If you have been following the blogs The Mole, Bigdogdotcom, Apanama and Wee Choo Keong lately, you should realise the event unfolding surrounding Tony Fernandez (prefer to call him Tony F) is bitching on development cost of MAHB2 has insidious intention.

Aisay brother ... he can't pay airport tax and swindling (that is CBT) public money from remitting the airport tax to the authority, yet he wants to own an airport.
An informer alerted this blogger late last night that despite Tan Sri Bashir getting support of MAHB Chairman [read Bernama here], there is a meeting today involving Khazanah Managing Director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Dato "Danny" Rashdan Yusof, and few others to confirm the sacking of Bashir.
"Syed Feisal already has the job," the informer said. This seemed contrary to our sources in the Prime Minister's Office that there will be no such thing.

A Voice stand as witness to that statement and claim by Azman. [Read further in Wee Choo Keong here.] Does Azman have the balls to reprimand his new partner in Malaysian Airlines and the bad boy of the aviation industry?
In the meanwhile, MAHB is not taking Tony F bitching and attempt to influence the young on social media by calling Bashir old school with support from a major villain of Tingkat 4, Dato Zaki Zahid.

MAHB had revealed the reasons in detailed in a power point presentation "Why KLIA2 has to be bigger?" here.
There is currently a glitch in our PC to read the presentation but Bigdog has touched on it here. According to the informer as told last night, the cost increase of building KLIA2, including the aerobridge which Tony F intend to refuse to use, was to satisfy Tony's own requests.
Do download and spread the material. MAHB may have to put down the explanation if Bashir is axed today and Syed Feisal takeover. See what happens at 6 pm.
This make sense because Bashir had explained to the press and it was reported by Utusan Malaysia that MAS and AirAsia is involved in weekly progress meeting. Tony F cannot pretend to not know of the additional time required to build and the additional requirement. He cannot claim ignorance.
The Utusan article reproduced:
Earlier, MAHB Chairman, Tan Sri Dr Aris Othman, was reported by Bernama explaining the wrong picture given by Tony F. The report reproduced below:Kerja-kerja pembinaan KLIA2 di Sepang giat dilakukan. Pembinaannya dijangka siap pada April 2013 – UTUSAN/ DJOHAN SHAHRIN SHAH
MAHB: Tapak projek KLIA2 jawab segala-galanya
Disember 1, 2011
Utusan Malaysia
BILIK yang dijadikan lokasi sidang akhbar oleh Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd. (MAHB) semalam sesak, dipenuhi kira-kira 40 wartawan untuk menemui Pengarah Urusannya, Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad.
Bukan projek pembangunan KLIA2 yang menjadi tumpuan media, biarpun sejam sebelum itu kami dibawa ke tapak projek yang mencetuskan pelbagai polemik oleh AirAsia Bhd. (AirAsia) sejak 2009.
Menyedari kehadiran kumpulan media yang ramai itu, Bashir yang selama ini sukar untuk ditemui tersenyum, seraya berkata: ‘‘Terima kasih kerana sudi menghadiri majlis ini dan saya lebih gembira sekiranya semua majlis MAHB nanti mendapat kehadiran media seramai hari ini’'.
Meskipun raut wajah dan suaranya begitu tenang, siapa tahu isi hatinya berikutan kritikan pedas mengenai kredibiliti MAHB oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AirAsia, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, di laman sosial, Twitter baru-baru ini.
Bagai orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal, sidang media itu dijadikan pentas untuk membangkitkan isu-isu yang dikemukakan oleh Fernandes. Baik isu caj perkhidmatan penumpang (PSC), kos KLIA2, isu berbangkit projek KLIA2 sehinggalah spekulasi kononnya Bashir akan meninggalkan MAHB.
Rata-rata media yang menghadiri sidang media itu berasa tertipu kerana dakwaan-dakwaan keras Fernandes ke atas MAHB dan isu KLIA2 nampaknya langsung tidak relevan.
Hendak tahu kenapa?
Ia kerana jawapan yang diberikan oleh Bashir ialah AirAsia dan MAHB bertemu seminggu sekali untuk membincangkan projek KLIA2.
Persoalannya, tidak cukupkah mesyuarat seminggu sekali itu digunakan AirAsia untuk membangkitkan isu-isu KLIA2?
Sebaliknya, ramai yang tertanya mengapa Fernandes menggunakan medium media untuk melahirkan rasa tidak puas hatinya terhadap MAHB.
