apdal hanya kerna politik, justeru, hamburkan fitnah and pelbagai untuk menjatuhkan Ahli Parlimen Semporna ini.
Menafikan fitnah seperti ini hanya akan menarik minat musuh-musuh untuk terus membedil lantaran sudah ada teladan seorang ahli politik sabah yang menafikan berkahwin dengan artis akan tetapi kenyataan terserlah minggu berikutnya.
Tapi, itu cerita orang lain. Orang ini, si Shafie ni BUKAN macam tu.
Penafian Shafie adalah jujur dan dibuat di hadapan isterinya, ahli keluarganya dan para penyokong. Kita boleh jangka mungkin tercalar emosi mereka lantaran fitnah yang mampu merosakan keharmonian rumahtangga dan keluarga mereka.
Sekiranya Shafie menafikan yang hak maka saya dan puluhan ribu manusia di Semporna dan Tawau boleh dikatakan tertipu mengenai isu ini...namun saya yakin dengan kenyataan beliau bahawa beliau TIDAK beristeri dua seperti yang difitnahkan.
Cukuplah setakat ini Bro Din...thanks my fren for the space here to say my piece of mind.
Thks Bro...
If you go by the letter of the Holy Book it is next to impossible to be cleared to have a second wife. It is just like corruption if you implement what is in the AG's it is impossible not to catch those people.
Shapie Apdal kena bersumpah yang dia tidak menikah dua, baru orang boleh percaya. Yang orang nak tahu tu bukan apa, cuma nak ucapkan tahniah saja kalau berita tu betul. kemungkinan tu ada...dia mungkin jealous dengan Bung Mukhtar ayng dapat Zizie gebu...dia pun mungkin nak tunjuk..kalau Bung Mukhtar (yang tidak handsome langsung) boleh dapat Zizie gebu, dia nak lebih lagiii...dapat anak mami gebuuu...cuma yang menghalang Shapie ialah tidak lain dan tidak bukan, isteri nombor satu yang amat menyanjunginya.
sri hartamas
Pompuan simpanan dia bah?
Clarify sikit?
Kay Poh Chee
KUALA LUMPUR: National Civics Bureau (BTN) deputy director Hamim Husin is no longer fit to hold his position and should be sent for counselling and retraining, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said.
He said Hamim did not understand the concept of democracy when he proclaimed Malay rights as a mandate to rule the country.
"He obviously does not know what democracy is all about. In a country that practises democracy, it is the rakyat who determines who rules the country," he said after the party presidential council meeting at Wisma MCA here Tuesday.
p/s:::KENAPA lanCHUA SOI LEK dan MCA tak hentam NAMAWEE habis-habisan??
Whatever we feel about these celebrity marriages, we can never know how their first wife feels. They are the ones feeling hurt, betrayed or maybe, they are agreeable to it. Who knows?
Oi, Maya Karin gua punya. sorry ler VVIP, Bapak VVIP pun gua tak kira, Maya Karin gua punya. period!
A friend told me long long time ago.. Men get rich, then they got naughty ! Women get naughty first and then they got rich ....... !
Kalau macam ni lah pemimpin2 yang kita ada semua nak cari pretty girl toys, tak tahulah arah tuju negara with this kind of mentality and quality pemimpin2 kita.
Dollah yang pakai pampers pun kawin kali kedua.
itu perempuan girl friend pun bukan, bini no.2 pun bukan.
Itu mistress dia saja. Pasal tu lah dia berani kata bukan gefren atau bini muda dia.
Kalau bini, tak kan lah dia bagi mercedes sports.
Kalau gefren bagi Iphone 4 saja. Kalau bini paling bagus pun MPV saja untuk pergi pasar.
please read between the lines next time.
Arlida Ariff's contract will not be renewed as reported in The Star today, but shouldn't she be charged for corruption as well? It is a known fact that she's been giving projects to her husband and cronies (not only in IIB, but also PutraJaya and KLCC), and after stealing million of ringgit from taxpayers, Khazanah saved her with early retirement. Where is the justice? MACC should do something about it.
Thursday September 30, 2010
Iskandar may get new CEO
By THEAN LEE CHENG and ZAZALI MUSA starbiz@thestar.com.my
Khazanah to discuss it in a meeting next month
PETALING JAYA: Something is brewing in Iskandar Investment Bhd (IIB), the company tasked with bringing investments into Iskandar Malaysia in Johor, and in Khazanah Nasional Bhd.
Government-linked Khazanah would hold a meeting late next month to discuss the position of IIB president and chief executive officer Arlida Ariff, sources from Johor said.
DRB-HICOM group director Datuk Syed Mohamed Syed Ibrahim has been tipped to head IIB.
In the meeting next month, Khazanah board will discuss whether to re-appoint Arlida, whose three-year contract will end on Dec 31.
Arlida is currently abroad and unavailable for comment while the man in question, DRB-HICOM group director for properties and infrastructure Datuk Syed Mohamed Syed Ibrahim, declined comment.
Talk has been rife in Johor Baru in recent months that Arlida would be replaced. Besides Syed Mohamed, other candidates include senior executives from Khazanah, IIB and other government-linked companies.
Arlida Ariff’s three-year contra ct as IIB president and CEO will end on Dec 31.
Speculation on IIB’s top position surfaced following Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim’s decision to relinquish his position as Johor Corp (JCorp) president and CEO in August.
After Ali’s departure, the pressure moved to Arlida whose contract is up for renewal at the year-end.
Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda) CEO Ismail Ibrahim was also rumoured to resign despite only taking office from his predecessor Harun Johari on Jan 1. However, Ismail told StarBiz in July that he was not leaving Irda as he still had unfinished business in Iskandar.
Isteri pertama didahulukan.Isteri kedua diutamakan.Rakyat mampus......
Only Arlida?.
How about the rest of her machai? Ben (Abu Hanafiah),Sam,Sazali,Adlan and don't forget Rostam..
Don't think they (the Board + Khazanah) will take any further action and sweep the issue under the carpet..nanti takut orang suruh resign pulak macam Tun Musa (kes Sime Darby).
sangat menarik, terima kasih
Lelaki pendek akal memang panjang, daim, tok pa, shafie apdal, aziz samsudin, etc..... Pikir pikirkan dia orang tu ada persatuan tau jaga2
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