Persoalan mengenai kelewatan KLIA2 yang menjadi kebimbangan Fernandes juga tidak logik kerana beliau sebenarnya sudah mengetahui kelewatan tersebut disebabkan skop dan spesifikasi KLIA2 telah ditingkatkan. Mustahil Fernandes tidak tahu juga?.
Bashir berkata, MAHB terpaksa meminda spesifikasi KLIA2 kerana jumlah penumpang tambang murah akan mencecah 30 juta, selain mengambil kira kemudahan terbaik bagi Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur.
‘‘Justeru, daripada terpaksa meningkatkan kemudahan kemudian hari, tidakkah lebih baik kami melakukannya sekarang,” ujarnya.
Apalah sangat menunggu enam bulan daripada tempoh asal, sekiranya KLIA2 yang bakal dibangunkan menjadi penanda aras kepada pembangunan lapangan terbang tambang murah.
Ironinya, ada juga beberapa perubahan spesifikasi KLIA2 terpaksa dilakukan atas permintaan AirAsia termasuk pembinaan landasan kapal terbang ketiga dan sistem pengurusan bagasi automatik, tidakkah Fernandes juga mengetahui mengenainya?.
Mengapa kesediaan MAHB untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja tanah bagi pembinaan ibu pejabat AirAsia dan Tune Hotel tidak dijadikan isu?
Seorang wartawan asing yang turut serta berkata, alangkah beruntungnya AirAsia kerana di sebalik kritikan tajam terhadap MAHB, permintaan mereka masih ditunaikan. ‘‘Cubalah mereka beroperasi di Singapura, belum tentu segala kerenah mereka akan dipenuhi’' ujarnya.
Ketika ditanya mengenai persoalan PSC, Bashir dengan tenang berkata, semua caj yang dikenakan di lapangan terbang negara adalah mengikut peruntukan kerajaan.
Jelas beliau, sudah lebih 19 tahun kadar caj meletak kapal terbang dan mendarat tidak dinaikkan.
Bashir berkata, bukan mudah bagi MAHB untuk menaikkan caj-caj di lapangan terbang kerana banyak pertimbangan yang difikirkan oleh kerajaan.
‘‘Bila kami mahu menaikkan caj, kerajaan akan kata pertimbangkan banyak sebab dan kita juga kena tengok juga situasi ekonomi semasa.
‘‘Sebab itu, kerajaan telah menetapkan mekanisme untuk kenaikan caj, antaranya dengan melihat keupayaan kewangan, perkhidmatan baik yang diberikan oleh MAHB.
‘‘Jadi, kalau anda mahu saya menjawab persoalan ini (PSC), apa yang saya boleh katakan ialah PSC ditetapkan oleh kerajaan,” kata beliau.
Fernandes sewajarnya berada pada sidang akhbar itu supaya media juga boleh menyoalnya mengenai isu-isu panas membabitkan MAHB dan KLIA2 yang dibangkitkannya sebelum ini.
Kehadirannya bukan sahaja untuk keadilan bagi MAHB yang terjejas kredibilitinya ekoran pelbagai dakwaan negatif Fernandes kepada syarikat itu, sebaliknya menjawab persoalan yang berlegar di fikiran media mengapa Fernandes yang kerap menjadi pengiktirafan sebagai tokoh ketua pegawai eksekutif terbaik itu asyik menjadikan MAHB sebagai ‘mangsa’.
Many Have Wrong Picture Of MAHB, Says Its ChairmanThese are the only two willing news group willing to give MAHB a voice. The rest including the reknown Edge and The Star Business section, are censoring MAHB reply. Tony F's advert is dictating the truth.
By Sharifah Hunaini Syed Ismail
KUALA TERENGGANU, Nov 23 -- Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) says it has been misunderstood by several parties to the point of having a completely wrong picture of the airport operator company.
Its Chairman, Tan Sri Dr Aris Othman, said the misunderstandings also involved the issue of sky bridge facility at the new low cost carrier terminal (KLIA2) with the airport being termed as not being friendly to the disabled or senior citizens.
As a services provider, MAHB did have the intention of providing sky bridges at the airport in line with the company's concept of safe and convenient service, he said.
"We were actually ready to put in the facility, but our main user of KLIA2, Air Asia, said they would not be using it.
"If they do not use what had been prepared, there would be no returns from that as nobody would be using it, while in terms of investments, the cost is not a small amount. For all the routes, it would amount to more than RM120 million," he told Bernama here Wednesday.
Dr Aris said this when asked to comment on statements by several parties requesting MAHB to be more considerate and build the sky bridges at the KLIA2 for the use of the disabled and senior citizens.
As a service provider, MAHB is also prepared to provide the bridge if Air Asia, which will be the main tenant of KLIA2, changes its mind and wants to use the sky bridge, Dr Aris said.
"If there is a demand, we would provide the service, but we would not be able to provide it if the people do not want to use it.
"If Air Asia agrees, we are ready (to build it). Even if they do not agree, truth is the foundation for building the sky bridge is already there," he said.
He also said airline companies in the country were lucky as they could say no to several things while in other countries, "if the airport says use (a facility) the airlines would have to use them."
He also called on parties that saw the importance of the sky bridges and requesting that they be built, send their feedback to the low cost airline company.
Malaysia Airports Holdings, known as one of the largest private sector companies in the world, manages 39 airports in Malaysia including the KL International Airport (KLIA).
It has also established its position in several other countries such as with the Delhi Airport and Hyderabad International Airport in India, as well as with the airports in Turkey and Maldives.
The company is also the leading airport operator company in Asia and the sixth in the world and is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
Talking of the truth, the public should now be aware that for many years, Tony F, Tan Sri Nor Mohamad Yakcop, Dato Kalimullah Hasan, Khairy Jamaluddin and Tingkat 4 boys like Dato Zaki Zahid have been getting their around by using or more precisely abusing power.
They have been instrumental in wrecking the local aviation industry, in particular MAS and now MAHB, to fulfill their personal greeds. It has never been about efficiency, low cost of travel, consumer or progress, as they claimed.
Air Asia passengers are treated inhumanely but they are willing consumer because of the cheapfare. That is all to it. There is nothing really great about Air Asia, even though these plunderers are showing good profit and growth and also rich now.
The more u attack TF the more people support him. You and Big Dog have got such a poor reputation that when u spin u create more problems for those u spin for. Take the Felda issue spun by Big Dog, it backfired badly and now PM has a mutiny on his hand. And ur spinning for Bashir, now his head is gonna get chopped.
Aah, seems that u lot are radioactive
I wonder whether our PM has any control at all over such matters or at least some form of advice on both parties so that national interest is not sacrificed over personal interests.
Let see you gloat in 2 hours time. :)
It doesn't matter how cynical you arew my friend. You are welcome to comment.
But do know how to comment.
A Voice
Sdr Another Brick BATA,
saya tak minta izin masuk pun kerana ini isu Maruah Negara Maruah Melayu Maruah Kehormatan Nilai Murni Rukun Negara.
arjuna waspada
changkat lobak.
UMNO sila ambil perhatian. Kalau Dato' Seri Shahidan diletakkan di MAHB jangan harap Tony F berani buat macam ni.
TF is really taking advantage of his connections and the many aviation awards and accolades he received to bulldoze anything that benefits him and his outfits. Nothing seems to be able to stop him.
He is now an aviation tycoon, Chairman of QPR and Team Principal of Lotus F1 - all at the expense of Malaysians.
If ever Tan Sri Bashir's post is hijacked, it's not because of any of his shortcoming but because of of the intrigues and insidious agenda of certain unscrupulous individuals. TS Bashir has done a wonderful job for KLIA.
Salam Tuan,
I always ask how much is enough..being orang kaya ie.
Let's give Tony F everything and see how he does.
Put him directly in the hot seat, create a new portfolio, Tony F Minister of Aviation.
In the hot seat and in the line of fire.
Since he is so concerned about the paying public.
How about it Tony Flyer?
Ini lah dia kadok naik junjung.....sisebabkan melayu sendiri....negara ini akan musnah kerana melayu....
Oh God
Some pretensious dimwit trying to irritate me with their comment on mukhriz.
Your comments shows you are out of touch with lots of my latest positions.
I can release those comments but it does not conform to rules of commenting in this type of blog.
The mispelling of my nicname does not indicate you are a close friend.
The mentioning of identity will never get publish.
Secondly, posting comment not in accordance with the topic will never get publish.
So please my pretensious friend, do grow up. My close friends are all grownups.
And I get lots of hate comments and email everyday. Your repeated comments hardly irritate me.
I just remove it with one press of the mouse. hahaha ...
Buang AMOK, buang Najib, buang TonyF - semua akan aman..
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